Disorders of Ocular Motility

The maintenance of binocular vision requires harmonious function of the visual sensory system, gaze centers, ocular motor nerves, neuromuscular junction, and ocular muscles. This chapter deals with nonparalytic strabismus, paralytic strabismus (ophthalmoplegia), gaze palsies, ptosis, and nystagmus. The discussion of visual and pupillary disorders is in Chapter 16 .

Nonparalytic strabismus

Strabismus, or abnormal ocular alignment, affects 3%–4% of preschool children. Many individuals have a latent tendency for ocular misalignment, termed heterophoria, which becomes apparent only under stress or fatigue. During periods of misalignment, the child may have diplopia or headache. Constant ocular misalignment is termed heterotropia. Children with heterotropia suppress the image from one eye to avoid diplopia. If only one eye fixates continuously, visual acuity may be lost permanently in the other (developmental amblyopia).

In nonparalytic strabismus, the amount of deviation in different directions of gaze is relatively constant (comitant). Each eye moves through a normal range when tested separately ( ductions ), but the eyes are disconjugate when used together ( versions ). Many children with chronic brain damage syndromes, such as malformations or perinatal asphyxia, have faulty fusion or faulty control of conjugate gaze mechanisms (nonparalytic strabismus). In neurologically normal children, the most common cause of nonparalytic strabismus is either a genetic influence or an intraocular disorder. Ocular alignment in the newborn is usually poor, with transitory shifts of alignment from convergence to divergence. Ocular alignment usually establishes by 3–4 weeks of age but may not occur until 5 months. Approximately 2% of newborns exhibit tonic downward deviation of the eyes during the waking state, despite having normal intracranial pressure. Constant ocular alignment usually begins after 3 months of age. The eyes assume a normal position during sleep and are able to move upward reflexively.


Esotropia is a constant inward deviation (convergence) of the eyes. It is called alternating esotropia when fixation occurs with both eyes. Unilateral esotropia is when fixation occurs continuously with the opposite eye. Early onset esotropia presents before 6 months of age. The observation of accommodative esotropia is usually between 2 and 3 years of age and may be undetected until adolescence.

Clinical features

Children with infantile esotropia often alternate fixation between eyes and may cross-fixate (i.e., look to the left with the right eye and to the right with the left eye). The misalignment is sufficient that family members see that a problem exists. Some children fixate almost entirely with one eye and are at risk for permanent loss of visual acuity, developmental amblyopia, in the other.

Accommodative esotropia occurs when accommodation compensates for hyperopia. Accommodation more sharply focuses the blurred image. Because convergence accompanies accommodation, one eye turns inward. Some children with accommodative esotropia cross-fixate and use each eye alternatively, while the other maintains fixation. However, if one eye is more hyperopic than the other eye, only the better eye fixates and the unused eye has a considerable potential for amblyopia.


An ophthalmologist should examine the eyes to determine whether hyperopia is present.


Eyeglasses correct hyperopic errors. The treatment of early onset esotropia, in which only one eye fixates, consists of alternate eye patching to prevent amblyopia. Early corrective surgery is required for persistent esotropia. Esotropia presenting after 6 years of age raises concern for a posterior fossa disorder such as a Chiari malformation.


Exotropia is an outward divergence of the eyes. It may be intermittent (exophoria) or constant (exotropia).

Clinical features

Exophoria is a relatively common condition that begins before 4 years of age. It is most often evident when the child is fatigued and fixating on a far object or in bright sunlight. The natural history of the condition is unknown. Exotropia may be congenital but poor vision in the outward-turning eye is also a cause.


Exotropia is an indication to examine the eye for intraocular disease.


In children with intermittent exotropia, the decision to perform corrective surgery depends on the frequency and degree of the abnormality. When exotropia is constant, treatment depends on the underlying cause of visual loss.


The causes of paralytic strabismus include disorders of the ocular motor nerves, the ocular muscles, or neuromuscular junction. Table 15.1 summarizes the muscles, the nerves, and their functions. The eyes no longer move together and diplopia is experienced. Strabismus and diplopia worsen when the child looks in the direction of action of the paralyzed muscle.

