Assessment of Liver Histology



alcoholic fatty liver disease


autoimmune hepatitis


antimitochondrial antibody


antinuclear antibody


body mass index




cluster designation 68




C-reactive protein


drug-induced liver injury


diabetes mellitus


dysplastic nodule


Epstein-Barr virus


formalin fixed, paraffin embedded


focal nodular hyperplasia


glutamine synthetase


graft-versus-host disease


hematoxylin and eosin


hepatitis A virus


hepatocellular adenoma


hepatocellular carcinoma


hepatitis C virus


hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia


hepatoportal sclerosis


heat shock protein


herpes simplex virus


idiopathic adulthood ductopenia


intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

K7, K19

keratin 7, keratin 19


nonalcoholic fatty liver disease


nonalcoholic steatohepatitis


nodular regenerative hyperplasia


oil red O stain


periodic acid–Schiff after diastase


primary biliary cholangitis


polyclonal CEA


progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis


primary sclerosing cholangitis


serum amyloid A


systemic lupus erythematosus


Even with the advances being made in imaging and genetic studies of the “liquid biopsy,” understanding fundamental morphologic lesions that occur in liver diseases remains relevant for physicians caring for patients with the various liver diseases, as well as for researchers developing the noninvasive tests that will ultimately replace liver biopsy. Often a liver biopsy is the basis for the final determination of medical or surgical treatment for a patient in whom the laboratory values are not adequately discriminating. No longer necessary for grading and staging most chronic liver diseases, liver biopsy does remain the diagnostic test for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and in some cases distinguishing it from alcoholic hepatitis. Characterizing various drug reactions beyond the clinical scenarios has benefited greatly from the input of careful histopathologic correlation, and our knowledge of tumors of the liver has grown exponentially with the newer tools available to pathologists. This chapter provides more than an overview of the pathology of the liver; references to prior observations are occasionally made for the purposes of credit and enrichment, as well as gratitude to our predecessors.

Clinical-Pathologic Correlations

In current practices of hepatology, hepatobiliary surgery, and liver transplantation, pathologic studies remain integral in diagnosis and clinical decision making. Although many noninvasive tests continue to be developed (including combinations of serologic markers, imaging findings, and patient demographics), histo­pathologic studies remain the standard against which all other test results are judged. Stereotypic histologic features are commonly recognized and can broadly categorize disease processes as hepatitic, cholestatic, vascular, or neoplastic, but rarely do the histologic features alone suffice for the determination of a final diagnosis. Rather, in most situations, a differential diagnosis exists for identified lesions. An example is the duct lesion characterized by infiltration into the interlobular duct by lymphocytes. This lesion can occur in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (known as the Christoffersen-Poulsen lesion described in 1972), the florid duct lesion of primary biliary cholangitis, which is a necessary component of acute allograft rejection, a common finding in drug-induced liver injury (DILI), and an occurrence in some cases of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Thus adequate clinical information is necessary for, and often integrated into, a final pathology diagnosis. It is a personal choice of the pathologist as to when in the course of liver biopsy interpretation the clinical indications for the biopsy and accompanying pertinent clinical information are known.

Tissue Preparation and Stains

Rarely is there a reason not to place a liver biopsy into formalin immediately after procurement; the exception is for the rapid, frozen section diagnosis at the time of surgery. Routine histochemical studies and an ever-increasing array of immunohistochemical, in situ hybridization, and nucleic acid retrieval–based studies have been optimized for use with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Copper and iron quantitation studies are routinely performed from the FFPE tissue remaining in the block. The exceptions to this include the need for fresh tissue (e.g., flow cytometry processing of a hematopoietic process, pediatric liver biopsies for enzymatic assays) and glutaraldehyde fixation for ultrastructural evaluation. On the other hand, the consideration of acute fatty liver of pregnancy can be successfully addressed if the specimen has not been processed into paraffin. Formalin-fixed biopsies can be frozen and cut onto charged or albumin-coated glass slides, with the application of oil red O (ORO) stain used to identify microvesicular steatosis. The same core can then be processed through paraffin embedding for routine evaluation and workup for the differential diagnoses, as discussed hereafter.

During submission for routine evaluation of any liver biopsy, embedding sponges and ink are not only unnecessary but often result in detrimental artifacts, and thus are both to be strongly discouraged. The former leads to distortion artifacts that create nonanatomic angled holes throughout the biopsy core ; the latter results in adherent pigment that may obscure cells and structures or may even be confused for bile or other pigments.

