Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, and Hyperandrogenic Disorders

Clinical Keys for this Chapter

  • Amenorrhea literally means the absence of menses. As a menstrual disorder, amenorrhea is primary when menstruation has never occurred by the age of 16 years (or 14 years with the absence of breast development) and is secondary when menses has occurred at least once and then has been absent for at least 6 months.

  • A more clinically useful classification of these menstrual disorders is to characterize them based on the initial presentation (history and physical examination) as (1) primary amenorrhea without evidence of secondary sexual characteristics (sexual infantilism), (2) primary amenorrhea with breast development and müllerian anomalies, or (3) secondary amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea with breast development and normal müllerian structures.

  • The most common cause of primary amenorrhea is gonadal dysgenesis and/or agenesis (50% of cases). Secondary amenorrhea occurs most commonly with pregnancy and menopause (physiologic), followed by pathologic conditions such as hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, premature ovarian failure, hyperprolactinemia, and hyperandrogenism, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

  • Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea with elevated androgens (hyperandrogenism) may result from adrenal, pituitary, or ovarian disorders, including tumors and functional problems with these tissues. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing syndrome, PCOS, and the hyperandrogenic insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans syndrome have adrenal and/or ovarian causes. Tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries may cause excess androgen levels that can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Some tumors may be malignant, and all such tumors are managed surgically.

  • PCOS is the most common endocrinologic disorder in women of reproductive age in developed countries. It has been recognized recently as a complex endocrinologic and metabolic syndrome that is diagnosed when at least two of the following three findings are present: (1) hyperandrogenism (either clinical or biochemical), (2) oligomenorrhea, and/or (3) polycystic ovaries by morphology. Not all women with PCOS have polycystic ovaries, and some women with polycystic ovaries do not meet the criteria for PCOS.

Amenorrhea, or the absence of menses, is a common symptom of several pathophysiologic states. This condition traditionally has been divided into primary amenorrhea, in which menarche (the first menses) has not occurred, and secondary amenorrhea, in which menses has been absent for 6 months or more. A more functional or clinical division of menstrual disorders based on the initial history-taking and physical examination is (1) primary amenorrhea with sexual infantilism (absence of secondary sexual development), (2) primary amenorrhea with breast development and müllerian anomalies, and (3) amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea with breast development and normal müllerian structures. The last group of disorders causes secondary, rather than primary, amenorrhea, including oligomenorrhea with and without hyperandrogenic states ( Table 33-1 ).

