Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
These tumors account for less than 1% of all resected lung tumors.
They may be derived from epithelial, mesodermal, or endodermal cell lines.
Hamartomas account for greater than 75% of benign tumors of the lung.
Endobronchial tumors present with signs and symptoms related to airway obstruction (most often pneumonia) and bleeding.
Peripheral airway and parenchymal tumors usually present as incidental solitary pulmonary nodules.
The probability of malignancy rises with age; greater than 50 years of age raises risk of malignancy significantly.
Only 5% of all radiographically detected lung nodules prove to be malignant.
Smoking, family history, female sex, emphysema, chemical exposure, asbestos, or coal mining are risk factors for malignancy.
Lymph node assessment—cervical, supraclavicular, and axillary
Dyspnea/shortness of breath (SOB)
Chest pain
Weight loss
Most commonly, nodules are asymptomatic and found incidentally.
Characterize the mass through imaging, that is, dedicated chest computed tomography (CT) scan, which is respiratory gated.
Based on features (nodule vs. mass), determine to monitor or establish a histologic diagnosis.
Nodule; ≤3 cm, regular borders and surrounded by normal parenchyma
Mass; greater than 3 cm, irregular (particularly speculated), extensions to pleura or adjacent structures or other associated abnormalities
Comparison radiographs are essential.
Tumor doubling time
Malignant tumors double in weeks to months.
Benign tumors double over years or remain unchanged (solid nodules are followed for 2 years if unchanged as doubling time is inconsistent with malignancy).
Computed tomography
CT scanning is the standard modality to assess lung lesions and provides the following features:
Location—upper lobe lesions are more often malignant.
Size less than 1 cm have a 2%–6% risk of malignancy
Attenuation—solid, mixed attenuation (partially solid) or ground-glass opacity (no solid component)
Rate of growth
Border—smooth (often benign) versus irregular (spiculation is statistically correlated with malignancy)
Calcification—popcorn, laminated, central, and diffuse—all point to benign etiology
Invasiveness into adjacent structures
Hilar or mediastinal adenopathy (a smooth-edged lesion is considered a mass if associated with lymphadenopathy)
Presence suspicious lesions that could herald metastatic spread
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
Determines metabolic rate of tissues based on the uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
The intensity of uptake is measured in standardized uptake value (SUV), with a threshold of 2.5 or greater correlating with malignancy.
Inflammation (sarcoidosis) and infection (fungal granuloma) can be PET positive, typically less than 2.5 SUV.
When performed for patients with benign-appearing lesions, the PET scan helps to further determine probability of benign disease if negative. In the setting of a mass (higher suspicion of malignancy), the PET is most useful to assess mediastinal or distant areas for abnormal FDG uptake.
Sputum cytology—not used routinely, should be considered on a case-by-case basis
Flexible bronchoscopy with direct biopsy or transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA)
Endobronchial ultrasound–guided transbronchial biopsy (EBUS-TBNA)
Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration, CT guided
Surgical biopsy—diagnostic wedge resection via video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS)
Can be solitary or multiple
Polypoid areas of bronchial mucosa with a fibrous stalk
Covered by ciliated columnar epithelium with possible areas of squamous metaplasia
Thought to be secondary to a chronic inflammatory process
Benign but may be symptomatic because of their bronchial obstruction effect
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