Fractures and Dislocations in Children

General Principles

Fractures are common in children, occurring at a rate of 12 to 30 per 1000 children every year. The risk of sustaining a fracture between birth and 16 years of age has been reported to be 42% to 64% for boys and 27% to 40% for girls. Children and adolescents, because of their unique physiologic features, such as the presence of physes, increased elasticity of bone and other connective tissue structures, as well as decreased motor control and greater head-to-body weight ratio in younger children, have different patterns of fractures than adults. Although most fractures in children heal well without long-term complications, certain fractures, especially those involving the physis and articular surface, have the potential to cause significant morbidity.

Children, unlike adults, can remodel fractures as they grow, especially those in the plane of motion of the adjacent joint. Fractures that are angulated in the coronal plane have some remodeling potential, and those that are rotationally displaced have little to none. In the upper extremity, growth is more rapid at the proximal humerus and distal radius, whereas in the lower extremity it is primarily about the knee, at the distal femur and proximal tibia. Fractures that are closer to active physes, such as proximal humeral fractures, due to rapid growth have tremendous remodeling potential compared with fractures that occur in less active physes, such as radial neck fractures where less remodeling occurs. Understanding remodeling is essential in optimizing treatment for each patient. Because of these differences, a basic understanding of skeletal growth potential and maturation is essential in caring for children with fractures.

This chapter mainly discusses fractures that require operative management. Lateral condyle and femoral neck fractures have been called “fractures of necessity” because poor outcomes are certain without operative treatment. Some fractures, such as those of the proximal humerus, rarely require surgery. Nonunion in children is rare and if present is usually caused by factors such as open fracture, soft-tissue interposition at the fracture site, pathologic lesion, or vitamin D deficiency.

Growth Plate Injuries

It has been estimated that 30% of fractures in children involve a physis and most heal without any long-term complications. It is important to have knowledge of which fractures have a low potential for causing growth disturbance, such as those in the proximal humerus, and those that have greater potential, such as those in the distal femur and tibia. Histologically, most physeal fractures occur through the proliferative zone, which is the weakest region of the physis ( Fig. 36.1 ); however, they can occur through any zone. Some physeal fractures may be related to endocrinologic changes that occur around the time of puberty.

FIGURE 36.1, Physeal anatomy. Most fractures occur through the proliferative zone, which is the weakest region of the physis.

The most widely used scheme to classify these injuries is that of Salter and Harris, which is based on the radiographic appearance of the fracture as it relates to the physis as described below ( Fig. 36.2 ).

FIGURE 36.2, Classification of physeal injuries by Salter and Harris (see text).

    • Type I fractures occur through the physis only, with or without displacement.

    • Type II fractures have a metaphyseal spike attached to the separated epiphysis (Thurston-Holland sign) with or without displacement.

    • Type III fractures occur through the physis and epiphysis into the joint with joint incongruity when the fracture is displaced.

    • Type IV fractures occur in the metaphysis and pass through the physis and epiphysis into the joint. Joint incongruity occurs with displaced fractures.

    • Type V fractures, which are usually diagnosed only in retrospect, are compression or crush fractures of the physis, producing permanent damage and growth arrest.

    • Type VI fractures are caused by a shearing injury to the peripheral aspect of the physis (perichondral ring). These fractures have been classically described in lawn mower accidents when the peripheral aspect of the physis is sheared off and have a high rate of angular deformity and growth arrest.

Although not completely prognostic, in general, Salter-Harris types III–VI fractures have a greater risk of complications than Salter-Harris types I and II injuries. An exception might be a completely displaced Salter-Harris type I fracture that has a greater potential for growth arrest than a nondisplaced Salter-Harris type IV fracture of the distal femur.

Although many Salter-Harris types I and II fractures can be treated nonoperatively, Salter-Harris types III and IV fractures usually require operative intervention, most commonly open reduction and internal fixation because of the intraarticular nature of the fracture and the potential for posttraumatic arthritis with nonanatomic reduction. Implants crossing the physis should be avoided when possible and when used should be smooth and the smallest diameter possible, and should be removed as soon as the fracture is stable ( Fig. 36.3 ). The treatment of specific fractures and the potential for growth arrest are discussed for each specific injury. Regardless of the injury type, parents need to be educated as to the possibility of growth disturbance and the need for long-term follow-up for any physeal fracture.

FIGURE 36.3, Fixation of physeal fracture. A , Correct placement of cannulated screws in metaphysis and epiphysis avoiding physis. B , Smooth pin crossing physis if necessary to hold reduction.

When growth arrest occurs, it can result in a shortening or angular deformity or both of the limb, depending on the size and the location of the growth arrest. Growth arrest most commonly results from a bony bar that crosses the physis. Although spontaneous correction of the bar with growth resumption has been reported, it is very rare. Central bars tend to lead to shortening, and peripheral bars tend to lead to angular deformity, but in most cases there are components of each. Certain fractures, such as distal femoral and distal tibial physeal fractures, have a higher rate of growth arrest and deformity than others. Once a bony bar occurs, the size and location of the bar can be determined using three-dimensional imaging such as computed tomography (CT) or volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Physeal bar resection has been tried using a variety of direct and indirect methods, and the results have been unpredictable with unsuccessful outcomes occurring in 10% to 40% of patients. In general, younger patients with smaller (<30% of the physis) peripheral bars have a higher rate of success with bar resection than older patients with larger central bars. Bar resection is often combined with osteotomy to correct the resultant angular deformity as well. For large bars or those that are difficult to resect, epiphysiodesis of the remaining physis with staged angular correction and/or lengthening may be the best option.

When growth across the physis ceases symmetrically, such as with large central bars or with type V fractures, the primary problem is limb shortening. In the upper extremity, the major growth centers are the proximal humerus (arm) and distal radius and ulna (forearm). In contrast, the major growth centers in the lower extremity are the distal femur (thigh) and proximal tibia and fibula (leg) ( Fig. 36.4 ). Using either the Mosley straight-line graph or the Paley modifiers, the amount of deformity present at skeletal maturity can be predicted. The ultimate shortening that occurs is a result of the physis involved and amount of growth remaining. The relative contribution of each physis to overall limb segment growth is shown in Fig. 36.4 . Shortening is much better tolerated in the upper extremity than the lower extremity, and length equalization procedures are rarely used in the upper extremity. In general, patients with a lower extremity leg-length discrepancy at maturity of up to 2 cm can be treated with a shoe lift, those 2 to 5 cm with contralateral epiphysiodesis, and those greater than 5 cm with limb lengthening. With their improvements and increased use, intramedullary lengthening nails, which are extremely accurate, have a lower complication rate and better cosmetic result than traditional external fixation-based lengthening techniques, and these guidelines, especially those for epiphysiodesis, are being questioned.

FIGURE 36.4, A, Approximately 80% of the growth of humerus occurs at proximal physis. B, Approximately 70% of growth of femur occurs at distal physis; in tibia, approximately 55% occurs in proximal physis.

Open Fractures

The general classification and principles associated with the treatment of open fractures apply to children as well. The most common open fractures in children are in the forearm and tibia followed by the hand, femur, and humerus. It is important to remember that factors such as thick active periosteum, greater periosteal bone formation potential, and lack of comorbidities lead to faster and more reliable bone healing in children than in adults. The initial management should consist of wound irrigation and debridement, antibiotics, and stabilization of the fracture. Treatment should be individualized for each patient. Timely administration of antibiotics has been shown to decrease infection rates in patients with open fractures. A multicenter study comparing irrigation and debridement of type I open forearm fractures in the emergency room compared to the operating room demonstrated no significant difference in overall infection rates, but length of stay and costs were decreased in the emergency room group. Larger studies are necessary, however, to determine if and which grade I open fractures can be treated in the emergency room because of the considerable variability in treatment methods among surgeons and the lack of quality evidence to guide treatment.

A large multicenter review of 536 children with 554 open fractures showed an overall infection rate of 3% with no difference in infection for all Gustilo and Anderson types comparing emergent (<6 hours) with delayed (>6 hours) surgical treatment. Grade III fractures in older children and adolescents have complication rates similar to those in adults. A recent meta-analysis showed no relationship between late debridement and increased infection rates in children with open fractures as well. The treatment of specific open fractures is discussed in this chapter.

Birth Fractures

Neonates who are diagnosed with a fracture in the first week of life without any evidence of trauma are considered to have a birth fracture. The incidence is approximately 0.1/1000 live births and may be related to forced obstetric maneuvers. The most commonly fractured bones include the humerus, clavicle, and femoral shaft. Risk factors include very large or very small fetuses, breech presentation, instrumented delivery, small uterine incision (cesarean section), twin pregnancy, prematurity and prematurity-related osteopenia, and osteogenesis imperfecta. Between 60% and 80% of patients do not have positive findings on the initial newborn examination. Prenatal ultrasound may help to identify high-risk patients, such as those with osteogenesis imperfecta before delivery.

Clinically, patients present with warmth, swelling, pain, and irritability with motion. Some children present with pseudoparalysis or failure to move a limb, which can be confused with differential diagnoses of osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, or brachial plexus palsy. Because it may take several days for some of these signs to develop, delayed diagnosis of 1 to 2 days is common. Most birth fractures do not require operative treatment, heal quickly, and remodel fully. Clavicular or humeral shaft fractures can be treated by pinning the baby’s sleeve to the front of the shirt for 1 to 2 weeks until healed. Femoral shaft fractures can be treated with splinting or a Pavlik harness. Spica casting rarely is necessary. Physeal separations, especially at the distal femur and distal humerus, are rare but can occur with difficult delivery. Advanced imaging such as arthrography or ultrasound can be used to make the diagnosis. (These specific injuries are discussed later in the chapter.)

Nonaccidental Trauma

Musculoskeletal injuries are the second most common type of injury after soft-tissue injury, occurring 10% to 70% of the time in children with nonaccidental trauma (NAT). Because of this, 30% to 50% of these children are seen by an orthopaedic surgeon. Because there is no specific test to make the diagnosis of NAT, a careful history and physical examination must be performed and appropriate use of imaging is necessary. This usually is done using a multidisciplinary team approach. Having a high index of suspicion of NAT is essential because in up to 20% of children with NAT the diagnosis is missed on their initial medical visit. Making the diagnosis is essential because there is a high rate of reabuse and even death in children when the diagnosis is missed. It is important to be aware of risk factors for NAT and of certain injuries that are highly suggestive of this mechanism of injury. Risk factors for NAT include age younger than 2 years, children with multiple medical problems, fractures or injuries in different stages of healing, posterior rib fractures, and long bone fractures in young patients ( Fig. 36.5 ). Other social factors, such as parental unemployment or drug abuse, lower socioeconomic status, and single parent households, have been shown to correlate with a higher risk of NAT as well. Common fractures in abused children are in the humerus, tibia, and femur. Radiographic features such as soft-tissue swelling (1 to 2 days), periosteal reaction (15 to 35 days), soft or hard callus (36 days), and bridging and remodeling (after 45 days) can be used to determine the age of the fracture. Other conditions in the differential diagnosis of NAT include metabolic bone disease and genetic conditions that can lead to bone fragility, such as osteogenesis imperfecta, rickets, renal disease, disuse osteopenia, and the use of certain medications such as corticosteroids.

FIGURE 36.5, Child abuse. A–C , Six-month old child with multiple fractures at different stages of healing. D , Metaphyseal corner fracture. E, Rib fractures.

Humeral shaft fractures in children younger than 3 years were at one time thought to be associated with NAT, but most are not. However, a high index of suspicion must remain for NAT in any child younger than 1 year of age with a long bone fracture. Humeral shaft fractures, although less often than clavicular fractures, can occur at birth. Risk factors include large babies, shoulder dystocia, and the use of assistive devices. These children often present with pseudoparalysis that can be confused with a brachial plexus palsy and septic arthritis.

When NAT is suspected, a skeletal survey ( Box 36.1 ) should be ordered in children up to the age of 3 years according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 2009 Clinical Practice Guidelines, especially when the child is younger than 1 year of age, when there is no history or an inconsistent history of injury, or in those in whom the fracture is attributed to NAT or domestic violence to look for secondary injuries. Patients with buckle fractures of the distal radius and toddlers with a fracture of the tibia do not need routine skeletal survey. It should be noted that lower extremity long bone fractures in ambulatory children rarely are caused by NAT. On skeletal survey, 50% of children have one fracture, 21% have two, 12% have three, and 17% have more than three. Controversy exists as to which studies are optimal to include in a skeletal survey; however, rib films are essential because of the high sensitivity and specificity for NAT. Because imaging around active physes is difficult, and with improvements in plain radiographic techniques, bone scan rarely is used in the evaluation of NAT.

BOX 36.1
Standard Skeletal Survey for Suspected Child Abuse

Minimum Required Views

  • Anteroposterior views of entire skeleton

  • Dedicated views of hands and feet

  • Lateral views of axial skeleton—skull and spine

Imaging Also Suggested

  • Oblique views of ribs

  • Oblique views of hands and feet

Optional Useful Images

  • Lateral views of the joints—wrists, ankles, knees

  • Orthogonal views of any fractures found

Certain fracture types such as spiral femoral fractures and metaphyseal corner fractures were thought to be pathognomonic for NAT. Recent studies have shown that spiral femoral fractures actually are rare in abused children and that transverse fractures are more predictive of NAT. A recent review has shown that the metaphyseal corner fracture, once thought to be pathognomonic for NAT, is very similar to fractures seen with rickets. It is important to remember that fracture morphology gives information about the direction but not the etiology of the force applied and that the presence or absence of a fracture is probably more important than its morphology.


Fractures of the clavicle are common in children and adolescents, with a peak age for clavicular fractures being 10 to 19 years of age. Most fractures heal well with nonoperative treatment, especially in young children. Although there has been a dramatic increase in the operative treatment of clavicular fractures in all age groups, the role of operative treatment of clavicular shaft fractures in children and adolescents remains controversial. A review of members of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America showed that the majority preferred nonoperative treatment for all fracture patterns; however, older age (16 to 19 years), evidence in the adult literature, and physician years of experience (<5 years) predicted operative treatment preference. Excellent clinical and radiographic outcomes have been reported for both nonoperative and operative management of these injuries. Operatively treated patients typically have a faster return to activities but also have a higher complication rate in terms of symptomatic implants and nonunion. A recent study showed the overall complication rate following surgical treatment of 37 fractures in 36 pediatric patients to be 86%, with painful implants being the most common complication (59%), and a major complication rate of 43%, including nonunion and refracture around the plate and/or screw holes following plate removal. The rate of malunion is higher and almost exclusively associated with nonoperative treatment; however, patients with established malunions have excellent functional outcome scores. Although studies have shown good outcomes with both methods of treatment, stronger evidence is needed to determine if one method is superior to the other. The indications for operative treatment are open fracture, polytrauma, floating shoulder, fractures with skin compromise or neurovascular injury, and widely displaced or shortened fractures in older adolescents. Operative treatment of these injuries is described in Chapter 57 .

