Airway Management in Intensive Care Medicine

Key Points

  • Intensive care unit (ICU) patients’ airways are extremely demanding; airway-related mortality and severe morbidity may be orders of magnitude higher than in general OR practice. Difficult airway (DI) is at least twice as common. Airway intervention must be prompt and smooth: The critically ill simply do not tolerate poor airway management.

  • The ICU must have immediate access to a flexible intubation scope (at least a disposable one).

  • Head-of-the-bed signage detailing the known features of a patient’s airway is invaluable in a crisis. It should indicate whether a stoma is a tracheostomy or a laryngectomy.

  • If a patient with a neck stoma suffers respiratory deterioration, oxygen should be applied to the nose, mouth, and stoma.

  • All ventilator-dependent patients should have waveform capnography in constant use.

  • Before airway interventions, the patients should be properly preoxygenated with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).

  • All cuff leaks are partial displacement or tube herniation until proven otherwise.

  • If any respiratory deterioration occurs in an intubated/tracheostomy patient, the breathing circuit should be made as simple as possible, such as a Mapleson C circuit directly to the artificial airway. Capnography should be checked.

  • Tube exchange is fraught with danger. The use of an airway exchange catheter (AEC) should always be considered.

  • Reintubation in the ICU is associated with more complex management and higher complication rates.


Airway management has always been central to the provision of intensive care. Intensive care medicine first developed when Danish anesthesiologist Bjørn Ibsen applied his advanced airway skills and understanding of positive-pressure ventilation to the care of victims of the 1952 Copenhagen polio epidemic. His revolutionary insight was to understand that protecting the airway and ventilating patients’ lungs with positive pressure would improve outcomes. Patients were intubated, tracheostomized, and, famously, manually ventilated by medical students. Mortality plummeted from 87% to 11%, and the medical profession was delivered a new specialty, with expertise in managing the airway, its sine qua non . ,

Nearly 70 years later, airway management in intensive care medicine is again front-and-center of cutting-edge medical practice during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Leading the discussion is when and how to secure the airway of patients with acute respiratory failure to improve mortality while minimizing viral transmission to healthcare workers. It is a timely reminder that expertise in securing access to the airway is fundamental to the provision of modern advanced respiratory support.

Defining the Problem

Tracheal intubation is the most commonly performed procedure in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is associated with significant mortality and morbidity, , the incidence of which is higher in the ICU than in the operating room (OR). Nonetheless, some ICUs still manage tracheal intubation in a relatively primitive manner. , Few studies address how many ICU patients have a difficult airway (DA) and caseloads vary, but Astin and colleagues provided useful context for the intensivist: in general ICUs 4.1% of patients had been admitted to the unit for a primarily airway-related reason, and overall 6.3% were judged to have a DA. Studies quantifying airway difficulties in the ICU are also rare. Martin and colleagues reported 3423 emergency tracheal intubations performed by anesthesia residents with 60% occurring in the ICU. Difficult intubation (DI) (Cormack and Lehane [CL] grade 3 or 4, or >2 attempts) occurred in 10%, and complications were observed in 4.2% of intubations. This is approximately twice the incidence of DI seen in the OR (5.8%) and is consistent with other ICU studies reporting DI rates of 7% to 13%. , , , , Mort reported a failed intubation rate of 1 in 10 to 20 attempts outside the OR, and Jaber and colleagues reported death as a complication in 0.8% of intubation attempts in the ICU. Thus, the DA in the ICU is potentially lethal and dramatically increases the risk of life-threatening complications (51% vs 36% with non-DAs).

The Fourth National Audit Project (NAP4) of the Royal College of Anaesthetists was a nationwide, prospective observational audit conducted over 1 year in the United Kingdom (UK). , It included data from the OR, emergency department (ED), and ICU. Inclusion criteria were airway-related mortality, brain damage, emergent surgical access, ICU admission, or prolongation of ICU stay. There were 38 airway-related deaths: 16 in the OR, 4 in the ED, and 18 in the ICU. Considering the denominator values were 2.9 million anesthetics in the OR, 20,000 tracheal intubations in the ED, and 58,000 episodes of advanced respiratory support in ICU, airway-related death is approximately 58 times more common per patient in the ICU than in the OR. The rates of death or brain damage seen when DAs are encountered in the ICU were 61%, compared with 14% in the OR. This suggests airway-related mortality rate of 1 in 2700 ICU patients versus 1 in 180,000 in the OR. NAP4 assessors stated that many of these ICU deaths were avoidable and found a higher incidence of poor and mixed-quality airway care than in the OR. One crucial difference is when ICU-related airway problems occur: The UK National Reporting and Learning System ICU airway incidents database documents 18% occurring at tracheal intubation but 82% after the airway had been secured, and 25% of these contributed to mortality. Other studies and closed claims analyses are consistent, and all suggest that many of these incidents are preventable. An updated analysis from 2019 of the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project demonstrated that 76% of cases had at least one predictor of DI, and 41% had at least two.

Why Is ICU Airway Management So Hazardous?

