Congenital abnormalities and assessment of fetal wellbeing

Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter you should be able to:

Knowledge criteria

  • Describe the common structural abnormalities resulting from abnormal development

  • List the risk factors for the common fetal abnormalities

  • Compare the diagnostic tests for fetal abnormality

  • Describe the role of ultrasound scanning in pregnancy in screening, diagnosis and assessment of fetal abnormalities and in assessing fetal growth and health

  • Describe the aetiology, risk factors and management of Rhesus isoimmunization

Clinical competencies

  • Interpret the results of investigations of fetal wellbeing

  • Plan the investigation and management of the small for gestational age baby

Professional skills and attitudes

  • Reflect on the impact on a family of a diagnosis of fetal abnormality

Congenital abnormalities

Fetal abnormality is found in:

  • over 50% of conceptions

  • about 70% of miscarriages

  • 15% of deaths between 20 weeks’ gestation and 1 year postnatal

  • 1–2% of births, including major and minor anomalies (a major abnormality is an abnormality or abnormalities that result in the death of the baby or severe disability)

  • 8% of special needs register/disabled children

The overall incidence of congenital abnormalities in the UK has fallen over the past three decades due to the introduction of screening programmes in pregnancy, the resultant greater success at diagnosis during pregnancy and parents opting to terminate a pregnancy once a severe abnormality has been diagnosed.

The commonest four groups of congenital abnormalities are neural tube defects (3–7/1000), congenital cardiac defects (6/1000), Down’s syndrome (1.5/1000) and cleft lip/palate (1.5/1000) ( Table 10.1 ).

Table 10.1
Major congenital abnormalities
Reproduced with permission from James DK, Weiner CP, Gonik B, Crowther CA, Robson SC, eds (2011) High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options, 4th edn. Saunders Elsevier, St Louis.
Abnormality Approximate incidence (per 1000 births)
Neural tube defects 3–7
Congenital heart disease 6
Down’s syndrome 1.5
Cleft lip/palate 1.5
Talipes 1–2
Abnormalities of limbs 1–2
Deafness 0.8
Blindness 0.2
Others, including urinary tract anomalies 2
Total 15–30

Neural tube defects

Neural tube defects are the commonest of the major congenital abnormalities and include anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida with or without myelomeningocele, encephalocele, holoprosencephaly and hydranencephaly ( Fig. 10.1 ). The incidence is approximately 1/200, and the chance of having an affected child after one previous abnormal child is 1/20.

Fig. 10.1, Two common abnormalities of the central nervous system. (A) Anencephaly in a newborn. (B) Mid-trimester ultrasound image of anencephaly (face visualized but no cranium). (C) Spina bifida with open neural tube defect. (D) Mid-trimester ultrasound image of spina bifida.

Commonly cases are identified by ultrasound (US) screening in the early second trimester. Where there is an open neural tube, maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) levels are raised. US assessment for other abnormalities should be undertaken and karyotyping offered if they are found.

Multidisciplinary counselling and care are recommended. Infants with anencephaly or microcephaly do not usually survive. Many die during labour and the remainder within the first week of life. Infants with open neural tube defects often survive, particularly where it is possible to cover the lesion surgically with skin after birth. However, the defect may result in paraplegia and bowel and bladder incontinence and the need for repeated further surgery. The child often has normal intelligence and has insight, being particularly aware of the problems posed for the parents. Closed lesions generally do not cause problems and may escape detection until after birth.

Permission for postmortem should be sought with abortuses, stillbirths or neonatal deaths to exclude other abnormalities.

There is good evidence that pre- and periconceptual folic acid supplementation (400 μg/day) reduces the incidence of this condition. Once a woman is pregnant, the major effort is directed toward screening techniques that enable recognition of the abnormality and the offer of a termination of the pregnancy where there is a lethal abnormality.

Folic acid dietary supplementation is indicated both before and during pregnancy in those women who have experienced a pregnancy complicated by a neural tube defect. In these cases, a higher dose of folic acid prophylaxis (5 mg/day) is recommended.