Sternoclavicular Fractures and Dislocations

The medial clavicle is one of the last growth centers to ossify, typically around 25 years of age. Fractures of the medial clavicle are usually Salter-Harris type I or II fractures, which in most cases heal with closed management and without complications ( Fig. 36.6 ). It can be difficult to differentiate these injuries from true sternoclavicular joint dislocations because clinically they appear similar. The use of CT scan is helpful in these situations not only to determine the fracture pattern but also to evaluate the relationship between the fracture fragments and the mediastinal structures such as the brachiocephalic vein, which is the most commonly compressed structure, and innominate artery with posteriorly displaced fracture dislocation. Although injuries to the great vessels or mediastinal structures are often cited as complications of posterior sternoclavicular dislocations, a recent multicenter study of 125 such dislocations found no vascular or mediastinal injuries during reduction or fixation that required intervention. Anteriorly displaced fractures usually heal with a “bump” over the proximal clavicle but rarely are symptomatic. Up to 50% of patients with posteriorly displaced fractures may remain symptomatic. This, along with the higher complication rate in repair of longstanding sternoclavicular dislocation, leads most authors to recommend operative treatment of these acute injuries. Closed reduction under anesthesia can be attempted, but there is a high redislocation rate. Because the epiphyseal (proximal) fragment is small, fixation is usually achieved with FiberWire (Arthrex Inc., Naples, FL) or suture repair. Care must be taken to protect the adjacent neurovascular structures and pleura. A recent meta-analysis showed that although considerable variability in the literature exists, good results can be obtained with both open and closed treatment as long as a stable reduction is achieved. It also showed that early treatment is better because patients treated less than 48 hours after injury had better results than those treated later. Patients who undergo late operative treatment for chronic posterior fracture-dislocation have been shown to do well with activities of daily living but have pain when returning to the same level of athletic participation.

FIGURE 36.6, A, Stages of healing of Salter-Harris type I physeal separation of lateral clavicle. B, Chronic posterior displaced fracture of sternoclavicular joint (medial).

Lateral (Distal) Clavicular Fractures

Injuries to the distal clavicle in young children are rare. In older children and adolescents these injuries appear very similar to acromioclavicular joint injuries. These injuries are really physeal fractures in which the epiphysis and physis maintain their normal anatomic relation to the shoulder joint, whereas the distal metaphysis is displaced superiorly, away from the underlying structures. The periosteal sleeve generally is intact inferiorly, and the ligamentous structures connecting the clavicle to the coracoid usually remain attached to the periosteal sleeve ( Fig. 36.7 ). Because the periosteal sleeve is highly osteogenic, these fractures have a tremendous potential to remodel, and most patients do well with nonoperative treatment. Operative treatment, consisting of open reduction and internal fixation, usually is reserved for adolescent patients with significant displacement and limited remodeling potential. The operative treatment of lateral clavicular injuries is discussed in Chapter 57 .

FIGURE 36.7, Distal clavicular fracture with coracoclavicular and coracoacromial ligaments still intact or at least attached to periosteal tube. Fracture in child remodels satisfactorily without surgery.

Acromioclavicular Dislocations

There are five types of acromioclavicular injuries described in children ( Fig. 36.8 ). Type I injury is not sufficient to completely rupture the acromioclavicular or the coracoclavicular ligaments. Type II injury damages the acromioclavicular ligaments but not the coracoclavicular ligaments; a partial periosteal sleeve (tube) tear also occurs. In type III injury the acromioclavicular ligament is completely ruptured, but the coracoclavicular ligaments are intact because they are still attached to the periosteum. The clavicle is unstable and is displaced superiorly through a rent in the periosteal sleeve (pseudodislocation). Type IV injury is identical to type III except that, in addition to being displaced superiorly, the clavicle is displaced posteriorly. Type V injury is severe; the acromioclavicular ligaments are disrupted, and, although the coracoclavicular ligaments are still attached to the periosteal sleeve, the clavicle is now unstable and its lateral end is buried in the trapezius and deltoid muscles or has pierced them and is located under the skin in the posterior aspect of the shoulder.

FIGURE 36.8, Five types of acromioclavicular separation occurring in children (see text). Acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments are attached to periosteal tube, although distal end of clavicle is significantly displaced in types III, IV, and V.

In many type III, IV, and V dislocations, an unrecognized fracture of the distal end of the clavicle occurs, with the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments remaining intact and attached to the empty periosteal tube or to the most distal fragment. In children and adolescents up to age 15 years, types I, II, and III acromioclavicular separations, even with fracture of the distal third of the clavicle, can be treated by nonoperative means. In patients older than age 15 years, type III injuries may require surgery. Open reduction and internal fixation should be considered for markedly displaced types IV and V fractures (see Chapter 57 ).

In types IV and V acromioclavicular dislocations, it is important to disengage the distal clavicle from the trapezius and deltoid muscles. If this is unsuccessful by closed means, surgery is indicated to remove the clavicle from the muscles and replace it in the periosteal tube. The periosteal tube should be repaired, and the deltoid-trapezius muscle fascia should be imbricated superiorly over the clavicle. If the repair is unstable, internal fixation is required, as in adults, by acromioclavicular or coracoclavicular fixation, as described in Chapter 57 .

Shoulder Dislocations

Shoulder dislocations in children are rare, and proximal humeral physeal fractures are much more common. In a review of 500 glenohumeral dislocations, only eight patients were younger than 10 years of age (1.6%). Another study of 1937 patients aged 10 to 16 years who had closed reduction of a glenohumeral dislocation found that children ages 10 to 12 years composed only 6% of the cohort and had a significantly lower rate of redislocation than older children. It is thought that glenohumeral dislocations in skeletally immature patients may become more common as the level of sports participation increases. A series of 14 skeletally immature patients treated with closed reduction found a redislocation rate of 21% at a mean of 5 years’ follow-up. Glenohumeral dislocation has been reported when associated with a proximal humeral metaphyseal fracture. The natural history, diagnosis, and management of shoulder dislocations for adolescents is similar to adults, as described in Chapter 60 .

Proximal Humeral Fractures

Proximal humeral fractures are relatively rare in the pediatric population, accounting for 0.5% of pediatric fractures and 4% to 7% of all epiphyseal fractures. Of the physeal fractures, the majority are Salter-Harris type II fractures and Salter-Harris types III and IV are rare. They are most often classified by the Neer-Horowitz classification as shown in Box 36.2 . A systematic review of the treatment of proximal humeral fractures in children found that nonunions did not occur and malunions were exceedingly rare, regardless of the method of treatment. This is due to the rapid growth and remodeling potential of the proximal humerus, especially in young children. In children younger than 10 years, it has been shown that angulation of up to 60 degrees can remodel completely, whereas in older children and adolescents it is closer to 20 to 30 degrees. A recent cohort-matched comparison of operative and nonoperative treatment of 32 proximal humeral fractures showed no difference in complications, functional outcome, or patient satisfaction. Within the nonoperatively treated group, there was a higher rate of dissatisfaction in patients older than 12 years treated nonoperatively. They found the odds ratio of an undesirable outcome increased 3.81 for each year of age with nonoperative treatment.

BOX 36.2
Neer-Horowitz Classification of Humeral Physeal Fractures
Adapted from Neer C II, Horowitz BS: Fractures of the proximal humeral epiphyseal plate, Clin Orthop Relat Res 41:24, 1963.

  • I = to 5 mm of displacement

  • II = to one third humeral shaft

  • III = to two thirds humeral shaft

  • IV = more than two thirds humeral shaft/total separation

Closed Treatment

Closed treatment consisting of a sling or hanging arm cast remains the primary method of treatment for these injuries given the tremendous healing and remodeling potential of the proximal humerus. Closed reduction, when necessary, can be performed with sedation and by abducting (90 degrees) and externally rotating (90 degrees) the arm relative to the shoulder. Patients can gradually increase shoulder motion as their symptoms allow. Physical therapy rarely is needed in this population.

Operative Treatment

Operative treatment usually is reserved for older children and adolescents because of the excellent outcomes with nonoperative treatment seen in children younger than 10 years of age. If attempted closed reduction fails, open reduction is indicated. Other indications for open reduction using the deltopectoral approach include open fracture and skeletal maturity (or close to skeletal maturity) ( Fig. 36.9A,B ) . The most common impediments to obtaining a successful closed reduction include the periosteum, biceps tendon, deltoid muscle, and comminuted bone fragments. Once a satisfactory reduction has been achieved, the fracture can be stabilized with Kirschner wires, cannulated screw(s), or flexible titanium elastic intramedullary nails (TEIN), all of which have been shown to have good outcomes. The use of a cannulated screw or screws, which has been shown to be biomechanically stronger than multiple Kirschner wire fixation, has increased because of the soft-tissue irritation and need for a return to the operating room for Kirschner wire removal. The use of TEIN has been shown to produce good radiographic and functional results in several studies; however, implant removal is occasionally necessary because of prominence. A comparison of percutaneous pinning and TEIN found that both techniques are effective in fracture stabilization in older children. The use of TEIN was shown to have a lower complication rate than percutaneous pinning; however, TEIN use was associated with increased blood loss, operative time, rate of reoperation for hardware removal, and cost.

FIGURE 36.9, A, Irreducible dislocation-Salter-Harris type II fracture of proximal humerus in 15-year-old boy. B, After open reduction and screw fixation. C, Smooth Kirschner wires can also be used in younger patients. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.1 .

Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning (or Screw Fixation) of Proximal Humerus

Technique 36.1

  • Position the patient to allow anteroposterior and axillary lateral images of the injured shoulder. Prepare and drape the patient in a sterile manner.

  • Manipulate the distal fragment into slight external rotation, 90 degrees of flexion, and 70 degrees of abduction using image intensification. This brings the fragments together satisfactorily. This maneuver should push the upper part of the shaft back through the rent in the deltoid muscle and anterior periosteum and correct the anterior angulation. Have an assistant support the proximal fragment to help achieve and maintain the reduction.

  • Drill two terminally threaded Steinmann pins through the lateral shaft in a proximal direction into the humeral head to maintain the reduction. In older patients with large metaphyseal fragments, a cannulated screw can be used. The skin incision should be made fairly distal to accommodate the pin trajectory.

  • In younger patients, smooth Kirschner wires can be used ( Fig. 36.9C ).

Postoperative Care

Patients are placed in a sling, and gentle range-of-motion exercises are started. Pins can be irritating to the patient and are removed in 3 to 4 weeks.

Closed Reduction and Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Humerus

Technique 36.2

  • Position the patient to allow anteroposterior and axillary lateral images of the injured shoulder. Prepare and drape the patient in a sterile manner.

  • Make a lateral incision over the supracondylar ridge. Drill two holes in the lateral cortex using a drill slightly larger than the diameter nail selected. Alternatively, one medial and one lateral hole can be drilled. If a medial nail is used, care must be taken to protect the ulnar nerve.

  • Prebend the nail and pass it retrograde to the fracture site. Gently reduce the fracture using fluoroscopic guidance and pass the first nail. Repeat for the second nail either through the lateral or second medial incision.

  • When the fracture reduction is adequate, cut the nails beneath the skin for later removal. If acceptable reduction after two attempts cannot be obtained, proceed with open reduction using the deltopectoral interval.

Postoperative Care

Place the arm in a soft dressing with sling and begin motion. Nails are typically removed in 3 to 6 months or sooner if the implant is causing symptoms and the fracture is healed.

Humeral Shaft Fractures

Humeral shaft fractures in children are uncommon, accounting for less than 10% of all humeral fractures in children. Most occur either in children younger than 3 years or older than 12 years, and almost all of these injuries can be treated nonoperatively because of the remodeling potential of the humerus and the ability of the glenohumeral joint to accommodate for any residual malalignment. Up to 70 degrees of angulation in children younger than 5 years and 30 degrees of angulation in children ages 12 to 13 can be accepted. Less angulation in distal fractures, especially those in varus, is acceptable because of the undesirable cosmetic appearance of the arm. Closed treatment usually consists of coaptation splinting, fracture bracing, or the use of a hanging arm cast. Operative treatment, consisting of plating or the use of TEIN, has been shown to provide good results. External fixation can be used in rare conditions in which severe soft-tissue injuries are present. Indications for operative treatment include patients with polytrauma to speed mobilization and upper extremity weight bearing, a floating elbow, a pathologic lesion, and adolescents close to skeletal maturity. Radial nerve entrapment can occur, especially with distal fractures after closed reduction maneuvers. A loss of radial nerve function after closed reduction indicates potential entrapment of the nerve between the fracture fragments, and urgent nerve exploration and internal fixation are necessary. Plating techniques for children are similar to adults as discussed in Chapter 57 .

Closed/Open Reduction and Intramedullary Nailing of Humeral Shaft

Technique 36.3

  • Position the patient to allow anteroposterior and axillary lateral images of the injured humerus. This can be done on a radiolucent table or hand table. Prepare and drape the patient in a sterile manner.

  • Make a lateral incision over the supracondylar ridge. Drill two holes in the lateral cortex using a drill slightly larger than the diameter nail selected. Alternatively, one medial and one lateral hole can be drilled. If a medial nail is used, care must be taken to protect the ulnar nerve.

  • Place the nail over the skin to radiographically determine where the fracture site will be on the nail. Gently bend the nail with the apex of the bow at the fracture site. Pass both nails retrograde to the fracture site. Gently reduce the fracture using fluoroscopic guidance and pass the first nail 1 to 2 cm across the fracture site. Repeat for the second nail either through the lateral or a second medial incision. Once both nails have crossed the fracture site, advance them to their final positions.

  • When the fracture reduction is adequate, cut the nails beneath the skin for later removal. If acceptable reduction cannot be obtained after two attempts, proceed with open reduction.

Postoperative Care

Place the arm in a soft dressing with sling and begin motion. Nails typically are removed in 4 to 6 months or sooner if the implant is causing symptoms.

Supracondylar Humeral Fractures

A review of over 63,000 supracondylar humeral fractures in the United States over a 5-year period showed the rate of injury to be 60 to 70 per 100,000 children. The mean age of patients with closed fractures was 5.5 years (52% male), with 54% of them occurring in children 4 to 6 years of age. Older patients (mean age, 9.1 years) were more likely to sustain open fractures and neurologic injuries. Almost all (98%) are extension-type injuries, which usually are caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. Flexion-type fractures, although rarer, are more difficult to reduce, have worse outcomes, and are associated with ulnar nerve injury ( Fig. 36.10 ). Approximately 5% to 10% of children have an associated ipsilateral distal radial fracture. The most commonly used classification is that by Gartland in which type I fractures are nondisplaced, type II fractures have an intact posterior hinge, and type III fractures have complete displacement. A type IV injury has been described in which there is complete loss of the anterior and posterior periosteal hinge, making it unstable in both flexion and extension. Type IV fractures usually are the result of high-energy injury. Care must be taken when reducing a type III fracture to avoid tearing the periosteal hinge, making it a type IV injury. The diagnosis can be made in most cases using plain radiographs. Advanced imaging, such as CT, occasionally is used in an adolescent when there are concerns about a coronal split in the distal fragment or T-condylar fracture.