Common to all reports that evaluate ICU airway management is failed tracheal intubation, delayed recognition of esophageal intubation, training deficiencies, poor communication, and poor judgment (late recognition of evolving crises and slow escalation strategies). Institutional preparedness is often poor (e.g., inconsistent equipment provision, meager supervision of residents, or few local algorithms). The commonalities can be distilled into failure to evaluate and plan for the DA and failure to recognize and rescue the failed airway. There are repeated problems relating to displaced airways, particularly in obese patients and on patient movement or transfer. Often, patients with a DA are not recognized, and even when potential problems are identified early, coherent plans to manage crises are not formulated, including proper equipment and expertise being immediately available in the ICU. When difficulty arises, rescue techniques fail more frequently in the ICU than in other clinical settings. ,

There are several reasons why the ICU is associated with such high risks. ICU patients are physiologically compromised, having significant ventilation/perfusion (V˙/Q˙) abnormalities and lower functional residual capacities (FRCs), which renders preoxygenation less effective and leads to reduced or nonexistent tolerance of apnea. Patients are frequently not fasted or have delayed gastric emptying. Patients are hemodynamically compromised, with exaggerated physiological responses to vasodilation from induction agents and the hemodynamic consequences of the transition to positive-pressure ventilation, especially in the setting of right ventricular strain. Severe metabolic acidosis means apnea and rising carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) levels are poorly tolerated. Intubation in the ICU is often urgent, with little time for assessment or preparation, and minimally conscious or unconscious patients prohibit intubation options that are available in awake and cooperative patients. Apnea and hypercarbia are detrimental in patients with raised intracranial pressure (ICP). Airway assessment in the critically ill is problematic, so difficulty is often unanticipated. These issues are collectively referred to as “the physiologically difficult airway.”

Furthermore, ICU patients may have artificial airways in situ for days or months and are cared for by staff whose expertise is not primarily airway management. Patients’ airways are manipulated by these staff during oral hygiene and insertion of feeding tubes or other devices. They are positioned prone and transferred to remote areas of the hospital, during which artificial airways are extremely vulnerable to displacement. Often, critically ill patients are agitated and liable to self-extubate. Although sedation holds are vital to optimal ventilation, , they may lead to self-extubation. The fluid status of critically ill patients is problematic as well; patients can be hemodynamically compromised and may poorly tolerate sedatives and raised intrathoracic pressure, or may have significantly positive fluid balances with generalized edema, including of the airway, especially if prone ventilation is used. Even normal patients become difficult in such circumstances. ,

In the ICU, access to the patient is challenging. Beds rather than operating tables, poor lighting, and lack of space make intervention difficult. , A commonly used approach during failed management in the OR is simply to allow the patient to awaken, but when intubation is indicated for respiratory, cardiovascular, or neurologic failure, this is not an option. Airway rescue with supraglottic airway devices (SGAs) and invasive access, especially needle cricothyrotomy, fails more commonly in the ICU. ICU equipment is often different from that in other areas of the hospital and deficient in important ways. The most striking of the NAP4 practice deficiencies, and one also seen around the world, is the poor use and understanding of capnography in the ICU. , Although the availability of life-saving airway devices is crucial, this should be team appropriate. Simply providing a plethora of devices reveals that unit leaders have failed to agree on how airways should be managed and have no clear strategies developed. Additionally, this paradox of choice hampers team performance because expertise can only be achieved in a relatively small number of techniques. Airway equipment should be purchased with the least experienced user in mind. ,

Airway-related problems in the ICU occur after hours more commonly than in the OR (46% vs 31%). When difficulty with airway management arises, senior medical help or experienced airway surgeons are not available to help residents; some of the residents interviewed following NAP4 incidents did not recognize terms such as backward, upward, rightward pressure (BURP) or Combitube , revealing a lack of basic airway knowledge. The expertise of the doctors is important. , Joffe and colleagues conducted a national survey of airway training in US internal medicine ICU fellowships, and only 58% had a designated program. Actual experience varied markedly: Before graduation, 67% of fellows reported performing less than 50 direct laryngoscopies (DLs), 73% had used an SGA fewer than 10 times, 60% had used an intubating stylet fewer than 25 times, and 73% had used video-assisted laryngoscopy (VAL) fewer than 30 times. An SGA learning curve is more than 15 uses. Minimal competence in many other techniques is achieved with perhaps 30 to 60 uses, and expertise with more than 100 uses. , This problem is global. , , Only two-thirds of ICUs in the UK have a resident in possession of the initial assessments of airway competency, equivalent to 3 months of dedicated airway training, and in only 27% of ICUs had the resident received specific training in how to manage a displaced airway. In 72% of Australian ICUs, the night doctor is not required to have prior anesthetic or airway training; in 97% of them, the senior airway doctor at night is either not stationed in the unit or may have duties elsewhere. Only 15% of the Australian units have a doctor who is present in the hospital overnight, who does not have other clinical commitments, and always has formal airway training. The skill set of ICU doctors is rarely specified: For instance, the US Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education simply states that a fellow in an internal medicine critical care fellowship “must demonstrate competence in airway management” but does not define this, specify a target number of procedures, or describe methods for formal competency assessment.

Evidence-Based Improvements

Evidence suggests that training and experience in airway management are likely the most important factors for improving airway-related outcomes in the ICU. A study with data from 22 of the 24 ICUs in Scotland suggested that airway care led by experienced practitioners can result in higher first-attempt tracheal intubation success rates (90% vs 63%–75%) and lower complication rates than in many other studies. , , , , In this study, 74% of ICU physicians had more than 24 months of anesthesia training, and only 10% had fewer than 6 months of such training (all but one of the novice tracheal intubations were supervised by a senior). Success rate in tracheal intubation was related to duration of anesthesia training ( p < 0.001). In contrast, Griesdale did not demonstrate improved outcomes with experts rather than nonexperts, but in this study, 92% of nonexperts were immediately supervised by experts: The impact of a lack of expertise was therefore unclear, other than to confirm that nonexperts need significantly more attempts to achieve tracheal intubation, and more than two attempts is associated with more severe complications. Tellingly, Jaber and colleagues found that the presence of two operators (a junior and a senior) was protective against tracheal intubation complications in the ICU. , De Jong and colleagues reported that most studies are inadequately powered to analyze the effect of operator experience and that 24 months of anesthesia training was significantly associated with a lower incidence of DI. However, experience is not always protective. A 2018 study of patients intubated in the ICU within 30 days of an elective operation found that, despite being intubated by the same anesthesiologists, there was worsened glottic visualization, an 8% lower first-attempt success, a 7% increase in moderate or difficult intubation (16% overall), and a 31% increase in complications when intubated in the ICU.

