Anatomy, Dimensions, and Terminology

This chapter describes normal cardiac and great artery anatomy and dimensions, as well as the terminology usually employed.

Cardiac Chambers and Major Vessels

Accurate diagnosis of congenital heart defects depends in part on identifying cardiac chambers and major vessels by their morphology, regardless of their spatial positions ( Fig. 1-1 ).

Figure 1-1, Surface anatomy of heart. Left atrial appendage is long and narrow, whereas right atrial appendage is short and blunt. Aorta originates posterior and to the right of the pulmonary trunk at the base of the heart, but is anterior and to the right by the pericardial reflection (not shown). Right ventricle occupies most of anterior aspect of heart, with left ventricle forming the apex and posterior aspects.

Right Atrium

The right atrium ( Fig. 1-2 ) is the heart chamber that normally receives systemic venous drainage from inferior and superior venae cavae. It also normally receives the major portion of coronary venous drainage from the coronary sinus. Morphologic characteristics important for identifying the right atrium are presence of the limbus of the fossa ovalis, which surrounds the valve of the fossa ovalis (septum primum) superiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly; a wide-based, blunt-ended, right-sided atrial appendage (auricle); eustachian valve at the orifice of the inferior vena cava and thebesian valve at the orifice of the coronary sinus; and crista terminalis, which separates trabeculated from nontrabeculated (venous) portions of the atrium ( Fig. 1-3 ).

Figure 1-2, Interior of normal right atrium, viewed from right side at operation. Key: AA, Atrial appendage; AnMV, position of mitral valve anulus on other side of septum, indicated by dotted line; AnTV, anulus of tricuspid valve, indicated by dotted line; ASCTV, anteroseptal commissure of tricuspid valve; CS, coronary sinus orifice; CT, crista terminalis (inside of sulcus terminalis); EuV, eustachian valve; FO, fossa ovalis (sometimes called septum primum ); IVC, inferior vena cava orifice; LFO, limbus of fossa ovalis (C-shaped, extending anteriorly and posteriorly to enclose fossa ovalis); SLTV, septal leaflet of tricuspid valve; SVC, superior vena cava orifice; ThV, thebesian valve; TT, tendon of Todaro; X, muscular portion of atrioventricular septum; Z, membranous portion of atrioventricular septum.

Figure 1-3, Interior of right atrium, oriented as at operation. Right atrium receives superior and inferior venae cavae. Its trabeculated portion is separated from its smooth portion by the crista terminalis. Fossa ovalis is located in center of atrial septum, surrounded on its superior, anterior, and posterior aspects by the limbus. Coronary sinus is positioned inferiorly. Coronary sinus, along with tendon of Todaro and anulus of septal leaflet of tricuspid valve, form the boundaries of triangle of Koch. Atrioventricular node and proximal portions of bundle of His, portions of the specialized conduction system, lie within the triangle of Koch. Right coronary artery lies in atrioventricular groove, the anatomic point of separation of right atrium and right ventricle.

The normal structures are sometimes expressed in an excessive or unusual manner. These are not themselves functionally important abnormalities but are usually associated with cardiac malformations. Thus, the eustachian and thebesian valves may be sufficiently prominent to appear to divide the right atrium into two parts, a common finding in tricuspid atresia. The right atrial appendage may be juxtaposed leftward, and the left atrial appendage is less frequently juxtaposed rightward. Juxtaposition of the atrial appendages is usually associated with cardiac malformations.

Radiologically, the definitive morphologic features of the right atrium may be difficult to recognize. Occasionally, the atrial septum is seen well enough in angiographic profile to delineate the limbus of the fossa ovalis, and sometimes the right atrial appendage is outlined sufficiently to differentiate its shape from that of the left atrial appendage. The fact that the hepatic portion of the inferior vena cava usually drains into the right atrium often makes it possible to determine the location of the right atrium by passage of a catheter from the inferior vena cava to the heart. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiographic computed tomography are increasingly able to identify even complex morphologic features of this and other cardiac chambers and their connections.

The atria are not in normal position in some patients; in these cases, the wide-based, blunt-ended right atrial appendage is the most secure indicator that an atrium is morphologically a right atrium. Other indicators of the morphology of the atria, and of atrial situs, include venous drainage and the situs indicated by the pulmonary artery and bronchial anatomy.

Left Atrium

The left atrium ( Fig. 1-4 ) is the cardiac chamber that normally receives pulmonary venous drainage from the four pulmonary veins. Its septal surface is characterized by the flap valve of the fossa ovalis (septum primum), in contrast to the limbus of the fossa ovalis present on the right atrioseptal surface. The left atrial appendage (auricle) is long and narrow, in contrast to bluntness of the right atrial appendage, and is the best indicator that the atrium is morphologically a left atrium. There is no crista terminalis at the base of the left atrial appendage, the only trabeculated structure in the left atrium.

Figure 1-4, Interior of normal left atrium viewed from right side at operation as, for example, during mitral valve operations. Stippled area indicates position of right trigone, which contains bundle of His. Crosshatching marks left trigone, the area of greatest risk to aortic valve during mitral valve replacement. Key: AA, Base of atrial appendage; ALMV, anterior leaflet of mitral valve; LPV, orifices of left pulmonary veins; PLMV, posterior leaflet of mitral valve; RIPV, orifice of right inferior pulmonary vein; RSPV, orifice of right superior pulmonary vein; SP, septum primum.

In general, at cardiac catheterization, the location of the left atrium is determined by exclusion after identifying the position of the right atrium as described earlier. With normal pulmonary venous connection, the left atrium may be well opacified after a right ventricular or pulmonary artery injection.

Right Ventricle

Topographically, the right ventricle has a large sinus portion that surrounds and supports a tricuspid atrioventricular (AV) valve (inlet portion) and includes the apex and a smaller infundibulum (outlet portion) that supports a semilunar valve. The inlet and outlet valves of the right ventricle are thus widely separated. The entire sinus portion of the right ventricle and most of the infundibulum (both free wall and septum) are coarsely trabeculated.

The septal surface of the right ventricle is divided into an inlet portion, a trabecular portion (sometimes called the apical trabecular portion ), and an outlet portion ( Fig. 1-5 ). Alternatively, the septal surface of the right ventricle may be divided into posterior (basal), middle, apical (anterior), and infundibular (conal) portions ( Fig. 1-6 ). The inlet portion of the ventricular septum surrounds and supports the tricuspid valve. 1 The trabecular portion is that portion with the coarse trabecular pattern typical of the right ventricle (see Fig. 1-6 ). The outlet portion of the right ventricular aspect of the ventricular septum is smooth but complex and has three components. The largest is the infundibular (conal) septum, which separates the pulmonary from the aortic and tricuspid valves. Only part of the infundibular septum is interventricular (see Fig. 1-5 ), and in some malformations (e.g., double outlet right ventricle), none of it may be. It must be emphasized that the most distal cephalad portion of the infundibular septum is not, strictly speaking, part of the ventricular septum, because in the normal heart, the pulmonary valve arises from the apex of a cone of muscle and does not have a septal attachment. A second part of the outlet portion of the septum is the anterior (superior) extension, or division, of the trabecula septomarginalis (septal band). A third small, very anterior portion is a narrow extension superior to the trabecular septum.

Figure 1-5, Interior of normal right ventricle, particularly trabecular and outlet portions, oriented as at operation. Infundibular (conal) septum separates pulmonary valve from tricuspid valve, and only its rightward portion and inferior part of its central portion form part of the interventricular septum (see also Fig. 1-6 ). Entire outlet portion of septum of infundibulum is composed of the septal extension of infundibular septum, anterior limb of trabecula septomarginalis (septal band), and in front of that, a heavily trabeculated portion of septum. Key: AL, Anterior (superior) limb of TSM; AP, anterior papillary muscle; InfS, infundibular (conal) septum; MB, moderator band; MS, position of membranous septum; PE, parietal extension of infundibular septum (parietal band); PL, posterior limb of TSM, giving origin to medial papillary muscle; SE, septal extension of infundibular septum; TS, trabeculated portion of septum, part of which lies in infundibulum and remainder in sinus portion of ventricle; TSM, trabecula septomarginalis (septal band); VIF, ventriculoinfundibular fold.

