Ablation of Posteroseptal Accessory Pathways

Key Points

  • Posteroseptal accessory pathways (APs) are not true septal pathways but are located in the complex inferior pyramidal space involving the right atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, left atrium, and coronary sinus and its branches.

  • Mapping often needs to be performed in multiple regions including the septal tricuspid annulus, septal mitral annulus, proximal coronary sinus, and normal and abnormal branches of the coronary sinus including the middle cardiac vein, posterior cardiac vein, and possibly coronary sinus diverticula.

  • Targets for catheter ablation are similar to other APs including anterograde or retrograde AP potentials, earliest local ventricular activation during preexcited rhythm, early atrial activation during orthodromic atrioventricular (AV) reentrant tachycardia —or possibly during ventricular pacing—but may also include coronary sinus muscular extension potentials analogous to AP potentials for these epicardial accessory connections.

  • Equipment potentially needed for these mapping and ablation procedures include precurved or deflectable sheaths for positioning along the tricuspid annulus, equipment for trans-septal puncture possibly including intracardiac echocardiography, transseptal needles and sheaths and guidewires, preformed or deflectable sheaths for transseptal access, balloon occlusion angiographic catheters for coronary sinus venography, 4-mm-tip or irrigated radiofrequency catheters, or possibly cryoablation catheters for ablation adjacent to coronary arteries.

  • Potential challenges include the very complex anatomic relationships, adjacent AV conduction system, the need for mapping along the tricuspid valve, mitral valve, and coronary sinus in many procedures before selecting an ablation target, oblique AP angulation as in other regions, abnormal anatomy such as coronary sinus diverticula, and proximity to the coronary artery branches such as the right coronary artery or AV nodal artery.

  • The declining volume of AP ablations and the almost universal relationship of volume and outcomes emphasizes the importance of solid grounding in AP ablation during electrophysiologic training and maximizing the learning from these scarcer cases.

JPD reports the following relationships with industry: (1) Research grants to Duke University from Biosense-Webster, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Gilead (all are >10,000 USD); (2) Honoraria for lectures, advisory board, or consultation from: ARCA Biopharma, Biosense-Webster, Biotronik, Boston Scientific, Cardiofocus, Gilead, Medtronic, Orexigen, St. Jude, Spectranetics, and Vytronus (all are <15,000 USD); (3) Fellowship support to Duke University provided by: Biosense-Webster, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, and St. Jude (all are >10,000 USD).


Accessory pathways (APs) are located around the tricuspid or mitral atrioventricular (AV) valves with the exception of the aorto-mitral continuity in the left anterior septal aspect of the heart. Posteroseptal APs are the second most common variety of AV connection encountered clinically after left free wall APs. In general, they exhibit somewhat negative delta waves in the frontal plane electrocardiogram (ECG) leads and an early transition on the precordium (often in V 2 ). Neighbors of the posterior septal AP include left posterior free wall APs along the mitral annulus (MA), true midseptal APs along the tricuspid annulus (TA), and right posterior APs along the TA. Posteroseptal APs exhibit very complex anatomy consisting of several subtypes. Although the term posteroseptal is firmly entrenched in the electrophysiologic vocabulary, cardiac anatomists have long protested that these pathways are not truly septal in location. Furthermore from a true anatomic perspective, this region could be considered inferior rather than posterior. As opposed to most left free wall APs, which anatomically lie epicardial to a well-defined annulus fibrosis, tricuspid and posteroseptal APs lack the same robust annulus fibrosis as shown in Fig. 24.1 . Like other APs, they are now understood to course obliquely across the AV annulus rather than transversely, and this is appreciated in Fig. 24.1 with the atrial ventricular aspects of the AP residing in different sections ( A and C , respectively). Fig. 24.2A illustrates relevant right atrial endocardial anatomic relationships of posterior septal APs. The triangle of Koch is defined by the tendon of Todaro (TT), the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, and the coronary sinus (CS) orifice (see Fig. 24.2A ). The His bundle resides in the apex near the central fibrous body ( asterisk ) and the compact AV node outlined in yellow according to its typical location. Posterior septal pathways lie inferior (termed somewhat inaccurately as posterior) to the roof of the CS or within the CS ostium or proximal extent (about 2 cm), or along the posterior (inferior) septal aspect of the MA. It can easily be appreciated that these pathways are challenging in view of their proximity to the normal conduction system. Moreover, differentiating atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) caused by a posteroseptal AP from AV node reentry, wherein the earliest A can be mapped to a very similar area, may pose additional challenges. Patients, especially those with congenital anomalies, exhibit considerable variation in Koch’s triangle and location of the AV node. Fig. 24.2B illustrates this variation with a large CS orifice and small triangle of Koch. Fig. 24.2C–E further shows sections through the septal region demonstrating the AV node giving rise to the bundle of His and the relationships of the AV nodal artery. Because the TA lies slightly more apical than the MA and the interatrial septum slightly leftward to the interventricular septum, one must recall that the right atrium is anatomically juxtaposed with the left ventricle (LV) in this region ( Fig. 24.3 ). Fig. 24.4 exhibits progressively deeper dissection into the posterior septal region or inferior pyramidal space. Fig. 24.5 illustrates this inferior pyramidal space by computed tomography scan showing it is not true septal territory and illustrating the anatomic relationships including CS and AV nodal artery.