Abundant information can be obtained from a careful, systematic review of sectioned levels of hematoxylin- and eosin-stained (H&E) tissue; preferably three levels are available, one each from the beginning, middle, and end of the sectioned ribbons. Additional special stains utilized for evaluation can serve useful diagnostic purposes ( Table 12-1 ). Hepatopathologists have their own preferences, but most employ stains for connective tissue and architectural assessment at the very least. Arguments in favor of periodic acid–Schiff after diastase (PASd) and iron stains include the many uses of PASd (e.g., ease of observation of periportal globules of α 1 -antitrypsin [A1AT] PiZ mutations; evaluation of bile duct basement membranes; visualization of enlarged, pigmented Kupffer cells; and the dark magenta pigment in zone 1 hepatocytes that typically correlates with copper) and iron (e.g., iron-free foci in cirrhosis with iron overloading can be a marker of dysplasia).

TABLE 12-1
Useful Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Stains for Liver Biopsy Interpretation
Histochemical Stains Use Disease Processes
Reticulin Collagen, type III Hepatic plate thickness; cord architecture; loss or altered reticulin is noted in steatotic processes and in hepatocellular carcinoma
Trichrome Collagen, type I Native collagen and fibrosis; architecture evaluation; identification of small outflow veins
Sirius red Several collagens Architecture; abnormal connective tissue deposition
Periodic acid–Schiff after diastase (PASd; DPAS) Globules of A1AT; bile duct basement membranes; activated Kupffer cells; periportal dark granules may be copper Detection of periportal globules represents Z allele; does not determine zygosity
Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) Glycogen Highlights portal tract architecture by absence of staining
Iron (modified Perls') Iron granules (blue); identification of bile (yellow-brown) and lipofuscin (yellow granules) Many diseases result in aberrant iron loading; iron stain documents cell types, acinar localization, and quantity
Rhodanine Copper detection Chronic cholestasis; Wilson disease, especially in advanced stages
Orcein, Victoria blue Copper binding protein Chronic cholestasis; Wilson disease, especially in advanced stages
HBV surface antigen Chronic HBV
Elastic fibers Presence in true fibrosis; absence of elastic fibers in recent parenchymal collapse
Congo red, thioflavin T, crystal violet Positive identification of amyloid * Hepatic amyloidosis: intrasinusoidal, vascular walls
Verhoeff-van Gieson Elastic fibers, smooth muscle vessel walls Positive identification of obliterated outflow venules
Oil red O Lipid Confirmation of intrahepatocellular lipids in acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Immunohistochemical Stain/Antigen Pattern(s) of Reactivity Disease Processes
HB S Ag/hepatitis B surface antigen Cytoplasmic; membranous; inclusion Indicative of chronic hepatitis B; negative in acute HBV infection
HB C Ag/hepatitis B core antigen Nuclear ± cytoplasmic Replicative HBV infection
Anti-α1-antitrypsin (A1AT)/A1AT protein Globules: rim positive, center negative or diffusely positive
Cytoplasmic “blush”
A1AT mutation but not diagnostic of ZZ or MZ
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Nuclear reactivity in infected cells Confirmation of CMV
HSV1,2 Nuclear reactivity in infected cells Confirmation of HSV
Adenovirus Nuclear reactivity in infected cells Confirmation of adenoviral infection
Anti-K8/18 Hepatocytes ± periportal progenitor cells, biliary cells Clearing of hepatocyte cytoplasm is indicative of “ballooning”; positive in Mallory-Denk bodies
Anti-K7 Biliary epithelium ± hepatic progenitor cells; intermediate hepatocytes Biliary differentiation; cholestatic metaplasia of positive enlarged hepatocytes with submembranous reactivity; can be seen in zone 3 hepatocytes with ischemia
Anti-K19 Biliary epithelium; hepatic progenitor cells; intermediate hepatocytes Biliary differentiation; more specific for hepatic progenitor cells and “intermediate hepatocytes”
p62, ubiquitin, AE1/AE3 Positive identification of Mallory-Denk bodies Alcoholic hepatitis; nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; chronic cholestatic liver diseases; Wilson disease
pCEA/polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen Canalicular reactivity in hepatocytes Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): canalicular; cholangiocarcinoma (CCa): cytoplasmic
Anti-CD10/CD10 Canalicular reactivity in hepatocytes HCC: canalicular; ddx: renal cell cancer: cytoplasmic
Glypican-3 Membranous, inclusions, canalicular Irregularly positive in HCC
Hepar/hepatocyte Intracytoplasmic, granular reactivity in hepatocytes May be positive in HCC
β-Catenin Membranous or nuclear ± cytoplasmic Nuclear ± cytoplasmic β-catenin is indicative of “activation”; membranous is present in normal liver; occasionally occurs in adenomas, HCC
Glutamine synthetase Cytoplasmic in rim of perivenular zone 3 hepatocytes Loss of zonality of reactivity is abnormal; can occur in benign proliferations (FNH, adenoma) and is commonly strongly reactive in malignant hepatocellular neoplasms
L-FABP Cytoplasmic in normal hepatocytes Absent in HNF-1α–mutated HCA
K19/CK19 Biliary epithelium; marker of hepatic progenitor cells Mixed HCC-Cca

* Use of amyloid stain and Masson trichrome stain will enable positive identification of amyloid. Amyloid will result in a grayish discoloration of the trichrome.