Nontechnical factors are extremely important for DA-related outcomes. Pathologic thought processes occur during airway crises—practitioners overanalyze the situation, become task-fixated on tube placement, and neglect rescue oxygenation. An idealized, as opposed to pragmatic, solution is sought by the practitioner, which leads to delay and perseveration; the operator’s appreciation of how urgently they must deal with the situation fails. A loss of situational awareness means timely progression through airway algorithms slows or stops. This is especially true in the ICU, where high-risk physiologic derangements and the emergent need to secure an airway simply overload even experienced practitioners’ cognitive strategies. Crisis management can be taught and improved. Although there are similarities between OR and ICU airway management, there are sufficiently important differences to justify ICU-specific guidelines, as there are in obstetric and pediatric anesthesia practices.

There is no single innovation that can mitigate these risks. Like all demanding areas of human activity, performance is improved by the aggregation of marginal gains—achieving small improvements in every element of the task, whether relating to individuals, teams, or institutions. Quality improvement initiatives incorporating many of the following components discernibly improve performance metrics , : the use of intubation bundles to minimize procedural difficulty (e.g., checklists, standards of practice), optimizing human factors, adequate training and supervision, continuous waveform capnography, sound assessment and backup planning, using appropriate equipment with which the team is familiar and practiced, immediate availability of appropriate rescue devices, deploying the most appropriate rescue techniques when faced with difficulty, attention to detail once the airway has been secured, and carefully planned extubation.

Noninvasive Ventilation

Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) includes continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) applied via full face mask, nasal mask, or helmet. It is used to manage various types of respiratory failure, manage obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and preoxygenate patients before tracheal intubation. A full description of NIPPV is beyond the scope of this chapter (see Chapter 18 ), but intensivists must be familiar with the implications NIPPV has for upper airway management. Important contraindications to NIPPV are listed in Box 43.1 .

Box 43.1
Important Contraindications to Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation

Airway-Related Contraindications Nonairway-Related Contraindications
Upper airway obstruction Respiratory arrest
Low level of consciousness (CO 2 narcosis) Agitated or uncooperative patient
Excessive secretions Untrained staff
Unacceptable seal/leak with mask Hemodynamic instability (shock)
Inability to protect airway Uncontrolled cardiac ischemia/arrhythmia
Impaired swallow Upper GI bleeding
Recent upper GI or airway surgery Significant metabolic acidosis
Trauma: epistaxis, facial/skull fracture, pneumothorax/pneumomediastinum Multiorgan failure
GI, Gastrointestinal.

High-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) has evolved as an alternative noninvasive oxygen therapy for acute respiratory failure. High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) provide a flow-dependent increase in end-expiratory lung volume, which reduces atelectasis and increases oxygenation through this positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)-like effect. HFNO also reduces arterial carbon dioxide tension (Paco 2 ) through dead space clearance, which decreases inspiratory effort and reduces work of breathing (WOB). ,

Indication-Specific Points Relevant to Airway Management

Noninvasive Strategies Used to Avoid Tracheal Intubation

Avoiding tracheal intubation is associated with reduced mortality rates in hypercarbic and hypoxemic respiratory failure. Invasive ventilation is associated with myopathy, as a result of continuous intravenous (IV) sedation, and nosocomial pneumonia. NIPPV reduces the risk of these adverse outcomes. NIPPV with a full-face mask is usually preferable to a nasal interface because of the oral leak, and NIPPV by helmet interface may yield the best outcomes.

For patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, both HFNO and NIPPV may be beneficial for avoiding intubation. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis showed that noninvasive respiratory strategies reduce the need for intubation and mortality, but the benefits are skewed heavily by helmet NIPPV, and comparisons show no difference between NIPPV by face mask and by HFNC. Two other systematic reviews and meta-analyses have recently compared HFNO and NIPPV, and both found that HFNO was associated with a significant reduction in intubation rate compared to conventional oxygen, but not compared to NIPPV. , However, a subgroup analysis showed that HFNO was associated with a lower intubation rate than NIPPV in patients with an arterial oxygen tension to fraction of inspired oxygen (Pao 2 / Fio 2 [P/F]) ratio <150, but not in patients with higher P/F ratios.