Figure 1-6, Right ventricular side of septum after right atrium, right ventricle, and pulmonary trunk have been exposed by removing their anterior walls and rightward portion of aorta and parietal band (or parietal extension of infundibular septum). Entire right ventricular septum is displayed, together with relationship of infundibular septum to aortic root. In this heart, infundibular septum is less prominent than in some. Dashed line defines atrioventricular portion of membranous septum. Dotted lines define arbitrary division of sinus septum into posterior (beneath septal tricuspid leaflet), middle, and apical portions. Specimen corresponds to a right anterior oblique projection in cineangiography. Key: A, Left anterior division septal band; Ao, aorta; CoS, coronary sinus; FO, fossa ovalis; IS, cut end of infundibular septum; NC, noncoronary aortic sinus; P, right posterior division of septal band; PT, pulmonary trunk; R, right coronary aortic sinus; SLTV, septal tricuspid leaflet; TSM, trabecula septomarginalis (septal band).

1 The phrase inlet septum is in some ways undesirable because the term has developmental implications, and the large inlet septum on the right ventricular side is not duplicated on the left side. Use of the term trabecular to describe a portion of the sinus septum is also undesirable in some ways because part of the infundibular septum is also trabeculated (see Fig. 1-5 ).

Laterally to the right, the infundibular septum imperceptibly merges with the free right ventricular wall immediately beyond its attachment to the membranous septum; at that point, it can be called the parietal extension of the infundibular septum ( Fig. 1-7 ). The parietal band lies anterior to the right aortic sinus (see Fig. 1-7 ), partially overlying that portion of the free wall of the right ventricle termed the ventriculoinfundibular fold . Many surgeons call the infundibular septum and the parietal band the crista superventricularis . Medially and to the left, the infundibular septum merges with the trabecular portion of the septum between the limbs of the particularly prominent smooth, Y-shaped muscle bundle called the trabecula septomarginalis ( Fig. 1-8 ). The trabecula septomarginalis extends apically to become continuous with the moderator band, a prominent trabeculation running from septum to free wall.

Figure 1-7, Demonstration of interrelationships between right ventricular aspect of ventricular septum and other structures in a longitudinal coronal section through heart. Key: AA, Ascending aorta; LC, left coronary cusp; LPC, left pulmonary cusp; MPM, medial papillary muscle; NC, noncoronary cusp; RC, right coronary cusp; TSM, trabecula septomarginalis (septal band); TV, tricuspid valve.

Figure 1-8, Interior of right ventricle after it has been opened close to anterior septal margin and along its acute margin inferiorly, and the anterior wall hinged to the right. Specimen is oriented anatomically, with aorta and pulmonary trunk at top. Pulmonary trunk also has been opened. Attachments of trabecula septomarginalis (septal band) are clearly demonstrated. Key: A, Left anterior division of trabecula septomarginalis; APM, anterior papillary muscle; InfS, infundibular (conal) septum; MB, moderator band; P, right posterior division of septal band giving origin to medial papillary muscle; PPM, posterior papillary muscle; PV, pulmonary valve; TSM, trabecula septomarginalis (septal band).

The junction between outlet and sinus (trabecular) portions of the right ventricle is clearly demarcated only along the lower margin of the outlet portion of the septum. The incomplete muscular ridge formed by the outlet septum (here, specifically, the infundibular septum) and the parietal band, together with the septal and moderator bands, forms a natural line of division between the posteroinferior sinus portion and the anterosuperior outlet portion of the ventricle. It is in this area that ventricular septal defects (VSDs) most commonly occur; the morphology of the area gives the name “junctional,” or “conoventricular,” to these defects.

The papillary muscle arrangement supporting the three leaflets of the tricuspid valve is different from that of the mitral valve in the left ventricle. In the case of the tricuspid valve, in addition to a single large anterior papillary muscle attached to the anterior free wall that fuses with the moderator band, there are multiple smaller posterior papillary muscles attached partly to the posterior (inferior) free wall and partly to the septum, and a group of small septal papillary muscles. The lowermost of these small septal muscles attaches posterior to the trabecula septomarginalis (see Fig. 1-5 ) and the uppermost, called the medial (conal) papillary muscle (muscle of Lancisi or muscle of Luschka), to the posterior limb of the septal band ( Fig. 1-9 ).

Figure 1-9, Interior of right ventricle, oriented as at operation. Right ventricle is divided into three portions: inlet, containing tricuspid valve and surrounding ventricular septum; sinus, or coarse trabecular portion; and outlet, or conus portion, containing infundibular septum and pulmonary valve. Right lateral extension of infundibular septum merges with right ventricle as ventriculoinfundibular fold (parietal band). Medially and to left, infundibular septum merges with right ventricle to form Y-shaped muscle bundle called trabecula septomarginalis (septal band). Trabecula septomarginalis extends to apex as the moderator band. An important landmark is the medial (conal) papillary muscle of the tricuspid valve.

Left Ventricle

The left ventricle consists of a larger sinus portion, which supports a bicuspid AV valve and includes the apex, and a much smaller outlet (outflow) portion beneath a semilunar valve. The inlet and outlet valves of the left ventricle lie juxtaposed within its base, and inflow and outflow portions are separated by the anterior mitral leaflet 2 ( Fig. 1-10 ).

Figure 1-10, Interior of left ventricle after anterior ventricular and aortic walls have been excised, leaving obtuse margin, posterior free wall, and septum intact. Specimen is oriented anatomically. Posterior (mural) mitral valve leaflet lies against posterior free wall, whereas anterior mitral leaflet hinges in part from fibrous subaortic curtain and in part from septum and separates outflow portion of ventricle from remaining sinus portion. Arrow indicates direction of left ventricular outflow. Papillary muscles and chordae tendineae support mitral valve. Key: APM, Anterior papillary muscle; ALMV, anterior leaflet of mitral valve; P, posterior free wall; PLMV, posterior leaflet of mitral valve; PPM, posterior papillary muscle; S, septal surface.

2 In this text, cusps of atrioventricular valves are termed leaflets, although current anatomy texts use the term cusp for both semilunar and atrioventricular valves.

The entire free wall of the left ventricle and apical half to two thirds of the septum are trabeculated ( Fig. 1-11 ; see also Fig. 1-10 ), but the trabeculations are characteristically fine compared with those in the right ventricle. The septal surface of the left ventricle may be considered to have a sinus portion, most of which is trabeculated, and a smooth outlet (outflow) portion (see Fig. 1-11 ). The part of the sinus portion of the septum immediately beneath the mitral valve may be termed the inlet septum, and the rest of the sinus portion, the trabecular septum ( Fig. 1-12 ). The outlet (outflow) portion lies in front and to the right of the anterior mitral leaflet, corresponding to the inlet portion on the right ventricular side of the septum, and includes the AV septum ( Fig. 1-13 ). In contrast to the right ventricular side, where the septal tricuspid leaflet is the only valvar attachment to the septum, on the left ventricular side, the rightward half of the anterior mitral valve leaflet attaches to the septum posteriorly, and the right and part of the noncoronary aortic cusps attach to it anteriorly (see Fig. 1-12 ). The leftward half of the anterior mitral leaflet is in fibrous continuity with the aortic valve in an area termed the aortic–mitral anulus ( Fig. 1-14 ; see also Figs. 1-12 and 1-13 ). The anteriorly placed right ventricular infundibular (conal) septum lies opposite the aortic valve ( Fig. 1-15 ). It may occasionally be displaced into the left ventricular outflow beneath the aortic valve; occasionally, muscle may also extend between the aortic and mitral valves, forming a true infundibulum to the left ventricle (see Fig. 1-10 ). The papillary muscles are called anterolateral (or simply anterior ) and posteromedial (posterior). No papillary muscles attach to the left side of the ventricular septum.

