Key Concepts

  • A hip dislocation is an orthopedic emergency. The likelihood of avascular necrosis (AVN) is related to both the initial degree of trauma and the amount of time the femoral head remains out of joint. Reduction of the hip within 6 h after dislocation significantly decreases the incidence of AVN.

  • When a painful hip makes ambulation difficult and plain radiographs do not reveal a fracture, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed. MRI is the gold standard for diagnosis—although this does not need to be completed in the emergency department (ED).

  • In patients with intertrochanteric fractures, hemodynamic instability can result from dehydration and blood loss. Up to 70% of patients with these injuries are under-resuscitated.

  • It is important to identify acetabular fractures before closed reduction is attempted, because intra-articular bone fragments can interfere with effective reduction.

  • In elderly patients, the use of femoral nerve blocks should be considered, due to the potential adverse effects of parenteral opioids.

General Information


Background and importance Injuries to the hip and femur are quite common in the emergency setting and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Hip and femur pathology, while considered a disease of the elderly, actually occurs among all age groups. While elderly patients are at risk for femoral neck fracture s, children can have Perthe disease and slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), among other pathologies. Women are at increased risk for both femoral neck fractures and intertrochanteric fractures, with a female-to-male ratio of 4:1. More than three-quarters of all hip fractures occur in postmenopausal women over 50 years of age. Perthe disease, or avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head, occurs in children between 2 and 14 years old, with a peak age of onset of 5 years old. The incidence of SCFE peaks with the onset of puberty. While fractures show a female preponderance, both SCFE and Perthe disease have a higher incidence in males.

Anatomy of the Hip and Femur

Skeletal Anatomy

The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body and is routinely subjected to substantial forces during powerful muscle contraction and weight transmission. It consists of the femoral head, neck, and shaft. The femoral head is firmly seated in the acetabulum , reinforced by the labral cartilage. The well-developed capsule, overlying ligaments, and proximal musculature of the lower extremity add strength to the joint ( Fig. 47.1 ). Structurally, the femoral neck serves as an oblique strut between the pelvis (the horizontal beam) and the shaft of the femur (the vertical beam) ( Fig. 47.2 ). The length, angle, and narrow circumference of the femoral neck permit substantial range of motion at the hip, but these same characteristics subject the neck to significant shearing forces.

Fig. 47.1, The ligaments of the hip combine to form a tough joint capsule, as seen on both anterior (A) and posterior (B) views.

Fig. 47.2, Bony Architecture of the Proximal End of the Femur.

The type of bone in the femur changes depending on location, which affects fracture patterns. The bone in the femoral head, neck, and intertrochanteric region is predominantly cancellous, which is less resistant to torsional forces. Distal to the intertrochanteric region, including the subtrochanteric region and femoral shaft, the bone is cortical, which requires increased force to fracture. At the distal metaphysis, the femur widens as the cortical bone thins, lessening its resistance to stress.


The musculature of the hip and thigh is the largest and most powerful in the human body . Grouped according to the primary action at the hip, the muscles in this region of the body are located within three compartments, each containing associated nerves and vessels ( Table 47.1 ). Knowledge of the major muscle actions offers insight into common injury patterns and deformities ( Fig. 47.3 ).

TABLE 47.1
Structures Within Compartments of the Thigh
Compartment Muscles Nerves Vessels
Anterior Quadriceps femoris, sartorius, iliacus, psoas, pectineus Lateral femoral cutaneous Femoral artery and vein
Medial Gracilis, adductor longus and magnus, obturator externus Obturator Profundus femoris artery, obturator artery and vein
Posterior Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus Sciatic, posterior femoral cutaneous Profundus femoris artery branches

Fig. 47.3, (A and B) The major muscles acting about the hip and thigh.

Arterial Supply

The arterial supply of the femoral head, neck, and shaft arises from different sources. The major arterial supply to the femoral head and neck comes from the medial and lateral circumflex arteries, which are branches of the femoral artery ( Fig. 47.4 ). These branches form an extracapsular arterial ring around the femoral neck. Another blood supply source to the femoral head typically arises from the obturator artery and courses through the ligamentum teres.

Fig. 47.4, The arterial blood supply of the femoral neck and head is provided to varying degrees by three sources: the ascending cervical arteries, the arterial branches within the marrow (not illustrated), and the foveal artery within the ligamentum teres.