Table 15.1
The Extraocular Muscles
Ocular Muscles Innervation Functions
Lateral rectus Abducens Abduction
Medial rectus Oculomotor Adduction
Superior rectus Oculomotor Elevation, intorsion, adduction
Inferior rectus Oculomotor Depression, extorsion, adduction
Inferior oblique Oculomotor Extorsion, elevation, abduction
Superior oblique Trochlear Intorsion, depression, abduction

Congenital Ophthalmoplegia

Testing of eye movements is uncommon in newborns and ophthalmoplegia is often missed. It is common for strabismus to remain unnoticed for several months and then discounted as transitory esotropia. Therefore consider congenital ophthalmoplegia even when a history of ophthalmoplegia at birth is lacking.

Oculomotor Nerve Palsy/III Cranial Nerve

Clinical features

Congenital oculomotor nerve palsy usually is unilateral and complete. Pupillary reflex paralysis is variable. Other cranial nerve palsies, especially abducens, may be associated. The palsy is often unrecognized at birth. Most oculomotor nerve palsies are idiopathic, but some are genetic or caused by orbital trauma. The affected eye is exotropic and usually amblyopic. Lid retraction on attempted adduction or downward gaze may be evidence of aberrant regeneration.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) excludes the possibility of an intracranial mass compressing the nerve. Exophthalmos suggests an orbital tumor. A nonreactive, dilated pupil excludes the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, but a normal pupil requires testing for myasthenia.


Extraocular muscle surgery may improve the cosmetic appearance but rarely improves ocular motility or visual function.

Trochlear Nerve Palsy/IV Cranial Nerve

Clinical features

Congenital superior oblique palsy is usually unilateral. Birth trauma is usually the suspected cause, but the actual cause is rarely established. Most congenital cases are idiopathic. The head tilts away from the paralyzed side to keep the eyes in alignment and avoid diplopia. The major ocular features are hypertropia, greatest in the field of action of the involved superior oblique muscle; underaction of the paretic superior oblique muscle and overaction of the inferior oblique muscle; and increased hypertropia when the head tilts to the paralyzed side (positive Bielschowsky test ).


Head tilt, or torticollis (see Chapter 14 ), is not a constant feature. Once examination confirms a superior oblique palsy, important etiological considerations other than congenital include trauma, myasthenia gravis, and brainstem glioma.


Prisms are effective for small angle deviations; otherwise patients require surgery.

Abducens Nerve Palsy/VI Cranial Nerve

Clinical features

Congenital abducens nerve palsy may be unilateral or bilateral and is sometimes associated with other cranial nerve palsies. Lateral movement of the affected eye(s) is limited partially or completely. Most infants use cross-fixation and thereby retain vision in both eyes. In the few reported cases of congenital palsy with pathological correlation, the abducens nerve is absent and its nucleus is hypoplastic.

Möbius syndrome is the association of congenital facial diplegia and bilateral abducens nerve palsies (see Chapter 17 ). Duane syndrome is congenital, non-progressive horizontal ophthalmoplegia caused by aplasia of one or both nuclei of the abducens nerve with innervation of the atrophic lateral rectus by fibers of the oculomotor nerve. In most cases, the cause is unknown; however, a minority are caused by heterozygous mutations of the CHN1 gene. The characteristic features are lateral rectus palsy, some limitation of adduction, and narrowing of the palpebral fissure because of globe retraction on attempted adduction. Möbius and Duane syndromes are rhombencephalic maldevelopment syndromes often associated with lingual, palatal, respiratory, or long track motor and coordination deficits.


MRI excludes the possibility of an intracranial mass lesion and hearing testing is required.


Surgical procedures may be useful to correct head turn and to provide binocular single vision, but they do not restore ocular motility.

Brown Syndrome

Brown syndrome results from congenital shortening of the superior oblique muscle or tendon. The result is mechanical limitation of elevation in adduction. Usually, only one eye is involved.

Clinical features

Elevation is limited in adduction but is relatively normal in abduction. Passive elevation (forced duction) is also restricted. Other features include widening of the palpebral fissure on adduction and backward head tilt.