Noninvasive Strategies Following Extubation

Prophylactic NIPPV or HFNO may help prevent postextubation respiratory failure and may decrease ICU mortality. There is no clear evidence to support one strategy over the other, but there are logistical and patient comfort advantages to extubation to HFNO. However, extubation failure leads to worse outcomes and early reintubation should not be delayed. ,

Patients Who Fail Noninvasive Strategies: Implications for Intubation

In patients with respiratory failure, NIPPV reduces the risk of requiring intubation, but when NIPPV fails, the risk of death is increased. The source of this increased mortality is the delay in tracheal intubation, cardiorespiratory stress, patient self-inflicted lung injury, as well as the complications associated with emergent tracheal intubation. , , , The increased risk of mortality with failure of HFNO does not appear to be the same, suggesting that NIPPV may be intrinsically injurious through patient self-inflicted lung injury. , The physiologic ramifications of delayed intubation may make complications of tracheal intubation more likely or more severe. Mosier and colleagues studied patients intubated after failed NIPPV and compared composite airway outcomes (hypoxemia, hypotension, and aspiration) with patients who were similarly intubated but had no prior NIPPV. A propensity-adjusted model for factors affecting the decision to use NIPPV showed an adjusted odds ratio for a complication of intubation in patients failing NIPPV of 2.20 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.14–4.25). Furthermore, when one of these complications occurred, the odds ratio of death in the ICU was 1.79 (1.03–3.12). There was no difference in the incidence of DI or number of attempts, and all tracheal intubations were supervised by an experienced senior. Certainly, the decision regarding timing of intubation when NIPPV fails is of vital importance. As patients receiving a trial of NIPPV fail, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypoxemia, acidosis, agitation, poor mask tolerance, loss of consciousness, and hemodynamic instability develop. If these become apparent by 1 to 2 hours after NIPPV is initiated, then even worse deterioration should be avoided by prompt intubation. This is especially true when the indication for NIPPV was weak in the first place: for instance, pneumonia or hypoxemic respiratory failure. For patients on HFNO, a ROX index (ratio of oxygen saturation [Spo 2 ]/ Fio 2 to respiratory rate) <4.88 at 2, 6, and 12 hours is an accurate predictor of patients who will likely fail and require intubation.

Tracheal Intubation


It is advantageous to identify DA patients to avoid prolonged, complicated, unanticipated DA management and to facilitate better planning. Within the anesthetic literature, prediction of difficulty is credited with a reduction in mortality and morbidity, but this is not certain. Standard airway assessments all suffer from variably poor sensitivity and poor-to-moderate specificity and translate only partially to the critical care arena. , Emergent ICU intubation usually precludes detailed imaging investigation. A common approach in emergency patients is the LEMON (look, evaluate, Mallampati, obstruction, neck mobility) mnemonic. , Of the “look” criteria, Reed and colleagues found that only large incisors, reduced inter-incisor gap, and reduced thyrohyoid distance were associated with DI. Reduced thyromental distance, obstruction, and Mallampati score trended to significance. Only 57% of subjects in this study were suitable for Mallampati scoring. Similarly, Levitan found that only 32% of ED patients could follow simple commands (needed to perform Mallampati) while also not having cervical spine protection in place (permitting a cervical spine mobility assessment). However, Levitan and colleagues used the classic Mallampati assessment with the patient sitting up, opening the mouth fully, and maximally protruding the tongue, although it can be scored in the supine position in cooperative patients. They questioned LEMON’s utility because, even if it was able to better guide practitioners, few options for management other than rapid sequence intubation (RSI) or primary surgical airway exist in the ED. They stated that awake intubation has almost no role in uncooperative patients, those needing immediate intubation, or those with secretions, blood, or vomit in the airway.

Importantly, De Jong and colleagues developed the only ICU-specific assessment tool: The MACOCHA score ( Table 43.1 ). It is a seven-item assessment with ICU-specific risk factors for DI. A score of 3 or greater is recommended as the cutoff value. Its discriminant value is high. The MACOCHA predictive score includes two ICU-specific criteria: hypoxemia and coma before intervention. These are important because hypoxia permits less time for preparation, leads to quicker desaturation, and may increase operator stress; coma makes assessment more difficult and is associated with greater laryngeal contamination. Uniquely, MACOCHA scores operator experience: specifically, anesthesia training of at least 24 months. MACOCHA makes it explicit that OSA, rather than obesity per se, causes DAs. , The Mallampati score in this study was determined in the recumbent position and obtained in 77% of subjects. The best predictor of a DA is documentary evidence of previous difficulty, but documentation is typically poor. If a history is suggestive of upper airway obstruction, flexible nasal endoscopy is a valuable tool. Even when a DI is not predicted, unanticipated difficulty is still possible. Predictors of difficult mask ventilation (DVM) and SGA ventilation have been described but not validated in the ICU setting.

TABLE 43.1
Factors Points
Factors related to patient
Mallampati score III or IV 5
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 2
Reduced mobility of cervical spine 1
Limited mouth opening <3 cm
Factors related to pathology
Coma 1
Severe hypoxemia (<80%)
Factor related to operator
Non-anesthesiologist 1
Total 12
MOCOCHA , Mallampati score III or IV, apnea syndrome (obstructive), cervical spine limitation, opening mouth smaller than 3 cm, coma, hypoxia, anesthesiologist nontrained.
Coded from 0 to 12: 0 = easy; 12 = very difficult.

Awake Intubation

Awake intubation is regarded as the gold standard for management of the DA, and there is certainly a place for it in the ICU. Advantages include maintaining airway patency and spontaneous ventilation. Awake intubation includes flexible scope intubation (FSI), VAL, tracheostomy, cricothyrotomy, retrograde intubation, and intubation via an SGA. Combined upper and lower respiratory tract pathology renders ICU patients with DAs particularly challenging. , , , , Contraindications to awake intubation in the ICU include noncooperative patient, inexperienced operator, need for immediate intubation, absolute refusal by patient, raised ICP, and dependency on NIPPV (although HFNO may significantly mitigate this contraindication).