TABLE 33-1
Clinical Classification of Menstrual Disorders
Modified from Gambone JC: Student manual, Los Angeles, 2003, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California—Los Angeles.
Disorder Notable Diagnostic Findings Examples Notable Clinical Features
Primary Amenorrhea with Sexual Infantilism
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Low FSH and LH, low estrogen; screening for other pituitary hormones is indicated; MRI of the hypothalamic and/or pituitary area is recommended Central nervous system or pituitary tumor, constitutionally delayed puberty, Kallmann syndrome; rarely presents as secondary amenorrhea with late onset Exclude serious causes before diagnosing constitutional delay (diagnosis of exclusion); anosmia/hyposmia with Kallmann syndrome
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism Elevated FSH and LH, low estrogen, karyotype indicated to rule out Y chromosome Gonadal agenesis and/or dysgenesis (most common cause of primary amenorrhea), including Turner syndrome (45,XO) and pure gonadal dysgenesis (46,XX) or (46,XY) May rarely present as secondary amenorrhea; streak gonads, short stature, and webbing of the neck with Turner syndrome
17-Hydroxylase (P450c17) deficiency Low sex steroids (estrogens and androgens); a rare genetic disorder Primary amenorrhea usually in 46,XX and female external genitalia in 46,XY Hypertension and hypokalemia caused by mineralocorticoid excess (see Figure 33-1 )
Primary Amenorrhea with Breast Development and Müllerian Anomalies
Androgen insensitivity (46,XY) Male levels of androgens in serum (which distinguishes androgen insensitivity from other müllerian anomalies) Androgen insensitivity syndrome (formerly called testicular feminization syndrome ) Internal testicles, vaginal dimple, no uterus, and near-normal breast development with smaller areolae and/or nipples
Normal female karyotype (46,XX) Female levels of androgens in serum Anatomic defects resulting in outflow obstruction Surgical correction possible in many, but not all, types
Imperforate hymen Hematocolpos on abdominal ultrasound Bulge at introitus, cyclic pain with absent vaginal bleeding
Transverse vaginal septum Obstruction visible on MRI scan Cyclic lower abdominal pain without menses, hematometra, decreased fertility potential
Cervical agenesis Cervix absent on MRI scan Hysterectomy likely
Müllerian agenesis and/or dysgenesis Intravenous pyelogram or other renal imaging indicated Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome Vaginal dimple only, absent uterus on rectal
Secondary (Rarely Primary) Amenorrhea and/or Oligomenorrhea with Breast Development and Normal Müllerian Structures
Pregnancy Positive pregnancy test Always rule out first
Uterine defects Intrauterine scarring visible on hysterosalpingogram Asherman syndrome Fertility problems
Hypoestrogenism Low serum estrogen levels Various types listed below
Hypothalamopituitary dysfunction Low FSH, LH, and prolactin; other hormone deficiencies should be ruled out Excessive exercise (runner's amenorrhea); anorexia nervosa Lean body mass; anorexia nervosa is primarily a psychiatric disorder with significant mortality (about 7%)
Premature ovarian failure Elevated serum FSH, low serum estrogen, karyotype indicated if age <30 yr Autoimmune premature ovarian failure Age <40 yr
Hyperprolactinemia (serum estrogen level can vary) Elevated serum prolactin Pituitary adenoma, empty sella syndrome, primary hypothyroidism, drugs (for others, see Box 33-2 ) Galactorrhea
Normal estrogen and amenorrhea and/or oligomenorrhea Normal hormone levels Mild hypothalamic amenorrhea: exercise, nutrition, stress, hypothyroidism
Hyperandrogenism Elevated androgens (variable) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, HAIR-AN syndrome (for others, see Box 33-2 ) Hirsutism, acne, insulin resistance, virilization in some severe cases
FSH, Follicle-stimulating hormone; HAIR-AN, hyperandrogenic insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans; LH, luteinizing hormone; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

Primary Amenorrhea

The diagnosis of primary amenorrhea is made when no spontaneous uterine bleeding has occurred by the age of 16 years. The workup should be initiated earlier if there is no evidence of breast development (thelarche) by age 14 years or if the patient has not menstruated (menarche) spontaneously within 2 years of thelarche. The presence of normal breast development confirms gonadal secretion of estrogen but not necessarily the presence of ovarian tissue. With androgen insensitivity, low levels of estrogen from the testicles may stimulate breast development in males (see Chapter 18 ). Normal amounts of pubic and axillary hair confirm gonadal or adrenal secretion of androgens as well as the presence of functional androgen receptors.

Primary Amenorrhea with Sexual Infantilism

Patients with primary amenorrhea and no secondary sexual characteristics (sexual infantilism) display an absence of gonadal hormone secretion. The differential diagnosis is based on whether the defect represents a lack of gonadotropin secretion (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) or an inability of the ovaries to respond to gonadotropin secretion (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism caused by gonadal agenesis/dysgenesis). The distinction can be made by measuring a basal serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level.