The diagnosis of Brown syndrome requires the exclusion of acquired shortening of the superior oblique muscle. The causes of acquired shortening of the superior oblique muscle include juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, and inflammatory processes affecting the top of the orbit (see section on Orbital Inflammatory Disease later in this chapter).


Surgical procedures that extend the superior oblique muscle can be useful in congenital cases.

Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles

Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM) refers to at least eight distinct strabismus syndromes, defined by ophthalmological and other associated findings. The types are CFEOM1A, CFEOM1B, CFEOM2, CFEOM3A, CFEOM3B, CEFOM3C, Tukel syndrome, and CFEOM3 with polymicrogyria. CFEOM1 is autosomal dominant. Affected family members have profound ophthalmoplegia, particularly of upgaze. CFEOM1A is associated with KIF21A mutations, and CFEOM1B is caused by TUBB3 mutations. CFEOM2 presents with bilateral ptosis with the eyes fixed in an exotropic position, and is associated with PHOX2A mutations. CFEOM3 may be unilateral or bilateral, and is typically in the oculomotor distribution. Clinical and MRI findings in CFEOM3 are more variable than those in CFEOM1 and are often asymmetrical. Affected children may have intellectual disability, Kallmann syndrome, cyclic vomiting, neuropathy, and abnormalities on brain MRI. Inheritance is autosomal dominant, with pathogenic variants identified in KIF21A , TUBB2B , and TUBB3 genes. Tukel syndrome is phenotypically similar, but inheritance is autosomal recessive. Oligodactyly and oligosyndactyly may be seen. CFEOM3 with polymicrogyria causes non-progressive ophthalmoplegia in the setting of epilepsy, microcephaly, and intellectual disability. Mutations of the TUBB2 gene are causative, and inheritance is autosomal dominant.

Clinical features

Affected children have congenital bilateral ptosis and restrictive ophthalmoplegia, with their eyes partially or completely fixed in a downward position. CFEOM is a relatively static disorder that is phenotypically homogeneous when completely penetrant. The head is tilted back to allow vision, and diplopia is not associated despite the severe misalignment of the eyes. Identifying the inheritance pattern and associated features such as cognitive impairment, microcephaly, or oligodactyly aids in differentiating various subtypes.


The clinical findings and the family history are key for diagnosis. Genetic testing is available.


The goal of treatment is improvement of vision by correcting ptosis.

Congenital Myasthenia Gravis

Several clinical syndromes of myasthenia gravis occur in the newborn (see Chapter 6 ). Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are genetic disorders of the neuromuscular junction. They are classified as presynaptic, synaptic, or postsynaptic. Postsynaptic disorders are divisible by the kinetic defects into fast channel and slow channel and a third disorder of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) deficiency. Approximately 10% of CMS cases are presynaptic, 15% are synaptic, and 75% are postsynaptic.

Primary AChR deficiency with or without minor kinetic defect, primary kinetic defect with or without AChR deficiency, endplate acetylcholinesterase (AChE) deficiency, rapsyn (receptor-associated protein at the synapse) deficiency, Dok-7 myasthenia, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) deficiency, congenital Lambert–Eaton-like and other presynaptic defects, plectin deficiency, sodium channel myasthenia, paucity of synaptic vesicles, and reduced quantal release have been identified as causes of congenital myasthenia. AChR deficiency causes most postsynaptic cases. Genetic transmission is by autosomal recessive inheritance. Other underlying defects include abnormal acetylcholine resynthesis or immobilization, reduced endplate acetylcholinesterase, and impaired function of the AChR. In 25% of patients with AChR deficiency, AChR mutations are undetectable. Among these patients, rapsyn deficiency is an important causative factor.

Clinical features

Although transmission of these disorders is by autosomal recessive inheritance, a male-to-female bias of 2:1 exists. Symmetric ptosis and ophthalmoplegia are present at birth or shortly thereafter. Mild facial weakness may be present but is not severe enough to impair feeding. If partial at birth, the ophthalmoplegia becomes complete during infancy or childhood. Generalized weakness sometimes develops. Electrophysiological studies in patients suffering from sudden apnea suggest a defect in acetylcholine resynthesis and ChAT. Refractoriness to anticholinesterase medications and partial or complete absence of AChE from the endplates suggest a mutation in COLQ. Multiple mutations have been identified, including CHRNE (accounting for over 50% of cases), RAPSN , CHAT , COLQ , and DOK7 .