Some patients have physiologic abnormalities that make RSI risky because of limited or no safe apnea time. These patients, usually suffering refractory hypoxemia, have reduced FRC, as well as high shunt fractions that create conditions unsuitable for maintaining hemoglobin saturation during apnea. In these patients, awake intubation can sometimes be advantageous to maintain spontaneous breathing if oxygen saturation is adequate using HFNO until they can be immediately transitioned to positive pressure ventilation. , No definitive studies favor awake intubation or RSI. Some authorities believe PEEP dependency prior to intubation favors RSI, especially if postinduction bag-mask ventilation eliminates the apneic phase. Significant hemodynamic compromise before intubation may lead to cardiovascular collapse with adequate doses of induction agents: Awake techniques should be considered.

Awake Intubation: Technique

Several airway management techniques can be used for awake intubation; practitioners should use the technique with which they are most familiar (see Chapter 13 ). Some tips that are particularly useful in the ICU setting include (1) HFNO (e.g., Optiflow, Vapotherm) is useful to maintain Sp o 2 during awake intubation and pneumatically splint the airway open to some extent; (2) performing awake intubation in a sitting, upright position optimizes FRC, tidal volume, and patient comfort and reduces the risk of aspiration; and (3) sedation should be just sufficient to ensure cooperation—amnesia is not required. Opioid sedation is commonplace; remifentanil is easily titratable and fully reversible with naloxone. Dexmedetomidine, propofol, midazolam, and ketamine are also widely used.

Awake intubation in the ICU should always have a backup plan in place. If the intubation fails, it can be rescued by a more experienced operator or an alternative technique. Occasionally in the ICU, time pressure, lack of immediate assistance, and lack of patient cooperation mean that one must proceed with intubation after induction of anesthesia. However, preparations should be made for rescue oxygenation and immediate surgical airway if this fails.

Routine Awake Intubation for ICU Patients

Some authorities recommend that awake intubation should be used for all ICU patients, especially when airway management is performed by novices. This does not refer solely to FSI for a predicted DA but rather to simply topicalizing the airway and using standard laryngoscopy. Some ICU patients will accept this procedure under topical anesthesia alone, relying on the sedative effects of critical illness, sepsis, hypotension, hypoxemia, and hypercarbia. However, critically ill patients should be intubated well before they reach the perilous physiologic state whereby they can be intubated under rapidly applied (incomplete) topicalization alone. In addition, borderline respiratory status can easily deteriorate even with gentle intubation attempts (because of laryngospasm, vomiting, trauma, and/or complete loss of the airway) or with small amounts of sedation. The hypertension and tachycardia associated with awake intubation can cause cardiac ischemia. Indeed, in the ICU, the frequency of RSI is inversely related to the incidence of DIs. , Adoption of RSI by anesthesiologists and ED practitioners has improved success rates and reduced complications for emergency intubation and therefore is recommended in the ICU, where it has also shown an increase in first-pass success and a reduction in complications. , ,

Intubation Care Bundle

No single intervention can improve airway safety in the ICU, and so care bundles are required. Jaber and colleagues demonstrated that implementation of a 10-component bundle reduced life-threatening complications compared with controls. The incidence of Sp o 2 less than 80% reduced from 25% to 10% using the bundle, as did hypotension (defined as systolic blood pressure [SBP] <65 mm Hg) from 26% to 15%. The incidence of esophageal intubation did not decrease, but the incidence of esophageal intubation with hypoxia reduced from 50% to 0%. The protocol, specifically aimed at reducing airway-related complications, included five evidence-based elements: the use of NIPPV, , the presence of two operators, RSI, capnography, and protective ventilation; plus five elements that were regarded as good practice based on experience: fluid loading in absence of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, preparation of long-term sedation, use of the Sellick maneuver, norepinephrine for diastolic hypotension, and prompt initiation long-term sedation. Which individual components resulted in improvement is open to question. Marshall and Mehra demonstrated that cognitive aids and checklists improve team performance and help clinicians complete tasks without freezing or panicking. Importantly, the checklist should cover all the areas that must be addressed prior to induction—namely, preparation of the patient, preparation of all equipment/medications that might be required, and preparation of the whole intubation team rather than just the operator. In addition, the checklist guides the team in how to verbalize preparation for DI, if it arises. 68 A recent pragmatic trial by Janz and colleagues showed that a checklist prior to intubation did not improve outcomes. We advocate for using a bundle, which is proposed in Box 43.2 and borrows from Jaber’s work. This approach is amenable to simulation training and checklist-style deployment, which should be embedded into ongoing training. , ,