FIGURE 36.10, Flexion type supracondylar humeral fracture.

A careful neurologic examination is essential because 10% to 15% of patients have a nerve injury, with the anterior interosseous nerve being the most frequently injured in extension-type fractures. The ulnar nerve is most frequently injured in flexion-type injuries in 10% of patients. Obese children have been shown to have a higher rate of both preoperative and postoperative nerve palsy and higher rate of open reduction. A loss of neurologic function after reduction is concerning for nerve entrapment at the time of reduction, and urgent open exploration of the nerve is necessary. Most nerve injuries are a result of neurapraxia and resolve within 6 to 12 weeks; electromyography is indicated if there is no return of nerve function within 3 months. A recent long-term follow-up study of patients with neurologic injuries showed that at an average follow-up of 8 years most patients had excellent function; 100% of patients with radial nerve, 88% of patients with median nerve, and only 25% of patients with ulnar nerve injuries fully recovered.

Urgent assessment of the vascular status of the limb also is essential to minimize complications. A vascular injury, typically to the brachial artery, can occur in up to 10% to 20% of patients with a type III fracture ( Fig. 36.11 ). Because of the rich collateral blood supply about the elbow, the hand may be well perfused even with complete disruption of the brachial artery. The vascular status of the limb can be classified as normal—pulseless but with a warm pink (perfused) hand—or pulseless, pale (nonperfused) hand. Treatment of patients with a pulseless warm hand remains controversial in terms of the need for brachial artery exploration ( Fig. 36.12 ). A supracondylar fracture with a nonperfused hand is a surgical emergency to prevent reperfusion injury and compartment syndrome leading to Volkmann ischemic contracture. Compartment syndrome occurs in approximately 0.1% to 0.3% of patients with supracondylar humeral fractures and is more common with concurrent fracture of the forearm or wrist. In pediatric patients, the 3 A’s— a gitation, a nxiety, and increasing a nalgesia requirements—are sensitive and reliable indicators of impending compartment syndrome.

FIGURE 36.11, A, Type III supracondylar humeral fracture with vascular injury. B, Brachial artery occlusion with supracondylar humeral fracture.

FIGURE 36.12, Management of pulseless supracondylar humeral fracture.

In patients with vascular compromise, urgent reduction in the operating room should be performed and the vascular status of the hand assessed. Arteriography should not be used unless the level of vascular injury is unclear in patients with polytrauma and should never delay closed reduction of a supracondylar humeral fracture. If perfusion is not restored, urgent exploration of the brachial artery with release of entrapping structures and direct repair with vein grafting if necessary should be performed by a surgeon with experience in the repair of small vessels. Prophylactic forearm and hand fasciotomies are necessary in patients with prolonged ischemia time. This is especially important in patients with concomitant nerve injuries in which the ability to detect a compartment syndrome clinically is impaired. Most patients in whom perfusion is restored (pink hand) even in the absence of a radial pulse have good long-term outcomes with observation.

Treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures is based on the Gartland type. Type I fractures are treated with long arm cast immobilization for 3 weeks followed by a brief period of protected activity. Patients with the presence of a posterior fat pad on radiographs should be presumed to have a type I fracture and treated in this fashion.

Treatment of type II injuries is somewhat controversial. Wilkins subdivided type II injuries into A and B with type IIA fractures being stable and type IIB fractures having some degree of rotation or translation making them unstable. Closed reduction and casting can be used in patients with type IIA injuries. Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning typically with two or three lateral pins has become the main form of treatment for type IIB injuries and for those in which the stability is in question. Pinning is preferred for most type II fractures because of concerns about the ability to maintain reduction in a splint or cast, poor patient compliance with barriers to timely follow-up, and difficulty in differentiating between type IIA and B fractures. Type III and IV fractures are treated with closed reduction and pinning ( Fig. 36.13 ).

FIGURE 36.13, Fixation of supracondylar fracture. A and B, Severely displaced type III supracondylar fracture. C and D, Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning were performed.

Complications of percutaneous pinning occur in approximately 5% of patients, with pin migration or irritation being the most common followed by infection (1%) and elbow stiffness. The ideal pin configuration remains controversial; however, although crossed medial and lateral pins are more stable than two lateral pins in vitro, use of two or three lateral pins appears to be equal to crossed pins in vivo. A comparison study of medial crossed pins and lateral entry pins showed equal maintenance of reduction in both groups, but the crossed pin group had a 7.7% rate of iatrogenic nerve injury. This rate of iatrogenic nerve injury with crossed pins has been shown in other studies as well. If lateral pinning is used, it is important to engage both fragments and have bicortical fixation with at least two pins and at least 2 mm of pin separation at the fracture site. Most centers use two or three lateral pins for most type III fractures and use a medial pin for fractures that are very unstable ( Figs. 36.14 and 36.15 ). If a medial pin is used, making a small incision and using retractors to protect the ulnar nerve, as well as avoiding pinning these fractures in maximal elbow flexion, can reduce the rate of ulnar nerve injury. It is difficult to maintain reduction of type IV fractures because of the loss of the periosteal hinges. For this reason, it may be necessary to hold the arm stable and rotate the C-arm for imaging rather than rotating the arm. A transolecranon pin placed retrograde from the proximal ulna into the humeral shaft can be used to provisionally control these highly unstable fractures during pinning ( Fig. 36.16A,B ) . The indications for open reduction, which occurs approximately 10% of the time, include irreducible fractures, open fractures, and those with suspected or confirmed neurovascular injuries. A direct anterior approach can be used in most patients with posterior displaced fracture because it provides the best access to the neurovascular structures and fracture site. Because of the muscle stripping that occurs with these injuries, the neurovascular structures are typically in a subcutaneous position ( Fig. 36.17 ).

FIGURE 36.14, Fixation of supracondylar humeral fractures is most commonly done with (A) two lateral pins or (B) two crossed pins.

FIGURE 36.15, Pinning of supracondylar humeral fracture. A , Positioning of arm on image intensifier. B , Confirm that lateral pins engage fracture fragments. C , Final fluoroscopic imaging. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.4 .

FIGURE 36.16, Transolecranon pin placed retrograde from proximal ulna to humeral shaft can be used to provisionally control unstable flexion-type supracondylar fractures during pinning. A, Proximal humerus must be manually externally rotated ( arrow ) to avoid rotational malalignment. B, Fluoroscopic image shows transolecranon and laterally based Steinmann pin.

FIGURE 36.17, Neurovascular structures of supracondylar humerus. Medial nerve and brachial artery under Freer elevator. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.5 .

Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Supracondylar Fractures (Two Lateral Pins)

Technique 36.4

  • Position the patient supine and position the elbow on an inverted image intensifier (see Fig. 36.15A ).

  • For the more common extension type of supracondylar fracture, with countertraction on the humerus, apply traction to the forearm and examine the fracture with image intensification. With the elbow in extension, correct rotational malalignment and medial and lateral translation. Once this is corrected, maintain traction on the elbow and gently flex the elbow to 120 degrees. Use anteriorly directed pressure on the olecranon as the elbow is flexed to correct extension of the distal fragment. Maximally flex the elbow and pronate the forearm to lock the posterior and medial soft-tissue hinges. It is important to correct rotation and translation before flexing the elbow.

  • For the rarer flexion-type injury, flexing the elbow will further displace the fragment because of the disruption of the posterior periosteal hinge. In this case the elbow will need to be pinned in extension. This can be difficult, and posterior open reduction often is needed. Alternatively, a “push-pull” technique ( Fig. 36.18 ) can be used to help achieve reduction.

    FIGURE 36.18, “Push-pull” reduction method. A, Before attempted reduction rolled towel is placed to be used as fulcrum. B, The “push” maneuver is used to over-reduce fracture into extension. C, Then fracture is “pulled” back to align anterior humeral line with middle of capitellum.

  • Confirm the anteroposterior reduction with image intensification, aiming the beam through the forearm and rotating the humerus from medial to lateral to assess the medial and lateral column reduction. Confirm lateral reduction by externally rotating the shoulder to obtain a lateral view of the elbow.

  • Maintain reduction while performing closed percutaneous pinning with image intensification to verify that the two lateral pins engage both fracture fragments (see Fig. 36.15B ). The pins should be divergent and not cross at the fracture site.

  • If a medial pin is used, make a 1 cm incision over the medial epicondyle. Spread the soft tissues so that the epicondyle can be seen and ensure that the ulnar nerve is protected. Alternatively, a small soft-tissue drill sleeve can be used. It is not necessary to expose or explore the ulnar nerve in patients without ulnar nerve symptoms. Once the pin is placed, it can be cut outside the skin and the incision closed with absorbable suture.

  • After the pins are inserted, extend the elbow as far as possible without bending the pins. With the aid of image intensification, check the stability of the reduction by rotating and stressing the elbow to determine if a third (medial or lateral) pin is necessary. Compare the carrying angle with that of the normal extremity. Cut and bend the pins outside of the skin and check final fluoroscopic images to ensure no displacement occurred during bending ( Fig. 36.15C ).

Postoperative Care

Place the patient in a well-padded posterior splint or bivalved cast with the elbow flexed at 75 degrees to allow for swelling and convert to a long arm cast with the elbow flexed 90 degrees at 1 week. Patients are treated in a cast for 3 to 4 weeks. The pins are then removed, and gentle range of motion is started.

See also

Anterior Approach

See Figure 36.17

Technique 36.5

  • If an anterior approach is to be used, make a transverse incision over the antecubital space. This can be extended proximally and distally if necessary. The proximal extension should be performed (medial or lateral) over the proximal fragment because this is usually the site of neurovascular injury. Note that in high-energy injuries the anterior soft tissues may be stripped and the neurovascular bundle may be subcutaneous.

  • Develop a plane between the biceps and brachialis tendons. Release the biceps aponeurosis while protecting the brachial artery. Retract the biceps and brachialis muscle medially and the brachioradialis laterally. Protect the radial nerve and posterior interosseous artery.

  • Observe the supracondylar fragment and note its alignment with the proximal fragment. Use a small curet to remove any hematoma at the fracture site. Note any interdigitations on the ends of the bone, and by matching them reduce the fracture.

  • Use two or three Steinmann pins in a manner similar to that described for percutaneous pinning. Image intensification simplifies pin placement. Cut the pins off outside the skin for removal later.

Postoperative Care

Close the incision and place the patient in a well-padded posterior splint with the elbow in 60 degrees of flexion to allow for swelling and convert to a long arm cast to 90 degrees of flexion in 5 to 7 days. The pins are removed in 3 to 4 weeks, and gentle range-of-motion exercises are begun.

The timing of reduction for type III fractures remains controversial; however, recent studies have shown no difference in complication rates between patients treated in an urgent (<12 hours) or delayed (later than 12 hours) fashion. Delayed treatment requires a conscious, cooperative patient without neurovascular compromise and the ability to proceed with surgery in a timely fashion if their neurovascular examination changes with monitoring. Type II fractures can be treated safely in a delayed fashion.

Postoperatively, patients are placed either in a long arm posterior splint or a bivalved cast with the elbow in 60 degrees of flexion to allow for swelling. Follow-up radiographs are obtained at 1 week, and the cast or splint is removed and changed to a long arm cast with the elbow in 90 degrees for an additional 2 to 3 weeks. The pins are removed in the office, and most patients regain motion without the need for physical therapy. Most children, unlike adults, have good mid-term and long-term functional outcomes after supracondylar humeral fracture.

Cubitus varus is the most common angular deformity that results from supracondylar fractures in children ( Fig. 36.19 ). Cubitus valgus, although mentioned in the literature as causing tardy ulnar nerve palsy, rarely occurs and is more often caused by nonunion of lateral condylar fractures. Because the normal carrying angle increases from childhood to adulthood, an increase in valgus is not as cosmetically noticeable as a complete reversal to a varus position.

FIGURE 36.19, Cubitus varus deformity of left elbow.

Several causes for cubitus varus have been suggested. Medial displacement and rotation of the distal fragment have been cited most often, but experimental studies showed that varus tilting of the distal fragment was the most important cause of change in the carrying angle ( Figs. 36.20 and 36.21 ). This can occur with relatively benign-appearing type II fractures, with medial column instability leading to collapse when the fracture is treated with cast immobilization. Osteonecrosis and delayed growth of the trochlea, with relative overgrowth of the normal lateral side of the distal humeral epiphysis, is an extremely rare cause of progressive cubitus varus deformity after supracondylar fracture. This progressive growth abnormality cannot be prevented by stabilization of the distal fragment because it probably is related to injury to the blood supply of the trochlea at the time of fracture.

FIGURE 36.20, Mechanism of coronal tilting. A, Impaction of fracture medially. B, Tilting of fragment medially. C, Horizontal rotation.

FIGURE 36.21, Three-dimensional osteotomy for correction of cubitus varus deformity. Medial and posterior tilt is corrected. After osteotomy, distal fragment is compacted with proximal fragment by adding external rotation using wedge of humeral cortex. Bone graft is added if necessary.

Rotational malalignment may occur but is not a significant deformity as malrotation of the distal humerus is compensated for to a large degree by motion of the shoulder joint. As a result, the rotational component in cubitus varus deformities is of little consequence and all that is usually necessary for correction is a lateral closing wedge osteotomy. Occasionally, a hyperextension deformity requires the addition of a flexion component.

Three basic types of osteotomies have been described: a lateral closing wedge osteotomy, a medial opening wedge osteotomy with a bone graft, and an oblique osteotomy with derotation. Uchida et al. described a three-dimensional osteotomy for correction of cubitus varus deformity in which medial and posterior tilt and rotation of the distal fragment can be corrected if necessary.

A lateral closing wedge osteotomy is the easiest, safest, most stable, and most commonly used osteotomy that allows correction in both the sagittal and coronal planes. A review of 18 patients who had lateral humeral closing wedge osteotomy and ulnar nerve release at a mean age of 8 years found improvement in mean elbow flexion from 101 to 126 degrees. Supracondylar osteotomy for cubitus varus should be viewed as a reconstructive procedure and not as fracture management. The fixation used can be tailored to the age of the child and degree of deformity ( Fig. 36.22 ). A combination of screws and Kirschner wires may be needed for younger patients, whereas plate-and-screw fixation is more appropriate for adolescents.

FIGURE 36.22, A and B, Cubitus varus deformity of left elbow after cast treatment of supracondylar humeral fracture. C, After osteotomy and screw fixation.

DeRosa and Graziano reported good results with a step-cut osteotomy technique fixed with a single cortical screw ( Fig. 36.23 ). While this technique is technically more challenging, they reported no ulnar or radial nerve injuries, infections, nonunions, or hypertrophic scars, and all patients retained preoperative ranges of motion. They concluded that this osteotomy with single-screw fixation is a safe procedure that can correct multiple planes of deformity, but they emphasized the importance of careful preoperative planning and special attention to surgical detail. If a more extensive osteotomy is needed, a step-cut translation osteotomy and fixation with a Y-shaped humeral plate that allows early movement of the joint may be used.