As the external iliac artery passes beneath the inguinal ligament, it becomes the common femoral artery. At this point, the artery is located midway between the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the symphysis pubis. Approximately 3 to 4 cm distal to the inguinal ligament, the deep femoral artery branches off. The deep femoral artery is predominantly responsible for the vascular supply of the femur. It runs posterolaterally to the superficial femoral artery, supplies the hamstrings, and terminates in the distal third of the thigh as small branches supply the belly of the adductor magnus. The superficial femoral artery continues to pass along the anteromedial aspect of the thigh and terminates at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the thigh. Here, the superficial femoral artery passes through the adductor hiatus and becomes the popliteal artery.

Venous System

In the proximal two-thirds of the thigh, the common and superficial femoral veins lie adjacent to the common and superficial femoral arteries. At the inguinal ligament, the common femoral vein is posterior and medial to the common femoral artery and moves to the lateral position as it passes distally. The deep femoral vein and the greater saphenous vein are the two main tributaries to the common and superficial femoral veins. The deep femoral vein and artery run in parallel as the vein joins the superficial femoral vein just distal to the inguinal ligament. The greater saphenous vein arises in the dorsum of the foot and ascends anterior to the medial malleolus. This vein is relatively superficial as it traverses up the medial aspect of the leg to join the common femoral vein distal to the inguinal ligament.


The femoral and sciatic nerves are the major nerves within the thigh. The femoral nerve is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus; it passes under the inguinal ligament lateral to the femoral artery and divides into anterior and posterior branches soon after entering the thigh. The sensory divisions of the anterior branch, the intermediate and medial cutaneous nerves, supply sensation to the anteromedial aspect of the thigh. The motor division of the anterior branch innervates the pectineus and sartorius muscles. The posterior femoral branch gives off the saphenous nerve, which supplies sensation to the skin along the medial aspect of the lower part of the leg. The posterior branch also supplies motor function to the muscles of the quadriceps femoris group.

The sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body . It arises from the sacral plexus. The sciatic nerve exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen and travels through the posterior thigh; it extends from the inferior border of the pyriformis muscle to the distal third of the thigh. The sciatic nerve gives off articular branches that supply the hip joint. In the thigh, muscular branches innervate the adductor magnus and hamstring muscles. Just proximal to the popliteal fossa, the sciatic nerve divides to form the tibial and common peroneal nerves.

Pathophysiology and Key Patterns of Injury

Fractures and Trauma of the Femur and Hip

The vast majority of hip fractures occur in elderly patients with preexisting bone disease who sustain low-energy trauma, usually a ground-level mechanical fall. In young, healthy individuals, high energy trauma, such as a motor vehicle collision (MVC) or a fall from a significant height, is responsible for most fractures.

Twenty percent of patients with hip fracture die during the first year after the injury, mostly from sequelae of the fracture rather than the fracture itself. One-third of patients require nursing home placement, and less than one-third regain their pre-fracture level of physical function. The economic impact of these fractures is significant.

Osteoporosis of the Femur

Osteoporosis is the leading cause of hip fracture . The pathophysiology of osteoporosis is not completely understood, but strong associations with hormonal changes related to aging, genetic predisposition, vitamin D deficiency, lack of physical activity, and smoking have been recognized. Severe osteoporosis and hip fractures are most common in elderly white women; however, a decrease in bone density after age 30 is seen across all demographic groups. The trabeculae of the femoral head and neck strengthen the bone and therefore support the large mechanical forces produced across the hip joint. As osteoporosis progresses, the trabeculae disappear and increase the risk of fracture. Osteoporosis currently affects more than 10 million people in the United States and is projected to affect approximately 14 million adults older than 50 years by the year 2020. The number of hip fractures attributable to osteoporosis is expected to be more than 6 million by the year 2050, although the incidence in women has been decreasing in recent years. An important factor to consider is that while age standardized rates may be falling, the effects of an aging population significantly overcomes this decline, leading to an overall increase in incidence. ,

Osteoarthritis of the hip

A large percentage of the American population experiences chronic pain from degenerative osteoarthritis of the hip. Disability often results from persistent pain, limited physical mobility, and sacrcopenia. The progression of osteoarthritis can be demonstrated with serial radiographs of the affected hip ( Fig. 47.5 ); however, radiographic findings do not necessarily correlate with symptoms.

