Anaesthesia for general, gynaecological and genitourinary surgery

One-third of all anaesthetics delivered are for general, gynaecological or genitourinary surgery. In all three disciplines there are increasing numbers of frail or older patients. There is also widespread adoption of endoscopic techniques as well as emphasis on anaesthetic techniques which allow day-case surgery or fast-track recovery programmes.

Anaesthetic considerations

Patient positioning

Patient positioning is also discussed in detail in Chapter 22 .


Many abdominal operations are performed with the patient supine, but the addition of 20-degree head-down tilt (Trendelenburg) improves access to the pelvis. Some procedures, such as laparoscopic prostate surgery or hysterectomy, may require steep Trendelenburg positioning (30–45 degrees) for prolonged periods (see Fig. 22.8 ). Head-down positioning is associated with several complications, summarised in Table 35.1 . As a result, careful assessment for preoperative conditions such as glaucoma or respiratory disease is necessary.

Table 35.1
The physiological effects and risks associated with steep Trendelenburg positioning and/or pneumoperitoneum a
Area of the body Pneumoperitoneum effect Trendelenburg effect
Airway Tracheal tube displacement
Airway swelling
Respiratory Decreased functional residual capacity and vital capacity
Decreased compliance
V̇/Q̇ mismatch
As with pneumoperitoneum – and will act synergistically to further worsen the effects on V̇/Q̇, FRC and compliance
Cardiovascular Increased venous return at low pneumoperitoneum pressures
Decreased venous return at higher pressures
Occasional bradycardia at initial insufflation
Increased systemic vascular resistance
Decreased splanchnic perfusion
Risk of air embolism
Increased venous return
Increased systemic vascular resistance
Neurological Raised intracranial pressure
Cerebral perfusion pressure maintained or decreased
Raised intracranial pressure
Cerebral perfusion pressure maintained
Renal Decreased renal function
Increased renin-angiotensin production
Poor bladder drainage
Eyes Raised intraocular pressure Raised intraocular pressure
Risk of ocular burns if gastric contents pool in eye
Optic nerve ischaemia
Other Passive regurgitation Passive regurgitation
Facial swelling
Accidental movement if patient not adequately secured
Risk of neuropraxia from shoulder supports
FRC, Functional residual capacity.

a Many of the effects of pneumoperitoneum and steep Trendelenburg are synergistic and additive.

Tracheal intubation is required in most patients who require prolonged head-down positioning in order to maintain adequate ventilation and protect the airway. Positive end-expiratory pressure may minimise the risk of lung atelectasis. In patients at high risk of passive regurgitation, tracheal intubation should be considered even for short procedures. If passive regurgitation occurs in the head-down position, gastric acid can pool around the eyes leading to corneal burns. Where there is significant risk of this occurring (e.g. prolonged steep head-down position or bariatric patients), further measures may also be required, such as the use of a throat pack to prevent soiling, or a nasogastric tube inserted to empty the stomach. Ideally the patient should be positioned such that the anaesthetist is able to see the face, and if the eyes are affected they should be washed out rapidly.

Animal studies suggest prolonged, steep Trendelenburg positioning raises ICP, especially if combined with hypercapnia and/or raised intraperitoneal pressure from laparoscopic surgery. Patients may be at risk of developing delirium on emergence, but there is little evidence to support the prophylactic treatment for raised ICP used by some centres (i.v. dexamethasone or mannitol). Reassuringly, studies measuring intraoperative cerebral oxygenation in urological patients positioned in this way suggest that it is well preserved.

Various methods may be employed to prevent the patient sliding on the table during head-down positioning. One option for steep Trendelenburg is to use specialist vacuum beanbags (placed under the patient's torso) combined with Lloyd-Davies positioning (see Fig. 22.8 ). Any technique must avoid the risk of pressure injury to load-bearing areas. Lloyd-Davies positioning alone can result in calf compression; poorly positioned shoulder braces can put undue pressure on the superior aspect of the brachial plexus.

