Aldosterone: History and Introduction

Early History of Aldosterone

Early Work on Adrenal Extracts

Activity of Amorphous Fraction

The first serious attempts to isolate the compound reasonable for maintaining the life of adrenalectomized animals started round about 1935 following the preparation of biologically active extracts of compounds from adrenal medulla. Several researchers developed the earlier extraction methods, and this was one of the factors vital to the eventual success in isolating relatively large amounts of aldosterone in 1953 by Reichstein. It was realized that the life maintenance tests for adrenalectomized animals under slight stress conditions favored mineralocorticoids, such as deoxycorticosterone, but under severe stress (e.g., under cold conditions) favored glucocorticoids, such as cortisol. The Ingle work test used by Kendall’s group measured chronic muscle fatigue and favored glucocorticoids. On the other hand, the Everse and de Fremery assay used by Reichstein measured the immediate response of muscle and favored mineralocorticoids. This division of corticosteroids into these classifications was arbitrary. However, as a result of the application of these tests, many corticosteroids, both “glucocorticoid” and “mineralocorticoids” were crystallized and identified, particularly by both Kendall-Mason and Reichstein before 1940.

It was realized that the amorphous fraction, remaining after the crystallization of these steroids, contained considerable mineralocorticoid activity. Kuizenga concluded that the active component in the mineralocorticoid assays was not due to the most active known mineralocorticoid, deoxycorticosterone. From the properties of the compound responsible for most of the biological activity in these early studies, it seems clear that nearly all the early investigators had preparations containing substantial amounts of aldosterone. Crystalline aldosterone was actually not obtained until 1953. The serious search for this type of active compounds in adrenal extracts started after 18 years. This delay was partially because the World War II intervened and research activity in the adrenal field was made efforts to the possible use of glucocorticoids to reduce pilot fatigue. Immediately after the war came the success of the glucocorticoids in treating certain disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and the award of the Nobel Prize for this work to the clinician Hench and the adrenal pioneers, Reichstein and Kendall.

Loss of Faith in Significance of the Amorphous Fraction

By the use of large amounts of steroids, such as cortisone, in clinical treatment, it was emerged that these glucocorticoids had effects on electrolyte metabolism as undesirable side effects. It was also realized that cortisol was secreted in amounts similar to those used in therapy from the content of adrenal venous blood in animals and from the quantity of appropriate urinary metabolites. Therefore, influential groups, such as those of Albright and Bartter, and Conn, proposed that cortisol was the “single” adrenal hormone, which could control both carbohydrate and electrolyte metabolisms. Furthermore, Bush who had paper chromatographed extracts originally stated that “I had almost convinced myself to join the ‘Unitarians’.” Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that such “Unitarian” views of those workers were reasonably based on the evidence available at that time. On the other hand, the existence of aldosterone was not certainly accepted smoothly. However, Ulick demonstrated that cortisol can be a ubiquitous single adrenal hormone when there is excessive systemic or local production of cortisol, as in Cushing’s syndrome. Even in normal subjects, cortisol contributes appreciably to the total mineralocorticoid activity.

But, there is an important difference in the physiological role of aldosterone and cortisol. The secretion of aldosterone is controlled by factors such as intake of electrolytes. Cortisol is obviously part of a different, mainly adrenocorticotropic hormone–based system. Although, Ulick and Beck pointed out that cortisol production might increase in aldosterone deficiency and in normal subjects on a low salt intake, the physiological significance of this observation is not yet clear. In physiological situations, it is now recognized that the aldosterone is the dominant hormone as regarding to the effects on electrolyte metabolism. However, this was certainly not the view of most workers in this field around about 1950 at least as regarding to the role of active compound in the amorphous fraction.

Apart from the views of Albright and Conn, there was a widely accepted opinion that the amorphous fraction could be because of several compounds acting synergistically. There was no evidence for the actual secretion of a single active compound. In addition, several groups, including Kendall and Reichstein, had failed to isolate an appropriate active compound. The Kendall group used mild method, the Ingle work test that was not sensitive to mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone. On the other hand, Reichstein group used the Everse and de Fremery assay in which aldosterone is strongly active. Unfortunately, Reichstein also used alumina columns for isolating steroids. It was necessary first to acetylate steroids with an α-ketol side chain to prevent their destruction. At that time, all the known 21 acetyl derivatives of steroids were found to be nearly as biologically active as the corresponding free compound, so this phenomenon was not usually a problem. But, under the same conditions of acetylation, 18,21-diacetate of aldosterone was formed, and this is relatively inactive in the usual bioassays. This unexpected phenomenon markedly delayed the isolation of the hormone by Reichstein.

Direct Electrolyte Assays

In the 1940s, various groups still have believed in the existence of an active mineralocorticoid with direct method of the action of steroid hormones on electrolyte metabolism. All these methods had greater convenience and sensitivity than those of the traditional bioassay methods, such as the Everse and de Fremery test. Simpson and Tait devised a bioassay that measured the effects of steroids on urinary 24 Na/ 42 K of adrenalectomized rats after injection of tracer amounts of the radioactive isotopes. After loading with electrolytes, it was found that steroids, such as cortisol, caused an increase in the urinary 24 Na/ 42 K ratio, whereas deoxycorticosterone and aldosterone always lowered this ratio.

Studies on Adrenal Extract Using the 24 Na/ 42 K Assay and Paper Chromatography

This 24 Na/ 42 K assay showed that Allen and Hanbury’s adrenal extract was very active, and this could not be simply because of the content of deoxycorticosterone or any other known steroid. However, this was no real advance on the conclusions of the earlier workers on the high activity of adrenal extract and could have been explained by synergistic actions between the known steroids. Therefore, the extract was fractionated by paper chromatography by the Zaffaroni method that used propylene glycol–toluene. However, because of its low potency in the 24 Na/ 42 K assay, cortisone could not directly account for the activity. More directly, overrunning the Zaffaroni system resulted in the complete separation of active compound from cortisone. Later, the use of the Bush B5 paper chromatographic system (aqueous methanol:benzene) resulted in the rapid separation of the active compound from cortisone and cortisol. These results definitely eliminated the possibility that the biological activity could be due to synergism between known steroids and strongly indicated that it was due to a single compound (then named electrocortin, later aldosterone).

Discovery of Electrocortin (Aldosterone) as a Hormone

It still remained to be demonstrated that electrocortin was secreted by mammalian adrenal gland. Bush had found that there was a marked species difference in the secretion of adrenal gland, particularly in the ratio of secreted cortisol to corticosterone. However, he was unable to identify the active compound from the amorphous fraction by paper chromatography, as he did not have a suitable bioassay. The active material in the 24 Na/ 42 K assay from the adrenal blood extracts ran at the same speed in the Bush B5 system as the electrocortin obtained from the extracts of beef adrenal gland.

Another important unique characteristic of the biological activity of electrocortin obtained from beef adrenal extracts was that it disappeared after acetylation but could be regenerated by alkali hydrolysis from a nonpolar region of Bush paper chromatograms. The active compound in the dog adrenal blood behaved in the same manner. These properties were unique and constituted proof that electrocortin was secreted by mammalian adrenal gland. Later, this was confirmed for dog and rat adrenals. Luetscher also obtained salt-retaining activity with similar properties from the more difficult starting materials of human urine. Relevant to the results of the randomized aldactone evaluation study (RALES) clinical trials, aldosterone was first crystallized from human urine obtained from two patients with congestive heart failure. Thus, electrocortin was established as a general mammalian hormone from about 1952.

Crystallization of Electrocortin (Aldosterone) and Isolation in Crystalline Form

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