Psittacosis (Chlamydia psittaci)

Chlamydia psittaci, the agent of psittacosis (also known as parrot fever and ornithosis ), is primarily an animal pathogen and rarely causes human disease. In birds, C. psittaci infection is known as avian chlamydiosis .


C. psittaci affects both psittacine birds (e.g., parrots, parakeets, macaws) and nonpsittacine birds (ducks, turkeys); the known host range includes 130 avian species. The life cycle of C. psittaci is the same as for C. pneumoniae (see Chapter 252 ). Strains of C. psittaci have been analyzed by patterns of pathogenicity, inclusion morphology in tissue culture, DNA restriction endonuclease analysis, and monoclonal antibodies, which indicate that there are 7 avian serovars. The organism has also been found in non-avian domestic animals, including cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, and cats. Non-avian C. psittaci has rarely caused disease in humans. Two of the avian serovars, psittacine and turkey, are of major importance in the avian population of the United States. Each is associated with important host preferences and disease characteristics.


From 2005 to 2009 there were 66 reported cases of psittacosis in the United States. Of these, 85% of these cases were associated with exposure to birds, including 70% following exposure to caged pet birds, which were usually psittacine birds, including cockatiels, parakeets, parrots, and macaws. Chlamydiosis among caged nonpsittacine birds occurs most often in pigeons, doves, and mynah birds. Persons at highest risk for acquiring psittacosis include bird fanciers and owners of pet birds (43% of cases) and pet shop employees (10% of cases). Reported cases most likely underestimate the number of actual infections owing to a lack of awareness.

Inhalation of aerosols from feces, fecal dust, and nasal secretions of animals infected with C. psittaci is the primary route of infection. Source birds are either asymptomatic or have anorexia, ruffled feathers, lethargy, and watery green droppings . Psittacosis is uncommon in children, in part because children may be less likely to have close contact with infected birds. One high-risk activity is cleaning the cage. Several major outbreaks of psittacosis have occurred in turkey-processing plants; workers exposed to turkey viscera are at the highest risk for infection.

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