FIGURE 36.23, A, Osteotomy designed to correct cubitus varus deformity of 13 degrees. Distal fragment can be rotated to correct additional deformity. B, After wedge removal and closure, screw is used for fixation. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.6 .

Lateral Closing Wedge Osteotomy for Cubitus Varus

Technique 36.6

  • After standard preparation and draping and inflation of the tourniquet, approach the elbow through a lateral incision.

  • With fluoroscopic guidance, insert two Kirschner wires into the lateral condyle before osteotomy and advance them just distal to the planned distal cut. Alternatively, guide pins in preparation for cannulated screw placement can be used. Be prepared to advance these proximally after the closing wedge osteotomy has been made.

  • Make a closing wedge osteotomy laterally, leaving the medial cortex intact. The saw or osteotome cuts can be angled in the sagittal plane to correct any flexion deformity as well.

  • Weaken the medial cortex using drill holes. Apply a valgus stress to complete the osteotomy with the forearm in pronation and the elbow flexed.

  • Close the osteotomy and advance the Kirschner wires or guidewires from the lateral condyle into the medial cortex of the proximal fragment.

  • Stabilize the osteotomy with either Kirschner wires or cannulated screws.

  • Close the wound in layers and splint the arm in 90 degrees of flexion and full pronation. A long arm cast can be applied in 5 to 7 days.

Postoperative Care

The wires, if used, are removed at approximately 6 weeks after surgery, and a range-of-motion exercise program is started.

Lateral Condylar Fractures

Fracture of the lateral condyle is the second most common (17%) pediatric elbow fracture after fracture of the supracondylar humerus, usually occurring between the ages of 4 and 6 years. The most common mechanism of injury is a fall onto an outstretched arm with the elbow in varus, which causes avulsion of the lateral humeral condyle. Alternatively, these injuries can occur, although less commonly, during a fall onto a flexed elbow. Unlike supracondylar humeral fractures, lateral condylar fractures are rarely associated with neurovascular injuries.

These injuries can be classified either anatomically or by displacement. Historically, the Milch classification was used to determine whether the fracture passed through (type I) or around (type II) the capitellum. The Milch type II fracture, which is really a Salter-Harris type II fracture, is the most common type (95%) ( Fig. 36.24 ). More often the fractures are classified by displacement because the amount of displacement determines the method of treatment. A recent displacement-based classification system by Weiss et al. has been shown to be prognostic for complications. Type I fractures are displaced less than 2 mm, type II fractures are displaced more than 2 mm with an intact cartilaginous hinge, and type III fractures are displaced more than 2 mm without an intact cartilaginous hinge ( Fig. 36.25 ). Type III fractures tend to be displaced and rotated and, in some cases, if enough trochlear stability is lost, a posterolateral subluxation of the radius and ulna can occur ( Fig. 36.26 ). This classification also helps guide treatment, because type I fractures can be treated with a cast, type II fractures with percutaneous pinning, and type III fractures with open reduction and internal fixation.

FIGURE 36.24, Lateral humeral condylar fractures. A, Milch type I fracture, which is Salter-Harris type IV epiphyseal fracture. B, Milch type II fracture, which is Salter-Harris type II epiphyseal fracture.

FIGURE 36.25, Weiss classification of lateral condylar fractures. A , Type 1 fracture, less than 2 mm displacement. B , Type 2 fracture, 2 mm or more displacement and congruity of articular surface. C , Type 3 fracture, 2 mm or more displacement and lack of articular congruity.

FIGURE 36.26, Fractures of lateral humeral condyle. A, Type I, stable fracture with minimal lateral gap (arrow) . B, Type II, fracture to epiphyseal cartilage with a lateral gap; displacement risk undefined. C, Type III, fracture gap as wide laterally as medially; high risk of later displacement.

Radiographically, it can be difficult to determine the amount of displacement because of the large amount of unossified epiphysis present. The presence of a metaphyseal fragment on the lateral radiograph is helpful in making the diagnosis ( Fig. 36.27 ). The addition of an internal oblique radiograph is necessary to assess the true amount of displacement. It can be difficult to determine the stability of the cartilaginous hinge on plain radiographs, and it may be necessary to perform stress radiographs or arthrography under anesthesia for full assessment. Advanced imaging such as MRI can be used when the diagnosis is in question or to evaluate the stability of the cartilaginous hinge; however, this may require sedation to obtain satisfactory high-resolution images in this age group.

FIGURE 36.27, Metaphyseal fragment on lateral radiograph.

Nondisplaced or minimally displaced fractures can be treated in a long arm cast for 4 to 6 weeks depending on the age of the patient. These fractures need to be watched closely because late displacement can occur in 5% to 10% of fractures. For type II fractures or fractures in which there is concern about the integrity of the cartilaginous hinge, a stress examination under anesthesia with or without arthrography may be performed. In patients with a large metaphyseal fragment, percutaneous pinning using smooth Kirschner wires or a cannulated screw is performed. Displaced fractures or those with unclear reduction require open reduction and internal fixation ( Fig. 36.28 ). This is done most commonly through a lateral approach, taking care to avoid dissection posteriorly that may injure the blood supply to the trochlea, which enters posteriorly, and cause osteonecrosis. Alternatively, in rare cases when a lateral approach is not possible, a posterior approach protecting the posterior blood supply has been described. Fixation using smooth Kirschner wires and cannulated screws has been described with good results. The use of cannulated screws is becoming more common as they allow for fracture-site compression, leading to faster time to union and earlier mobilization and avoiding the risk of pin site infections with Kirschner wires. If Kirschner wires are used, typically in younger patients, they can safely be left outside the skin for 3 to 4 weeks to avoid a second surgical procedure to remove buried wires.

FIGURE 36.28, A and B, Radiographs showing displaced type III lateral condylar fracture.

The most common complication after fracture of the lateral condyle is loss of reduction. Therefore close follow-up is necessary for these patients. Even fractures with less than 2 mm of initial displacement can displace late.

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Lateral Condylar Fracture

Technique 36.7

  • Expose the elbow through a Kocher lateral approach and carry the dissection down to the lateral humeral condyle. A headlamp often is helpful to improve visualization. In some patients, especially with type III fractures, the distal fragment is rotated and the articular cartilage is subcutaneous, and care is necessary to prevent iatrogenic articular cartilage injury. The soft-tissue dissection is between the brachioradialis and the triceps, although often the capsule is already torn. Expose the anterior surface of the joint. It is important that no dissection be performed posteriorly to prevent injury to the trochlear blood supply.

  • The displacement and the size of the fragment are always greater than is apparent on radiographs because much of the fragment is cartilaginous. The fragment usually is rotated and displaced. Irrigate the joint to remove blood clots and debris, reduce the articular surface accurately, and confirm the reduction by observing the articular surface, particularly at the trochlear ridge. Because of the plastic deformation that often occurs, there may be some metaphyseal displacement, even with anatomic articular surface reduction. The fracture should be stabilized in the position of anatomic joint reduction regardless of the metaphyseal deformity.

  • Insert two smooth Kirschner wires across it into the medial cortex of the distal humerus in a divergent fashion. Alternatively, a cannulated screw, typically 4.5 mm, can be used if the metaphyseal fragment is large enough.

  • Check the reduction and the position of the internal fixation by stress fluoroscopy before closing the wound. Cut off the ends of the wires outside the skin for removal in the clinic ( Fig. 36.29 ).

    FIGURE 36.29, A , Open reduction and internal fixation of lateral condylar fracture shown in Fig. 36.28. B , After open reduction and fixation with smooth wires. C, After open reduction with Kirschner wires. D, After screw fixation. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.7 .

  • Place the arm in a bivalved long arm cast or splint with the elbow flexed 90 degrees.

Postoperative Care

Immobilization should continue 4 weeks with the arm in a cast followed in some cases by splinting. At the end of that time the pins can be removed if union is progressing. Gentle active motion of the elbow usually is resumed intermittently out of the splint. These fractures need to be monitored for late and delayed union, and some require immobilization with intermittent range-of-motion exercises for more than 6 weeks.

Complications After Lateral Condylar Fracture

Complications from lateral condylar fractures include physeal arrest, physeal stimulation, osteonecrosis, and nonunion with resultant cubitus valgus ( Fig. 36.30 ). Lateral condylar overgrowth, radial prominence, and variation in the carrying angle of the elbow have been attributed to transient stimulation of the lateral column of the elbow. Osteonecrosis of the capitellum ( Fig. 36.31 ) or a small growth arrest in the central physis occurs with “fishtail” deformity (deepening of the trochlear groove) and rare varus deformity (see Fig. 36.30 ). Because of the lack of cases, data concerning prevention, treatment, and long-term follow-up are limited.

FIGURE 36.30, A, Fracture of lateral humeral condyle in 5-year-old boy. B, Established valgus nonunion 1 year after nonoperative treatment (observation only). C, Apparent proximal migration of capitellum and condyle at 3 years. D, Severe cubitus valgus 9 years after fracture.

FIGURE 36.31, A, Fracture of lateral humeral condyle through ossific nucleus. B, Development of osteonecrosis of capitellum with subsequent overgrowth.

Nonunion with resultant cubitus varus probably is the most significant complication ( Fig. 36.32 ). The most common risk factors for nonunion include type III fractures and fractures that are more difficult to reduce. Nonunion must be differentiated from delayed union. A delay in union may result from inadequate external immobilization or internal fixation. If union is not achieved at 12 weeks, a small wedge-shaped bone graft can be placed across the metaphyseal fragment with supplemental smooth pin or screw fixation ( Fig. 36.33 ). If the elbow is stable and is not painful and all that is present is a lucent line with no motion of the fracture fragment on stress views, observation and prolonged immobilization may be all that are necessary. If motion is present or a nonunion seems to be developing, however, early surgery is indicated. Surgery for well-established nonunions is difficult, and the goals should be to restore a more anatomic alignment of the elbow. Arthrotomy and realignment of the articular surface should be avoided because of the high risk of further elbow stiffness and osteonecrosis; osteotomy generally is a better option ( Figs. 36.34 and 36.35 ). Rigid internal fixation should be used to promote early motion. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy can accompany lateral condyle nonunions and can be treated with ulnar nerve transposition and correction of the cubitus valgus.

FIGURE 36.32, A and B, Varus nonunion of lateral condylar fracture after closed treatment.

FIGURE 36.33, A, Nonunion of lateral condyle with distal fragment in acceptable position for bone grafting and internal fixation. B and C, Transfixed, freshened, bone-grafted nonunion; physis of condylar fragment is not violated by pin or graft.

FIGURE 36.34, Correction of cubitus valgus by osteotomy. A, Cubitus valgus secondary to nonunion of lateral humeral condyle. B, Opening wedge osteotomy laterally to restore alignment.

FIGURE 36.35, A, Malunion of Milch II fracture. B, Simple osteotomy results in unaccetable alignment. C, Osteotomy with lateral translation of distal fragment in addition to angulation. D, Final acceptable result. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.8 .

Osteotomy for Established Cubitus Valgus Secondary to Nonunion or Growth Arrest

Technique 36.8

  • Place the patient prone with the forearm supported on an arm board.

  • Use a posterior muscle-splitting incision, exposing the distal humerus, but do not open the elbow joint. Take care to protect the radial nerve proximally.

  • Split the fibers of the triceps muscle, retract them, and identify the ulnar nerve. When indicated for treatment of tardy ulnar nerve palsy, transpose the nerve anteriorly.

  • As a landmark, note the upper limit of the condylar fragment. Perform a transverse osteotomy at the level of the intersection of the forearm axis with the lateral cortex of the humerus ( Fig. 36.35A,B ).

  • Notch the inferior surface of the proximal fragment to receive the apex of the superior surface of the distal fragment, which is moved laterally ( Fig. 36.35C,D ). Adduct the distal fragment until the excessive angle of abduction (valgus) has been reduced to the normal carrying angle, controlling the amount of correction by radiographs made with the extremity and the fragments in extension.

  • When correction is satisfactory, stabilize the fragments by inserting two smooth crossed Kirschner wires or cannulated screw(s), carefully flex the elbow to 90 degrees, and immobilize it in a long arm cast.

Postoperative Care

The cast is left on for 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the age of the child and evidence of bony union. The wires are removed, and motion is encouraged at that time.

Medial Condylar Fractures

Fractures of the medial humeral condyle in children are rare, accounting for 1% of pediatric elbow fractures. They usually occur in slightly older children than fractures of the lateral condyle, around the ages of 3 to 8 years. They are caused by a direct fall onto the elbow or a fall onto an outstretched hand with the elbow in a varus position. Medial condylar fractures in younger children can be associated with nonaccidental trauma. Kilfoyle described three types based on displacement: type I, a greenstick or impacted fracture; type II, a fracture through the humeral condyle into the joint with little or no displacement ( Fig. 36.36 ); and type III, an epiphyseal fracture that is intraarticular and involves the medial condyle with the fragment displaced and rotated ( Fig. 36.37 ). Type III fractures, which occur in older children, account for 25% of all medial condylar fractures. In type III fractures the flexor pronator mass, which is attached to the distal fragment, causes the distal fragment to rotate anteriorly and medially, causing the articular surface to face posteriorly and laterally ( Fig. 36.38 ). This injury often is confused with medial epicondylar fracture, which is more common but occurs in older children. Making a radiographic diagnosis can be difficult, especially in younger patients in whom the trochlea has not yet ossified, which occurs around the age of 8 years. MRI and elbow arthrography can be used to make the diagnosis in unclear cases. Medial epicondylar fractures often occur with elbow dislocations and, because of the intraarticular nature of the medial condyle, patients with medial condylar fractures, unlike those with medial epicondylar fractures, have fat pad changes evident on radiographs.

FIGURE 36.36, Anteroposterior radiograph (A) and CT scan (B) of type II medial condylar fracture.

FIGURE 36.37, Three types of medial condylar fractures described by Kilfoyle: type I, impacted; type II, epiphyseal and intraarticular; and type III, displacement of entire medial condyle.

FIGURE 36.38, A and B, Screw fixation of displaced medial condylar fracture.

For nondisplaced fractures treatment consists of 4 to 6 weeks of cast immobilization. These fractures heal more slowly than supracondylar fractures and are more like lateral condylar fractures because of the intraarticular nature of the fracture site. The treatment for displaced fractures is open reduction and internal fixation to ensure joint congruity. This is best done through a posteromedial incision, which provides excellent exposure of the fracture site and allows for protection of the ulnar nerve. Care must be taken not to extend the dissection posteriorly to avoid injury to the trochlear blood supply. Fixation consists typically of two smooth Kirschner wires in younger children and screw fixation in older children to control rotation and prevent nonunion that can occur with inadequate fracture fixation (see Fig. 36.38 ).

