Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Fifth Metatarsal (Jones or Stress) Fracture


  • Fracture in zone II or III of the proximal fifth metatarsal (5MT; Fig. 24.1 )

    FIG. 24.1

  • Acute fracture in an athlete

  • Delayed union

Indications Pitfalls

  • Varus hindfoot alignment maintaining a continued risk to 5MT overload.

Treatment Options

  • Nonoperative treatment with casting, protected weight bearing

  • Intramedullary screw fixation

  • External bone stimulation

  • Tension band technique/plating


  • Tenderness at the base of the 5MT

  • Hindfoot alignment

  • Radiographs demonstrating fracture in zone II of the 5MT

    • Fracture in the base of the 5MT extending into articulation of fourth MT and 5MT bases on anteroposterior ( Fig. 24.2A ), oblique ( Fig. 24.2B ), and lateral ( Fig. 24.2C ) views

      FIG. 24.2

Surgical Anatomy

  • There is a watershed area of relatively less perfusion in zone II of the 5MT base ( Fig. 24.3A ).

    FIG. 24.3

  • The 5MT is a curved bone (relevant to fixation with a straight implant [screw]; Fig. 24.3B ).

  • At-risk structures include the peroneus brevis and longus and the sural nerve ( Fig. 24.3C ).

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