Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Techniques for Biopsy

In the United States, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women (excluding skin cancer), and it is also the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States. Routine screening mammography has been proven to decrease breast cancer mortality, as noted in a 2020 study which found that performing screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years reduced mortality by approximately 25% in the first 10 years as compared to women who waited to start screening mammograms at 50 years and older. Mammography correctly identifies approximately 87% of patients who have breast cancer (87% sensitivity), and this sensitivity increases in women over the age of 50 and in those with fatty replaced breasts.

Diagnostic Breast Imaging

Screening mammography is indicated for nonsymptomatic patients who desire routine preventive health maintenance; however, diagnostic breast imaging is indicated for symptomatic patients and/or those with an abnormal screening mammogram necessitating additional follow-up imaging ( Fig. 13.1 ). Diagnostic mammography performed in women with signs and/or symptoms of breast cancer (e.g., palpable breast lump, nipple discharge or retraction, breast dimpling, skin changes, etc.) has a higher sensitivity and lower specificity than routine screening mammography that is performed in asymptomatic patients. National benchmarks for diagnostic breast imaging include breast diagnostic imaging sensitivity of 87.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 87.3%–88.4%), specificity of 90.5% (95% CI 90.4%–90.6%), and a false-negative rate of 4.8 per 1000 (95% CI 4.6–5.0). A 2017 study that reviewed over 400,000 diagnostic imaging breast studies performed at 92 different radiology facilities found that 63.4% of the detected breast cancers were stage 0 or stage 1 and 69.6% of the invasive cancers were lymph node negative.

Fig. 13.1, Diagnostic mammogram (DM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) images show classifications of breast density. (A) DM showing a nondense breast (≤50% glandular tissue). (B) DM showing a dense breast (>50% glandular tissue). (C) DBT showing a nondense breast (≤50% glandular tissue). (D) DBT showing a dense breast (>50% glandular tissue).

In the United States, diagnostic mammographic imaging often includes digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), which is commonly called three-dimensional (3D) mammography. As opposed to traditional two-dimensional (2D) mammography, DBT compiles multiple low dose x-ray exposures, which are reconstructed into a series of thin images. This algorithm provides cross-sectional imaging of the breast and axilla. Spot compression (2D and DBT) applies focal pressure to the mammographic area of clinical concern and typically differentiates benign overlying breast tissue from an underlying breast abnormality. Breast malignancy creates a desmoplastic response in the breast tissue, so the mammographic characteristics are typically maintained with spot compression imaging.

Diagnostic imaging may also include mammographic projections that are not included in the standard views obtained during routine screening mammography. Specifically, screening mammography utilizes images obtained in the craniocaudal (CC) and medial lateral oblique (MLO) projections; however, diagnostic mammography often utilizes additional projections including true lateral projections (lateral medial or medial lateral) and exaggerated projections that include the far lateral (exaggerated craniocaudal lateral [XCCL]) or far medial (exaggerated craniocaudal medial [XCCM]) quadrants of breast tissue. Additionally, diagnostic magnified projections allow better visualization of faint mammographic calcifications. Since breast cancer may initially present as mammographic calcium deposits that vary in number, shape/morphology, distribution, and density, accurate evaluation of breast calcifications warrants additional dedicated imaging. Studies have shown that invasive breast cancers which are detected due to the presence of abnormal-appearing calcifications may have worse prognostic outcomes as compared with noncalcified cancers, so the early diagnosis of malignant calcifications remains a key component of diagnostic breast imaging.

Financial Considerations of Diagnostic Imaging

As of 2021, millions of women throughout the United States have access to free screening mammography through the Affordable Care Act; however, follow-up diagnostic imaging (e.g., diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound [US], molecular breast imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) have variable insurance coverage and out-of-pocket expenses for many patients. Various studies have estimated that a range from 5% to approximately 20% of patients who receive an annual screening mammogram are subsequently recommended for follow-up diagnostic imaging.

A 2018 study that used insurance databases to analyze 875,526 female patients with breast imaging/diagnostic procedures performed from 2011 to 2015 found that approximately 10.3% of cohort patients received a breast biopsy following initial diagnostic workup, 49.4% had a second procedure, 20.1% had a third procedure, and 10% had a fourth procedure. Given the mean cost (in United States currency) of $349 for diagnostic mammography, $132 for breast ultrasound, and $1938 for image guided percutaneous breast biopsy, the financial implications are staggering.

In April 2021, the Access to Breast Cancer Diagnosis Act was introduced into the United States Congress for review. This proposed bill would eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for patients in need of diagnostic breast imaging. Although similar comprehensive legislation has not passed, continued efforts may produce comprehensive legislation that limits the financial barriers currently associated with breast health services in the United States.

Breast Biopsy

There has been a steady increase in the utilization of image-guided breast biopsies, compared with open surgical biopsies, for the definitive diagnosis of breast cancer. Percutaneous image-guided core needle biopsy (CNB) has an equivalent accuracy to open surgical biopsy. Specifically, for women at average risk of breast cancer, both US- and stereotactic-guided breast biopsies have average sensitivities higher than 0.97 and average specificities ranging from 0.92 to 0.99. Additionally, owing to advances in breast imaging and biopsy devices, image-guided tissue sampling has a lower risk of complications compared with open surgical biopsy; less than 1% of image-guided biopsies result in severe complications (defined as complications needing medical or surgical intervention).

Breast percutaneous biopsies utilize imaging guidance to obtain samples of breast tissue through precise needle guidance ( Fig. 13.2 ). These minimally invasive breast procedures include fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and CNBs. Conversely, open surgical biopsies include excisional biopsy (i.e., complete removal of the lesion) and incisional biopsy (i.e., partial removal of the lesion).