Complications After Medial Condylar Fracture

The most common complication with this fracture is failing to make the correct diagnosis (see Fig. 36.38 ). Once the correct diagnosis is made, nonunion is rare and usually results from inadequately stabilized fractures. Complications usually consist of nonunion with resultant cubitus varus, trochlear osteonecrosis, and loss of reduction, and the complication rate can be as high as 33%. Nonunion can be treated with revision open reduction and internal fixation and bone grafting. Many patients with osteonecrosis of the trochlea are asymptomatic and require only observation. Cubitus varus caused by growth delay or arrest of the trochlea and cubitus valgus caused by fracture-simulated overgrowth can occur with these injuries. Corrective osteotomy can be used to treat these deformities if they become painful or interfere with function.

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Medial Condylar Fracture

Technique 36.9

  • Begin a medial incision just distal to the medial condyle and extend it proximally parallel to the long axis of the humerus. Carry the dissection down to bone, isolating the ulnar nerve, and retract it posteriorly. The capsule usually is ruptured and need not be incised for exposure of the fracture. The capsule can be released anteriorly if more exposure is desired.

  • Carefully examine the detached condyle and remove all hematoma. The fragment is surprisingly large, and often a part of the capitellum is included.

  • Gently reduce the fracture and hold it with a bone tenaculum without disturbing the soft-tissue attachments of the fragment. Some metaphyseal plastic deformation may occur, so it is essential to restore the normal contour of the articular surface rather than the medial column.

  • Insert two smooth Kirschner wires through the condylar fragment and into the humerus in a proximal and lateral direction. Two wires are necessary to prevent rotation of the fragment. Use smooth Kirschner wires rather than screws if the child is young and cannulated screw fixation in older children. Before closing the incision, verify the position of the fragment by stress fluoroscopy. Cut off the wires outside the skin, leaving them long enough to allow easy removal.

  • Close the wound and apply a splint or bivalve cast with the elbow flexed 90 degrees.

Medial Epicondylar Fractures

Medial epicondylar fractures account for approximately 10% of pediatric elbow fractures, with a peak age at occurrence of 11 to 12 years. Between 30% and 50% occur with elbow dislocations, and it is important to ensure that the medial epicondyle is not entrapped after reduction of the dislocation.

The most common mechanism of injury is an avulsion that can occur as a result of a valgus stress being placed on the extended elbow, usually after a fall. The medial epicondylar apophysis is the origin of the ulnar collateral ligament, which, if under valgus stress, avulses it. It can also occur as a result of a pure avulsion by the forearm flexors and rarely with a direct blow to the elbow. In complete fractures, the avulsed apophysis displaces distally from pull of the forearm flexor mass originating on it. Standard radiographic studies have shown that accurately measuring the true amount of displacement in all planes is difficult compared to CT scanning. A newer radiographic view, the distal humerus axis (axial) view, has been shown to be more accurate and reliable while reducing the need for advanced imaging ( Fig. 36.39 ).

FIGURE 36.39, Distal humeral axial view. A, Position of patient and x-ray beam. B, X-ray beam is projected 25 degrees anterior to long axis of humerus ( dashed lines ).

Nondisplaced fractures can be treated with 2 to 3 weeks of immobilization in a long arm cast or brace followed by gradual resumption of activity. The absolute indication for operative treatment is an entrapped intraarticular apophyseal fragment in an elbow dislocation, which can be performed urgently and not emergently unless ulnar nerve injury is present. Other indications include fractures associated with elbow dislocations to allow early range of motion and fractures displaced more than 1 cm. A relative indication is a minimally displaced fracture in a high-demand throwing athlete. Treatment of mildly displaced fractures, less than 1 cm, remains controversial because of the difficulty in measuring true displacement, the good results being reported in small series of patients treated both operatively and nonoperatively, and the lack of comparison studies.

Surgery can be performed with the patient supine or prone in the “hammerlock position,” which provides relaxation to the forearm flexor musculature, making reduction easier ( Fig. 36.40 ). Careful dissection is necessary if the epicondyle is entrapped to prevent injury to the ulnar nerve ( Fig. 36.41 ). Typically a single 4.0- or 4.5-mm cannulated screw is used for fixation, and a long arm cast is worn for 2 to 3 weeks before beginning physical therapy. In comminuted fractures, which are rare, smooth Kirschner wires, suture anchors, or both can be used to stabilize the fragments. Patients are treated with a long arm cast or brace for 2 to 3 weeks followed by physical therapy.

FIGURE 36.40, Anteroposterior ( A ) and lateral ( B ) radiographs of patient with elbow dislocation and associated fracture of medial epicondyle. C , Postreduction CT showing true displacement of epicondyle. D , Hammerlock position allows for relaxation of forearm flexors attached to displaced fragment. Anteroposterior ( E ) and lateral ( F ) radiographs after fixation with cannulated screw and washer.

FIGURE 36.41, Fracture of the medial epicondyle with entrapped ulnar nerve. Note the close proximity of the ulnar nerve (vessel loop) to the entrapped fragment (arrow) .

Complications After Medial Epicondylar Fracture

Complications associated with medial epicondylar fractures are rare and most often associated either with missed incarcerated intraarticular fragments or elbow stiffness related to an elbow dislocation and ulnar nerve palsy. Nonunion of these fractures is rare and can be associated with long-term elbow instability leading to a tardy ulnar nerve palsy. Ulnar nerve dysesthesia is common after operative treatment especially with removal of incarcerated intraarticular fragments, which usually resolves. Ulnar nerve transposition is reserved for late palsies and not for acute ulnar nerve symptoms. Because of the subcutaneous location of the medial epicondyle, screw prominence and pain can occur and can be treated with hardware removal once satisfactory healing has occurred.

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Displaced or Entrapped Medial Epicondyle

Technique 36.10

  • Position the patient prone with a nonsterile tourniquet and place the elbow on a sterile-draped image intensifier. Mark the course of the ulnar nerve on the skin.

  • Make a medial incision centered on the medial epicondyle approximately 5 cm in length.

  • The ulnar nerve is posterior and should be protected for the entire procedure. For displaced fractures without entrapment, the fracture site can be viewed directly. Irrigate the fracture site thoroughly. Use a small curet to remove any remaining apophyseal cartilage on the displaced fragment to promote bony healing.

  • If the fragment is entrapped within the elbow joint when the fracture site is exposed, only the bony surface of the condyle is seen; no loose fragment is visible. The medial capsule, musculotendinous origin of the long flexor muscles, and epicondyle are folded within the joint, covering the lower part of the coronoid fossa and process. With a small tenaculum, remove the epicondyle with its soft-tissue attachments from within the joint.

  • Reduce the epicondyle and secure it with a screw and washer if possible, which allows for early motion. If the fracture is comminuted or the patient is very young, smooth Kirschner wires and/or a suture anchor(s) can be used.

  • Suture the tear in the capsule and forearm muscles, close the wound, and apply a posterior splint or a bivalved cast.

Postoperative Care

A splint or cast is worn for 2 to 3 weeks. Alternatively, if good stability is obtained, a hinged elbow brace can be used in compliant patients to begin gentle immediate early range-of-motion exercises. Early motion is especially important when the fracture is associated with an elbow dislocation.

Chronic Medial Epicondyle Apophysitis (Little League Elbow)

This chronic injury is related to overuse in young athletes, primarily baseball players. Excessive throwing places repetitive tension on the medial epicondylar apophysis. Overuse is a major contributor to this as the incidence is relatively low when established age-related pitch counts are followed. Patients have pain directly over the medial epicondyle, which is increased with valgus stress. Some patients have a loss of elbow extension as well. Radiographically, the apophysis is widened compared with the opposite side, and comparison views can be helpful but are not necessary to make the diagnosis.

The most important treatment is rest followed by a gradual resumption of activity. Antiinflammatory medications, splinting, and ice may be helpful for symptomatic relief. Patients, families, and coaches need to be educated about the overuse nature of this injury. Once the patient is pain free, activity can be gradually progressed, ensuring proper throwing mechanics are followed. Although this can be very debilitating in terms of sports participation, no long-term complications from this have been reported.

Distal Humeral Fractures

Fracture of the entire distal humeral physis, which occurs more distally than a supracondylar fracture ( Fig. 36.42 ), most commonly occurs during a fall and most frequently in young children (mean age, 5 years). This injury has historically been underreported because making the diagnosis was difficult. With increased awareness and advanced imaging techniques such as MRI, ultrasound, and arthrography, this injury is being diagnosed with greater frequency.

FIGURE 36.42, Dashed horizontal lines indicate proximal area, where supracondylar fracture occurs, and distal area, where physeal fracture-separation occurs in wider part of distal humerus in younger age group.

The distal humeral epiphysis extends across to include the secondary ossification of the medial epicondyle until about 6 to 7 years of age in girls and 8 to 9 years in boys. Most fractures involving the entire distal humeral physis occur before the age of 6 or 7 and usually younger. The younger the child, the greater the volume of distal humerus occupied by cartilaginous epiphysis. As children mature, the volume of the epiphysis decreases, which some authors believe is protective of injury. This may explain the association between distal humeral physeal fractures and birth trauma, as well as NAT. In addition, the physeal line in infants is near the center of the olecranon fossa, making it prone to hyperextension injury. Malunion after these injuries is less common because of the broad surface area of the distal humerus. Because the blood supply to the medial trochlea courses through the physis, osteonecrosis of the trochlea can occur.

These fractures are classified into three groups based on the degree of ossification of the lateral condylar epiphysis. Group A fractures occur in infants up to 12 months of age, before the secondary ossification center of the lateral condylar epiphysis appears (and are usually Salter-Harris type I physeal injuries) ( Fig. 36.43 ). These often are missed because the lateral condylar epiphysis lacks an ossification center. Group B fractures occur most often in children 12 months to 3 years of age in whom there is definite ossification of the lateral condyle. Group C fractures occur in older children, from 3 to 7 years of age, and result in a large metaphyseal fragment.

FIGURE 36.43, Transphyseal dislocation in neonate. Note loss of normal relationship between ulna and distal humerus.

In an infant younger than 18 months of age whose elbow is swollen secondary to trauma or suspected trauma, a fracture involving the entire distal humeral physis should be considered. In a young infant or newborn, swelling may be minimal with little crepitus because the fracture fragments are covered in cartilage (physis) rather than bone.

Radiographic diagnosis can be difficult, especially if the ossification center of the lateral condyle is not visible. The only relationship that can be determined is that of the primary ossification centers of the distal humerus to the proximal radius and ulna ( Fig. 36.44 ). The proximal radius and ulna maintain an anatomic relationship to each other but are displaced posteriorly and medially in relation to the distal humerus. Comparison views of the opposite uninjured elbow may be helpful to determine the presence of displacement.

FIGURE 36.44, Elbow injuries that may be confused clinically. A, Normal elbow before three centers of ossification appear. B, Separation of entire distal humeral epiphysis. C, Dislocation of elbow. D, Lateral condylar fracture.

Once the lateral condylar epiphysis becomes ossified, displacement of the entire distal epiphysis is much more obvious. The anatomic relationship of the lateral condylar epiphysis with the radial head is maintained, even though the distal humeral epiphysis is displaced posterior and medial in relation to the metaphysis of the humerus.

Because they have a large metaphyseal fragment, type C fractures may be confused with either a low supracondylar fracture or a fracture of the lateral condylar physis. The key diagnostic point is the smooth outline of the distal metaphysis in fractures involving the total distal physis. With supracondylar fractures, the distal portion of the distal fragment has a more irregular border.

A lateral condylar physeal fracture in an infant can be differentiated from the rare elbow dislocation by radiograph. With a displaced fracture of the lateral condylar physis, the relationship between the lateral condylar epiphysis and the proximal radius usually is disrupted. If the lateral crista of the trochlea is involved, the proximal radius and ulna may be displaced posterolaterally. Elbow dislocations are rare in the peak age group for fractures of the entire distal humeral physis. With elbow dislocations, the displacement of the proximal radius and ulna is almost always posterolateral, and the relationship between the proximal radius and lateral condylar epiphysis is disrupted. Comparison views are helpful in making this diagnosis. Ultrasound can also be used to make the diagnosis and avoid the use of general anesthesia in infants.


Treatment is first directed toward prompt recognition. Because this injury may be associated with child abuse, the parents may delay seeking treatment and ossification may already be present on the initial radiographs. These injuries, when recognized in a timely fashion, can be treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning ( Fig. 36.45 ). Arthrography can be helpful to define the cartilaginous distal fragment ( Fig. 36.46 ). Missed untreated fractures may remodel completely without any residual deformity if the distal fragment is only medially translocated and not tilted. In older children, these injuries can be stabilized with either percutaneous pinning or TEIN. The more proximal the fracture and the closer to the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction, the more difficult and less biomechanically stable percutaneous pinning becomes, making TEIN the better option.

FIGURE 36.45, Two types of olecranon fractures. Regardless of type, if displacement is significant, open reduction and internal fixation probably are indicated.

FIGURE 36.46, Arthrogram helps to define cartilaginous distal fragment.

Capitellar Fractures

Fractures of the capitellum, which make up less than 1% of pediatric elbow fractures, involve only the true articular surface of the lateral condyle, including in some instances the articular surface of the lateral crista of the trochlea. Unlike in adults, these fractures are rare in children and usually occur in adolescents. Murthy et al. classified capitellar fractures into three types: type I are anterior shear fractures and are the most common, type II are posterior shear fractures, and type III are chondral shear fractures ( Fig. 36.47 ). The diagnosis can often be made using plain radiographs; MRI can be helpful, especially when the fragment is primarily cartilaginous, and in types II and III injuries, which often are missed on plain radiographs ( Fig. 36.48 ).

FIGURE 36.47, Classification of capitellar fractures.

FIGURE 36.48, T2-weighted MRI shows large cartilaginous shear fracture.

Excision of the fragment, if small, and open reduction and reattachment are the two most common forms of treatment. However, because of the intraarticular nature of the injury, closed reduction is not likely to be successful. Many small fragments can be excised through either a lateral open or arthroscopic approach. This eliminates the need for postoperative immobilization and accompanying elbow stiffness. Open reduction and internal fixation can be performed if the fragments are large enough; however, osteonecrosis of the attached fragment can occur. Compression screws have been shown to provide stable fixation ( Fig. 36.49 ). Alternatively, a suture repair can be performed if the fragment is primarily cartilaginous, which allows for follow-up MRI examination and eliminates the need for implant removal ( Fig. 36.50 ). Regardless of the treatment method used, patients and parents should be counseled that elbow motion will be lost after this injury, especially in patients with large osteochondral fragments that involve the trochlea, and that up to 40% of patients require a secondary procedure because of stiffness, painful or prominent implants, and osteonecrosis.

FIGURE 36.49, A and B, Capitellar fracture in adolescent. C and D, After reduction and fixation with cannulated screws.