Fig. 47.5, Radiographic evidence of the development of osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease of the hip is demonstrated with serial radiographs in the same patient over several years. (A) The initial symptoms are more dramatic than would be expected with the radiographic findings of increased sclerosis along the weight-bearing surface of the superior acetabulum. (B) The joint space is lost. (C) Erosion of the head and acetabular surfaces and reactive bony cystic changes are now evident.

Avascular Necrosis

When a patient has an increasingly painful hip, buttock, thigh, or knee and no history of recent trauma, AVN of the femoral head and sciatica should be considered. AVN has been referred to as aseptic necrosis, ischemic necrosis, and osteonecrosis. It is the result of ischemic bone death of the femoral head after compromise of its blood supply ( Fig. 47.6 ). AVN is bilateral in 40% to 80% of patients. It is common in relatively young patients, the mean age at diagnosis being 38 years old. Although a specific causative disorder is not identified in 20% of cases, known atraumatic causes include chronic corticosteroid therapy, chronic alcoholism, hemoglobinopathy (e.g., sickle cell anemia), dysbarism, and chronic pancreatitis. AVN is an emerging complication associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It is unclear whether the pathologic agent is the virus itself or an adverse side-effect of the treatment.

Fig. 47.6, Avascular Necrosis of the Left Femoral Head.

Traumatic AVN, a subacute manifestation after hip dislocation or femoral neck fracture, is a direct result of disruption of the blood supply to the femoral head. It is more common in males and African Americans. The incidence of AVN as a subacute complication is clearly related to both the initial degree of trauma and the amount of time the femoral head remains dislocated. Multiple studies have demonstrated a relationship between the length of time the hip is dislocated and the rates of AVN: it develops in about 5% of patients when reduction is performed within 6 hours and as many as 60% when reduction occurs after 12 hours. For this reason, a hip dislocation is an orthopedic emergency . The emergency clinician should perform reduction as soon as possible and definitely if orthopedic consultation will be delayed more than 6 hours.

Even with optimal treatment, owing to the tenuous blood supply to the area, femoral neck fractures can be complicated by AVN in up to 20% of cases. Immediately after fracture, bleeding may cause high intracapsular pressure and a tamponade effect on the femoral head, thereby impairing the blood supply. In contrast, intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures are located in an area with a rich extracapsular arterial supply; therefore, AVN is a rare complication of these fractures.

Myositis Ossificans

Myositis ossificans (or heterotrophic ossification) is pathologic bone formation at a site where bone is not normally found; the thigh and hip muscles are often involved. Traumatic myositis ossificans results most commonly from a direct blow to muscle or from repeated minor trauma. Bleeding into the muscle after trauma produces a local hematoma with subsequent new bone formation within it. Depending on its location, the ossific mass might be palpable, painful, and might limit range of motion.

Myositis ossificans occurs in up to 20% of patients undergoing medical evaluation for thigh contusions, likely related to the severity of the injury. The incidence of myositis ossificans after hip surgery is approximately 2%, and these lesions are clinically significant in 10% to 20% of cases. Increased susceptibility to myositis ossificans has been described in persons with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in conjunction with soft tissue injury. Radiographically, myositis ossificans appears as irregularly shaped masses of heterogeneous bone in the soft tissues around the joint or along fascial planes ( Fig. 47.7 ). It can be seen as early as 10 to 21 days after injury, but radiographic evidence typically lags behind the onset of symptoms by weeks. Its appearance might simulate primary bone neoplasm, especially when the periosteum is involved. Computed tomography (CT) can be helpful in distinguishing between neoplasm and myositis ossificans, because the lesions of myositis ossificans begin to calcify at the periphery and progress toward the center, and those of osteosarcoma begin to calcify at the center first.

Fig. 47.7, Myositis Ossificans of the Proximal End of the Femur.

Calcific Bursitis and Calcifying Peritendinitis

Calcification surrounding tendons and bursae or occurring in the joint capsule is referred to as calcific bursitis or calcifying peritendinitis. The cause of these lesions is unclear. No relationship has been documented between the radiographic findings and acute symptoms. Calcific bursitis of the hip is uncommon, but when it does occur, it most frequently affects the trochanteric bursa ( Fig. 47.8 ). Other possible affected areas include the gluteal muscles and the hip flexors and adductors. The bursal calcification is seen on radiographs as an amorphous, poorly marginated line that is clearly separate from the cortex of the femur.