Figure 1-11, Interior of left ventricle after the free wall, including mitral valve apparatus, has been displaced to observer's right and away from the septal surface by a fish-mouth incision into the left ventricle and aorta to demonstrate sinus and outlet portions of the septum. Key: ALMV, Anterior leaflet of mitral valve; MS, membranous septum; NC, noncoronary aortic cusp; O, outlet septum; R, right coronary aortic leaflet; S, sinus septum.

Figure 1-12, Interior of normal left ventricle, viewed from a slightly different perspective than in Fig. 1-11 to demonstrate inlet, outlet, trabecular, and membranous portions of septum. Key: ALPM, Anterolateral papillary muscle; AoM, aortic-mitral anulus (continuity); InS, inlet septum; MS, membranous septum; OS, outlet septum; PMPM, posteromedial papillary muscle; TS, trabecular septum.

Figure 1-13, Ventricular septum from its left ventricular side, displaying relationship between its outflow portion and aortic and mitral valves. Pins protrude along line of attachment of tricuspid septal leaflet to right ventricular side of septum. Septal tissue inferior to this and dashed line correspond to right ventricular inflow, and septal tissue superior to it corresponds to atrioventricular septum. Arrow indicates a nodulus Arantii. (In this specimen, also shown in Fig. 1-11 , right coronary artery ostium is located eccentrically near right noncoronary commissure.) Key: ALMV, Anterior leaflet of mitral valve; AV, atrioventricular septum (muscular portion); L, left aortic cusp; MS, membranous septum, with AV portion superior to dashed line and interventricular portion inferior to it; NC, noncoronary aortic cusp; R, right aortic cusp.

Figure 1-14, Interior of left ventricle, lateral view. Trabecular and outflow portions of ventricular septum are demonstrated. Inflow portion is beneath and behind mitral valve. Anterior leaflet of mitral valve is in fibrous continuity with aortic valve. Passageway below aortic valve, bounded by outflow portion of ventricular septum and anterior leaflet of mitral valve, is called the left ventricular outflow tract . Mitral valve is supported by two papillary muscles, anterior and posterior, arising from free wall of left ventricle.

Figure 1-15, Transverse section of heart at level of medial papillary muscle of tricuspid valve, showing curvature of septum that results in right ventricular infundibulum lying superior and anterior to aortic valve. Curvature of papillary muscles of the mitral valve is also shown. (Specimen is from a 9-month-old infant with a patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary hypertension.) Key: AV, Aortic valve; LV, left ventricle; MV, mitral valve; P, posterior division of trabecula septomarginalis (septal band) and medial papillary muscle; PB, parietal band (parietal extension of infundibular septum); PV, pulmonary valve; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid valve; VS, ventricular septum.

Myoarchitecture of the Ventricles

The adult ventricular mass is made up of a three-dimensional network of myocardial cells. This network is highly structured and arranged in layers in which the myocardial cells have a preferred orientation. In all hearts, the ventricular wall is arranged in three layers: superficial (subepicardial), middle, and deep (subendocardial). Superficial and deep layers are present in both right and left ventricles, whereas the middle layer is only present in the left ventricle. The superficial and deep layers are anchored at the ventricular orifices to fibrous structures of the central fibrous skeleton of the heart. This suggests that myocardial contraction plays an active role in cardiac valve function. The middle layer, unique to the left ventricle, shows a circumferential pattern. No planes of fibrous septation are present between the three layers. Instead, the distinction between one layer and the next is made by a change in muscle fiber direction. This is particularly evident in the ventricular septum, where the superficial layer of the right ventricle invaginates at the interventricular sulcus to form a thin muscular layer that forms the right side of the ventricular septum, covering the circumferentially arranged muscle fibers of the middle layer of the left ventricle. There are age-related changes in direction of the muscle fibers in the superficial layer. With advancing fetal and infant age, muscle fiber arrangement progresses from a horizontal to an oblique orientation. This change is especially evident in the right ventricle and probably reflects the changing pressure gradient between right and left ventricles.

The anatomy of the muscular subpulmonary infundibulum was studied by Merrick and colleagues. They point out a freestanding sleeve of myocardium supporting the pulmonary valve that is separate from the underlying anatomic ventricular septum, and Van Praagh argues that this subsemilunar infundibulum “belongs” to the great arteries, not the ventricles. It may be identified by changing directions of myocardial muscle fibers, referred to by surgeons as “layers” of the septum. This anatomic feature makes possible the safe separation of the pulmonary trunk from the right ventricular outflow tract for use as a valve substitute (autograft).

Great Arteries

The aorta is the great artery arising from the base of the heart that normally gives rise to the systemic and coronary arteries. Identity of the aorta is established by recognizing it as the vessel of origin of the brachiocephalic arteries, which never arise from the pulmonary artery. It is not so definitively the vessel of origin of the coronary arteries; occasionally one, or rarely both, coronary arteries may arise from the pulmonary artery ( Appendix 1A ).

The pulmonary trunk (main pulmonary artery) is the great artery that normally gives rise to the pulmonary arterial system. The pulmonary trunk characteristically has no brachiocephalic vessels arising from it. At angiography, differentiation between pulmonary trunk and aorta may require careful study, as the brachiocephalic vessels may opacify with the pulmonary trunk by filling through a patent ductus arteriosus. The pulmonary valve is normally anterior, and the aortic valve posterior and to the right, in individuals with visceral and atrial situs solitus.

Atrial Septum

See “ Right Atrium ” and “ Left Atrium .”

Ventricular Septum

The right and left ventricular septal surfaces are asymmetric, related mainly to presence of an infundibulum in the right ventricle only (although Van Praagh and colleagues argue that a small portion of the subsemilunar conus lies just beneath the right aortic valve cusp [see Appendix 1A ]). In addition, higher pressure in the left ventricle makes the sinus septal surface concave on the left side and convex on the right (see Fig. 1-15 ), a feature accentuated during ventricular systole. The axes of the right and left ventricular outflow tracts differ. That of the right ventricle is almost vertically oriented, whereas that of the left ventricle angles sharply to the right ( Fig. 1-16 ), a feature profiled cineangiographically in the left anterior oblique (LAO) view and in the parasternal long axis view by two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography.

Figure 1-16, Oblique section of a heart from which superior portion of both ventricles has been removed, including entire right ventricular infundibulum and pulmonary trunk and front half of aorta. Sharp rightward angulation of outflow portion of left ventricular septum is well seen, as is the manner in which anterior leaflet of mitral valve contributes one boundary to the left ventricular outflow tract. Key: ALMV, Anterior leaflet of mitral valve; Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; OS, left ventricular outflow septum; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; S, septum; TV, tricuspid valve.

Muscular Septum

See “ Right Ventricle ” and “ Left Ventricle .”

Membranous Septum

The membranous septum (pars membranacea) is the fibrous part of the cardiac septum separating the left ventricular outflow tract from, in part, the right ventricle and, in part, the right atrium. The line of division between these components is determined by attachment of the tricuspid valve anulus to the septum (see Fig. 1-12 ). On the right ventricular side of this attachment is the interventricular component. On the right atrial side, it forms the membranous portion of the AV septum.

Atrioventricular Septum

The AV septum is the portion of the cardiac septum that lies between the right atrium and left ventricle. It consists of a superior membranous portion and an inferior muscular portion. The AV septum is apparent because the septal attachment of the tricuspid valve is more apical than the septal attachment of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve ( Fig. 1-17 ). Viewed from the left ventricular side, the muscular component forms part of the outlet septum (see Fig. 1-13 ). The AV node lies in the atrial septum adjacent to the junction between membranous and muscular portions of the AV septum, and the bundle of His passes toward the right trigone between these two components ( Fig. 1-18 ).