FIGURE 36.50, A, Anterior capitellar shear fracture (type 1B) with displaced fragment (arrow) . B, After reduction and suture repair.

Olecranon Fractures

Isolated physeal fracture of the olecranon in children is uncommon due in part to the broad-based insertion of the triceps. When it does occur, it typically is the result of an avulsion force being applied to the olecranon with the elbow flexed. Although rare in the general population, these fractures, especially bilateral ones, are well described in children with osteogenesis imperfecta in whom refracture also is common. Apophyseal stress injuries can occur in high-level athletes, especially gymnasts and throwing athletes, and if left untreated can result in a painful nonunion. The most common fractures of the olecranon are metaphyseal, either isolated or associated with other elbow injuries. The peak age is 5 to 10 years, and olecranon fractures account for approximately 5% of pediatric elbow fractures. Isolated olecranon fractures are classified by the mechanism of injury: flexion, extension, or shear. Isolated flexion fractures most commonly occur in a fall directly onto a flexed elbow. A fall onto a hyperextended elbow is the usual mechanism of injury in supracondylar humeral fractures; however, if there is a significant varus or valgus stress applied simultaneously, a metaphyseal olecranon fracture can occur. Shear injuries, which typically produce an oblique fracture line, are rare and can occur either in flexion or extension. Associated fractures occur in 50% to 75% of children with an olecranon fracture, the most common being a proximal radial fracture and type I Monteggia injury.

Treatment for stress fractures includes time away from the causative activity followed by gradual resumption of activity. Cannulated screw fixation is used for rare patients with symptomatic delayed unions or nonunions. Most olecranon fractures are nondisplaced and can be treated for 3 to 4 weeks in a long arm cast with the elbow in 70 to 80 degrees of flexion. Late displacement can occur, so these fractures need to be monitored carefully. For fractures that are displaced or that had an unsatisfactory closed reduction, open reduction and internal fixation is indicated. A variety of fixation techniques, such as percutaneous pinning, tension banding, and screw and plate fixation, have been described with good outcomes ( Fig. 36.51 ). Tension banding using bioabsorbable suture can be used in younger, smaller children to eliminate the need for implant removal. These techniques are discussed in Chapter 57 . Elbow stiffness is a common complication after olecranon fracture in children, and stable fixation is essential to start early range of motion to prevent this.

FIGURE 36.51, Metaphyseal intraarticular olecranon fracture that is unstable and requires open reduction and internal fixation, here with oblique screw.

Radial Head and Neck Fractures

Isolated radial head fractures in children are rare because the immature radial head is cartilaginous. When they do occur, they usually are Salter-Harris type IV injuries in children 10 to 12 years of age. Patients with true radial head fractures are at increased risk of progressive radial head subluxation, osteonecrosis, and radiocapitellar arthrosis and need to be followed long term ( Fig. 36.52 ). Most children sustain fractures of the radial neck, which account for approximately 1% of all children’s fractures and 5% of pediatric elbow fractures.

FIGURE 36.52, Posttraumatic radiocapitellar arthritis in 10-year-old girl after missed Salter-Harris type II fracture of radial head.

The majority of radial neck injuries occur during a fall onto an outstretched upper extremity with the elbow in a valgus position. They typically occur in the metaphysis but can extend into the proximal radial physis producing a Salter-Harris type II pattern ( Fig. 36.53 ). Many of these fractures are angulated, with the most common direction being lateral, followed by anterior, then posterior. Radial neck fractures also can occur in conjunction with an elbow dislocation, either at the time of dislocation or during reduction ( Fig. 36.54 ). The fracture may be completely displaced or intraarticular and may block reduction. For this reason the radial neck must be thoroughly evaluated before and after reduction of a pediatric elbow dislocation.

FIGURE 36.53, Displaced Salter-Harris type II fracture of the radial head and neck.

FIGURE 36.54, A, Fractures occurring at time of elbow dislocation. B, Fracture occurring when elbow dislocation is reduced.

Making the diagnosis, especially in young children, can be difficult because of the unossified radial head. In these patients the only sign of a fracture may be a small metaphyseal fragment. A radiocapitellar view can be helpful in making the diagnosis.

Due to the remodeling potential of the proximal radius, fractures with less than 30 degrees of angulation can be treated nonoperatively as long as there is no loss of forearm rotation. Patients are placed in a long arm cast for 3 weeks and then allowed to resume range-of-motion exercises. Patients with displaced, significantly angulated or displaced fractures require reduction. This consists of a stepwise approach starting with closed reduction, progressing to percutaneous-assisted reduction, and finally open reduction and internal fixation if satisfactory reduction cannot be obtained. Because there is great potential for elbow stiffness after open reduction and internal fixation, a closed reduction with slight malalignment is preferable to an open reduction and internal fixation with anatomic alignment. The loss of motion in patients with open treatment may reflect selection of most displaced fractures for open reduction and internal fixation.

Closed reduction can be performed using a variety of techniques based on the direction of displacement of the radial neck with the help of image intensification ( Fig. 36.55 ). One very useful technique is that described by Patterson. With the use of general anesthesia if needed and fluoroscopy (image intensification), an assistant stabilizes the radius distal to the fractured radial neck. With the elbow in extension and forearm rotated in the position of maximal tilt, the surgeon applies a varus stress with one hand on the elbow and lateral pressure directly over the radial head with the thumb of the other hand (see Fig. 36.60 ). Other reduction techniques have been described with the elbow in flexion. In addition, the wrapping of the arm with an Esmarch bandage has been shown to occasionally improve fracture reduction, and this maneuver should be attempted with all radial neck reduction techniques.

FIGURE 36.55, Accurate reduction and positions of pins are ensured by image intensification.

FIGURE 36.60, Mechanism of reduction of radial neck fracture. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.11 .

A percutaneous-assisted technique is used when closed techniques have failed. The most commonly used technique involves the percutaneous manipulation of the fracture with a Kirschner wire. The wire is cut, and the blunt end is used to reduce the radial neck and head to the shaft ( Fig. 36.56 ). The reduced radial neck can be stabilized by percutaneous pinning ( Fig. 36.57 ). Alternatively, a flexible intramedullary nail can be introduced retrograde from the distal radius using the technique described by Metaizeau. Using this technique, a flexible intramedullary nail is passed retrograde from the radial metaphysis proximally to the fracture site. Once engaged in the proximal fragment, the nail is rotated until the optimal reduction is obtained ( Fig. 36.58 ). The fracture is then stabilized with the nail until healing has occurred.

FIGURE 36.56, Radial neck fracture in relation to radial nerve and its branches. During percutaneous reduction, wire should be introduced on ulnar side of radius to avoid deep branch of radial nerve.

FIGURE 36.57, A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral views of radial neck pin.

FIGURE 36.58, A – D, Reduction of radial head by leverage method and retrograde intramedullary pinning with Kirschner wire. Note slightly bent tip first pointing laterally. After it is placed in radial head, it is rotated 180 degrees along its axis.

In open reduction and internal fixation, most surgeons use smooth pin fixation in younger children and rigid fixation in the form of screws or plates in older children or adolescents ( Fig. 36.59 ). Early rigid fixation allows early motion. This should be done through a lateral approach with the forearm in supination to protect the posterior interosseous nerve. Impediments to reduction such as capsular flaps or the annular ligament should be removed or repaired. Screws and plates should be placed in the “safe zone,” which is the 100 degrees of circumference of the radial head that does not articulate with the proximal ulna. These techniques are described in Chapter 57 .

FIGURE 36.59, Open reduction and internal fixation of radial neck fracture.

Closed and Open Reduction of Radial Neck Fractures

Technique 36.11

  • After administering general anesthesia, place the patient supine.

  • Use the manipulative technique as described by Patterson. Have an assistant hold the arm proximally, with one hand placed medially against the distal humerus, and apply straight longitudinal distal traction. Apply a varus force to the forearm and digital pressure directly over the tilted radial head to complete the reduction ( Fig. 36.60 ). Hold the forearm in 90 degrees of flexion and in pronation. If this manipulation reduction is unsuccessful, have the assistant hold the arm with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees and the forearm held in supination. With the use of an image intensifier and in a sterile operating field, introduce a Kirschner wire through the skin on the radial side of the elbow down to the angulated and displaced radial head and neck. Disimpact and push the radial head into anatomic position with the Kirschner wire. Remove the wire and flex the elbow to 90 degrees. The fracture can be pinned percutaneously from lateral to medial, taking care to protect the posterior interosseous nerve (see Fig. 36.58 ).

Percutaneous Reduction and Pinning

Technique 36.12

  • With the patient under general anesthesia, prepare and drape the upper limb.

  • With fluoroscopy in the anteroposterior projection, determine the forearm rotation that exposes the maximal amount of deformity of the fracture and mark the level of the bicipital tuberosity of the proximal radius.

  • Make a 1-cm dorsal skin incision at the marked level just lateral to the subcutaneous border of the ulna.

  • Gently insert a periosteal elevator between the ulna and the radius, taking care not to disrupt the periosteum of the radius or ulna ( Fig. 36.61A ). The radial shaft usually is much more ulnarly displaced than expected, and the radial nerve is lateral to the radius at this level.

    FIGURE 36.61, Radial head reduction technique. A, Periosteal elevator is used to lever distal fragment laterally while thumb pushes proximal fragment medially. B, Kirschner wires are used to assist reduction if necessary. (Redrawn from Erickson M, Frick S: Fractures of the proximal radius and ulna. In Beaty JH, Kasser JR, editors: Rockwood and Wilkins’ fractures in children, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2010, Wolters Kluwer.) SEE TECHNIQUE 36.12 .

  • While counter-pressure is applied against the radial head, lever the distal fragment away from the ulna ( Fig. 36.61C ). An assistant can aid in this maneuver by gently applying traction and rotating the forearm back and forth to disimpact the fracture fragments.

  • If necessary to correct angulation, insert a percutaneous Kirschner wire into the fracture site, parallel to the radial head, and use it to lever the epiphysis perpendicular to the radial axis ( Fig. 36.61B ).

  • Once adequate reduction has been obtained, insert an oblique Kirschner wire to provide fracture fixation.

Postoperative Care

A posterior splint or bivalved cast is applied and worn for 3 to 4 weeks, and the Kirschner wire is removed once fracture callus is present.

If these maneuvers are unsuccessful, reduction can be attempted using a retrograde flexible intramedullary nail.

Closed Intramedullary Nailing

Technique 36.13

  • With the patient under general anesthesia, prepare and drape the upper limb.

  • Expose the radial aspect of the distal radial metaphysis through a short radial incision 1 cm proximal to the radial physis, avoiding injury to the cutaneous branch of the radial nerve.

  • Drill the cortex, starting perpendicular to the radius and then in a more proximal direction.

  • Introduce the nail into the medullary canal. Advance the wire using gentle taps of the mallet to avoid perforation of the ulnar cortex of the distal radius.

  • If a lateral displacement of the distal fragment remains, rotate the nail 180 degrees around its long axis so that its point faces inward. This produces a medial shift of the radial head and reduces it. The tension produced in the lateral intact periosteum prevents overcorrection medially.

  • Cut the lower metaphyseal end of the pin and close the skin.

  • When the epiphysis is impossible to reach, tilting of more than 80 degrees by external manipulation or by percutaneous pinning makes it possible to obtain at least a partial reduction, which is maintained with an intramedullary nail.

Postoperative Care

The arm is immobilized in a long arm cast for 2 to 3 weeks. The Kirschner wire is removed in 3 to 4 weeks once callus is present on radiographs.

Complications After Radial Neck Fracture

Complications of treatment include loss of motion, which is most common in pronation and supination rather than flexion and extension. Malunion and nonunion can occur; however, this is rare. Patients with asymptomatic nonunions can be observed ( Fig. 36.62 ). Radial neck three-dimensional computer-assisted osteotomies have been used on a small number of patients with moderate success, and radial head excision is reserved for a very select, small group of salvage cases.

FIGURE 36.62, Radial neck nonunion.

Coronoid Fractures

Regan and Morrey classified fractures of the coronoid process as type I, a small chip fracture; type II, a fracture involving less than 50% of the process; and type III, a fracture involving more than 50% of the process ( Fig. 36.63 ). They recommended closed treatment for types I and II fractures and open reduction and internal fixation for type III fractures if possible. Operative treatment of these injuries is more common in adolescent and adult patients. This is described in Chapter 57 .

FIGURE 36.63, Classification of coronoid fractures. Type I , small fragment avulsion. Type II , involvement of less than 50% of coronoid process. Type III , involvement of more than 50% of coronoid process.

Elbow Dislocations

Acute elbow dislocation in children is rare, accounting for approximately 5% of all children’s elbow injuries. The most common type is posterior but, as in adults, dislocations can be anterior, medial, or lateral. In rare cases a proximal radioulnar joint disruption can occur ( Fig. 36.64 ). Elbow dislocations often occur in conjunction with fractures of the medial epicondyle and radial neck.

FIGURE 36.64, A and B, Mechanism of injury in a fall on outstretched hand with elbow in approximately 30 degrees of flexion. There is separation of all three articulations, with humerus acting as wedge between proximal radius and ulna (B) . C, Mechanism of reduction aims to reverse deforming forces with longitudinal traction and compression of radius and ulna together.

Most patients can be treated with closed reduction, a brief period of immobilization, followed by progressive protected range of motion in a splint or brace to prevent redislocation. Indications for operative treatment include entrapped intraarticular fragments (medial epicondyle, radial neck), open fracture, or associated elbow injury that will require open reduction and internal fixation.

Complications After Elbow Dislocation

The most common complications are elbow stiffness and loss of motion, especially extension. Other rare complications include redislocation, myositis ossificans after open fractures, and neurovascular injuries. It is essential to perform a thorough neurovascular examination before and after closed or open reduction to ensure that nerve or vessel entrapment did not occur at the time of reduction.

Radial Head Dislocations (Monteggia Fracture-Dislocations)

Monteggia fractures are relatively rare, accounting for less than 1% of all pediatric elbow dislocations, with a peak age of 4 to 10 years. Although rare, they receive considerable interest because they are often missed, resulting in poor outcomes. Radial nerve injury has been reported to occur in 10% to 20% of patients, especially those with anterior and lateral dislocations because of the proximity of the radial head to the posterior interosseous nerve.

The diagnosis of Monteggia fracture can be made with standard anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the elbow, and it is essential that the elbow be viewed in both planes for all patients with forearm fractures. A line drawn through the center of the radial neck should extend through the central portion of the capitellum regardless of elbow position ( Fig. 36.65 ). In rare instances when radiographs are equivocal, advanced imaging, such as CT, MRI, or ultrasound, should be used. The absence of trauma and changes such as a hypoplastic capitellum and a flattened convex radial head ( Fig. 36.66 ) should raise suspicion for a congenital radial head dislocation, which often is bilateral.

FIGURE 36.65, On lateral radiograph, axis of radial head should bisect center of capitellum on all views, regardless of amount of elbow flexion.