Fig. 47.8, Calcific Trochanteric Bursitis.

Neoplastic Disease in the Hip

The most common neoplastic disease of bone is metastatic, generally from breast, kidney, lung, thyroid, or prostate tumors. Primary bone lesions also occur, the most common being osteoid osteoma ( Fig. 47.9 ). Bone lesions can be osteoblastic or osteolytic. Patients present with significant bone pain or a large mass that has become irritated or painful ( Fig. 47.10 ). Neoplasms place the patient at higher risk for pathologic fractures, especially if the lesions are large, lytic, or have eroded the cortex. Osteosarcoma and periosteal osteogenic sarcoma should be considered in the differential diagnoses of hip pain.

Fig. 47.9, Classic radiographic appearance of a solitary osteochondroma of the femur as seen in the anteroposterior (A) and frog leg lateral (B) views. This lesion is a cartilage-capped bony excrescence, typically arising from the cortex of long tubular bones.

Fig. 47.10, Osteoid osteoma of the femur (solid black arrow) . (A) A large focal area of greater density than that of the surrounding femur represents both cortical and endosteal proliferation. The new cortical bone is smooth and sharply delineated, indicative of a nonaggressive process. The open arrow represents a bone island. (B) A frontal-view tomogram demonstrates an oval central radiolucent nidus (solid black arrow).

Clinical Features of Hip and Femur Pathology


Injuries and pathologic conditions involving the femur are commonly dictated by age and gender. Pathology of the femur is commonly related to a traumatic incident because the femur is strong and can withstand normal use. Details of the mechanism of injury can aid in predicting an injury, and a detailed description of antecedent trauma or other precipitating events is helpful. Although direct trauma is a common cause of injuries, a thorough past medical history should be obtained, as certain disease entities are associated with hip pathology. Patients who recently altered their level of physical activity or exercise routine could indicate a stress reaction. Information about systemic illnesses or metabolic disorders should be elicited. A previous cancer diagnosis and its treatment with irradiation or chemotherapy could be a predisposing factor, providing clues to pathologic fractures. Any past steroid use, including inhaled steroids, is important to identify because it places patients at higher risk for osteonecrosis and changes in bone density. A linear relationship has been recognized between cumulative steroid dose and the incidence and severity of osteoporosis and hip fracture.

Determination of the location of the patient’s pain is paramount, because hip pain can be referred to a number of anatomic locations. In adults, true hip joint pain can be perceived as groin pain, and children with hip pathology often have knee pain as the sole presenting complaint. The review of systems should include information that can help distinguish hip or femur pathology from another cause of the pain. Atypical causes of hip or groin pain include nephrolithiasis, pelvic inflammatory disease, osteomyelitis, malignancies, inguinal and femoral hernias, and lymphadenopathy. A history of low back pain suggests radiculopathy as the cause of the patient’s pain.

The history should also focus on concomitant conditions and injuries. Elderly patients with a hip fracture sustained from a fall might be unable to summon help for hours to days. They often have associated dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, rhabdomyolysis, and renal insufficiency. In addition, the reason for the fall should be determined, as it may reveal other comorbid conditions (e.g., syncope, cardiac dysrhythmias, polypharmacy use, alcoholism). Sedative and antihypertensive medications predispose elderly patients to falling. With a fall, elderly patients might sustain additional injuries, most commonly, the fracture of a vertebral body or wrist. Cervical spine and intracranial injuries should also be considered, especially in patients taking oral anticoagulants. Forty to 75% of young patients with a hip fracture resulting from high-energy mechanisms have concomitant injuries.

Physical Examination

Patients with femoral pathology can have a multitude of presentations; therefore, a thorough physical examination is important. Due to the major forces that are sustained in multisystem trauma, hypotension is a problem commonly encountered during the initial resuscitation. Hypotension, neurovascular compromise, or suspicion for multiple injuries are indications for transfer to a specialized trauma center.