Figure 1-17, Cardiac septation. Atrioventricular septum lies between left ventricle and right atrium. Septal attachment of tricuspid valve is more toward apex of heart than is attachment of mitral valve. Left ventricular outflow tract is angulated to the right.

Figure 1-18, Diagram of right heart, aortic root, and conduction tissue at approximately 65-degree right anterior oblique projection. Plane of mitral valve attachment (dashed line) corresponds to atrial edge of muscular atrioventricular septum and inferior edge of membranous septum, but differs from plane of tricuspid valve (solid line) . Muscular portion of atrioventricular septum is frequently smaller than depicted. Key: Ao, Ascending aorta; AVN, atrioventricular node extending into bundle of His and right bundle branch; AVS, muscular atrioventricular septum; CS, coronary sinus; FO, fossa ovalis; IVC, inferior vena cava; M, moderator band; MS, membranous septum, crossed by attachment of tricuspid valve; MV, mitral valve anulus; RC, right coronary artery; S, portion of trabecula septomarginalis (septal band); SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve.

Conduction System

The following description is based on studies of hearts without congenital defects. Abnormalities of the conduction system are associated with certain congenital cardiac malformations and determined primarily by the alignment between atrial and ventricular septal structures and the pattern of ventricular architecture (see Chapter 55, Chapter 56 ).

Sinus Node

The sinus (sinoatrial) node is located along the anterolateral aspect of the junction between the superior vena cava and the right atrial appendage ( Fig. 1-19 ). In rare cases, it extends medially across the crest of the caval–atrial junction. The node is superficial, lying just beneath the epicardial surface in the sulcus terminalis, and is approximately 15 × 5 × 1.5 mm. It is pierced by the relatively large sinus node artery. (For details of the blood supply, see “ Coronary Arteries ”.)

Figure 1-19, Cardiac conduction system. A, Sinus node is located on anterolateral aspect of junction between superior vena cava and right atrial appendage. Internodal pathways are not well defined anatomically and are presented here as proposed pathways. Atrioventricular (AV) node lies in triangle of Koch. Right and left bundle branches spread out on subendocardial surfaces of right and left aspects of ventricular septum. B, This section of the heart, taken more posterior than that shown in A, demonstrates location of AV node in triangle of Koch, bounded by coronary sinus, anulus of tricuspid valve septal leaflet, and tendon of Todaro. The common AV bundle (bundle of His) continues from AV node to penetrate central fibrous body and reach posteroinferior margin of membranous septum. Left bundle branch spreads over left ventricular aspect of ventricular septum. Right bundle branch continues on right ventricular surface of ventricular septum into moderator band.

Internodal Pathways

The spread of activation between sinus node and AV node occurs preferentially through the muscle bundles delimited by orifices of the right atrium (see Fig. 1-19 ). Considerable histologic and electrophysiologic investigation has been carried out to determine whether pathways of specialized conduction tissue exist within these broad muscle bundles and connect the sinoatrial (SA) and AV nodes. Investigators have not found discrete internodal tracts composed of homogeneous cells or fibers, although some have identified Purkinje-like cells in the major muscle bundles of adult hearts. Controversy continues as to whether these pale cells seen in the atrial myocardium are Purkinje-type cells and whether they form preferential conduction pathways.

Atrioventricular Node

The AV node lies directly on the right atrial side of the central fibrous body (right trigone) in the muscular portion of the AV septum, just anterosuperior to the ostium of the coronary sinus. At times, its posterior margin has been found to lie directly against the coronary sinus ostium. It has a flattened oblong shape and an average dimension in adults of 1 × 3 × 6 mm. Its left surface lies against the mitral anulus. Viewed from the right atrium, the AV node can be localized within a triangle—described by Koch ( Fig. 1-20 )—formed by the tricuspid anulus, tendon of Todaro (continuation of the eustachian valve that runs to the central fibrous body), and coronary sinus ostium. The opening of the coronary sinus is usually a good landmark for the nodal triangle, but in hearts with an abnormal coronary sinus orifice, the nodal triangle is variable in relation to the coronary sinus. Examples of variability are when the coronary sinus opens to the left of the ventricular septum, when there is malalignment between atrial and ventricular septal structures, and when the atrial septum is absent.

Figure 1-20, Anatomic and surgical aspects of cardiac conduction system. A, Diagram of triangle of Koch within right atrium; triangle is defined by tendon of Todaro, orifice of coronary sinus, and tricuspid anulus. B, Diagram showing relationship of atrioventricular (AV) node and atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) to triangle of Koch. AV node lies within the triangle, and AV bundle is located at apex of triangle. CS, Coronary sinus; FO, fossa ovalis; IVC, inferior vena cava; RAA, right atrial appendage; Rvv, right venous valve; SVC, superior vena cava.

Bundle of His and Bundle Branches

The common AV bundle (bundle of His) is a direct continuation of the AV node. The bundle passes through the rightward part of the right trigone of the central fibrous body to reach the posteroinferior margin of the membranous ventricular septum. This area is just inferior to the commissure between the tricuspid valve's septal and anterior leaflets (see Fig. 1-19, B ). Its diameter in the region of the central fibrous body is about 1 mm. The bundle courses along the posteroinferior border of the membranous septum and crest of the muscular ventricular septum, giving off fibers that form the left bundle branch. This branching occurs beneath the commissure between the right and noncoronary cusps in close proximity to the aortic valve, over a distance of 6.5 to 20 mm, after which the remaining fibers form the right bundle branch ( Fig. 1-21 ). The bundle of His lies on the left side of the ventricular septal crest in about 75% to 80% of human hearts and on the right side of the crest in the remainder. In the latter situation, the His bundle connects to the left bundle by a relatively narrow stem.

Figure 1-21, Diagram of atrioventricular (AV) conduction system and its relationship to membranous septum and aortic valve, viewed from left ventricular side. AV node is in the AV septum on right atrial side of the right trigone, which is beneath the nadir of the posterior (noncoronary) cusp of aortic valve. Common AV bundle courses along posteroinferior margin of membranous septum, giving off fibers that form the left bundle branch. This region lies beneath the commissure of right and noncoronary (posterior) aortic cusps. Right bundle branch originates from common AV bundle in the region of anteroinferior border of membranous septum. Key: approx, Approximately; AVN, atrioventricular node; CB, branching portion of common atrioventricular bundle; fasc, fascicle; LBB, left bundle branch; MS, membranous septum; RBB, right bundle branch.

The left bundle branch fans out over the left ventricular septal surface, gradually forming two or three main radiations. It is not uncommon for the anterior and posterior subdivisions to be accompanied by a central, third radiation that originates from the His bundle or from both of the former subdivisions. The anterior radiation travels toward the base of the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle. The wider posterior subdivision courses toward the base of the posteromedial papillary muscle. Multiple peripheral anastomoses occur among the subdivisions of the left bundle branch system as it distributes to the left ventricle.

The right bundle branch originates from the bundle of His in the region of the anteroinferior margin of the membranous septum and courses along the right ventricular septal surface, passing just below the medial papillary muscle and along the inferior margin of the septal band and the moderator band to the base of the anterior papillary muscle. The fibers then fan out to supply the walls of the right ventricle. Proximally, the right bundle averages about 1 mm in diameter. It is usually subendocardial in its proximal portion, intramyocardial in its middle portion, and again subendocardial near the base of the anterior papillary muscle. VSDs associated with malalignment of portions of the ventricular septum affect these relationships to some extent.