Lloyd-Davies and lithotomy

Access to the anus, perineum and genitals can be facilitated by use of the Lloyd-Davies or lithotomy positions (see Fig. 22.3 ). Both have the patient supine with the hips flexed and abducted with bent knees. Lithotomy uses a greater hip flexion (typically close to 90 degrees). Prolonged extreme hip flexion can result in femoral nerve compression, or sciatic/ obturator nerve stretching (see Fig. 22.4 ). Care should be taken to avoid prolonged pressure against the femoral and tibial condyles (common peroneal or saphenous nerve compression). Typically the patient's legs are put into the leg attachments, which are raised to achieve the desired position. If patients’ hands are by their sides, fingers may be trapped in the operating table mechanism ( Fig. 35.1 ). Patients with prosthetic joints should be identified and care taken to avoid accidental dislocation.

Fig. 35.1, Incorrect placement of the hands in the lithotomy position places the fingers at risk of crush injury.

Low-pressure calf muscle compartment syndrome is a rare complication of prolonged leg-up positioning – often appearing several hours after surgery. The cause is unknown but may relate to direct calf pressure or femoral vein obstruction as a result of hip flexion. The use of intermittent calf compression devices (e.g. Flowtron therapy) whilst in the leg-up position may increase the risk. Periodic lowering of the legs during prolonged procedures may help.

Absolute or relative hypovolaemia from blood loss or regional anaesthesia may be masked when legs are raised, only becoming apparent only after they are lowered.

Lateral and prone positioning

Lateral positioning is required for access to the lower back or flank—for instance, during pilonidal sinus surgery or nephrectomy operations. A ‘break’ may be applied to the middle of the table to extend the flank. Patient supports may be applied to the back or the abdomen, with the upper arm on a Carter Braine support to stop the upper torso rotating (see Fig. 22.5 ). Leg and arm padding is required to avoid peroneal, saphenous and ulnar nerve damage, and lateral neck flexion should be avoided as it can result in brachial plexus injuries. Profound wrist flexion should be avoided in the arm resting on the Carter Braine support.

Corneal abrasions are a risk in the lateral position because of the dependent eye pressing against the pillow or from inadvertent contact with apparatus near the head.

Prone positioning is only needed for a few general or urological/gynaecological procedures (e.g. percutaneous nephrolithotomy; see Fig. 22.6D ). Prone positioning requires tracheal intubation with the tracheal tube carefully secured, as reintubation will inevitably require turning the patient supine. Careful attention should be paid to head position, eye-padding, avoidance of abdominal compression and pressure-point protection (e.g. nose, chin, genitals, knees). The neck should remain as neutral as possible, and specialist head supports are available that distribute pressure away from areas such as the eyes and nose.

Turning a patient lateral or prone requires enough staff to safely rotate the patient whilst protecting the head and airway, guarding i.v. lines and preventing injury. Typically four to six staff are required. Cardiorespiratory stability is maintained in most patients, although temporary hypotension sometimes occurs as a result of decreased venous return or the sudden transfer of blood to newly dependent areas. Tracheal tubes can move during patient positioning, resulting in cuff leaks or endobronchial intubation.

Prolonged (>5 h) prone and steep Trendelenburg positioning are both independently associated with the risk of ischaemic optic neuropathy (see Chapter 26 ). The exact cause is unknown, but hypotension, anaemia and large-volume crystalloid use may be contributory factors.

Surgical techniques

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is associated with lower intraoperative blood loss and heat loss, reduced postoperative analgesia requirements and faster recovery times.

Most laparoscopic surgery requires a pneumoperitoneum produced by the insufflation of carbon dioxide. Exceptions include renal surgery, in which a retroperitoneal approach is possible, and some radical prostate surgery using an anteroperitoneal approach.