Fetal surgery for open neural tube defects has been undertaken but should be considered experimental at present.

Congenital cardiac defects

The likelihood of a pregnant woman having a fetus with a congenital cardiac defect is about 0.6%. Some of these infants present with intrauterine growth restriction and oligohydramnios, but in many cases the condition is only recognized and diagnosed after birth. With improvements in real-time US imaging, recognition of many cardiac defects has become possible. However, early recognition is essential if any action is to be taken. Screening is performed by US. Most centres would undertake nuchal translucency scanning in the first trimester (around 11 weeks) and a four-chamber view of the fetal heart in the second trimester (at 18–20 weeks) ( Fig. 10.2 ). In addition, some centres are looking at blood flow in the ductus venosus and across the tricuspid valve at 11 weeks and the left and right outflow tracts at 18–20 weeks to try and identify more abnormalities. Despite this screening, even in the best centres less than 50% of congenital heart defects are currently identified prenatally.

Fig. 10.2, Four-chamber ultrasound view of the fetal heart. Ao, Aorta; L, Left; LA, Left atrium; LIPV, Left interstitial pulmonary vein; LV, Left ventricle; RA, Right atrium; RIPV, Right interstitial pulmonary vein; RA, Right atrium.

The most common defects are ventricular and atrial septal defects, pulmonary and aortic stenosis, coarctation and transpositions of the great vessels, including the tetralogy of Fallot. These lesions can generally now be recognized on the four-chamber views recorded during detailed 18- to 20-week-gestation scans.

Once an abnormality is identified, management comprises further diagnostic US examination to establish the extent of the defect and whether there are any other fetal abnormalities (this may include karyotyping) and multidisciplinary counselling and care. In some cases where the prognosis is poor, the parents may opt for a termination of pregnancy. In other cases, delivery should occur in a centre with full neonatal cardiological services, including cardiac surgery.

Defects of the abdominal wall

Defects of the abdominal wall can be diagnosed by US imaging. US screening in the second trimester (18–20 weeks) in the best centres detects over 95% of cases. They include gastroschisis ( Fig. 10.3A ) and exomphalos ( Fig. 10.3B ). In both cases, the bowel extrudes outside the abdominal cavity. The main differences between the two are that a gastroschisis is a defect that is separate from the umbilical cord (usually 2–3cm below and to the right), does not have a peritoneal covering and is usually an isolated problem. In contrast, an exomphalos is essentially a large hernia of the umbilical cord with a peritoneal covering and an increased risk of an underlying chromosomal abnormality, especially trisomy 18.

Fig. 10.3, (A) Gastroschisis – bowel contained within peritoneal sac. (B) Exomphalos – bowel extrusion.

If a gastroschisis is diagnosed, the parents can be told the prognosis is very good. Multidisciplinary care is needed. Delivery can be vaginal and should take place in a hospital with neonatal surgical facilities. All babies will require neonatal surgery to correct the defect; however, over 90% will survive.

In contrast, exomphalos has a very poor prognosis. Apart from the association with chromosomal abnormality, there is an increased risk (over 60%) of co-existent structural defects, especially cardiac. Further careful detailed US examination of the fetus should be undertaken once the diagnosis is made and karyotyping offered. Multidisciplinary care is advisable. If the parents opt to continue with the pregnancy rather than have a termination of pregnancy, this should take place in a unit with comprehensive neonatal facilities, including surgery.

Chromosomal abnormalities

Chromosomal abnormalities are common, with an estimated incidence of at least 7.5% of all conceptions. However, many of these result in a miscarriage, and the liveborn incidence is much less than that, at about 0.6%. Chromosomal abnormalities can be identified from culturing and karyotyping fetal/placental cells in the amniotic fluid or from the chorionic plate. The chromosomal abnormalities include both structural and numerical abnormalities of the karyotype. The commonest abnormality is that associated with trisomy 21, or Down’s syndrome (DS). In this condition, in at least 92% of cases the chromosomal abnormality is that each cell has three rather than two number 21 chromosomes (about 8% of cases are translocations – see later). This condition is discussed further later. The next most common are abnormalities of the sex chromosomes (Klinefelter’s syndrome with one extra sex chromosome in the form of two X-chromosomes and one Y-chromosome; Triple-X syndrome with an extra sex chromosome in the form of three X-chromosomes; and Turner’s syndrome with one only one sex chromosome, an X-chromosome), followed by trisomies 13 and 18 (Patau and Edwards syndromes, respectively).