Hypogonadotropic Primary Amenorrhea and Sexual Infantilism

Patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism have low serum FSH levels, whereas patients with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (e.g., gonadal dysgenesis) have elevated serum FSH levels in the menopausal range (>20 to 40 mIU/L, depending on the assay used). The measurement of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) is of limited additional diagnostic value. The absence of breast development is indicative of inadequate secretion of estrogen.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may be caused by lesions of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland or by functional disorders that suppress gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) synthesis and release. Kallmann syndrome is an example of lesions in the hypothalamus causing hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, usually with anosmia (see Chapter 32 and Figure 32-6 ). Because patients with sexual infantilism caused by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may have a craniopharyngioma or other central nervous system (CNS) tumor, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) of the hypothalamic-pituitary area is recommended.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism resulting in primary amenorrhea and sexual infantilism may also be caused by lesions of the pituitary, including prolactin-secreting adenomas, or a general process of pituitary failure. These patients should be screened for other pituitary hormone deficiencies by testing for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), growth hormone, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

Finally, apparent hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may actually represent constitutionally delayed puberty. This delay in the normal onset of puberty is generally attributed to undefined hereditary factors because there is commonly a history of late puberty in family members. Constitutional delay of puberty is a diagnosis of exclusion.

Hypergonadotropic Primary Amenorrhea and Sexual Infantilism

Patients with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism have some form of failed gonadal development or premature gonadal failure and have elevated serum FSH levels. These patients may have gonadal agenesis (the absence or early disappearance of the normal gonad). An example in males, who may appear to be female in some cases, is pure gonadal dysgenesis, or the testicular regression syndrome. These patients have an apparently normal 46,XY karyotype but lack testicular development. If fetal testicular regression occurs between 8 and 10 weeks' gestation, these individuals may have female external genitalia with or without ambiguity in addition to a lack of gonads, a hypoplastic uterus (secondary to absent secretion of anti-müllerian hormone), and rudimentary genital ducts (Swyer syndrome). Regression of the testes after 12 to 14 weeks' gestation results in variable development of male external genitalia. Anorchia or streak gonads occur with testicular regression syndrome.

Other individuals with hypergonadotropic primary amenorrhea and sexual infantilism may have gonad­al dysgenesis, or an abnormally developed gonad caused by chromosomal defects. The differential diagnosis includes 45,XO (Turner syndrome), a structurally abnormal X chromosome, mosaicism with or without a Y chromosome, and pure gonadal dysgenesis (46,XX and 46,XY). Although most affected patients show no signs of secondary sexual characteristics, occasionally an individual with mosaicism or Turner syndrome will have sufficient ovarian follicular activity and secrete enough estrogen to cause breast development, menstruation, ovulation, and rarely even pregnancy.

In individuals with the presence of a Y chromosome, there is a risk of developing a gonadoblastoma (a benign germ cell tumor of the gonad) and eventually a dysgerminoma (a malignant germ cell tumor). All patients with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism should have a karyotype performed. Because it is important to identify mosaicism, a greater number of white blood cells (>35) should be karyotyped.

Rarely, some patients with primary amenorrhea and sexual infantilism have a defect of estrogen and androgen production. One example of this is 17-hydroxylase (P450c17) deficiency, which prevents the synthesis of these sex steroids ( Figure 33-1 ). These individuals have hypertension and hypokalemia caused by mineralocorticoid excess. Other patients, such as those with a 46,XY karyotype and Leydig cell agenesis, may lack the cells necessary for sex steroid production. Because Leydig cells in the testes are responsible for producing testosterone, these individuals are born with female external genitalia.

FIGURE 33-1, Diagrammatic representation of the steroid biosynthetic pathways. The asterisks denote specific enzyme defects that result in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Patients with sexual infantilism may be treated to stimulate breast development by administering gradually increasing doses of estrogen. One commonly used regimen is to start with 0.3 mg of conjugated estrogen every other day and slowly increase the dose over 3- to 6-month intervals. This treatment should be guided by the presence or absence of mastalgia (breast tenderness) and the rate of breast development. The estrogen can safely be increased to 0.6 mg or more daily if necessary. Recently, skin patches that deliver 17β-estradiol (E2) in various comparable doses have been used.