The pneumoperitoneum is typically held at pressures of 10–15 mmHg. This can be achieved by surgically inserting a laparoscopic port or by using a Veress needle. During insertion, inadvertent damage to bowel or major blood vessels can occur. Subcutaneous insufflation can result in surgical emphysema, whilst i.v. insufflation can cause venous gas embolism. Gas insufflation or port insertion can sometimes cause peritoneal stimulation, triggering a vagal bradycardic response requiring rapid deflation; occasionally, anticholinergic treatment is needed.

Peritoneal insufflation increases venous return, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance. If higher pressures are used, compression of the vena cava may occur. It also decreases functional residual capacity, and when combined with the Trendelenburg position, there is an increased risk of atelectasis and ventilation/perfusion (V̇/Q̇) mismatch ( Table 35.1 ).

Tracheal intubation and ventilation with PEEP may minimise effects of pneumoperitoneum, but patients with marked respiratory disease may not tolerate a prolonged pneumoperitoneum (although this should be balanced against the risk of inadequate breathing after open surgery). On occasion, congenital diaphragmatic fistulae or surgical diaphragmatic breaches can result in a pneumothorax.

Carbon dioxide is absorbed through the peritoneum during laparoscopic surgery, resulting in elevated P a co 2 , tachycardia and increased myocardial contractility. Pneumoperitoneum will often result in significant pain in the first few postoperative hours, until the carbon dioxide is absorbed. Retro- or anteroperitoneal insufflation often results in a faster onset of hypercapnia, which may persist after surgery, as well as sometimes causing surgical emphysema in the scrotum and/or chest and face. Nitrous oxide diffuses into gas-filled cavities and so is often avoided during laparoscopic surgery.

Conversion from laparoscopic to open surgery is a potential but infrequent risk that should be borne in mind during anaesthetic planning.

Robotic surgery

After inserting laparoscopic ports in the standard manner, robotic surgery involves ‘docking’ a surgical telemanipulator, which manoeuvres the laparoscopic camera and instruments. A three-dimensional image is transmitted to the operator, who remotely controls instruments which have a much wider range of movement than standard laparoscopic equipment. At present, robotic radical prostatectomy is the most common procedure, but major colorectal and gynaecological surgeries are increasingly using robotic equipment.

Radical prostatectomy requires the patient to be placed in steep Trendelenburg position (see Fig. 22.8 ), with its attendant risks (see table 35.1 ). Furthermore, robots do not tolerate operating table or patient movement, and neuromuscular blockade is advised until the robot is undocked. Whilst the robot is docked, patient access is limited, so tracheal tube and i.v. line positions should be checked before surgery. In the event of an emergency, access for treatment would require the robot to be rapidly undocked; it is recommended that rapid undocking is practised as a safety drill.

Communication between surgeon and anaesthetist is significantly altered during robot surgery. The surgeon sits in a booth, distant to the surgery, unable to directly view the anaesthetist or operating table. The surgeon's voice is projected by speakers, and allowances must be made for the inherent decrease in non-verbal communication, which will alter the whole dynamic of crisis resource management in an emergency situation.

Other endoscopic surgery

Flexible endoscopes are used for many diagnostic procedures, including oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD), colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy and surveillance cystoscopy. Flexible biopsy forceps, snares or injection needles may be inserted down the endoscope for certain treatments. Endoscopy can often be performed using topical anaesthesia with or without sedation, but a GA may be required in situations where there is significant risk to the airway (e.g. OGD for major haemorrhage).

Rigid endoscopes allow the use of rigid instruments (e.g. resection diathermy loops) and fluid irrigation. Irrigation allows surgical field visualisation in enclosed spaces (e.g. bladder or uterus) and washes away blood and resected tissue. Rigid scopes mostly require GA or regional anaesthesia.

The choice of irrigation fluid depends on the surgical technique. Monopolar diathermy equipment requires a relatively non-conducting irrigating fluid so that current is not dissipated away from the diathermy loop when it touches the body. Until recently, most diathermy equipment used by urologists was monopolar using glycine, which combines good optical properties with poor conduction. In contrast, newer bipolar resectoscopes require saline irrigation, which conducts a charge from the active part of the instrument to the nearby return electrode.

