Skull and Meningeal Metastases



  • Enhancing lesion(s) with skull/meningeal destruction/infiltration

  • Skull, dura, leptomeninges, arachnoid/subarachnoid, pia, and subgaleal

  • Many manifestations: Smooth thickening, nodularity, loculation, lobulation, fungating masses

Top Differential Diagnoses

  • Skull metastases: Surgical defect (burr hole, craniectomy), myeloma

  • Dural metastases: Epidural/subdural hematoma, meningioma

  • Leptomeningeal metastases: Subarachnoid hemorrhage, sarcoidosis, infectious meningitis

Clinical Issues

  • 18% of patients with extracranial and intracranial malignancies

  • Primary tumor never identified in 2-4%

  • All metastases: May be asymptomatic and unsuspected clinically

  • Headache is most common symptom (50%)

  • CSF cytology often falsely negative

  • Accuracy of single lumbar puncture (LP) is 50-60% but 90% after 3 attempts

  • Bimodal → children (medulloblastoma & leukemia); adults (breast, lung, melanoma, prostate)

  • Average age ~ 50 years (relatively young secondary pediatric cancer and young women with breast cancer)

  • Entire neuraxis must be treated, as tumor cells are often widely disseminated throughout CSF

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Both enhanced MR and LP should be performed, especially if initial test is negative

Axial graphic illustrates a destructive skull metastasis
expanding the diploic space and invading/thickening the underlying dura (light blue linear structure)

Axial T1WI C+ MR shows skull metastasis with enhancement of the diploic space
. There is associated small subgaleal soft tissue
and extensive nodular dural thickening

Axial graphic illustrates diffuse leptomeningeal metastases, shown here as abnormal blue material
coating the pial surface of the brain and filling the subarachnoid spaces between interdigitating sulci.

Carcinomatous “meningitis” can be indistinguishable on imaging from pyogenic meningitis. In this case of diffuse cerebrospinal fluid spread from glioblastoma, there is both sulcal-cisternal
and ependymal
spread of tumor.



  • Skull metastases (SM), dural metastases (DM), arachnoid/subarachnoid metastases (ASAM), pial metastases (PM), leptomeningeal (pia + arachnoid) metastases (LM)


  • Metastatic disease from extracranial primary tumor to tissues overlying brain


General Features

  • Best diagnostic clue

    • Enhancing lesion(s) with skull/meningeal destruction/infiltration

  • Location

    • Skull, dura, leptomeninges, arachnoid/subarachnoid, pia, and subgaleal

  • Morphology

    • Many manifestations: Smooth thickening, nodularity, loculation, lobulation, fungating masses

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