Suspect the diagnosis in any newborn with bilateral ptosis or limitation of eye movement. Repetitive nerve stimulation of the limbs at a frequency of 3 Hz may evoke a decremental response after 5–10 minute stimulation that is reversible with edrophonium chloride. The 50 Hz repetitive stimulation may also show a 10% decrease in CMAP between the first and fifth stimulation. This suggests that the underlying defect, although producing symptoms only in the eyes, causes generalized weakness at birth. Genetic testing is available.


No evidence of an immunopathy exists and immunosuppressive therapy is not a recommendation. Thymectomy and corticosteroids are ineffective. Anticholinesterases may decrease facial paralysis but have little or no effect on ophthalmoplegia. The weakness, in some children, responds to 3,4-diaminopyridine (DAP), an agent that releases acetylcholine combined with anticholinesterases.

Congenital Ptosis

Congenital drooping of one or both lids is relatively common, and the drooping is unilateral in 70% of cases. The cause is unknown, but the condition rarely occurs in other family members. The three forms of hereditary congenital ptosis are simple, with external ophthalmoplegia, and with blepharophimosis. Genetic transmission of the simple form is either by autosomal dominant or X-linked inheritance.

Clinical features

Congenital ptosis is often unnoticed until early childhood or even adult life and then diagnosed as an “acquired” ptosis. Miosis is sometimes an associated feature and suggests the possibility of a Horner syndrome, except that the pupil responds normally to pharmacological agents. Some patients have a synkinesis between the oculomotor and trigeminal nerves; jaw movements produce opening of the eye ( Marcus-Gunn phenomenon ).


Box 15.1 lists the differential diagnosis of ptosis. Distinguishing congenital ptosis from acquired ptosis is essential. The examination of baby pictures is more cost-effective than MRI to make the distinction. If miosis is present, test the eye with pharmacological agents (Paredrine and cocaine test for denervation) to determine whether denervation rather than sympathetic hypersensitivity is present, indicating a Horner syndrome. Concurrent paralysis of extraocular motility is evidence against congenital ptosis.

Box 15.1
Causes of Ptosis


  • Congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles

  • Horner syndrome a

    a Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments

  • Myasthenia a

  • Oculomotor nerve palsy a


  • Horner syndrome a

  • Lid inflammation

  • Mitochondrial myopathies (see Chapter 8 )

  • Myasthenia gravis a

  • Oculomotor nerve palsy a

  • Oculopharyngeal dystrophy (see Chapter 17 )

  • Ophthalmoplegic migraine

  • Orbital cellulitis

  • Trauma


Early corrective surgery to elevate the lid improves appearance and vision.

Acute Unilateral Ophthalmoplegia

Box 15.2 summarizes the causes of acquired ophthalmoplegia. The discussion of many of these conditions is in other chapters.

Box 15.2
Causes of Acquired Ophthalmoplegia


  • Brainstem encephalitis a

    a Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments

    (see Chapter 10 )

  • Intoxication

  • Multiple sclerosis a (see Chapter 10 )

  • Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy (see Chapter 10 )

  • Tumor

    • Brainstem glioma a

    • Craniopharyngioma (see Chapter 16 )

    • Leukemia

    • Lymphoma

    • Metastases

    • Pineal region tumors

  • Vascular

    • Arteriovenous malformation

    • Hemorrhage

    • Infarction

    • Migraine a

    • Vasculitis


  • Familial recurrent cranial neuropathies (see Chapter 17 )

  • Increased intracranial pressure (see Chapter 4 )

  • Infectious

    • Diphtheria

    • Gradenigo syndrome

    • Meningitis (see Chapter 4 )

    • Orbital cellulitis

  • Inflammatory

  • Trauma

    • Head

    • Orbital

  • Tumor

    • Cavernous sinus hemangioma

    • Orbital tumors

    • Sellar and parasellar tumors (see Chapter 16 )

