Alcohol Abuse


  • Incidence in USA: 10% of Americans, incl physicians, will abuse alcohol at some point in their lives.

  • 1:5 surgical pts has some form of alcohol use disorder.

  • Third leading cause of death and disability, incl 30% of traffic fatalities.

  • Male gender and family Hx major are risk factors.

Perioperative Risks

  • Severe malnutrition as significant as ETOH-induced end-organ injury.

  • Risk of Htn, CVA, diabetes, GI disease.

  • Liver is the most severely affected organ.

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy.

  • Withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening.

Worry About

  • Concomitant use of other drugs: Amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines.

  • Affects of chronic smoking, such as COPD and emphysema.

  • Vasopressor effect of ETOH may cause Htn.

  • Acute withdrawal and delirium tremens are life-threatening complications. Symptoms caused by sympathetic stimulation can range from mild tremors to electrolyte disturbances, seizures, and death.


  • Disease characterized by addiction (compulsion and craving despite consequences) to alcohol.

  • Clinical syndromes related to direct effect of ETOH and secondary adaptive response to excess ETOH exposure.

  • ETOH rapidly absorbed and metabolized.

  • Hepatic dysfunction usually takes 10 to 15 y to develop.

  • Cirrhosis may develop after 1 or more acute episodes.


  • Unknown: Likely mutifactorial with environmental, genetic, and psychosocial components

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