Box 43.2
Intensive Care Unit Rapid Sequence Intubation Care Bundle

1.Preintubation: assemble airway team Who?
Lead nurse (runs preprocedure checklist): team coordinator N1
1st operator (physician) O1
2nd operator (senior physician who may administer initial drugs) O2
Cricoid operator (staff nurse; also monitors vital signs on monitor) N2
Intubator’s assistant (second staff nurse) N3
Manual in-line stabilization operator (additional team member, as appropriate) M1
2. Preintubation preparation
Checklist commences (lead by N1 with all team present) N1/O2
This must be read aloud to entire team
2.1Reliable intravenous access; time for arterial line? O1/O2
2.2Turn on capnography (EtCO 2 ); ensure self-check has completed before induction N1/O1
2.3Apply full monitoring, if not already N2/N3
2.4Sit patient to 20- to 25-degree head up or ramp as appropriate (unless contraindicated) N2/N3
2.5Chart/bedhead signage/handover communication reviewed: DA or allergy? O1/TEAM
2.6Assess airway O1/O2
2.7Aspirate gastric tube N2/N3
2.8Administer oxygen via nasal cannula N2/N3
2.9Start preoxygenation with NIPPV N1/N2/N3
( Fio 2 = 1.0; PEEP = 5–8 cm H 2 O; PS to V T of 6–8 mL/kg; good mask fit)
2.10Commence 500-mL fluid bolus (unless contraindicated); optimize inotropes O1/O2
2.11Confirm Waters circuit or Ambu bag available for bag-valve-mask ventilation N1
2.12Yankauer suction working N1
2.13Ensure intubation cart with difficult airway equipment is at bedside N1/O1
If flexible bronchoscope is not on cart, is it immediately available?
2.14Prepare intubation drugs: hypnotic, relaxant, atropine, bolus pressor/inotrope O2/O1
2.15Prepare continuous sedation drugs N2/N3
2.16Confirm sugammadex 16 mg/kg immediately available, if appropriate N1/TEAM
2.17DECISION: If intubation fails, can patient be woken up? O2
3. Verbal confirmations
Team coordinator asks:
3.1Operator 2 states intubation plan O2
3.2Does anyone have any concerns? Opportunity for team to clarify plan TEAM
3.3Has patient been preoxygenated for 3 minutes? O1
3.4EtCO 2 working? O1
3.5EtO 2 >0.9 O2
3.6Can patient be optimized further before induction? O2
Team coordinator states checklist complete N1
4. Intubation attempt
4.1Optimize head neck: sniffing position with face parallel to ceiling if possible O1/O2
4.2Push induction drugs O2
Ketamine 2 mg/kg, rocuronium 1.2 mg/kg
No contraindication to succinylcholine, if used
4.3Cricoid pressure N2
4.4As face mask removed, ensure nasal cannula flow 15 L per minute N3
4.5Bag ventilation O1
4.6Intubation O1
4.7Confirm intubation with waveform EtCO 2 O1/O2
4.8Auscultate both lungs O1/O2
4.9Cuff pressure 20 to 25 cm H 2 O N2
5. Postintubation care
5.1Pressor for MAP <70 mm Hg O1/O2
5.2Initiate sedation N2
5.3Initiate invasive ventilation: N2
V T 6–8 mL/kg ideal body weight; PEEP 5 cm H 2 O; RR 10–20;
Fio 2 1.0; Plateau pressure <30 cm H 2 O, as appropriate
5.4Recruitment maneuver if stable (CPAP 30 to 40 cm H 2 O for 30 to 40 seconds) O2
5.5Chest radiograph and annotate intubation details in medical record O1/O2
5.6Note tube depth on chart N2
5.7Arterial blood gas N2
5.8Titrate Fio 2 down to target Pa o 2 and V E to target Pa co 2 N2
5.9Complete intubation audit documentation N1/O2
CPAP , Continuous positive airway pressure; DA , difficult airway; EtCO 2 , end-tidal carbon dioxide; EtO 2 , end-tidal oxygen; MAP , mean arterial blood pressure; NIPPV , noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation; PEEP , positive end-expiratory pressure; PS , pressure support; RR , respiratory rate; V E , minute ventilation; V T , tidal volume.

Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation

ICU patients are rarely fasted and often have intraabdominal pathology or functional ileus; as a result, they are at high risk of regurgitation of gastric contents and pulmonary aspiration. The definition of RSI varies, but it is a technique to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration during intubation by minimizing the time interval between drug-induced loss of intrinsic airway reflexes and restoration of airway protection using an endotracheal tube (ETT) with its cuff inflated. The adoption of RSI by anesthesiologists and emergency physicians has improved success rates for the emergency tracheal intubation and has decreased complications, with similar results in the ICU. , Critical care physicians should learn to perform and become comfortable with all aspects of RSI.

Cricoid Pressure

In the classic RSI, cricoid pressure (CP) is applied and no face-mask ventilation occurs between induction and tracheal intubation; however, gentle face-mask ventilation during CP application is acceptable and is often necessary in patients with borderline or failing pulmonary function to prolong the time to desaturation. , One recent trial showed a significant reduction in desaturation rates when mask ventilation was applied between induction and laryngoscopy. There is great controversy about whether or not CP prevents regurgitation. CP has variable, but mostly unfavorable, effects on laryngoscopic view, and prevents proper insertion of SGAs. Outcomes data with CP are lacking. A recent Cochrane review concluded that more evidence is needed, and a clinical trial in 2019 failed to show noninferiority of sham CP versus CP. However, CP is recommended by the 2018 Difficult Airway Society guidelines. If used, CP must be applied by trained staff, and if mask ventilation, laryngoscopy, or intubation is difficult (or active vomiting occurs), it should be released.