    • Sphenoid sinus tumors

  • Vascular

    • Aneurysm

    • Carotid–cavernous fistula

    • Cavernous sinus thrombosis

    • Migraine

Neuromuscular Transmission


  • Fiber-type disproportion myopathies (see Chapter 6 )

  • Kearns-Sayre syndrome

  • Mitochondrial myopathies (see Chapter 8 )

  • Oculopharyngeal dystrophy (see Chapter 17 )

  • Orbital inflammatory disease

  • Thyroid disease

  • Vitamin E deficiency

The definition of acute ophthalmoplegia is reaching maximum intensity within 1 week of onset. It may be partial or complete ( Box 15.3 ). Generalized increased intracranial pressure is always an important consideration in patients with unilateral or bilateral abducens palsy (see Chapter 4 ).

Box 15.3
Causes of Acute Unilateral Ophthalmoplegia

  • Aneurysm a

    a May be recurrent

    , b

    b May be associated with pain

  • Brain tumors

  • Brainstem stroke a

  • Cavernous sinus fistula

  • Cavernous sinus thrombosis

  • Gradenigo syndrome

  • Idiopathic ocular motor nerve palsy a

  • Increased intracranial pressure (see Chapter 4 )

  • Multiple sclerosis a (see Chapter 10 )

  • Myasthenia gravis a

  • Ophthalmoplegic migraine a , b

  • Orbital inflammatory disease a , b

  • Orbital tumor b

  • Recurrent familial a (see Chapter 17 )

  • Trauma

    • Head

    • Orbital


The full discussion of arterial aneurysms is in Chapter 4 , because the important clinical feature in children is hemorrhage rather than nerve compression. This section deals only with possible ophthalmoplegic features.

Clinical features

Aneurysms at the junction of the internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries are an important cause of unilateral oculomotor palsy in adults but are a rare cause in children. Compression of the nerve by expansion of the aneurysm causes the palsy. Intense pain in and around the eye is frequently experienced at the time of hemorrhage. Because the parasympathetic fibers are at the periphery of the nerve, mydriasis is an almost constant feature of ophthalmoplegia caused by aneurysms of the posterior communicating artery. However, pupillary involvement may develop several days after onset of an incomplete external ophthalmoplegia. A normal pupil with complete external ophthalmoplegia effectively excludes the possibility of aneurysm.

Sometimes, aneurysms affect the superior branch of the oculomotor nerve earlier and more severely than the inferior branch. Ptosis may precede the development of other signs by hours or days.


Contrast-enhanced MRI and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or computed tomography (CT) angiogram identify most aneurysms.


Surgical clipping is the treatment of choice whenever technically feasible. Oculomotor function often returns to normal after the procedure.

Brainstem Glioma

Clinical features

Symptoms begin between 2 and 13 years of age, with a peak between ages 5 and 8 years. The period from onset of symptoms to diagnosis is less than 6 months. Cranial nerve palsies, usually abducens and facial, are the initial features in most cases. Later, contralateral hemiplegia and ataxia, dysphagia, and hoarseness develop. Hemiplegia at onset is associated with a more rapid course. With time, cranial nerve and corticospinal tract involvement may become bilateral. Increased intracranial pressure is not an early feature, but direct irritation of the brainstem emetic center may cause vomiting rather than increased pressure. Intractable hiccup, facial spasm, personality change, and headache are early symptoms in occasional patients.

Brainstem gliomas carry the worst prognosis of any childhood tumor due to their location. The course is one of steady progression, with median survival times of 9–12 months.


MRI delineates the tumor well and differentiates tumor from inflammatory and vascular disorders ( Fig. 15.1 ).

Fig. 15.1, Brainstem Glioma.


Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. Several chemotherapeutic programs are undergoing experimental trials, but none has established benefit.

Brainstem Stroke

Box 11.2 summarizes the causes of stroke in children. Small brainstem hemorrhages resulting from emboli, leukemia, or blood dyscrasias have the potential to cause isolated ocular motor palsies, but this is not the rule. Other cranial nerves are also involved, and hemiparesis, ataxia, and decreased consciousness are often associated features.

Carotid–Cavernous Sinus Fistula

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