After life-threatening conditions have been addressed, the injured extremity can be evaluated carefully. The position of the leg can offer a clue to radiographic findings. External rotation, abduction, and shortening suggest a displaced femoral neck fracture. External rotation with shortening suggests an intertrochanteric fracture. Visual inspection may reveal pallor, ecchymosis, asymmetry, or deformity. The presence of abrasions, lacerations, and open wounds may indicate forces that caused the injury and direct the evaluation for concomitant fractures. Nondisplaced fractures, including stress fractures, should not produce limb shortening or rotational deformities but will be painful on passive range of motion, particularly internal and external rotation. In patients with obvious deformities, testing range of motion should be deferred until after radiographs have been obtained and vascular integrity has been verified.

Systematic examination of the injured extremity may reveal focal tenderness or warmth suggesting injury or infection. Active and passive range of motion and assessment of muscle strength, though offering important information, are frequently limited by pain. A detailed neurovascular assessment is vital, as femoral nerve and arterial injuries often occur in conjunction with subtrochanteric and femoral shaft fractures or anterior hip dislocations. The sciatic nerve can be injured with a hip fracture or posterior hip dislocation. Neurologic examination includes evaluation of light touch, pinprick sensation, and proprioception. The examination should also assess for any signs of arterial injury indicating a rapidly expanding hematoma. Femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulses should all be assessed. Comparative blood pressures obtained by Doppler examination in the injured and uninjured extremities (arterial pressure index) are useful in diagnosing occult femoral arterial injuries. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) also can be determined by comparing the systolic pressures of the affected extremity and the ipsilateral arm. An index less than 0.9 necessitates further diagnostic studies. Although acute compartment syndrome of the thigh is rare, consideration should be given to this diagnosis if the patient sustained a severe mechanism of injury and has tense swelling in the thigh.

Differential Diagnoses

A detailed history and physical examination often elicit the cause of the pain. Patients with hip and thigh pain can have pain referred from a multitude of other areas. If a fracture is not apparent, in patients who are experiencing hip or thigh pain, emergency clinicians should consider other causes. The differential diagnoses of hip pain without obvious fracture on radiographs are listed in Box 47.1 .

BOX 47.1
Differential Diagnoses of a Painful Hip Without Obvious Fracture

  • Referred pain (lumbar spine, hip, or knee)

  • Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head

  • Degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis

  • Herniation of a lumbar disk

  • Diskitis

  • Transient synovitis of the hip

  • Septic arthritis

  • Bursitis

  • Tendonitis

  • Ligamentous injuries of the knee or hip

  • Occult fracture

  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)

  • Perthes’ disease

  • Tumor (lymphoma)

  • Deep venous thrombosis

  • Arterial insufficiency

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Iliopsoas abscess

  • Retroperitoneal hematoma

  • Inguinal hernia

  • Inguinal lymphadenopathy

  • Genitourinary complaints

  • Sports-related hernia

In the setting of trauma, it is imperative that a thorough physical examination excludes referred pain and associated injuries. Most patients who arrive in the emergency department with hip or thigh pain can provide a clear history of a traumatic event. Hip or knee pain in the young, in athletes, and in the elderly deserves further investigation, even when minimal or no trauma has been reported. This elderly patient population commonly has an occult hip disruption, occasionally involving the femur. Senile osteoporosis is the leading cause of femoral neck fractures after minor trauma; pathologic fractures of the femur can result from metastatic, metabolic, or endocrine diseases.

Diagnostic Testing

Radiographic Evaluation

Plain radiographs, including true anteroposterior and lateral views of the femur, are usually adequate for the evaluation of potential fractures ( Fig. 47.11 ). If possible, the femur should be internally rotated. Fracture lines can be subtle, particularly in the femoral neck. Three methods are useful for identifying these subtle fractures:

  • First is the use of Shenton line, described in a subsequent section on hip dislocations.

  • Second is a search for the normal “S” and reverse “S” curves seen on radiographs of non-fractured hips. In normal anatomic position, the convex outline of a normal femoral head smoothly joins the concave outline of the femoral neck. This produces an “S” curve and a reverse “S” curve, regardless of the orientation of the radiographic projection. In searching for a fracture of the femoral neck, the medial and lateral cortical margins of the femoral head and neck should be carefully examined for these curves ( Fig. 47.12 ). A fracture produces a tangential or sharp angle, indicating disruption of the normal anatomic relationship.