Use of Neuromuscular Blockade

RSI is part of the only intubation bundle seen to reduce complications of ICU intubation. Recent guidelines for the management of unanticipated DA are unequivocal in stating that if airway management or tracheal intubation is difficult, further attempts should not proceed without full relaxation to abolish laryngeal reflexes, increase chest compliance, and facilitate mask ventilation. , Studies of DI in the ICU have shown a high incidence of DI and low use of neuromuscular blockade. Le Tacon and colleagues also reported low levels of neuromuscular blocking drug (NMBD) use and high levels of DI; subgroup analysis of this work showed that RSI was associated with a much lower incidence of DI. NMBD use has been shown to be associated with fewer complications at emergent tracheal intubation. , , , Levitan states that, after deciding awake intubation is impractical in the uncooperative ED patient, “if difficult laryngoscopy is anticipated, it is counterintuitive to expect that attempting laryngoscopy under suboptimal conditions (without neuromuscular blockade) will succeed.” A study looking at failed intubation in the ED identified RSI as the most common way that failed awake intubation was rescued. In 1665 patients, Langeron and colleagues found that failure to use NMBDs was significantly associated with DI. Walls reviewed 8937 ED tracheal intubations and reported improved success with relaxants (97% vs 91%); complication rates were 1.7 times higher without neuromuscular blockade. The key to intubation in the ICU is the avoidance of hypotension, hypoxemia, and minimizing the number of intubation attempts. The best way to accomplish these goals is to use neuromuscular blockade. Patel reports that during the NAP4 expert case reviews, delay/avoidance in using NMBDs led to adverse outcomes. Patel opines that NMBDs usually improve mask ventilation and never worsen it, which has been corroborated in recent studies. NMBDs facilitate chin-lift, head-tilt, jaw-thrust, and mouth opening required to safely manage the airway. The risk-critical step is inducing anesthesia in the first place and not the administration of NMBDs. When apnea occurs and face-mask ventilation is difficult or fails, the point of no return has already been passed (the administration of sedatives). The solution is to rapidly optimize face-mask ventilation, SGA insertion, or tracheal intubation, all of which are improved by NMBDs. , The major risk of ICU airway management is apnea-inducing sedatives; what makes that safer and more successful is the concomitant use of NMBDs. NAP4 is unequivocal in stating that “obstruction and hypoxia should never be allowed to progress to the stage of needing emergent surgical airway access without giving a muscle relaxant”.

Facilitated Intubation: Sedation Without Relaxants

The alternative to RSI is facilitated intubation using sedation only. The strength of this technique is said to be maintenance of spontaneous respiration, and its proponents claim excellent results. Proponents argue that using NMBDs risks the ability to perform face-mask ventilation following a failed intubation and lethal hyperkalemia secondary to succinylcholine; however, the literature supports NMBDs improving mask ventilation, and modern RSI uses high-dose rocuronium. Facilitated intubation requires that spontaneous respiration is maintained; however, this technique often results in incrementally increasing doses of drugs, such as propofol, to allow tracheal intubation. This often results in hypotension and apnea/obstruction in a patient at risk of aspiration. The worst possible scenario is an unconscious, ineffectively breathing patient who is not optimized for laryngoscopy and intubation. ICU patients are usually intubated for respiratory impairment, so failed tracheal intubation results in a patient in end-stage respiratory failure who is now under the influence of powerful respiratory depressants and whose larynx has been traumatized by multiple failed tracheal intubation attempts. The patient often cannot return to a stable state; this is extremely hazardous. Gagging associated with laryngoscopy during light sedation leads to aspiration; concomitant use of topical anesthesia to the airway heightens this risk. Mayo and colleagues describe a series of ICU tracheal intubations following an extremely well-devised training scheme with 15 simulation crew resource sessions and the avoidance of relaxants. This is an exacting and rigorous regimen, yet the DI rate in this paper was still perhaps twice as high (20%) as in other ICU studies and had an 11% esophageal intubation rate and a low (62%) first-pass intubation rate.

Preintubation and Periintubation Oxygenation

Critically ill patients tolerate upper airway intervention and apnea poorly. Mort found that all ICU patients who needed three or more tracheal intubations developed hypoxemia with an Sp o 2 of less than 70%. Saturation this low risks arrhythmias, cardiovascular collapse, brain damage, cardiac arrest, and death. Severe hypoxemia complicated 26% of ICU intubation attempts in Jaber’s study, and 1.6% sustained cardiac arrest. The underlying reasons for the profound drop in Sp o 2 are a combination of intrapulmonary shunt, low mixed venous saturation (as a result of low cardiac output, anemia, and hypermetabolic states), and apnea/hypoventilation. The oxygenation maneuvers described here address these issues.

Preintubation: Preoxygenation and Positioning

Preoxygenation prolongs the safe apnea time (i.e., the time from the onset of apnea until Sp o 2 reaches 88%–90%). , Preoxygenation denitrogenates the FRC, filling it with oxygen to act as a reservoir to draw upon during apnea. The efficacy of denitrogenation can be assessed by measuring the end-tidal oxygen concentration (EtO 2 ), which represents alveolar gas. Sp o 2 and blood gas tensions are composites of cardiorespiratory interactions and cannot be used. Adequate preoxygenation is achieved at an EtO 2 more than 90%, which can be achieved with high-flow oxygen or positive-pressure ventilation through a closed circuit. ,

Desaturation to an Sp o 2 less than 85% in a typical ICU patient may occur in as little as 23 seconds. This is 25 times faster than healthy patients. , Basic preoxygenation techniques (without added PEEP) have been shown to be only marginally effective in the ICU. However, the patients in this study who were intubated for airway protection (with normal lungs) did respond to this basic preoxygenation technique, whereas the patients with advanced pulmonary disease hardly improved at all.