FIGURE 36.66, Congenital radial head dislocation. Note convexity of radial head indicative of congenital rather than traumatic radial head dislocation.

The most commonly used classification system is that of Bado, which is based on the direction of radial head dislocation ( Fig. 36.67 ). The most common is a fracture of the proximal third of the ulna, anterior angulation of the fracture, and anterior dislocation of the radial head (type I). The second most common is a fracture of the proximal ulna, posterior angulation of the fracture, and posterior dislocation of the radial head (type II). Lateral angulation of a proximal ulnar fracture may result in a third type with lateral dislocation of the radial head (type III), and a rare fourth type may occur with a proximal both-bone fracture and anterior dislocation of the radial head (type IV) ( Fig. 36.68 ). Although it is descriptive and straightforward, the Bado classification is not prognostic. Classification systems by Letts and Ring, based on the pattern of ulnar injury, may be more prognostic in terms of outcome given the fact that successful reduction of the ulna typically provides stability to the radiocapitellar joint ( Box 36.3 ). A study of 112 Monteggia fractures at two high-volume trauma centers found that all treatment failures, which affected 19% of patients, occurred when a less rigorous strategy than that proposed by Ring was used. In addition, there have been numerous reports of “Monteggia equivalents,” including the three most common: (1) isolated radial head dislocation (see “Isolated Dislocations of Radial Head”) ( Fig. 36.69 ), (2) fracture of the proximal ulna with fracture of the radial neck, and (3) both-bone proximal third fractures with the radial fracture more proximal than the ulnar fracture ( Fig. 36.70 ).

FIGURE 36.67, Types of Monteggia fractures. Type I with anterior dislocation of radial head and anterior angulation of ulnar fracture. Type II with posterior dislocation of radial head and posterior angulation of ulnar fracture. Type III with lateral dislocation of radial head and lateral angulation of ulnar fracture. Rare Type IV with fractures of radial and ulnar shafts and dislocation of radial head.

FIGURE 36.68, Type IV Monteggia fracture with fractures of radial and ulnar shafts and dislocation of radial head.

BOX 36.3
Classification of Monteggia Fracture-Dislocations in Children According to Ulnar Injury
Modified from Ring D, Jupiter JB, Waters PM: Monteggia fractures in children, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 6:215, 1998.

Type of Ulnar Injury Treatment
Plastic deformation Closed reduction of the ulnar bow and cast immobilization
Incomplete (greenstick or buckle) fracture Closed reduction and cast immobilization
Complete transverse or short oblique fracture Closed reduction and intramedullary Kirschner wire fixation
Long oblique or comminuted fracture Open reduction and internal fixation with plate and screws

FIGURE 36.69, Monteggia equivalent fracture of anterior third of radial head with subsequent dislocation.

FIGURE 36.70, Monteggia variant: both-bone proximal-third fractures with radial fracture more proximal than ulnar fracture.

An isolated radial head dislocation is very rare (see Fig. 36.69 ). This is because many children thought to have an isolated radial head fracture have subtle plastic deformation of the ulna, which when corrected leads to stable radial head reduction ( Fig. 36.71 ). This must be differentiated from nursemaid’s elbow in which the radiographs are completely normal.

FIGURE 36.71, Plastic deformation of ulna. A, Anterior bend. B, Anterior greenstick. C, Radiographic appearance.

Successful treatment of a Monteggia fracture is dependent on correcting and stabilizing the ulnar deformity, which in turn provides stability for the radiocapitellar joint. Closed reduction and cast treatment is indicated for patients with either stable or greenstick fractures of the ulna, as well as those with plastic deformation of the ulna and satisfactory reduction of the radial head. Patients should be immobilized in a long arm cast in 90 to 100 degrees of flexion and supination and followed closely radiographically for 2 to 3 weeks to ensure maintenance of radial head reduction. Operative stabilization of the ulna is necessary with either an intramedullary nail for transverse or short oblique fractures or a plate for long oblique or comminuted fracture to provide ulnar length stability ( Fig. 36.72 ). Open reduction of the radial head combined with annular ligament reconstruction is indicated for patients with irreducible radial head dislocations caused by interposition of the annular ligament. Patients need to be followed closely postoperatively for redislocation of the radial head ( Fig. 36.73 ). Pinning of the radiocapitellar joint should be avoided when possible to prevent intraarticular pin breakage. A radiocapitellar joint unstable enough to require pinning should raise the suspicion of inadequate ulnar reduction or entrapped soft tissue.

FIGURE 36.72, A, Monteggia fracture. B, After open reduction and plate fixation.

FIGURE 36.73, A and B, Bado type I Monteggia fracture in 7-year-old boy treated with closed reduction and intramedullary nail fixation of ulna. C, At 2-week follow-up, radiograph shows redislocation.

Controversy exists as to when an acute Monteggia fracture becomes chronic. Some patients are asymptomatic while others complain of pain, decreased range of motion, or deformity. Many authors believe that, although treatment of chronic Monteggia fractures is difficult and the results unpredictable, it is better than the natural history of untreated fractures ( Fig. 36.74 ). Generally, operative treatment is more successful in symptomatic younger patients without radial head deformity. Principles of surgical reconstruction include correction of the ulnar deformity with an ulnar osteotomy and annular ligament reconstruction. The ulnar osteotomy should be stabilized in the position of maximal stability of the radiocapitellar joint, which often creates a secondary ulnar deformity that is clinically insignificant ( Fig. 36.75 , Technique 36.14). Most authors recommend reconstruction of the annular ligament, either with the native ligament itself or a strip of triceps tendon or fascia as advocated by Boyd, Lloyd-Roberts, and Bell-Tawse ( Fig. 36.76 ). Radial head resection should be avoided in younger patients because of the risk of late deformity and should only be used as a salvage procedure.

FIGURE 36.74, Malunion of ulna and anterior dislocation of radial head. A, Before treatment. B, At 3 years after surgery, showing maintenance of radial head reduction.

FIGURE 36.75, A , Deformity after Monteggia fracture. B , After overcorrection osteotomy (see text).

FIGURE 36.76, Lateral approach to the elbow shows incongruent radiocapitellar joint ( A ) and changes in radial head morphology ( B ). The triceps fascia has been harvested ( C, arrow ) and is used to reconstruct the annular ligament ( D ).

Overcorrection Osteotomy and Ligamentous Repair or Reconstruction

Technique 36.14


Figure 36.77

  • Make a curvilinear incision to allow for possible triceps tendon harvesting and to perform an ulnar opening wedge osteotomy ( Fig. 36.77B ). Initially, open only the proximal portion.

  • Identify the radial nerve between the brachialis and brachioradialis in the distal humerus. Dissect the nerve distal to its motor (posterior interosseous nerve) and sensory branches.

  • Mobilize and protect the nerves throughout the remainder of the procedure.

  • Expose the joint through the anconeus–extensor carpi ulnaris interval. Carry the dissection proximal and elevate the extensor-supinator mass and capsule as a single tissue plane off the distal humerus ( Fig. 36.77C ).

  • Debride the elbow joint of synovitis and pulvinar. Pay particular attention to the proximal radioulnar joint so that it will fit anatomically into place.

  • At this point, it must be determined if the native annular ligament can be used for reconstruction. Identify the central perforation in the capsular wall that separates the dislocated radial head from the joint. This is the site of opening of the original ligament. Extend the incision from the center outward to enlarge this opening. This will allow the native annular ligament to be reduced over the radial neck ( Fig. 36.77D ).

  • Remove capsular adhesions from the radial head for reduction back into the joint. Reattach the native ligament to the ulna using the large periosteal sleeve.

  • If the native ligament cannot be used, prepare to harvest the triceps fascia for ligament reconstruction.

  • Attempt radial head reduction, carefully scrutinizing congruity between the radial head and capitellum. If satisfactory, proceed with ligamentous repair or reconstruction. If the radius cannot be reduced, perform an ulnar osteotomy at the site of maximal deformity, which will involve a more distal ulnar exposure ( Fig. 36.77E ).

  • Perform periosteal dissection under fluoroscopic guidance.

  • Make an opening wedge osteotomy using a laminar spreader to allow the radial head to align with the capitellum without pressure. The goal is partial overcorrection of the ulnar alignment. Alternatively, temporary anatomic pinning of the radiocapitellar joint can be done to allow opening of the ulnar osteotomy.

  • Once reduced, partially fix the ulnar osteotomy proximally and distally using a plate and screws. No bone graft is necessary.

  • Remove the temporary pin from the radiocapitellar joint. To ascertain radiocapitellar and radioulnar alignment, rotate the radial head, testing for a complete stable arc.

  • Repair the periosteum and return attention to the ligamentous repair or reconstruction.

  • If the native annular ligament can be used, repair this with mattress sutures through the ulnar periosteal tunnels. Do not tighten these sutures until all have been placed.

  • If the annular ligament cannot be used, develop a 6- to 8-cm strip of triceps fascia from proximal to distal, elevating the periosteum from the proximal ulna to the level of the radial neck. Take care not to amputate the fascia.

  • Pass the strip of tendon through the periosteum, around the radial neck, bringing it back and suturing it to itself and the ulnar periosteum. Passing and securing the tendon through the periosteum is similar to the drill holes described by Seel and Peterson.

  • Repair the capsule and extensor supinator origin back to the lateral epicondylar area of the humerus.

  • Before complete closure, obtain final radiographs and fluoroscopy to make sure there is a stable arc of motion in flexion and extension and pronation and supination.

  • Prophylactically perform forearm fasciotomies and inspect the radial nerve before subcutaneous and skin closure.

  • Apply a long arm, bivalved cast with the forearm in 60 to 90 degrees of supination and the elbow flexed 80 to 90 degrees.

FIGURE 36.77, Reconstruction of late or chronic Monteggia fracture-dislocation. A , Clinical deformity of chronic Monteggia lesion with increased cubitus valgus. B , Extensile incision for annular ligament reconstruction and ulnar osteotomy. C , Exposure of radiocapitellar and radioulnar joint with elevation of extensor-supinator origin from lateral epicondyle, protection of radial nerve, and thorough joint debridement. D , Radial head with osteochondral change from chronic dislocation. Annular ligament has been reduced around radial neck, and sutures are in place for reconstruction to annular ligament. E , Ulnar opening wedge osteotomy at site of maximal deformity.

Postoperative Care

The cast is worn for 4 to 6 weeks and then changed to a removable bivalved cast to allow active pronation and supination. Flexion and extension of the elbow are usually the first to return, with full rotary motion returning over 6 months.

Galeazzi Fractures

Galeazzi fractures, or fractures of the radius with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), are rare in children. Most fractures of the distal forearm are associated with anterior displacement of the distal ulna unlike proximal forearm fractures, which are associated with posterior dislocations. True lateral radiographs are essential in making the diagnosis. Reduction of the radial fracture will reduce the DRUJ in most patients. In patients with irreducible fractures, open reduction and internal fixation of the distal radius should be performed and the DRUJ reassessed. If the DRUJ remains dislocated, then open reduction and internal fixation of the DRUJ should be performed to remove interposed structures, most commonly periosteum, extensor carpi ulnaris, or extensor digiti quinti tendon, and the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). The DRUJ may be pinned with the forearm supinated to provide additional stability.

Although this injury usually occurs in adolescents, a pediatric variant consisting of a Salter-Harris type II fracture of the distal ulna occurs before rupture of the TFCC can occur in a younger child. The treatment principles are the same as for adolescents; however, periosteal entrapment may block reduction rather than the TFCC.

Nursemaid’s Elbow

Nursemaid’s elbow is a subluxation of the annular ligament over the radial head, most commonly occurring in children 2 to 3 years of age when longitudinal traction is placed on the upper extremity with the elbow extended and forearm supinated. Despite the well-known mechanism of injury, 30% to 40% of patients with nursemaid’s elbow present without any history of a traction injury. Radiographs are normal in this condition, unlike Monteggia variants in which there is plastic deformation of the ulna. A variety of closed reduction techniques have been reported to be successful. A combination of forearm flexion and supination or forced hyperpronation will reduce most nursemaid’s elbows. Immobilization with a sling has been used for several days for symptomatic relief. Recurrence is high, and parents need to be counseled to avoid traction on the child’s upper limbs. Patients in which the diagnosis is unclear should be reexamined in 7 to 10 days to ensure the correct diagnosis. This usually resolves around the age of 5 years when the ligamentous structures about the elbow mature and give it more stability.

Forearm Fractures

Forearm fractures are the most common fractures in children and account for up to 40% of all pediatric fractures and, unlike in adult patients, the rate of segmental fracture is around 1%. The forearm can be divided into three regions: proximal, middle, and distal based on unique physiologic differences such as muscle forces and growth potential. Ninety percent of the growth of the forearm occurs at the distal third, giving it tremendous remodeling capacity, unlike the proximal third where very little growth and remodeling capacity exists.

Proximal Third Forearm Fractures

Fractures of the proximal third of the forearm without radial head subluxation or dislocation are uncommon. Because of the possibility of an associated radial head dislocation, radiographs of the elbow should be obtained in any proximal forearm fracture. Many proximal fractures are unstable in flexion, making operative treatment often necessary, especially in older children and adolescents. When surgical fixation is necessary, good results can be obtained with intramedullary nailing or plate fixation. Radioulnar synostosis is rare and can occur during forearm fracture at any level but is most common in proximal third fractures. Risk factors for radioulnar synostosis include severe initial injury, displaced fractures at the same level, operative treatment, and radial head excision.

Middle Third Forearm Fractures

Diaphyseal fractures of the forearm are the third most common pediatric fracture, behind the distal radius and supracondylar humerus. The most common mechanism of injury is a fall onto an outstretched hand. Many of the fractures of the midforearm in children can be treated nonoperatively, especially in young children because of the remodeling potential. The unique physiologic characteristics of pediatric bone, including its increased elasticity, increases the potential for incomplete or greenstick fractures and plastic deformation. These fractures have no remodeling potential and reduction is necessary.

Despite increased interest in operative treatment of these injuries, closed reduction with cast application remains an essential method of treatment, especially for minimally displaced fractures in younger children. Meticulous casting technique, including an intraosseous mold, straight ulnar border, three-point molding, and close follow-up to watch for late displacement or angulation, is essential for a good outcome. The cast index, defined as the sagittal cast width divided by the coronal cast width, of less than 0.7 is predictive of successful outcome ( Fig. 36.78 ). Although this was initially described for distal radial fractures, it is a good guideline for diaphyseal fractures as well.

FIGURE 36.78, Cast index is X/Y (sagittal width divided by coronal width). Arrows demonstrate that cast index is calculated from inner surface of plaster cast on both coronal and sagittal views of plain film.