See text.

Approach to Microscopy

Systematic review of liver biopsies assists in the identification of diagnostic patterns of injury. Pathologists often interchangeably use anatomic terminology based either on Rappaport's acinar concepts of vascular supplies or on Kiernan's hexagonal lobular architecture. In the former, the hepatocytes most proximal to blood supply (i.e., portal tracts with portal venous and hepatic artery inflow) are referred to as zone 1 and those most distal from it are zone 3 . Zones 1 and 3 are pear shaped and starfish shaped, respectively. According to the lobular architecture described by Kiernan, the hepatocytes around the portal tract are referred to as periportal and those around the outflow vein as centrilobular or perivenular . Although both of these concepts are oversimplifications of the microarchitecture of the liver, they serve as aids in interpretation. It is well recognized that hepatocytes along the gradient from inflow to outflow have different functions and susceptibilities to pathologic insults. Thus recognition of zonal location of injury, pigment deposition, and/or fibrosis is often extremely useful in creating a differential diagnosis based on morphology. Prototypic zonal injuries are noted in Table 12-2 .

TABLE 12-2
Zonal Injury Patterns
Acinar Zone/Lobular Location Pathologic Finding (Examples of Possible Underlying Causes)
Zone 3/Perivenular Canalicular cholestasis (large duct obstruction, drugs)
Paucicellular necrosis (acetaminophen, carbon tetrachloride, mushroom toxicity, hypotensive shock)
Ballooning (acute viral hepatitis B, C; steatohepatitis; ischemia in allograft)
Cord atrophy, commonly with prominence of sinusoids (chronic venous outflow obstruction)
Hepatocellular pigment (lipofuscin)
Inclusions (fibrinogen or induction cells)
Perisinusoidal fibrosis (steatohepatitis, outflow obstruction)
Sclerosing hyaline necrosis (alcoholic hepatitis)
Zone 1/Periportal Ductular cholestasis (sepsis)
Paucicellular necrosis (eclampsia, DIC, cocaine, phosphorus, ferrous sulfate)
Feathery change (cholate stasis)
Necroinflammatory (viral hepatitis A, E)
Hepatocellular pigment (copper) chronic cholestasis, (iron) multiple causes, (lipofuscin-like pigment) Dubin Johnson pigment
Eosinophilic inclusions (α 1 -antitrypsin globules)
Portal, periportal fibrosis (chronic hepatitis, most causes; methotrexate; chronic biliary diseases)
DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

The assessment of a medically indicated biopsy includes parenchymal architecture as assessed by the presence and spacing of vascular structures (terminal hepatic venules and portal tracts) and cord architecture (atrophy, hypertrophy, nodularity); the presence, location, and types of cellular infiltrates (focal, panacinar, portal predominant; predominant cell types); hepatocellular injury patterns (single cell apoptosis, spotty necroses, confluent necroses, zonal or nonzonal necroses, bridging necroses, regenerative hepatocellular changes and/or ductular reaction); and interlobular bile duct evaluation (presence, inflammation, features of cholestasis). The periportal space is often quite informative and supportive of the type of injury ( Table 12-3 ). Stereotypical patterns can provide diagnostic clues as the diagnostician considers injury patterns: hepatitic, cholestatic, and vascular diseases ( Table 12-4 ).

TABLE 12-3
Morphologic Features of Normal and Abnormal Hepatic Parenchyma
Architecture: Low Power Scanning

  • Vascular structures normally spaced


  • Vascular structures not normally spaced

  • Portal tracts, outflow veins approximated

  • Necrosis, collapse ( orcein, trichrome stains)

  • Fibrosis ( trichrome, reticulin stains)

  • Parenchymal nodularity ( reticulin, trichrome stains)

    • With bridging fibrous septa

    • With prominent sinusoids

    • Without fibrous septa

Portal Tracts

  • Normal connective tissue for size

  • Branches of hepatic artery, portal vein, bile duct identified

  • Rare mononuclear cells


  • Edematous; mild mixed inflammation present

  • Increased fibrosis ( trichrome, reticulin stains)

    • Periportal

    • Bridging: portal-portal; portal-central

  • Increased ductular profiles (ductular reaction) at limiting plate: hepatocyte interface

    • Ductal plate malformation

    • Ductular reaction; types of inflammation

    • Ductular cholestasis (cholangitis lenta)

Cellular Infiltrates

  • Predominantly chronic inflammatory cells; ? interface activity

  • Plasma cells, eosinophils overrepresented

  • Pigmented portal macrophages

  • Polymorphonuclear infiltrates present; numerous

    • Cholangitis

    • Cholangiolitis

  • Granulomatous inflammation

  • Lipogranulomas

  • Neoplastic infiltrate

Bile Ducts

  • Present (1:1 ratio with hepatic artery)