A tight-fitting anesthetic-type full face mask must be used for preoxygenation. Leak around the face mask is the most common source of failure of preoxygenation and is identified by loss of the EtO 2 tracing. , , , Correct mask sizing and the use of two hands reduce leaks. Anesthesia circuits are useful and can provide high flow and a good seal (although it is difficult to control PEEP levels). The combination of a high-flow rate of oxygen and a reservoir bag means that the high peak inspiratory flow rates of dyspneic patients are met without entrainment of room air and the Fio 2 approaches 1. If there is unavoidable leak, the efficacy of mask preoxygenation can be improved by applying high-flow oxygen by nasal cannula at 15 L per minute during preoxygenation. Standard nonrebreather face masks only achieve Fio 2 of 70% and should not be used if possible; increasing the oxygen flow rate through the nonrebreather mask to “flush rate” has been shown to be as effective as preoxygenation with a face mask. , If the Sp o 2 remains low after 4 minutes of preoxygenation, this is diagnostic of intrapulmonary shunt, which can be highly refractory to simple preoxygenation when the shunt fraction is >30%. , ,

More advanced methods of preoxygenation are required in these patients with moderate to severe hypoxemia. , HFNO and positive pressure using either CPAP or NIPPV are both effective options. Alveoli can be recruited using positive pressure; PEEP of 5 to 10 cm H 2 O is used. Computed tomography studies show that PEEP of 10 cm H 2 O during preoxygenation reduces atelectasis from 10% to 2%. NIPPV and CPAP can help prevent the absorption atelectasis that results from breathing 100% oxygen. Ensuring that peak inspiratory pressure remains below that which would overcome the esophageal sphincter pressure (20 to 25 cm H 2 O) avoids gastric distension. Baillard’s preoxygenation regimen includes PEEP of 5 cm H 2 O and pressure support adjusted to a tidal volume of 7 to 10 mL/kg for 3 minutes. In volume replete patients, there are few cardiovascular or gastric distension side effects, although these can occur. HFNO provides a flow-dependent increase in end-expiratory volume, which provides a PEEP-like effect, can recruit alveoli, and can be left in place for apneic oxygenation during laryngoscopy.

The literature on HFNO vs NIPPV is mixed; however, heterogeneity across the studies and arbitrary saturation cutoffs make an overall assessment difficult. HFNO prevents or limits the incidence and depth of desaturation and prolongs safe apnea time compared to simple face-mask preoxygenation in most studies. , However, in patients with more severe hypoxemia, NIPPV for preoxygenation has shown the best outcomes in preventing desaturation, , although HFNO can be left in place for apneic oxygenation and perhaps can limit the depth of desaturation.

The supine position facilitates dorsal lung collapse, which is more pronounced in ICU patients but is ameliorated when sitting head up. Baillard used the semi-sitting position, which makes laryngoscopy easier, , consistent with ramping. In spinal trauma, 20-degree reverse Trendelenburg can alternatively be used if the patient is hemodynamically stable.

In patients with refractory hypoxemia, some experts support that maintaining spontaneous breathing with HFNO during intubation may be the safest option to prevent rapid increase in V˙/Q˙ mismatch, rapid desaturation, and cardiac arrest. However, in the absence of definitive evidence, others maintain that if significant PEEP-dependency has already been established, replacing it with only HFNO prior to intubation may precipitate abrupt desaturation and RSI is indicated.

Apneic Period: Intermittent Face-Mask Ventilation

Intermittent face-mask ventilation with PEEP can be used while waiting for onset of neuromuscular blockade to stabilize open lung units and prolong the safe apnea time. , It also helps control Pa co 2 in patients with brain injury and elevated ICP. Peak inflation pressures should be kept low, and an oropharyngeal airway should be used to minimize gastric insufflation. Aggressive face-mask ventilation with high rates and tidal volumes can lead to gastric regurgitation; it also causes hypotension in patients with shock, COPD, or asthma because of an abrupt drop in venous return. A gentle approach using low-rate, low-volume, and low peak-inspiratory pressure, but with PEEP, is well tolerated. A recent clinical trial demonstrated a significant reduction in desaturation rates with mask ventilation between induction and laryngoscopy in critically ill patients at low risk of aspiration. If mask ventilation is not used, it is important to keep the source of oxygen used for preoxygenation in place until the patient is fully apneic, as any spontaneous breaths in the absence of oxygen results in rapid loss of the oxygen reserve.

Apneic Period: Apneic Oxygenation Using Nasal Cannula

The standard nasal cannula provides limited supplemental oxygen to a spontaneously breathing patient, but apnea permits the pharynx to fill with a high Fio 2 ; at 15 L per minute, the Fio 2 in the hypopharynx of an apneic patient can reach close to 100%, allowing for apneic oxygenation during airway management. , The nasal cannula can be placed under the face mask during preoxygenation and remains on during tracheal intubation. Apneic oxygenation requires a patent airway for tracheal entrainment to occur. In obese patients, Ramachandran and colleagues found that using HFNC led to a longer time to desaturation, from 3.5 to 5.3 minutes. Patel and Nouraei described conducting entire surgical procedures using 70 L per minute flows from commercially available devices in healthy patients. The only clinical trial of apneic oxygenation in critically ill patients failed to show a benefit ; however, there are significant limitations to the available studies. The balance of evidence suggests that HFNO, when left in place for apneic oxygenation, prevents the incidence and depth of desaturation. In critically ill patients with high degrees of shunting (>40% shunt fraction), apneic oxygenation alone is unlikely to be sufficient, although it is still useful in animal models at shunt fractions of 25%,. Apneic oxygenation is not a recruitment technique; if desaturation occurs, bag-mask ventilation is required. If the face-mask seal is impaired by the cannula, the HFNC may need to be removed.

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