Individuals with persistent hypogonadotropic hypogonadism who seek fertility require either human menopausal gonadotropin injections or pulsatile GnRH administered with an infusion pump. Patients with gonadal dysgenesis and 17-hydroxylase deficiency who have a normal uterus and cervix can achieve pregnancy only by in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donor oocytes.

Primary Amenorrhea with Breast Development and Müllerian Anomalies

Patients with primary amenorrhea, breast development, and some defect of müllerian structures fall into two categories: (1) those with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), formerly called testicular feminization, and (2) those with müllerian dysgenesis or agenesis. The distinction between these two diagnoses can be made by measuring serum testosterone and determining the karyotype.

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Patients with complete AIS have a defect in the androgen receptor. Their karyotype is 46,XY, and they demonstrate male levels of testosterone, although usually on the lower side of normal. They may also have mildly elevated FSH and LH levels, due to the location of their testes within the abdominal wall or cavity (cryptorchidism). This location, with greater body heat, typically does not allow for normal male hormone secretion. Breast development (with nipples and areolae smaller than a normal genotypical female's) is caused by the testicular secretion of estrogens and by the conversion of circulating androgen to estrogens in the liver and elsewhere. The testes of individuals with AIS secrete normal male amounts of anti-müllerian hormone (AMH); therefore, patients have only a vaginal dimple and no uterus. Treatment should consist of gonadal resection to avoid neoplasia (i.e., gonadoblastomas and dysgerminomas) once puberty is complete. The creation of a neovagina when the patient is prepared for sexual activity is possible by surgical and nonsurgical methods. Psychological counseling is an important component of care for these patients.

Müllerian Dysgenesis or Agenesis

Patients with primary amenorrhea, breast development, and a 46,XX karyotype have serum levels of testosterone appropriate for females. This clinical diagnosis may be caused by müllerian defects that cause obstruction of the vaginal canal (e.g., an imperforate hymen or a transverse vaginal septum) or by the absence of a normal cervix and/or uterus and normal fallopian tubes. An imperforate hymen should be suspected in adolescents who report monthly dysmenorrhea in the absence of vaginal bleeding. Clinically, these patients often present with a vaginal bulge and a midline cystic mass on rectal examination. Ultrasonography confirms the presence of a normal uterus and ovaries with a hematocolpos. These patients should be treated with hymenectomy.

Alternatively, females may present with similar symptoms, but without a vaginal bulge. When ultrasonography confirms a normal uterus and ovaries, a transverse, obstructing vaginal septum or cervical agenesis should be suspected. MRI is the diagnostic procedure of choice in these patients. If an MRI scan confirms a transverse septum, surgical correction is indicated. Surgical construction of a functional cervix is extremely difficult. In general, it is recommended that women with cervical agenesis undergo hysterectomy.

Finally, rectal examination and ultrasonography may indicate the absence of a uterus, indicating müllerian agenesis or the Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a failure of the müllerian ducts to fuse distally and form the upper genital tract. These patients may have unilateral or bilateral rudimentary uterine tissues (anlagens), fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It is uncommon for an individual to have functional endometrial tissue within the anlagen. On occasion, the ovaries are not visible on ultrasonography because they have not descended into the pelvis. In these cases, CT or MRI may reveal them well above the pelvic brim. Currently, the pathophysiology leading to müllerian dysgenetic defects is not known.

Creation of a neovagina can be accomplished by using one of two general approaches. The Frank method of vaginal dilation uses dilation of the vaginal pouch with vaginal forms (usually thermoplastic acrylic resin [Lucite] dilators) over the course of weeks to months. Alternatively, a McIndoe vaginoplasty, which involves the surgical creation of a neovaginal space using a split-thickness skin graft, may be performed. Both of these methods should be initiated and/or performed close to the time when the patient anticipates having vaginal intercourse.