    Fig. 47.12, The normal anatomic appearance of the femoral head as smooth S and reversed S lines is drawn above. The concave outline of the femoral neck meets the convex outline of the femoral head as shown here in various views. Any tangential angle suggests a fracture.

  • The third method, useful in the evaluation of unremarkable hip radiographs, is tracing the trabecular lines as they pass from the femoral shaft to the femoral head. Disruption of these lines as they pass through the fracture site is often the only subtle clue.

Fig. 47.11, Normal Radiographic Anatomy of the Hip.

In impacted femoral neck fractures, the neck cortex is driven into the cancellous femoral head. Bone impaction lends a certain inherent stability ( Fig. 47.13 ). If there is a femoral neck fracture, also obtain radiographs of the knee. It is a basic orthopedic principle to image the joint above and below any fracture, because concomitant injuries are common.

Fig. 47.13, (A) Subtle nondisplaced impacted femoral neck fracture. Use of S curves aids in identification. (B) A nondisplaced femoral neck fracture possesses no stability without impaction.

Occult Hip Fracture

If radiographs do not show an overt fracture or injury, the emergency clinician should assess the patient’s gait. Inability to ambulate or difficulty in weight bearing suggests an occult fracture. Up to 10% of all hip fractures are radiographically “occult” on plain films. Failure to detect these injuries increases the risk of subsequent displacement of the fracture, the incidence of AVN, and the risk of death. When a painful hip prevents ambulation and plain radiographs do not reveal a fracture, advanced imaging (CT or magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) is indicated ( Fig. 47.14 ). Elderly patients with unexplained hip pain lasting more than 3 weeks may be harboring an occult fracture even if they continue to walk. T1-weighted MRI will reveal a fracture that was imperceptible at the time of injury with nearly 100% accuracy and is cost-effective compared with other strategies. MRI is superior to CT and remains the “gold standard” for diagnosing occult hip fractures and helps guide treatment decisions (see Fig. 47.12 ).

Fig. 47.14, The Patient Reported Hip Pain and Could Not Ambulate.

Bone scans have been useful in older patients with occult fractures, but they lack adequate sensitivity. To identify most occult fractures, this type of scan should be delayed for 72 hours after the injury, which limits its use in the ED setting.

Vascular assessment must be considered when there is any concern for any vascular injury including pallor, compartment syndrome, or rapidly expanding hematomas. This can include Doppler measurements including ABI. If the systolic pressure in the affected extremity is 90% or less (ratio less than 0.9) than that in the unaffected extremity, additional diagnostic studies should be performed. Vascular assessment studies include Doppler flow ultrasound imaging, computed tomography angiography (CTA), or angiography alone.


Patients with femoral pathology often need hemodynamic stabilization. Because of the risk of blood loss—from both the injury and its subsequent operative repair—patients with traumatic fracture of the hip or femur should have a type and screen in case the necessity for transfusion arises. Original data suggested that transfusion confers a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. However, new data indicates that the need for transfusion was likely associated with injury severity, and once accounted for, the differences resolved. Hemodynamic instability can result in the loss of up to 3 units of blood into the fracture site. Elderly patients may be hypovolemic prior to the injury due to dehydration or comorbid illness, which can be exacerbated by further blood loss. Operative repair should be performed after the patient is resuscitated and in optimal preoperative condition. The preoperative stabilization of an elderly patient with a hip fracture may require a multidisciplinary approach from emergency medicine, orthopedics, internal medicine, cardiology, and anesthesiology. Comprehensive programs co-managed by geriatricians and orthopedic surgeons have been shown to improve short-term outcomes for the elderly with hip fractures and might even lower the mortality rate, highlighting the importance of the medical management of these complex patients.

Traction and Immobilization

If prehospital personnel suspect a femoral fracture, they often place a Hare splint, Sager splint, or similar device that applies traction to the leg before transporting the patient. This management strategy is popular because it provides pain relief, immobilization, and limits blood loss. However, great care should be taken to ensure the proper use of these devices as prolonged traction can cause or exacerbate neurologic injury. Traction used in the field for transport can cause skin breakdown at pressure points and might produce potentially damaging tension on the nerve. The femoral and sciatic nerves are more likely to be injured from traction or during surgery than from the femoral fracture itself.