Endoscopic resection with continuous irrigation requires the fluid to be under pressure, achieved by hanging the fluid reservoir from a drip stand. Fluid can be forced under pressure into tissue planes as well as veins opened by diathermy. Large amounts of fluid can be absorbed, causing fluid overload in susceptible patients. If the irrigating fluid is glycine, transurethral resection (TUR) syndrome may also develop ( see later and Box 35.1 ).

Box 35.1
Risk factors and clinical features of transurethral resection (TUR) syndrome

Risk factors

  • Only occurs with monopolar diathermy requiring hypotonic irrigation fluids (e.g. glycine)

    • Glycine should be switched for saline as soon as surgery complete

  • High irrigation pressures

    • May be reduced by limiting the height of the reservoir to 60–80 cm above the operating field

  • Large prostate/prolonged resection time

    • Surgery may need to be cut short

    • Diuretics may reduce risk if surgery is prolonged

  • Prostatic capsule perforation during surgery

Symptoms in the awake patient

  • Vertigo

  • Nausea and/or vomiting

  • Abdominal pain

  • Visual disturbance/blurred vision

  • Dyspnoea

  • Chest tightness

Clinical signs and investigation results

  • Confusion or agitation

  • Decreased consciousness

  • Seizures

  • Pupillary dilatation

  • Papilloedema

  • Bradypnoea/hypopnoea

  • Pulmonary oedema

  • Cyanosis

  • Oliguria

  • Hypotension (although there may be initial hypertension)

  • Bradycardia or other dysrhythmias

  • Widened QRS and/or ST-segment changes on ECG

  • Cardiac arrest

  • Hyponatraemia

  • Decreased serum osmolality

  • Hyperammonaemia

Patient factors

Obese and bariatric patients

Increasing numbers of obese and bariatric patients are being operated on in all fields of surgery. The anaesthetic implications of obesity are described in Chapter 32 , but in the context of general, urological and gynaecological surgery obese patients present specific problems in relation to airway, positioning and recovery.

Because of the attendant risks of lung atelectasis and hypoventilation, there is a preference for regional anaesthesia in obese patients. If a GA is required, there is a lower threshold for tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation, even though airway manoeuvres will be more difficult, and hypoxic desaturation more rapid.

Elderly and frail patients

Many patients requiring surgery are elderly or frail, especially where any pathological condition is associated with advancing age, such as prostatic disease or cancer of the bowel or bladder. Although the anaesthetic considerations for age and frailty are described in Chapter 31 , it should be noted that coexisting chronic diseases can contribute to frailty. Urology operations are strongly associated with prior renal dysfunction, whilst patients having bowel and gynaecological surgery often have poor nutrition or advanced cancer. These factors, and any associated polypharmacy, increase the risk of biochemical or haematological abnormalities. For example, hyponatraemia and anaemia will affect the ability to tolerate TUR syndrome and haemorrhage, respectively. As a rule, regional techniques are often better tolerated than GA in frail patients.

Cancer and chemotherapy

Anaesthetic assessment for cancer surgery should take into account the possibility of metastatic spread, particularly to the lungs.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy given before surgery) is increasingly being used to improve the likelihood of cure, or to reduce tumour burden and facilitate surgery; where patients require surgery for tumour recurrence, it is likely that they will have had intervening chemotherapy. Some chemotherapy regimens can produce systemic effects which may be identifiable preoperatively (e.g. anthracyclines and taxols, used in ovarian, breast and gastric cancers, can reduce cardiac reserve).

Bleomycin, used for germ cell tumours, is implicated in severe pulmonary toxicity, especially in the presence of high inspired oxygen fractions. Reducing delivered oxygen concentrations, targeting saturations of 88%–92%, is recommended.

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