Congenital anatomic abnormalities of the uterus or vagina, or both, are often associated with renal abnormalities such as a unilateral solitary kidney or a double renal collecting system, among others. Therefore, for these patients, an intravenous pyelogram or other diagnostic radiographic study should be obtained to confirm a normal urinary system.

Amenorrhea or Oligomenorrhea with Breast Development and Normal Müllerian Structures

Disorders in which the patient has breast development and a demonstrable cervix and uterine fundus on physical examination may cause primary as well as secondary amenorrhea, or they may present as oligomenorrhea (less frequent menstruation). Typically, women with oligomenorrhea have fewer than nine menstrual cycles per year.

All patients with menstrual bleeding disorders should be tested for pregnancy. Once pregnancy has been excluded, these individuals can be characterized as shown in Table 33-1 . The initial history-taking should include questions about the timing of thelarche, pubarche, and menarche. The timing and development of the menstrual disorder (present since puberty or new), significant weight change, strenuous exercise activities, dietary habits, sexual activity, concomitant illnesses or complaints, abnormal facial or body hair growth, scalp hair loss, acne, and the presence or absence of hot flashes and vaginal dryness should be noted. A comprehensive list of medications and dietary supplements taken should be obtained.

In addition to a pregnancy test, the initial investigation of the amenorrheic patient should include a serum FSH level and a progestin challenge test. If the patient does not have withdrawal bleeding after receiving a progestational agent, significant hypoestrogenism or hyperandrogenism, a uterine defect, or pregnancy are all possible. Progestogens that are used include medroxyprogesterone acetate 5 to 10 mg/day orally for 5 to 14 days, norethindrone acetate 2.5 to 10 mg/day orally for 5 to 14 days, oral micronized progesterone 100 to 300 mg/day for 5 to 14 days, or progesterone in oil 50 to 100 mg intramuscularly. To evaluate the estrogenic status, some clinicians prefer to order a serum estradiol (E2) instead of the progestin challenge test.

Uterine Defects

Women who do not have withdrawal bleeding after a hormonal challenge test and who have a history of uterine instrumentation, particularly a dilation and curettage following vaginal delivery or pregnancy termination, may have Asherman syndrome (AS). This interesting syndrome is characterized by intrauterine scarring (synechiae), and patients with AS may have normal ovulatory cycles with cyclic premenstrual symptoms. Patients with AS should be evaluated by hysterosalpingography or sonohysterography. Hysteroscopic treatment with excision of the synechiae and normalization of the uterine cavity is the treatment of choice.

Amenorrhea or Oligomenorrhea Associated with Hypoestrogenism

The differential diagnosis for patients with amenorrhea associated with low serum levels of estrogen includes hypothalamic and/or pituitary dysfunction (hypothalamic amenorrhea), premature ovarian failure, or hyperprolactinemia. Women in the first group have low serum FSH and prolactin levels; women in the second group have high serum FSH and normal serum prolactin levels; and women in the third group have high serum prolactin and low serum FSH levels.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary Dysfunction

Patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea include women with severe weight loss, women engaging in excessive exercise resulting in low body fat, and women experiencing severe psychological stress. Also included are those women with physical wasting caused by severe systemic diseases such as disseminated malignancies and patients with pituitary or CNS lesions. In the most severe and life-threatening form of hypothalamic amenorrhea, women may have pituitary failure or anorexia nervosa. All patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction should be evaluated for the status of the other pituitary hormones. Evaluation should also include MRI of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to exclude neoplastic and other lesions if it is uncertain whether the patient has one of the functional disorders described above.

When hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction cannot be resolved by identifying a modifiable underlying cause (e.g., excessive exercise), combination estrogen and progestin therapy, usually in the form of a combined oral contraceptive pill or E2 skin patches with oral progestins, should be prescribed to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This therapy is also recommended to maintain normal vaginal and breast development. In patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), ovarian hormone therapy without weight gain will not totally prevent osteoporosis.

Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure is defined as ovarian failure before the age of 40 years (see Chapter 35 ). When it occurs in patients younger than 30 years of age, ovarian failure may be caused by a chromosomal disorder. A karyotype should be performed to exclude mosaicism (i.e., some cells bearing a Y chromosome). If cells with a Y chromosome are present, a gonadectomy to prevent malignant transformation is indicated.

Other causes of premature ovarian failure include ovarian injury as a result of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy; galactosemia; carrier status of the fragile X syndrome; and autoimmunity. When premature ovarian failure is secondary to autoimmunity, other endocrine organs may be affected as well. Because there are no specific laboratory tests available to diagnose autoimmune ovarian failure, all patients with unexplained ovarian failure should be screened for diabetes (fasting glucose), hypothyroidism (TSH and free thyroxine [T 4 ]), hypoparathyroidism (serum calcium and phosphorus), and hypocortisolism (fasting morning cortisol or cortisol response to ACTH stimulation). It is not unusual for patients with premature ovarian failure to have episodes of normal ovarian and menstrual function. Patients with premature ovarian failure require hormone therapy (estrogen and a progestin) to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Amenorrhea or Oligomenorrhea with Hyperprolactinemia And/or Galactorrhea

The principal action of prolactin is to stimulate lactation. Hypersecretion of prolactin leads to gonadal dysfunction by interrupting the secretion of GnRH, which inhibits the release of LH and FSH and thereby impairs gonadal steroidogenesis. The primary influence on prolactin secretion is tonic inhibition of dopamine input from the hypothalamus. Any event disrupting this inhibition can result in a rise in prolactin levels.

The consequences of hyperprolactinemia that are clinically significant include menstrual disturbances and/or galactorrhea. About 10% of women with amenorrhea have elevated serum prolactin levels, and serum prolactin should be measured in all cases of amenorrhea of unknown cause. Potential causes of elevated serum prolactin are noted in Box 33-1 . Normal serum prolactin levels are under 20 ng/dL, depending on the laboratory used. In patients with prolactin-secreting tumors, levels are usually above 100 ng/dL. An elevated serum prolactin level should be confirmed by a second test, preferably with the patient in the fasting state, as food ingestion may cause transient hyperprolactinemia. At the same time that the repeat prolactin level is measured, a TSH level should be obtained to test for hypothyroidism because hyperprolactinemia may be seen in patients with primary hypothyroid conditions.

Box 33-1
Causes of Elevated Prolactin

  • Pregnancy (10-fold increase from baseline)

  • Excessive exercise

  • Postprandial states

  • Stimulation of the chest wall or nipple

  • Medications

    • Metoclopramide

    • Phenothiazines

    • Butyrophenones

    • Risperidone

    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

    • Tricyclic antidepressants

    • Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

    • Verapamil

    • Reserpine

    • Methyldopa

    • Estrogens

  • Craniopharyngiomas

  • Granulomatous infiltration of the pituitary or hypothalamus

  • Acromegaly

  • Severe head trauma

  • Prolactinomas

  • Pituitary stalk compression

  • Primary hypothyroidism

  • Chronic renal failure

  • Marijuana or narcotic use

A biologically inactive complex of prolactin and immunoglobulin, called big prolactin, can produce a physiologically insignificant elevation. Hence, the presence of a clinical abnormality should initiate the decision to test for hyperprolactinemia. If clinically significant hyperprolactinemia is not explained by primary hypothyroidism or drug use, CT or MRI of the sella turcica should be performed.

Galactorrhea is the most frequently observed abnormality associated with hyperprolactinemia. The secretion of milk may occur spontaneously or only after breast manipulation. Both breasts should be examined gently by palpating the gland moving from the periphery to the nipple. To confirm galactorrhea, a smear may be prepared and examined microscopically for the presence of multiple fat droplets (indicating milk). Besides galactorrhea, hyperprolactinemia frequently causes oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea.

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