Contraindications to the use of traction splints include suspected pelvic fractures, patellar fractures, ligamentous knee injuries, and tibia or fibula fractures. In the prehospital setting, traction should not be applied to any open fracture that has exposed bone. Such reduction pulls grossly contaminated bone fragments back into the wound before adequate irrigation. A study that evaluated patients with multisystem trauma in whom traction splints were placed in the field for femur fractures showed that nearly 40% had contraindications to the splints that were placed.

With or without traction, the injured extremity should be immobilized when the patient is moved to prevent further damage from mobile bone fragments. In the prehospital setting, this can be achieved with simple splinting. In the ED, maintaining the leg in slight flexion at the hip reduces intracapsular pressure, whereas extension of the leg increases pressure and the potential for ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. Therefore, traction for proximal femur fractures should be discontinued once the patient has arrived in the ED. The leg can be supported in a position of comfort with a pillow placed under the thigh. The theoretical advantages to continue traction in the ED are for improved pain control and facilitating fracture reduction and making operative management easier to perform. This is likely true for patients with femoral shaft fractures; however, a Cochrane systematic review found no evidence to support preoperative traction for fractures of the proximal femur in adults.

Open Fracture Care

By definition, an open fracture is any fracture in which a break in the integrity of the skin and soft tissue allows communication with the fracture and its hematoma. Any nearby wound or break in the skin must be considered to communicate with the fracture. The three categories of open fractures are described in Table 47.2 . A bone piercing from the inside outward often causes only a small wound, after which the contaminated bone tip slips deceptively back into the soft tissue. Open wounds should be irrigated and then covered with sterile saline-moistened gauze.

TABLE 47.2
Classification of Open Fractures
Criterion Type I Type II Type III
Wound size <1 cm 1–10 cm >10 cm
Soft tissue damage Minimal, if any Moderate, without nerve, arterial, or periosteal stripping Extensive muscle devitalization; nerve and arterial involvement often classified as type IIIb
Mechanism of injury Bone edge pierces outward Variable High-energy shotgun blast, high-velocity gunshots

For all type I open fractures, a first-generation cephalosporin (such as, cefazolin, 1–3 g IV) should be administered intravenously. Fracture types II and III might require additional gram-negative coverage depending on the amount of devitalized tissue and the extent of involvement of the groin and its gram-negative skin flora. This additional coverage could be provided by an aminoglycoside (such as, gentamicin 1.5–2 mg/kg IV). The use of perioperative first-generation cephalosporins reduces the risk of postoperative infection even in patients with closed fractures. Great care should be taken to identify tetanus-prone wounds so that patients can receive vaccination against tetanus when indicated. Immunization status should be verified in all patients and updated accordingly.

Compartment Syndrome

Because of the thigh’s larger volume, compartment syndrome within the thigh is far less common than in the lower part of the leg. A large amount of bleeding into the thigh compartment is required before the pressure rises above capillary perfusion pressure. When compartment syndrome occurs in the thigh, only 50% of the cases are associated with a femur fracture. It is difficult to clinically differentiate the expected swelling after an injury from early compartment syndrome. Clinical examination and the use of direct pressure measurements can detect the development of compartment syndrome at an early stage.

Pain Management

Systemic Analgesia

Pain control in the ED is often inadequate. For patients with femoral fractures, opioid analgesia is often indicated in combination with other pain-relief strategies. In addition to parenteral medications, other pain-relieving strategies include immobilization of the injured extremity, placement of the injured extremity in a position of comfort, and the administration of local nerve blocks .

Pharmacologic Approaches

The classic pharmacologic treatment for pain management in patients with traumatic femoral injuries is opioid analgesics. Morphine, fentanyl, and hydromorphone are all acceptable options. Fentanyl and hydromorphone are the preferred IV opioid analgesics in patients with renal dysfunction. Due to the unpredictability of the supply chain and negative associations of opioids, many pre-hospital providers now use ketamine for pain relief. Meperidine should not be used because of unpredictable side effects, including seizures. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), while safe in younger populations, can be difficult to use, especially in the elderly, due to their renal and gastrointestinal side effects.