Indications for operative treatment include open fracture, fracture in older children, loss of reduction in a cast, malunion, irreducible fracture caused by soft-tissue interposition, unstable fracture pattern, shortening more than 1 cm, and refracture after cast treatment. The need for operative stabilization of the forearm with an ipsilateral supracondylar humeral fracture has been called into question by a recent report of 17 patients treated with closed reduction and casting of their forearm fractures and had no loss of reduction. A dramatic increase in operative treatment of diaphyseal fractures in children between the ages of 5 and 12 years has been the result of the use of intramedullary nailing. The most common procedures use stable elastic intramedullary nailing of the radius and ulna, as described by Metaizeau, or plating. Studies, including a Cochrane review and meta-analysis comparing nailing with plating, showed that there was no significant difference in outcomes between the two techniques and outcomes were good in 90% of patients. Patients with intramedullary nailing had better cosmetic results but did require a second procedure to remove the implant. The Metaizeau nailing technique involves prebending of the nails to allow for restoration of the radial bow and to facilitate optimal reduction. It is important to avoid the distal radial physis and insert the nail in the radial side of the distal radius proximal to the physis. This approach avoids nail placement in Lister’s tubercle, which has been shown to have a high rate of extensor pollicis brevis tendon injury. The ulna usually is nailed antegrade either through or proximal to the proximal ulnar physis. Transphyseal nail placement is technically easier and has not been shown to cause growth arrest but is associated with a higher rate of minor implant irritation. The pins are buried below the skin, and most authors recommend a brief period of immobilization, with nail removal between 4 and 12 months after fracture when the bone is healed radiographically. Other authors have shown good results with single-bone fixation of the ulna. The advantages of this technique include decreased operative time and ease of implant removal. It is not recommended for open fractures because of the higher rate of radial malunion. Repeated attempts at closed reduction and nailing increase the risk of compartment syndrome; therefore, an open reduction should be performed after two or three unsuccessful closed attempts. The rate of delayed union primarily in the ulna using this technique is 8% to 15% and higher in boys, adolescents, those with increased fracture displacement, and those who had open reduction of the ulna.

Intramedullary Forearm Nailing

Technique 36.15

  • Place the child supine with the affected arm on a radiolucent table and apply, but do not inflate, a pneumatic tourniquet if open reduction is required.

  • Identify the distal radial physis and fracture site with fluoroscopy and mark these on the skin.

  • Make a 5-mm longitudinal incision on the lateral (radial) side of the distal metaphysis proximal to the distal radial physis, taking care to protect the radial sensory nerve.

  • Drill a hole in the bone 5 to 10 mm proximal to the physis, first perpendicularly and then obliquely toward the elbow.

  • Depending on the diameter of the bone, choose a titanium or stainless steel nail of the appropriate size, which is typically 2.0 to 3.0 mm. Introduce the nail into the radius proximally, taking care not to pass it out the medial (ulnar) cortex of the radius ( Fig. 36.79 ).

    FIGURE 36.79, Intramedullary nailing of both-bone fractures of forearm. A and G, Displaced both-bone fractures. B, Pin is introduced into least displaced bone. C, Pin is advanced to fracture site. D, Fracture is reduced by external manipulation, and pin is advanced into proximal metaphysis. E, Fracture of other bone is reduced and fixed in same manner. F and H, Both pins in place. SEE TECHNIQUE 36.15 .

  • Reduce the fracture and pass the nail into the proximal diaphysis.

  • The ulna can be nailed antegrade or retrograde, although antegrade nailing is technically straightforward. To do this, mark the course of the ulnar nerve as it crosses the elbow on the skin for reference. Make a 5-mm longitudinal incision over the posterior olecranon and drill a small entry hole, taking care to protect the ulnar nerve. Pass the nail across the fracture site in an antegrade fashion. An alternative proximal lateral entry portal can be created on the lateral side of the olecranon just distal to the olecranon apophysis.

  • Alternatively, retrograde nailing can be done in a fashion to that used for the radial nail. To do this, place a small drill hole just proximal to the distal ulnar physis. Pass the nail retrograde, taking care to prevent cutout of the lateral (radial) cortex. Once the fracture is reduced and the nail is in good position, cut the nail approximately 5 mm from the entry point, irrigate, and close the soft tissues. Avoid multiple passes with the nail because this increases the risk of compartment syndrome. Open reduction should be performed if it is difficult or impossible to pass the nail in a closed fashion.

  • Close all wounds. Apply a long arm, bivalved cast or splint.

Postoperative Care

After intramedullary nail fixation, the cast is removed after 4 to 6 weeks. The nails are removed at 6 months after fracture. Participation in sports is avoided for 2 months.

Patients treated with intramedullary nailing for open or closed forearm fractures have been reported to have an increased incidence of compartment syndrome compared with patients treated with closed reduction and casting. Also, patients with longer operative times, increased use of intraoperative fluoroscopy, and multiple attempts at closed percutaneous nailing are at higher risk of developing compartment syndrome. Close observation and monitoring of all patients with both-bone forearm fractures is recommended, but especially of those at risk.

Plate fixation is indicated for patients with length unstable or comminuted fractures and fractures with delayed or nonunion in which the medullary canal may be inaccessible to an intramedullary nail (see Chapter 57 ). Although plates provide better length and rotational stability, as well as restoration of the radial bow, they require longer operative time and larger incisions. Single bone plating of the radius or ulna has been reported as well, but there is a risk of malunion of the unplated bone. Refracture after plate removal is well documented in adults, but no clear data exist in children. Adolescents at or near skeletal maturity need to be counseled as to the risk of refracture after implant removal.

Plastic Deformation and Greenstick Fractures

Plastic deformation occurs due to the increased porosity and elasticity of a child’s bone. Plastic deformation occurs as a result of microfracture along the bow. These fractures have little to no remodeling potential, especially in older children, and should be reduced to prevent cosmetic and functional complications. These can be reduced gradually under sedation either with direct manipulation or over a fulcrum. Outcomes are good as long as the injury is recognized.

Greenstick fractures are unique to children and most commonly occur in the mid-diaphysis of the radius and ulna. Fractures at the same level can be treated with closed reduction and cast application. Fractures at different levels indicate a rotational component that needs to be corrected at the time of reduction. Important features of greenstick fractures are that they have little remodeling potential and a high rate of refracture. For this reason, most authors recommend completing the greenstick fracture before casting, which allows for more abundant callus formation.

Distal Third Forearm Fractures

The distal radius is the most commonly fractured bone in childhood, with a peak age of 10 years. This is typically caused by a fall onto an outstretched upper extremity. Approximately half of children with a distal radial fracture have an associated ulnar fracture. Other associated injuries, although rare, can occur and include ipsilateral scaphoid and supracondylar humeral fracture. Isolated ulnar fractures are very rare in children. The diagnosis of these injuries usually can be made with plain radiographs alone, and the elbow should be included in all imaging of distal third fractures to rule out an associated elbow injury. Advanced imaging, such as MRI and CT, is not routinely used unless the diagnosis is in question or an associated wrist injury such as scaphoid fracture is present. Ultrasound can be used to diagnose nondisplaced fractures in young children; however, it is user dependent and not readily available in all centers.

Because of its frequency, the management of distal radial fractures is one of the cornerstones of pediatric orthopaedic care. Although there has been an increase in operative treatment of these injuries, especially in older children, closed treatment is still the most common method of treatment. Because 90% of the growth of the forearm occurs distally, there is tremendous remodeling potential for these fractures, especially in young children. An age-based approach in determining acceptable alignment and need for operative treatment can be used ( Table 36.1 ). Fundamentals of closed treatment include reduction using the periosteal hinge, well-molded cast, and close early follow-up. It has been shown that the cast index, as described by Chess, of less than 0.7 is predictive of successful cast treatment. A recent study showed that 80% of fractures that lost reduction did so in the first 2 weeks, emphasizing the need for close, early follow-up. The optimal time of cast immobilization remains controversial but ranges from 3 to 4 weeks for children 5 years of age or younger and from 4 to 6 weeks for older children. Buckle (torus) fractures are common, and well-designed randomized studies show that removable splint treatment without further radiographic follow-up is well tolerated, safe, and cost-effective for these injuries. Considerable interest exists in minimizing radiation exposure in children in general and specifically in those with distal radial fractures. The use of routine radiographs for evaluation of buckle and other stable fractures is becoming less common; however, radiographs are warranted if there is any concern about loss of reduction. Risk factors for loss of reduction include open fractures, obese patients, residual translation of more than 50% in any plane, age greater than 9 years, and angulation of the radius of more than 15 degrees on the lateral view and of the ulna more than 10 degrees on the anteroposterior view.

TABLE 36.1
Recommended Acceptable Alignment Parameters for Pediatric Forearm Fracture by Age
From Vopat ML, Kane PM, Christino MA, et al: Treatment of diaphyseal forearm fractures in children, Orthop Rev (Pavia) 6:5325, 2014.
Source Age Angulation Malrotation Bayonette Apposition/Displacement
Price (2010) <8 yr <15 degrees (MS)
<15 degrees (DS)

<10 degrees (PS)

<30 degrees 100% displacement
Noonan, Price (1998) <9 yr <15 degrees <45 degrees <1 cm short
Tarmuzi et al. (2009) <10 yr <20 degrees No limits
Qairul et al. (2001) <12 yr <20 degrees
DS , Distal shaft; MS , mid-shaft; PS , proximal shaft.

Physeal fractures are common, accounting for a third of all distal radial fractures. Most are Salter-Harris types I and II injuries; Salter types III to VI injuries are very rare. The risk of growth arrest is 1% to 7%. This can be treated by epiphysiodesis of the remaining physis and ulnar shortening osteotomy. Distal ulnar growth arrest is rare and can be treated with radial epiphysiodesis and ulnar lengthening osteotomy.

Closed reduction with percutaneous pinning with single or dual pins has been shown to provide good outcomes with a low complication rate. In a randomized study of percutaneous pinning compared with cast treatment, the authors found a higher rate of loss of reduction in the cast group than the pinning group. However, 38% of patients in the pinning group had mild complications related to the pin, which resolved with removal. The pins can be left outside the skin, and pin removal can be performed in the outpatient setting. The use of open reduction and internal fixation is reserved for older children who are near or at skeletal maturity.

Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Fractures of the Distal Radius

Technique 36.16

  • Position the patient on the operating table with the wrist over a sterilely draped inverted image intensifier.

  • Reduce the fracture using traction and gentle manipulation, especially for a physeal fracture.

  • While holding the wrist in a flexed position to stabilize the fracture, use a Kirschner wire and the image intensifier to mark the trajectory of the pin on the skin.

  • Start the pin at the tip of the radial styloid and pass it proximally and ulnarly across the fracture site.

  • Once the fracture is pinned, cut and bend the pin and obtain final images. It is important to leave the pin long so that it does not become buried under the skin during cast treatment.

  • Place the arm in a well-padded short arm splint or bivalved cast.

Postoperative Care

The short arm cast is worn for 3 to 4 weeks, and the pin is then removed. Range-of-motion exercises are started, and the patient is placed in a removable splint for an additional 4 weeks.

Wrist Dislocations

Because of the proximity of the distal radial and ulnar physes to the wrist joint, wrist dislocations are extremely rare in children. When they do occur, it is usually in a skeletally mature adolescent. Treatment is similar to that in adults (see Chapter 69 ).

Scaphoid and Carpal Fractures

The carpal bones ossify relatively late in childhood; therefore fractures of the carpal bones are rare and when present can be overlooked. A recent study of MRI examination of 90 consecutive wrist injuries in patients younger than 18 years found that of the carpal fractures the most common were scaphoid fractures (83%), followed by fractures of the capitate (12%) and triquetrum (5%). Scaphoid fractures are the most common carpal injuries in children and adolescents, with peak age of 15 to 19 years. They have become more common as more children participate in competitive sports.

The scaphoid is the largest bone in the proximal row of the carpus, and ossification begins between age 5 and 6 years and is completed between the ages of 13 and 15 years corresponding with the peak incidence of fracture. Fractures of other carpal bones generally follow their times of ossification: triquetrum, 12 to 13 years; trapezium, 13 to 14 years; trapezoid, 13 to 14 years; and hamate, 15 years. The most common mechanism of injury is a fall onto the outstretched hand with the forearm pronated. This usually produces a middle third fracture. Distal third fractures usually are caused by direct trauma or avulsion and are the most common. Proximal pole fractures are the least common.

An age-based classification that is predictive of the type of injury has been developed. Type I injuries occur in children younger than 8 years and usually are chondral. Type II injuries that occur between 8 and 11 years usually are osteochondral, and type III injuries that occur in children older than 12 years are more “adult-like” because the scaphoid is ossified. Pediatric scaphoid fractures also can be classified by location: tuberosity, transverse distal pole, avulsion of the distal pole, waist, or proximal pole. In children, fractures of the distal third of the scaphoid (transverse distal pole and tuberosity) are the most common.

The most common clinical signs of scaphoid fracture are dorsal swelling of the wrist, tenderness in the anatomic snuffbox and over the distal part of the radius, and painful dorsiflexion of the wrist or extension of the thumb. Radiographs should include anteroposterior, lateral, and scaphoid views with the wrist in ulnar deviation; however, normal radiographs do not preclude the presence of a scaphoid fracture. Plain radiography is approximately 50% sensitive for the detection of a scaphoid fracture and less than 50% for the other carpal bones. If a scaphoid fracture is suggested but radiographs are negative, the wrist should be immobilized and reevaluated in 2 weeks because up to 30% of patients may have positive follow-up radiographs. MRI, which is more sensitive than CT, is useful in making the diagnosis, and a normal study as early as 2 days after injury has a negative predictive value of 100%.

Fractures of the proximal pole, although rare, seem to heal uneventfully when treated by prolonged immobilization. Avulsion fractures in the distal third of the scaphoid are common in children and usually require only cast immobilization, with healing rates approaching 95% for nondisplaced fractures. Healing times of scaphoid fractures have been described as 3 to 4 weeks for tuberosity fractures, 4 to 16 weeks for waist fractures, 4 to 8 weeks for distal scaphoid fractures, and 3 to 6 weeks for distal avulsions. Indications for operative treatment of scaphoid fractures in pediatric patients at or near skeletal maturity are similar to those for scaphoid fractures in adults. Smooth wires rather than compression screws have been used in young children to prevent growth arrest (see Chapter 69 ).

A painful nonunion of the proximal scaphoid, which in children is extremely rare, may occur after a delay in treatment generally because of an incorrect diagnosis or lack of immobilization. An established nonunion in a child may be treated operatively as in an adult. A meta-analysis of 176 surgically treated scaphoid nonunions found the healing rate to be 95%, with improvement in functional outcomes including range of motion and grip strength. A dorsal or volar approach can be used. Some authors have speculated that bipartite scaphoid may be an ununited waist fracture that has taken on the characteristics of a bipartite bone. Bipartite scaphoid usually is bilateral, asymptomatic, and not related to trauma.

Fractures of the triquetrum in children often are subtle flake avulsion or impingement fractures that require good oblique radiographs for recognition. The incidence of these fractures probably is much higher than currently known because many are misdiagnosed as wrist sprains or type I physeal injuries of the distal radius and ulna. Three weeks of cast immobilization usually is sufficient treatment.

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