Fig. 13.2, Ultrasound-guided biopsy is typically performed with the physician holding both the ultrasound transducer and the needle (A) in a position parallel to the chest wall. Alternatively, the technologist may scan as the physician manipulates the needle (B).

Prior to performing a breast biopsy, the patient’s history, physical examination findings, and radiologic imaging should be reviewed and carefully considered. The primary objective of a breast biopsy is to obtain a definitive tissue diagnosis that can effectively guide treatment and preoperative planning, as indicated. Subsequently, it is imperative to choose a biopsy technique that optimizes the likelihood of obtaining an accurate diagnosis while minimizing costs, limiting patient discomfort, and reducing the need for a repeat procedure.

Fine-Needle Aspiration

FNA obtains cytologic, rather than histologic, specimens from the breast tissue. Although still used at some breast imaging facilities, the widespread use of FNA has decreased as additional core and vacuum-assisted devices have been introduced. FNA of breast masses and lymph nodes is a safe and reliable diagnostic technique that can be performed in the ambulatory clinic setting using local percutaneous anesthesia. Compared with CNBs, FNAs have less morbidity/complications, lower cost, and faster turnaround time. Although FNA results are often immediately available following aspiration, CNBs are often favored over FNA since CNB specimens also allow for characterization of ductal carcinoma in situ versus invasive cancer and additional tumor biomarker evaluation including the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) is typically obtained and used to guide appropriate cancer treatment. Nevertheless, there is a persistent role for FNA, primarily in the evaluation of palpable masses with a low to intermediate suspicion for cancer and in resource-constrained settings where FNA may be more feasible than CNB.


The use of US guidance during FNA minimizes the risk of inadvertently penetrating any adjacent vascular structures. The skin overlying the palpable mass is infiltrated with a local anesthetic. Then, the breast mass is held relatively immobile by using one hand to gently, yet firmly, hold the mass in place. This procedure typically uses a 10- to 20-mL syringe and 22- or 25-gauge needle. Using real-time imaging guidance, the needle is inserted into the mass while simultaneous suction is being applied to the syringe. Inserting the needle into the mass at various angles allows clumps of cells to be dislodged from the tumor, aspirated into the syringe, and submitted for cytologic examination. Many facilities prefer to have pathology representatives available during sample collection. This allows verification that an adequate amount of tissue has been retrieved for an accurate diagnosis. Once the procedure is complete, local pressure is applied to the site. This procedure is well tolerated and the most common complication, hematoma formation, is rare.


The sensitivity of FNA is often >90% with a pooled sensitivity on metaanalysis of 92% (95% CI 91%–93%). False-negative results have been shown to range from 1% to 10%. It is important to note that these rates do not markedly differ from results of CNB; in one study that directly compared FNA with CNB, the sensitivity of both FNA and CNB was 97% and the diagnostic accuracy was 95% versus 96%. Furthermore, FNA has been shown to be more cost-effective than CNB without compromising diagnostic accuracy.

The diagnostic certainty of FNA is highly dependent on the experience and skill of the interpreting cytologist. Subsequently, the routine use of FNA requires local institutional expertise to ensure accuracy. Successful FNA evaluation necessitates specialized training and close multidisciplinary communication between the cytopathologist, referring clinician, and radiologist. False-positive results range from 0% to 2%, and many studies have reported a 100% positive predictive value for breast FNA. Thus breast lumpectomy may be safely performed following FNA confirmation of breast cancer. However, given the small risk of a false-positive result, caution would dictate that mastectomy should not be performed without additional tissue confirmation of malignancy.

Since false-negative rates of breast FNA range from 1% to 10%, it must be emphasized that the absence of malignant cells in the aspirate does not entirely rule out the possibility of an underlying breast cancer. A 2012 metaanalysis reported that more than a quarter of all FNA samples may result in insufficient material for diagnosis. A clinically suspicious breast abnormality with concerning imaging findings may be initially investigated with FNA. However, if the cytology results are discordant with clinical/imaging findings, then an additional definitive diagnosis must be pursued by means of CNB or surgical excision.


The National Cancer Institute recommendation for the diagnosis of breast aspiration cytology has divided fine-needle aspiration biopsy findings into five categories: C1 = unsatisfactory; C2 = no suspicious features; C3 = cells suspicious but probably benign; C4 = cells suspicious but probably malignant; and C5 = definitely malignant. Clinically, category C2 is defined as negative, and categories C3 through C5 are defined as positive, which necessitates additional workup or treatment.

Biomarker evaluation for ER, PR, HER2, and other markers may be performed on fine-needle aspirate by centrifuging the cellular material and performing immunohistochemical (IHC) staining on the resulting cell block. Several studies have shown that ER and PR can be successfully evaluated on FNA alone; HER2 IHC testing, may also be obtained. However, since the tissue architecture is lost on a cellular aspirate, FNA cannot distinguish between ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive cancer. Because this determination is often critical to treatment planning, CNB may often be required to differentiate between these two diagnoses.

FNA remains the most cost-effective diagnostic procedure for the evaluation of breast masses in developing countries. FNA is minimally invasive and enables rapid onsite provisional reporting which is ideal for multidisciplinary “1-stop” diagnostic clinics. However, FNA requires a more specialized expertise and coordinated multidisciplinary approach than CNB, so this is not a feasible option at some centers. Finally, radiology imaging concordance with cytologic findings is essential, and this assessment should be performed as a routine component of each breast FNA specimen.

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