Down’s syndrome

DS is characterized by the typical abnormal facial features ( Fig. 10.4 ), learning disability of varying degrees of severity and congenital heart disease. The karyotype includes an additional chromosome in group 21 (‘trisomy 21’; Fig. 10.5 ). The incidence overall is 1.5/1000 births. However, the chance increases with advancing maternal age (see later). The underlying reason is thought to be an increased frequency of non-disjunction at meiosis.

Fig. 10.4, Facial appearance of infant with Down’s syndrome.

Fig. 10.5, Trisomy 21 karyotype (male).

About 6–8% of affected infants have the disease as a result of a translocation and the extra 21 chromosome carried on to another chromosome, usually in group 13–15. The mother or the father will usually be a carrier of a balanced translocation.

Assessing fetal normality


Screening in this context is the process whereby women with a higher chance of fetal abnormality are identified in the general population. This screening is undertaken using identification of clinical risk factors, US and biochemical testing of maternal serum. Clinical risk factors can be identified throughout pregnancy, though the options for management are different depending on the gestational age. US and biochemical screening are offered to women in the first half of pregnancy. Ideally women should be offered a combined screening test (using US and biochemistry) for aneuploidy towards the end of the first trimester and a detailed US scan at about 20 weeks. The early scan also allows gestational age to be confirmed. If a woman presents too late for the first-trimester aneuploidy screening, then she should be offered a biochemical screening test at about 16 weeks.

Clinical risk factors: early pregnancy

These include:

  • maternal age and risk of aneuploidy especially DS ( Tables 10.2 and 10.3 ).

    Table 10.2
    The chance of having a pregnancy affected by Down’s syndrome according to maternal age at the time of birth
    Reproduced with permission from James DK, Weiner CP, Gonik B, Crowther CA, Robson SC, eds (2011) High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options, 4th edn. Saunders Elsevier, St Louis.
    Maternal age at delivery (years) Chance of Down’s syndrome
    15 1:1578
    20 1:1528
    25 1:1351
    30 1:909
    31 1:796
    32 1:683
    33 1:574
    34 1:474
    35 1:384
    36 1:307
    37 1:242
    38 1:189
    39 1:146
    40 1:112
    41 1:85
    42 1:65
    43 1:49
    44 1:37
    45 1:28
    46 1:21
    47 1:15
    48 1:11
    49 1:8
    50 1:6

    Table 10.3
    Chromosomal abnormalities by maternal age at the time of amniocentesis performed at 16 weeks’ gestation (expressed as rate per 1000)
    Maternal age (years) Trisomy 21 Trisomy 18 Trisomy 13 XXY All chromosomal anomalies
    35 3.9 0.5 0.2 0.5 8.7
    36 5.0 0.7 0.3 0.6 10.1
    37 6.4 1.0 0.4 0.8 12.2
    38 8.1 1.4 0.5 1.1 14.8
    39 10.4 2.0 0.8 1.4 18.4
    40 13.3 2.8 1.1 1.8 23.0
    41 16.9 3.9 1.5 2.4 29.0
    42 21.6 5.5 2.1 3.1 37.0
    43 27.4 7.6 4.1 45.0
    44 34.8 5.4 50.0
    45 44.2 7.0 62.0
    46 55.9 9.1 77.0
    47 70.4 11.9 96.0

  • maternal drug ingestion:

    • anticonvulsant drugs (e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine and sodium valproate) can produce defects of the central nervous system, especially neural tube defects.

    • cytotoxic agents used in cancer therapy or for immunosuppression with organ transplantation are associated with an increased risk of fetal growth restriction.

    • warfarin is teratogenic when used in the first trimester and can produce a fetal bleeding disorder when used later in pregnancy.