Cardiac Valves

The interrelationships among the heart valves in normally formed hearts are remarkably uniform. The aortic valve occupies a central position, wedged between the mitral and tricuspid valves, whereas the pulmonary valve is situated anterior, superior, and slightly to the left of the aortic valve ( Fig. 1-22 ). The anuli of the mitral and tricuspid valves merge with each other and with the membranous septum to form the fibrous skeleton of the heart. The core of the skeleton is the central fibrous body, with its two extensions, the right and left fibrous trigones. The right fibrous trigone forms a dense junction between the mitral and tricuspid anuli, the left ventricular–aortic junction below the noncoronary cusp, and the membranous septum. The trigone is pierced by the bundle of His. The left fibrous trigone, situated more anteriorly and to the left, lies between the left ventricular–aortic junction and the mitral anulus. The tendon of the infundibulum is a fibrous band joining the more superiorly placed pulmonary valve to the central cardiac skeleton. The tendon of Todaro also joins the central fibrous body (see “ Atrioventricular Node ”).

Figure 1-22, Cardiac valves viewed from superior aspect. Interrelationships of heart valves are shown, with aorta and semilunar aortic valve wedged between mitral and tricuspid valves. Pulmonary trunk and semilunar pulmonary valve are anterior and slightly to left of aortic valve. Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve has two leaflets: anterior (septal) and posterior (mural). Tricuspid valve has three leaflets: anterior, septal, and posterior. Blunt and broad-based right atrial appendage is contrasted to long and narrow left atrial appendage, providing identification of anatomic structures.

By virtue of similarities in morphology and function, the heart valves naturally fall into two groups: AV (mitral and tricuspid) valves and semilunar (aortic and pulmonary) valves.

Mitral Valve

The AV valve of the left ventricle, the mitral valve, is bicuspid, with an anterior (aortic, or septal) leaflet and a posterior (mural, or ventricular) leaflet ( Fig. 1-23 ). Tissue that could be called commissural leaflets is usually present at the commissures between these two leaflets. The combined area of the two mitral leaflets is twice that of the mitral orifice, resulting in a large area of coaptation. When this large area is lost because of malalignment of the leaflets, undue stress is placed on the chordae tendineae, and they may rupture. Although there has been some controversy as to the definition of commissural areas, particularly in regard to clefts in the posterior leaflet, Silver and colleagues describe chordae tendineae that define the limits of the septal (anterior) and posterior leaflets. Rusted and colleagues found the depth of commissures in the normal mitral valve averaged 0.7 to 0.8 cm and never exceeded 1.3 cm in the 50 hearts they studied.

Figure 1-23, Normal mitral valve viewed from an anterolateral left ventriculotomy, with anterolateral left ventricular wall held forward and to observer's right. Key: ALMV, Anterior leaflet of mitral valve; ALPM, anterolateral papillary muscle; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; PLMV, posterior leaflet; PMPM, posteromedial papillary muscle.

The larger anterior (septal, aortic, anteromedial) leaflet is roughly triangular in shape, with the base of the triangle inserting on about one third of the anulus. It has a relatively smooth free margin with few or no indentations. A distinct ridge separates the region of closure (rough zone) from the remaining leaflet (clear zone). The clear zone is devoid of direct chordal insertions. The anterior leaflet is in fibrous continuity with the aortic valve through the aortic–mitral anulus and forms a boundary of the left ventricular outflow tract. This region of continuity occupies about one fourth of the mitral anulus and corresponds to the region beneath half the left coronary cusp and half the noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve. The limits of this attachment are demarcated by the right and left fibrous trigones ( Fig. 1-24 ). The commissure between the left and noncoronary sinuses of the aortic valve is located directly over the middle of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve ( Fig. 1-25 ; see also Fig. 1-24 ). These points do not correspond to the commissures of the mitral valve (see Fig. 1-4 ). The AV node and bundle of His are at risk of surgical damage adjacent to the right trigone.

Figure 1-24, Diagram of the crownlike area of attachment of aortic valve. A, View from direction of mitral valve. This area is in continuity with the membranous septum and anterior (septal) mitral valve leaflet. Subaortic curtain is the aortic–mitral anulus. Posterior commissure of aortic valve is directly over midpoint of anterior leaflet of mitral valve. B-C, Aortic wall flattened out, illustrating U-shaped attachment of aortic valve.

Figure 1-25, Anatomic relationships of mitral and aortic valves. A, Commissure between left and noncoronary sinuses of aortic valve is located directly above midpoint of anterior leaflet of mitral valve. Dashed line represents the midpoint of both anterior and posterior leaflets of mitral valve, separating the chordal attachments to anterior and posterior papillary muscles. B, Three-cusp semilunar aortic valve opens widely during systole without touching aortic wall, owing to sinuses of Valsalva. During diastole, mitral valve opens not only as anterior leaflet swings away from posterior leaflet but also as it flexes, to create the widest possible orifice. This is illustrated as a series of flexion lines. C, Segmental classification used to describe mitral valve morphology at surgery and two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography.

The smaller posterior (mural, ventricular, posterolateral) leaflet inserts into about two thirds of the anulus and typically has a scalloped appearance. Ranganathan and colleagues found the posterior leaflet to be divided into three segments in 46 of the 50 normal mitral valves they studied. The posterior leaflet has rough and clear zones corresponding to those of the anterior leaflet, as well as a basal zone close to the anulus, which receives chordae directly from left ventricular trabeculae.

The mitral valve leaflets may be described using a segmental classification. The valve leaflets are segmented into six sections, A1 to A3 for the anterior and P1 to P3 for the posterior (see Fig. 1-25, C ). Sections A1 and P1 represent the anterolateral sections, A2 and P2 the middle sections, and A3 and P3 the posteromedial sections. This segmental classification has been useful in describing morphology observed at operation, multiplane 2D transesophageal echocardiography, and 3D echocardiography.

The majority of chordae tendineae to the mitral valve originate from the two large papillary muscles of the left ventricle: anterolateral and posteromedial. Each leaflet receives chordae from both papillary muscles, and the majority insert on the free leaflet edge. Papillary muscles are often thought of as fingerlike structures protruding into the left ventricular cavity from the ventricular wall, possibly because these muscles are frequently visualized in two dimensions by angiography or echocardiography. Actually, the papillary muscles have a somewhat crescent shape that conforms to the curvature of the free wall of the left ventricle. This is reasonable because the papillary muscles and chordae tendineae are derived embryologically by undermining of the left ventricular myocardium.

Victor and Nayak examined 100 normal human hearts at autopsy, evaluating and characterizing the papillary muscles and arrangement of the chordae. The anterolateral papillary muscle is attached by chordae tendineae to the left half of the anterior and posterior mitral leaflets (as viewed by a surgeon through the usual right-side approach to the mitral valve), whereas the posteromedial papillary muscle is attached by chordae tendineae to the right-sided half of both anterior and posterior leaflets. Papillary muscles are considered an anterolateral “group” and a posteromedial “group” because there is often more than a single papillary muscle “belly.” There are patterns of mostly single or two muscle bellies, but occasionally three, four, or even five bellies are observed. When there are three muscle bellies, the papillary muscle supporting the chordae to the commissure arises separately from the ventricular wall. Commissural chordae are shorter than the others and usually originate from the highest tip of the papillary muscle. Victor and Nayak also described variations of the chordal attachments. There are usually 4 to 12 chordae originating from each papillary muscle group (range, 2 to 22). Chordal branching results in a number of chordae inserting to the mitral valve leaflet, ranging from 12 to 80.

Acar and colleagues proposed a clinical morphologic classification of the papillary muscles. A single undivided papillary muscle is referred to as type I . Type II refers to papillary muscles cleaved in a sagittal plane into two heads that separately support the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve. Type III papillary muscles are cleaved in a coronal plane, forming an individual head that supports the commissural chordae. Type IV refers to papillary muscles divided into multiple heads, with a separate papillary muscle originating as a separate muscular band close to the mitral anulus, which supports short chordae to the commissure.

Tandler defined three orders of chordae. Those of the first order insert on the free margin of the leaflet, those of the second order insert a few to several millimeters back from the free edge, and those of the third order insert at the base of the leaflet (applicable only to the posterior leaflet).