Femoral Nerve Block

The femoral nerve block is an excellent option as an adjunct or alternative to systemic analgesics in patients at risk for hypotension. Femoral nerve blocks significantly decrease the time to the lowest pain score compared with intravenous narcotics, and patients require significantly lower doses of narcotics. With the assistance of a peripheral nerve stimulator to localize the nerve or bedside ultrasound to directly visualize the nerve, the anesthetic is injected, safely, and under sterile conditions. The procedure can also be performed by emergency clinicians without the assistance of peripheral nerve stimulators or ultrasound. If a long-acting anesthetic such as bupivacaine is used, the expected onset of analgesia is within 30 minutes and its duration (on average) is 6 to 8 hours. A Cochrane review demonstrated that regional blockade reduced pain on movement within 30 minutes after block placement, and there is moderate quality of evidence for reduced time to first mobilization, reduced cost of analgesic, and decreased risk of pneumonia.

A neurovascular examination should be performed and documented before the femoral nerve block is performed. After the nerve block, continued assessment of the femoral muscular compartments is advisable to check for the development of compartment syndrome. If an injury is considered to be at especially high risk for compartment syndrome, orthopedic surgery consultation should be obtained before the block, and measurement of compartment pressures after the block should be considered. Because the sciatic nerve innervates the compartments of the lower limb, a femoral nerve block will not mask the clinical presentation of compartment syndrome in the lower leg.

Specific Fractures of the Hip and Femur

Avulsion Fractures


The incidence of avulsion fractures is increasing as a result of the growth of competitive sports and outdoor activities, especially in teenage athletes. The muscular origin of this type of injury commonly involves the pelvic apophyses, which might not fully ossify until age 25. Avulsion at the site of the growth plate is the result of sudden maximal muscular exertion. It can occur with rapid acceleration or sudden changes in speed or direction.

Clinical features

The athlete classically experiences a sudden piercing pain at the site of injury, along with a “snapping” or “popping” sound and frequently falls to the ground because of the intensity of the pain. The pain of avulsion injuries of the hip can manifest as referred pain to the thigh; these fractures are most common in adolescents and young adult athletes.

Differential diagnoses

The differential diagnoses of these avulsion fractures include muscle strain and tears, tendinopathy, and hip dislocations.


As depicted in Fig. 47.15 , avulsion at the ASIS involves the separation of a thin piece of bone as the sartorius muscle suddenly contracts (see Fig. 47.15A ). The anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) is avulsed by the rectus femoris, and the hamstrings group can displace the ischial tuberosity (see Fig. 47.15B ). Avulsion fractures of the ASIS and AIIS are managed nonoperatively. Treatment of avulsion fractures of the ischial tuberosity is more controversial. Most experts recommend conservative treatment for avulsion injuries with less than 2 cm of displacement. Fractures with more than 2 cm of displacement might benefit from operative fixation to prevent nonunion, as well as union achieved by exuberant callus formation.

Fig. 47.15, (A) Avulsion fracture of the anterior superior iliac spine by the sartorius muscle. (B) Avulsion fracture of the anterior inferior iliac spine by the rectus femoris.

Proximal Femur Fracture

Fractures of the proximal end of the femur are classified on the basis of their relationship to the hip capsule (intracapsular or extracapsular), anatomic location (neck, trochanteric, intertrochanteric, subtrochanteric, and shaft fractures), and degree of displacement.

Femoral Neck Fractures


Femoral neck fractures are classified as either nondisplaced or displaced. Between 15% and 20% of all femoral neck fractures are nondisplaced fractures. The fracture line is often subtle. Techniques that allow detection of these fracture lines are useful for this reason. Evaluation of the continuity of the subcapital cortical lines, search for an indistinct broad band of increased subcapital density, and identification of the “S” and reverse “S” radiographic curves (see Fig. 47.12 ) lead to the diagnosis in most cases. With impacted femoral neck fractures, the neck cortex is driven into the cancellous femoral head. Bone impaction lends a certain inherent stability (see Fig. 47.13 ). Because of this stability, two management approaches have been advocated: internal fixation and early ambulation. Internal fixation reduces the length of hospitalization, improves rehabilitation, and is the preferred treatment modality. Without impaction, a nondisplaced femoral neck fracture is unstable and will become displaced without internal fixation.

Clinical presentation

On initial evaluation, a patient with a displaced fracture of the femoral neck lies with the limb externally rotated, abducted, and slightly shortened. To avoid further disruption of the blood supply to the femoral head, range-of-motion assessment should be deferred.

Diagnostic testing

Plain hip radiographs generally confirm the diagnosis of a femoral neck fracture.

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