Fig. 24.1, Histologic section showing a right posteroseptal accessory pathway. Sections from a patient with Ebstein’s anomaly and preexcitation consistent with a right posterior septal accessory pathway taken just posterior to the coronary sinus. Labels identify the interatrial septal myocardium (IAS), epicardial fat ( open arrow ), interventricular septum (IVS), and accessory pathway ( solid arrow ). The pathway was about 3 mm in diameter at the atrial insertion (A), coursed throughout the epicardial fat without a notable annulus fibrosis in (B) and inserted into the endocardial side of the ventricular tissue in (C) slightly more anteriorly. The oblique nature of the pathway is evident by the three separate sections showing it.

Fig. 24.2, The triangle of Koch. A, This dissection is viewed the right anterior oblique and shows portions of the right atrium with the borders of the triangle of Koch. The putative location of the atrioventricular (AV) node is shown in yellow along with the fast and slow pathways. See text for details. B, Another example with a larger coronary sinus ostium and smaller triangle. C, D, and E, Histologic sections with similar orientation to (A) through the coronary sinus ostium and inferior extensions of the AV node, body of the AV node, and penetrating bundle of His. F and G, Dissection from a heart with Ebstein’s anomaly. Note the smaller triangle of Koch and abnormal septal leaflet with the AV node at the level of the coronary sinus ostium in this example. H, Sagittal section through the mouth of the coronary sinus showing the proximity of the AV node artery to the endocardium and the triangle of Koch. Asterisk (∗), Central fibrous body; AVN artery, atrioventricular nodal artery; CSO , coronary sinus ostium; CFB , central fibrous body; ER , Eustachian ridge; ICV , inferior cava vein; MV , mitral valve; OF , oval fossa; PFO , patent foramen ovale; STV , septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve; and TT , tendon of Todaro.

Fig. 24.3, Relationship between right atrium (RA) and left ventricle (LV) in posteroseptal space. Because the interatrial septum lies leftward of the interventricular septum and the tricuspid annulus apical to the mitral annulus, the RA and posterior superior process (PSP) of the LV are associated. LA , Left atrium; RV , right ventricle.

Fig. 24.4, The inferior pyramidal space. A, The relationship of the aortic mitral and tricuspid valves. B, The noncoronary sinus of the aortic valve has been removed revealing the central fibrous body and atrioventricular component of the membranous septum marked with a star . The roof of the coronary sinus has been removed as well. It can be seen that this is adjacent to but not part of the muscular septum. C , The arrows show the muscular atrioventricular (AV) septum. The AV node artery is enclosed in the inferior pyramidal space posterior to the muscular AV septum.

Fig. 24.5, The inferior pyramidal space by computed tomography scan. The yellow dotted lines outline the inferior pyramidal space (IPS). The red arrow in the lower panel suggests the ascent of the atrioventricular nodal artery within the IPS toward the membranous septum (MS). Panel (A) is a short axis image at the level of the MS. The asterisk represents the left ventricular outflow tract. The black arrow denotes the atrioventricular portion of the MS. Panel (B), Vertical long axis image. Panel (C), Transverse long axis image. The proximity of the atrioventricular nodal artery and anterior wall of the coronary sinus (CS) is noted. Ao , Descending aorta; AMC , aorto-mitral continuity; L , left coronary aortic sinus; LA , left atrium; LAA , left atrial appendage; LAD , left anterior descending artery; LCx , left circumflex artery; LV , left ventricle; MCV , middle cardiac vein; N , noncoronary aortic sinus; PA , pulmonary artery; PLV , posterolateral vein; PML , posterior mitral leaflet; R , right coronary aortic sinus; RA , right atrium; RCA , right coronary artery; RPA , right pulmonary artery; RV , right ventricle.

Epicardial accessory AV connections are an important subgroup of posteroseptal APs. The various endocardial as well as epicardial pathways are illustrated in Fig. 24.6 . Pathway type 1 (see Fig. 24.6 ) is an endocardial connection between the right atrium and right ventricle. Pathway type 2 is right atrial to left ventricular; this portion of the LV is termed the posterior superior process . Pathway 3 refers to an endocardial left atrial (LA) to left ventricular AV connection (see Fig. 24.6 ). Pathway type 4, an epicardial one, depicts a muscular connection between the LV and CS musculature in the middle cardiac vein; similar pathways can occur in slightly more distal coronary venous branches such as the posterior cardiac vein. Lastly, pathway type 5, another epicardial one, portrays a CS diverticulum, an anatomic anomaly, electrically connecting the LV and the CS musculature of the diverticulum. An additional schematic, Fig. 24.7 , delves further into the proposed anatomy of epicardial posteroseptal APs.

Fig. 24.6, Schematic showing complex anatomy and different anatomic subtypes of accessory atrioventricular connections in the posteroseptal region. A short-axis schematic of the heart is shown. Five anatomic types of posteroseptal accessory pathways are shown. See text for details. MCV, Middle cardiac vein; MVA, mitral valve annulus; TVA, tricuspid valve annulus.

Fig. 24.7, Epicardial coronary sinus accessory pathway. Schematic representation of coronary sinus–ventricular accessory pathway (CSAP) composed of CS myocardium connecting atrium and epicardial left ventricle (LV). LA , Left atrium; RA , right atrium.

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