Lam and colleagues reclassified chordae into rough zone (including strut chordae), cleft, basal, and commissural chordae . These investigators suggest that this classification provides a clear definition of mitral valve leaflets and should be useful in studying mitral valve function.

The design of the mitral valve offers the largest possible orifice during the diastolic phase of ventricular filling and limits the slightest obstruction to flow at low pressures in the left atrium and left ventricle. The valve opens as the anterior leaflet swings anteriorly away from the posterior leaflet. Orifice dimensions are enhanced by flexion of the anterior leaflet (see Fig. 1-25, B ). During systole, the mitral valve closes under the full load of left ventricular contraction. The anterior leaflet straightens and extends toward the posterior leaflet. The posterior leaflet functions like a shelf to stop the movement of the anterior leaflet as the leaflets appose.

Tricuspid Valve

The tricuspid valve, the AV valve of the right ventricle, has three leaflets: anterior, posterior, and septal ( Fig. 1-26 ). Its orifice is roughly triangular and larger than the mitral orifice. The anulus is relatively indistinct, especially in the septal region. The leaflets and chordae tendineae are thinner than those of the mitral valve. Its orientation is nearly vertical.

Figure 1-26, Normal open tricuspid valve, viewed from in front through right ventricular cavity. Key: ALTV, Anterior leaflet; APM, anterior papillary muscle; ASCTV, anteroseptal commissure; MPM, medial papillary muscle; PLTV, posterior leaflet; PPM, posterior papillary muscle; SLTV, septal leaflet.

The anterior (anterosuperior) leaflet is the largest of the three leaflets and may have notches creating subdivisions. Silver and colleagues found a notch close to the anteroseptal commissure in 47 of the 50 anterior leaflets they examined. This notch was occasionally as deep as a commissure, but could be differentiated from a true commissure by the type of chordal attachments. The chordae attaching to this leaflet arise from anterior and medial papillary muscles. The anterior papillary muscle is the larger of the two, its base arising from the right ventricular free wall and trabecula septomarginalis.

The posterior (inferior) leaflet is usually the smallest and is commonly scalloped. Its chordae originate from the posterior and anterior papillary muscles. It is attached wholly to the ventricular free wall.

The septal leaflet is usually slightly larger than the posterior leaflet. Its chordae arise from the posterior and septal papillary muscles. Most of this leaflet and its chordae attach to the membranous and muscular portions of the ventricular septum, although part may attach to the posterior wall of the right ventricle. The transition between the attachments to the posterior wall and septum is associated with a fold in the leaflet.

Of major surgical importance is proximity of the conduction system to the septal leaflet and its anteroseptal commissure. The membranous septum usually lies beneath the septal leaflet inferior to the anteroseptal commissure, but attachments at the septal and anterior leaflets are variable, so parts of either may attach to the membranous septum. The bundle of His penetrates the right trigone beneath the interventricular component of the membranous septum (usually about 5 mm inferior to the commissure) and runs along the crest of the muscular septum (see Conduction System ). That portion of the septal leaflet between the membranous septum and the commissure extends around the tricuspid anulus, away from the septum, to the right ventricular free wall (see Fig. 1-2 ). This portion of the tricuspid valve may form a flap over some VSDs.

Aortic Valve

The aortic valve is normally tricuspid and composed of delicate cusps and sinuses of Valsalva. These components form three cuplike structures that constitute the entire valve mechanism; the valve is in fibrous continuity with the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and the membranous septum (see Fig. 1-25 ).

The free edge of each cusp is of tougher consistency than the remainder of the cusp. At the midpoint of each free edge is a fibrous nodulus Arantii . On either side of each nodulus is an extremely thin, crescent-shaped portion of the cusp termed the lunula (see Fig. 1-13 ). The lunulae are occasionally fenestrated near the commissures. These regions form the area of coaptation during valve closure.

The aortic sinuses (sinuses of Valsalva) are dilated pockets of the aortic root that form the outer component of the three cuplike closing structures of the aortic valve (see Fig. 1-25 ). The coronary arteries arise from two of the aortic sinuses. The walls of the sinuses are considerably thinner than the wall of the aorta proper, an important consideration when designing proximal aortotomies.

The crown-shaped anulus, fibrous trigones, aortic cusps, aortic sinuses, and sinutubular junction share a dynamic coordinated action to provide unidirectional transmission of large volumes of blood pumped intermittently through the channel while maintaining laminar flow, minimal resistance, optimal coronary artery flow, and least damage to blood elements during widely variable and frequently changing conditions.

The origins of the coronary arteries are the basis of a nomenclature for the sinuses and cusps. The ostia of the right and left coronary arteries identify the right and left sinuses and cusps. The sinus and cusp without an associated coronary artery are termed noncoronary . Several other nomenclatures for the cusps and sinuses have been described (see Morphology in Chapter 52 ).

Pulmonary Valve

Pulmonary valve structure is similar to that of the aortic valve. The pulmonary valve normally has three cusps, with a nodule at the midpoint of each free edge, and lunulae and thin, crescent-shaped coaptive surfaces on both sides of the nodules. The pocket behind each cusp is the sinus. Major differences from the aortic valve are (1) lighter construction of pulmonary valve cusps, (2) normal absence of coronary artery origins, and (3) normal lack of fibrous continuity with the anterior tricuspid valve leaflet. Pulmonary valve cusps are supported entirely by freestanding musculature, having no direct relationship with the ventricular septum. The pulmonary valve is lifted away from the ventricular septum by the subpulmonary infundibulum. The first septal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery pierces the ventricular septum below the shortest part of the subpulmonary infundibulum. The artery is protected by the subpulmonary infundibulum.

Pulmonary valve cusps have been described by several terminologies, usually named by their relationships to the aortic valve: right, left, and anterior (nonseptal). Kerr and Goss found that a commissure of the pulmonary valve was adjacent to a commissure of the aortic valve in 199 of 200 specimens they studied. These investigators suggested that the cusps of each arterial valve should be termed right adjacent, left adjacent, and opposite (or, as suggested by Anderson, right facing, left facing, and nonfacing ) in relationship to the adjacent commissure of each valve.

Coronary Arteries

From an anatomic point of view, the coronary artery system divides naturally into two distributions, left and right. From the standpoint of the surgeon, the coronary artery system is divided into four parts: the left main coronary artery, the left anterior descending coronary artery and its branches, the left circumflex coronary artery and its branches, and the right coronary artery and its branches. The branches of each of the last three vessels must also be familiar to the surgeon.

The major coronary arteries form a circle and a loop about the heart ( Fig. 1-27 ). The circle is formed by the right coronary and left circumflex arteries as they traverse the AV sulci. The loop between the ventricles and at right angles to the circle is formed by the left anterior descending (interventricular) coronary artery and the posterior descending (interventricular) coronary artery as they encircle the septum. Blood supply to the back of the left ventricle streams down as a series of parallel obtuse marginal arteries coming from the posterior half of the circle, formed on the left by the left circumflex artery and on the right (in hearts with a dominant right coronary circulation) by the extension of the right coronary artery across the crux cordis, the area along the posterior aspect of the AV groove where the atrial and ventricular septa meet, termed the right posterolateral segment . This latter segment supplies inferior surface (marginal) branches to the inferior (diaphragmatic) surface of the left ventricle.

Figure 1-27, Coronary angiograms demonstrating circle-loop concept of coronary artery anatomy. Circle is formed by right coronary and left circumflex arteries and is displayed in the left anterior oblique (LAO) projection. Loop is formed by left anterior descending and posterior descending arteries and is demonstrated in the right anterior oblique (RAO) projection. A, Right coronary injection in LAO projection. Circulation is right dominant. Right coronary artery, which forms the right component of circle, is visualized. B, Left coronary injection in LAO projection. Note that this is a left dominant circulation. Left circumflex artery, which forms the left component of circle, is visualized. C, Left coronary injection in RAO projection. Left dominant circulation allows demonstration of both components of the loop: left anterior descending and posterior descending arteries. Key: AV, Atrioventricular node artery; CX, left circumflex artery; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LM, left marginal artery; PD, posterior descending artery; RC, right coronary artery; RPL, right posterolateral artery.