  • previous history of fetal abnormality:

    • if, for example, a woman has had a DS baby in the past, she has a greater chance of recurrence than the likelihood given by her age alone.

    • however, not all fetal abnormalities are associated with a greater risk of recurrence in a subsequent pregnancy.

  • maternal disease (see Chapter 9 ), including:

    • diabetes: the reported risks of fetal abnormality vary between 3% and 8%. This figure is reduced significantly if the diabetes is well controlled before and during the first trimester and the woman takes periconceptual folic acid.

    • congenital cardiac disease: a woman who has a congenital cardiac defect has a 1–2% risk of a cardiac abnormality in her fetus.

Clinical risk factors: late pregnancy

The following are risk factors associated with a higher likelihood of fetal abnormality:

  • persistent breech presentation or abnormal lie in late pregnancy

  • vaginal bleeding; however, the majority of pregnant women with vaginal bleeding in pregnancy do not have a fetal abnormality

  • abnormal fetal movements, both increased and decreased, though for women to be aware of this perhaps subtle difference, they usually must have had a normal pregnancy previously, which they can use as a reference

  • abnormal amniotic fluid volume: both polyhydramnios (which is commonly associated with abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system, especially obstruction) and oligohydramnios (which is commonly associated with obstructive abnormalities of the renal tract, such as urethral valves or renal agenesis)

  • growth restriction, though most fetuses that are growth restricted do not have an abnormality


Most pregnant women in the UK present for their first visit to a health professional in the first trimester. This means that they can be offered two US scans in the first half of pregnancy.

The first scan ideally is performed between 11w+0d and 13w+6d. The features recorded at this examination are:

  • Confirmation of the location of pregnancy (i.e. that it is in the uterus).

  • Confirmation of fetal viability by the demonstration of cardiac activity.

  • Establishing the number of fetuses. If there are twins, then the chorionicity should be determined by identifying either the ‘lambda sign’ (dichorionic) or ‘T-sign’ (monochorionic) ( Fig. 10.6 ).

    Fig. 10.6, Chorionicity. (A) Monochorionic twins (T-sign). (B) Dichorionic twins (lambda sign).

  • Assessment of gestational age by measurement of crown–rump length (CRL) (see Chapter X).

If the woman wishes to have screening for fetal abnormality, she can have:

  • Measurement of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) ( Fig. 10.7 ) as part of the ‘combined testing’ programme (see next section).

    Fig. 10.7, Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement (undertaken when crown–rump length (CRL) = 45–84mm). NT measurement: strict sagittal view appropriate for CRL, appropriate magnification (>70% image), away from the amnion, neutral position of the fetal head, biggest of three to five measurements.

  • Fetal anatomical screening for malformations. Not all major structural anomalies are easily detectable at this gestation. Those that are include anencephaly, holoprosencephaly and major abdominal wall defects.

The second US scan is offered to women when they are between 18 and 20 weeks. Most are undertaken at 20 weeks. The features recorded at this examination are:

  • Confirmation of fetal viability.

  • Establishing the number of fetuses.

  • Measurement of fetal biometry (head and abdominal circumferences, biparietal diameter (BPD) and femur length). From these, the gestational age can be established or confirmed. Most centres use the BPD only for this, though some use a combination of measurements.

  • Assessment of amniotic fluid volume.

  • Assessment of placental location and cord insertion.

  • Offering the woman an anatomical survey which seeks to confirm a normal appearance in a number of organ systems listed next. The success at identifying structural abnormalities in these systems at about 20 weeks varies, and the approximate rates of detection with US reported in 2009 are:

    • All major malformations – 37%

    • Central nervous system – 84%

    • Exomphalos and gastroschisis – 80%

    • Respiratory – 75%

    • Major cardiac abnormalities – 63% (all cardiac abnormalities have a detection rate of <50%)

    • Genitalia – 58%

    • Diaphragmatic hernia – 38%

    • Gastrointestinal – 31%

    • Kidneys and urinary tract – 31%

    • Musculoskeletal – 26%

    • Facial clefts – 22%

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