Although the right coronary artery may not supply a large portion of the posterior left ventricular wall, it nevertheless serves the left side of the heart to a greater extent than it does the right side in terms of the number and volume of vessel segments involved. A right dominant artery does not necessarily supply branches to the inferior surface of the left ventricle, however, because it may terminate only as the posterior descending artery. Blood supply to the anterior portion of the left ventricle comes from the diagonal branches of this portion of the loop, the left anterior descending coronary artery. That to the lateral part of the anterior portion comes from the first branches of both the left anterior descending and circumflex arteries. The ventricular septum receives its blood supply from the loop that encircles it, formed by the left anterior descending coronary artery in front and the posterior descending artery behind.

Variability in the origin of the posterior descending artery is expressed by the term dominance . A right dominant coronary circulation is one in which the posterior descending coronary artery is a terminal branch of the right coronary artery. A left dominant circulation, which occurs in about 10% to 15% of hearts, is one in which the posterior descending coronary artery is a branch, usually the last one, of the left circumflex coronary artery. Left dominance occurs more frequently in males than in females. This distinction as to whether the right or left coronary artery supplies the posterior descending artery is important in evaluating patients with coronary artery disease and in planning coronary artery bypass grafting.

The following is a general description of coronary artery anatomy in normal hearts. As with the conduction system, some congenital cardiac malformations are associated with abnormalities of the coronary arteries. The nomenclature is based on the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Proposal and Manual of Operations for Collaborative Studies in Coronary Artery Surgery ( Fig. 1-28 ) and the American Heart Association's coronary artery disease reporting system. Both systems include rules for defining the various segments of the major coronary arteries. Fig. 1-29 is also supplied to provide a more dimensional representation of the coronary arteries on the surface of the heart and should be studied along with the brief descriptions that follow.

Figure 1-28, Diagram of anatomic segments of coronary arteries for use in locating lesions in individual patients. 1, 2, 3, Proximal, mid-, and distal portions of right coronary artery. 4, 27, Posterior descending coronary artery, which, as dotted segments proximal to it indicate, may arise from the right (4) or left (27) system. 5, Right posterolateral segment, an extension of right coronary artery in association with right dominant systems. 6, 7, 8, From it come several inferior surface (marginal) branches, called right posterolateral arteries , to the back of the left ventricle. Left dominant systems have a comparable left posterolateral segment leading to posterior descending artery. 9, Inferior septal branches of posterior descending artery. 10, Acute marginal branches of right coronary artery. 11, Left main coronary artery. 12, 13, 14, Proximal, mid-, and distal portions of left anterior descending coronary artery. 15, 16, First and second diagonal branches. First diagonal may originate near bifurcation of left main coronary artery and was formerly called ramus intermedius . Additional diagonal branches may be present. 17, First septal branch of left anterior descending artery. 18, 19, Proximal and distal portions of left circumflex coronary artery. 20, 21, 22, First, second, and third obtuse marginal branches of circumflex artery, the first usually being a large vessel. 23, Extension of circumflex artery, called the left AV artery , present only in patients with a left dominant system. In such patients, this vessel gives off further inferior surface (“marginal”) branches to the back of the left ventricle, called left posterolateral arteries (24, 25, 26) before terminating in left posterior descending coronary artery (27) .

Figure 1-29, Coronary arteries. A, Left coronary artery. Left main coronary artery originates from aorta and divides to form left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries. Branches of left anterior descending artery on surface of heart are termed diagonal arteries , whereas those coursing into the ventricular septum are called septal arteries . Branches of left circumflex artery on posterior wall of left ventricular surface are termed obtuse marginal arteries . A large artery originating near the left main coronary bifurcation and supplying the obtuse margin between the diagonal branches of left anterior descending and circumflex marginal branches was formerly called an intermediate branch or ramus intermedius . B, Right coronary artery, right dominant pattern. Right coronary artery originates from aorta and courses in the atrioventricular (AV) groove. Branches of right coronary artery supplying blood to right ventricle are called right ventricular branches , except for the nearly constant and often large branch at the acute margin of the heart, termed the acute marginal artery . Right coronary artery divides at the crux of the heart into right posterior descending branch, which courses over posterior aspect of ventricular septum, and right posterolateral segment artery, which continues in the AV groove, providing branches to posterior wall of left ventricle. Arterial branches to the specialized conduction system frequently arise from right coronary artery. Sinoatrial node branch originates from proximal portion of right coronary artery. AV node branch originates from the U-bend in posterior lateral segment of right coronary artery.

Left Main Coronary Artery

The left main coronary artery extends from the ostium in the left sinus of Valsalva to its bifurcation into the left anterior descending and left circumflex branches. Its usual length is 10 to 20 mm, with a range of 0 to 40 mm. It normally courses between the pulmonary trunk and the left atrial appendage to reach the left AV groove. Occasionally, additional vessels originate from the left main coronary artery and course parallel to the diagonal branches of the left anterior descending branch. Such an additional artery (formerly called a ramus intermedius ) is termed the first diagonal branch of the left anterior descending artery. Rarely (in 1% of persons), the left main coronary artery is absent, the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries originating directly from the aorta via separate ostia.

Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery

Beginning as a continuation of the left main coronary artery, the left anterior descending coronary artery courses along the anterior interventricular sulcus to the apex of the heart. Part of it may be buried in muscle. In most cases, this artery extends around the apex into the posterior interventricular sulcus, supplying the apical portion of both right and left ventricles. This vessel supplies branches to the right ventricular free wall (usually small), septum, and left ventricular free wall. One or more branches to the right ventricle connect with infundibular branches from the proximal right coronary artery. This important route for collateral flow is the loop of Vieussens . The septal arteries arise almost perpendicularly from the left anterior descending coronary artery, a characteristic sometimes helpful in angiographic identification of the anterior descending artery. A variable number of diagonal arteries course obliquely between the anterior descending and left circumflex arteries and supply the left ventricular free wall anteriorly and laterally.

Variations in the left anterior descending artery are infrequent, although in about 4% of hearts, it exists as two parallel vessels of about equal size. It may terminate before the apex or extend as far as the posterior AV groove.

Left Circumflex Coronary Artery

The left circumflex coronary artery originates from the left main coronary artery at about a 90-degree angle, with its initial few centimeters lying medial to the base of the left atrial appendage. The sinus node artery occasionally originates from the first few millimeters of the left circumflex artery. Rarely, the circumflex artery terminates before the obtuse margin. A large branch originating from the proximal left circumflex artery and coursing around the left atrium near the AV groove is termed the atrial circumflex artery . The ventricular branches of the circumflex artery, the obtuse marginal arteries, supply the obtuse margin of the heart and may be embedded in muscle. Often their position can then be identified at operation by the altered color (reddish or light tan) of the overlying thin muscle layer compared with that of the remainder of the ventricular wall. Those branches supplying the inferior surface of the left ventricle in a heart with a left dominant system (or in one with a co-dominant system in which the right coronary artery gives rise only to a posterior descending artery) are termed left posterolateral (marginal) arteries . In hearts with a left dominant system, the left circumflex coronary artery gives rise to the posterior descending artery at or usually before the crux. Variations in the origin and length of the left circumflex artery, and in the number and size of its marginal branches, are common.

Right Coronary Artery

The right coronary artery is usually a single large artery and courses down the right AV groove. Branches supplying the anterior right ventricular free wall exit from the AV sulcus in a looping fashion because of the depth of the right coronary artery in the sulcus. In this same area, the anterior right atrial artery arises, and this branch often gives origin to the sinus node artery. More distally, a lateral right atrial artery usually arises (this artery is frequently severed when an oblique right atriotomy is made). In the region of the acute margin of the heart, a relatively constant long branch of the right coronary artery arises, the acute marginal artery, which courses most of the way to the apex of the heart. The right coronary artery in most hearts crosses the crux, where it takes a characteristic deep U-turn, giving off the atrioventricular node artery at the apex of the turn. The right coronary artery then terminates by bifurcating into the right posterior descending coronary artery and the right posterolateral segment artery . The posterior descending coronary artery descends in the posterior interventricular sulcus for a variable distance, giving rise to septal, right ventricular, and left ventricular branches. Variations in its anatomy are numerous, and it frequently arises before the crux. The right posterolateral segment of the right coronary artery gives origin to marginal branches to the inferior surface of the left ventricle in most hearts with a right dominant system.

Variations in the right coronary artery are common. It may have a dual origin from the right sinus of Valsalva. In about 10% of hearts, it bifurcates within a few millimeters of the aortic ostium, forming two diverging trunks of equal size. In half the cases, the artery supplying the right ventricular infundibulum arises separately from the aortic sinus and is then termed the conus artery . The sinoatrial node (sinus node) artery originates from the second or third centimeter of the right coronary artery in many hearts (see “ Coronary Arterial Supply to Specialized Areas of the Heart ”). The acute marginal artery crosses the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle in 10% to 20% of hearts and reaches the anterior aspect of the diaphragmatic portion of the ventricular septum, to which it gives branches.

Coronary Arterial Supply to Specialized Areas of the Heart

The predominant blood supply to the ventricular septum is from the left anterior descending coronary artery via four to six large septal arteries 70 to 80 mm in length. In contrast, the septal arteries from the posterior descending coronary artery (except for the AV node artery) are rarely more than 15 mm in length ( Fig. 1-30 ). They supply only a small zone of the ventricular septum near the posterior interventricular sulcus and in the region of the AV node. The septal arteries from the posterior descending artery may, however, serve as an important source of collateral circulation. Until their final terminations, the septal arteries from both anterior and posterior descending arteries course along the right ventricular side of the septum, where pressure is lower than on the left side. In the 10% of hearts with a left dominant circulation, the entire blood supply is from the left coronary artery.

Figure 1-30, Blood supply of ventricular septum. Most of the septum is supplied by left anterior descending coronary artery via large septal arteries. Septal arteries from posterior descending artery are relatively small. In this right dominant circulation, note origin of the atrioventricular (AV) node artery from the characteristic U-turn of right coronary artery.

The sinus node artery is a single artery in 89% and double in 11% of hearts. Its origin is from the right coronary artery in 55% to 65% of cases and from the left circumflex or left main coronary artery in the remainder. When it arises from the right coronary artery, it courses posteriorly and superiorly over the anterior wall of the right atrium beneath the right atrial appendage to the base of the superior vena cava ( Fig. 1-31 ). The sinus node artery may penetrate the interatrial septum in its course to the superior vena cava. It then encircles the cava clockwise or counterclockwise, or bifurcates and encircles it in both directions. If the sinus node artery arises from the left circumflex artery, it courses over the left atrial wall, variably penetrates the interatrial septum, and ascends to the base of the superior vena cava, encircling that vessel as when it originates from the right coronary artery.

Figure 1-31, Origin and distribution of sinus node artery. Sinus node artery may arise from right coronary artery and encircle base of superior vena cava in (A) a clockwise direction or (B) a counterclockwise direction, or it may (C) bifurcate and encircle it in both directions. It may also arise from (D) the left circumflex artery and encircle the base of the superior vena cava as in A , B , or C .

The AV node artery arises from the characteristic U-turn of the right coronary artery as it crosses the crux of the heart. The AV node is usually supplied by the dominant coronary artery. The AV node artery courses superiorly and anteriorly and terminates with a distinctive angulation. An important accessory blood supply to the AV node is Kugel artery, which originates from the proximal segment of either the right coronary artery or the left circumflex artery and courses through the interatrial septum to the crux of the heart to anastomose with the AV node artery. In the atrial septum, Kugel artery anastomoses with branches of the sinus node artery. Kugel artery is the source of blood supply to the AV node in 40% of normal hearts. The right superior descending artery supplied the AV node in 70% of hearts studied by Abuin and Nieponice. This atrial vessel has its origin within the first centimeter of the right coronary artery, giving branches to the ventriculoinfundibular fold of the right ventricle, penetrating the right atrium, and continuing along the anterior border of the fossa ovalis. The artery goes through the central fibrous body and supplies the bundle of His and the area within the triangle of Koch, including the AV node. Kugel artery and the right superior descending artery are at risk of injury in operations requiring dissection around the right coronary artery (aortic root replacement, Ross procedure) and in the AV groove (extended transseptal approaches to the mitral valve).

The bundle of His and proximal few millimeters of the main bundle branches are supplied by the AV node artery. The remainder of the bundle branches and the Purkinje arborization within the septum are supplied by septal arteries originating from the left anterior descending artery.

The anterolateral papillary muscle of the right ventricle, located near the junction of apical septum and free wall, is supplied by branches from the left anterior descending coronary artery. The anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle is supplied primarily by one or more branches from the left anterior descending coronary artery, but it may also be supplied by circumflex marginal branches. The arterial supply of the posteromedial papillary muscle of the left ventricle is from terminal branches of the right or circumflex arteries, depending on the distribution of these arteries to the inferior surface of the left ventricle.

Dimensions of Normal Cardiac and Great Artery Pathways

Cardiac and great artery pathways with normal dimensions accommodate blood flow at rest and during exercise and stress, with little or no pressure drop across the pathway. Sluysmans and Colan have hypothesized that optimal size of cardiovascular structures is such as to mimic hemodynamic cost of providing blood flow across the physiologic range of cardiac output. The body does this by optimizing the relationship between vessel radius and flow rate. To achieve minimum work requires minimizing viscous energy (shear stress related to inverse radius) and inertial energy related to pulsatile flow, which is directly related to radius ( Fig. 1-32 ). Sluymans and Colan show that this optimization of energy is related to body surface area (BSA) over a wide range of sizes of mammals, including humans. For valve and blood vessel area, this relationship is linear with BSA; for diameter of vessels, this relationship is to the square root of BSA (BSA 0.5 ).

Figure 1-32, Optimal aortic valve radius calculated according to the principle of minimal work for two levels of cardiac output. Energy loss per second (erg · s −1 ) due to viscous friction (red line) is plotted against the radius of the aortic valve (cm). On the same scale, the inertial energy content of blood (gold line) and total energy loss calculated as the sum of viscous energy loss and inertial energy content loss (blue line) are plotted for theoretical cardiac outputs (QS) of 3.5 L · min −1 (A) and 17.5 L · min −1 (B) , representing the theoretical cardiac output at rest and at maximal exercise of a normal subject with a body surface area (BSA) of 1 m 2 . The least amount of total energy loss per unit time corresponds to the minimum of the total energy loss curve. The corresponding radius is 0.45 cm for 3.5 L · min −1 flow and 0.8 cm for 17.5 L · min −1 flow. These values represent the theoretical range of normal optimal aortic valve radius for this BSA.

Although the theoretical relationship tolerates vessel dimensions over a substantial range, in some patients being considered for cardiac surgery, dimensions are so small as to preclude a satisfactory outcome. Therefore, prediction of outcome based on dimensions of a pathway becomes important. A major problem in predicting outcome in a patient simply from subjective evaluation of the size of a structure is that this evaluation may be grossly inaccurate because of unconscious comparison of the size of the structure in question with that of a neighboring unusually large structure. Prediction of outcome simply from subjective evaluation is also affected by the preformed bias of the observer, as well as by inexperience. Therefore, measurements and their relationship to outcome are required for reproducible, accurate predictions, and decisions must be made regarding the methods for expressing the dimensions.

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