  • Preserved architecture


  • Absent

  • Lymphocytic, granulomatous, fibrous obliteration

  • Loss of polarity

  • Loss of nuclei

  • Pyknotic alterations

  • Inflammation around and/or into biliary epithelium

  • Chronic inflammatory cells

  • Acute inflammatory cells

  • Granulomatous

  • Inflammation in lumina of bile ducts (cholangitis)

Portal Vein Branch

  • Present


  • Dilated; not identifiable

  • Extruded from portal tract; in direct contact with hepatocytes

  • Larger portal tracts: subintimal fibrosis and muscle fibers replaced by scar

  • Endotheliitis

Hepatic Artery Branch

  • Present; normal size for portal tract


  • Eccentric thickening

  • Concentric thickening; amyloid present

  • Subendothelial “foam” cells noted

Vascular Structures of the Acinus

  • Terminal hepatic venules (central veins)

  • Present; normal size


  • Not visualizable without trichrome, VVG stains

  • Endophlebitis, endotheliitis

  • Dilated; several vascular channels

  • Perivenular fibrosis

  • Perisinusoidal fibrosis ± “unaccompanied” artery present

  • Perivenular lipogranulomas with fibrosis

Sinusoids and Lining Cells

  • Not noticeable


  • “Sinusoidal reaction” present

  • Pigment in sinusoidal lining cells

  • Fat droplets prominent in hepatic stellate cells

  • Mononuclear cell inflammation confined to sinusoids

  • Pigmented and/or enlarged Kupffer cells

  • Erythrophagocytosis; hemophagocytosis

  • Dilated; zonal location

  • With cord atrophy, perisinusoidal fibrosis, red cell extravasation

  • Loss of integrity of sinusoidal matrix ( reticulin, trichrome stains)

  • Markedly enlarged and filled with blood: peliosis

  • Extramedullary hematopoiesis

  • Malignant infiltrates

  • Deposition of amyloid

  • Foam cell collections

  • Loss of normal reticulin pattern: steatosis; hepatocellular carcinoma


  • Normal cord and cellular structure


  • Cord atrophy: zonal location

  • Loss of normal cord architecture

  • Cellular infiltrates: mononuclear; microgranulomas; microabscesses; epithelioid granulomas with or without eosinophils

  • Hepatitic rosettes

  • Cholestatic rosettes

  • Ballooning

  • Apoptosis

  • Spotty necrosis, multifocal

  • Zonal necrosis: confluent necrosis; submassive (bridging) necrosis; massive (panacinar) necrosis ( reticulin, orcein stains)

  • Coagulative necrosis

  • Hepatocyte inclusions: types and zonal locations

  • Cytoplasmic: glycogen, ground glass; steatosis, Mallory-Denk bodies, pigments, viral organisms

  • Globules, granules

  • Canaliculi: dilated, bile plugs

  • Nuclear inclusions: glycogen, viral, pseudoinclusions, mitotic figures

  • N/C ratio: regenerative small cells; large cell change; small cell change

TABLE 12-4
Broad Morphologic Categorization of Diseases
Disease Process Pattern of Lesions Common Differential Diagnostic Possibilities
Acute Predominantly lobular Viral A, B, D, E; AIH; drugs; toxins; EBV; HSV; CMV; adenovirus
Chronic Predominantly portal or mixed lobular and portal Viral B, C, D; AIH; drugs; toxins; metabolic diseases (A1AT, Wilson disease, HH, ± alcoholic/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis * )
Granulomatous Opportunistic infection, drugs, chronic hepatitis, Hodgkin disease, idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis, chronic granulomatous disease
Acute Canalicular cholestasis; predominantly zone 3 Large duct obstruction, drugs, sepsis, ICP, PFIC
Chronic Bile duct lesions, features of cholate stasis, predominantly zone 1 PBC, PSC, IAD, drugs, GVHD, sarcoidosis, other
Cholestatic hepatitis Canalicular cholestasis, zone 3; ± foam cells; ± duct injury; lesions of hepatitis, lobular and portal Drug is most common; severe AIH, viral A, E, B, less often C.
Granulomatous involvement of bile ducts PBC, rarely in PSC, sarcoidosis
Acute: Large Venous Outflow Zone 3 sinusoidal dilatation; red cell extravasation into cords Large outflow vessel obstruction: thrombosis, oral contraceptive use; sudden worsening of right heart failure
Acute PV thrombosis: usually no histologic features
Acute: Large Arterial Inflow (Left Side of Heart) Zone 3 coagulative necrosis Myocardial infarction; shock liver
Chronic: Large Venous Outflow Various lesions of zone 3 cords, including atrophy, fibrosis along cords, ± red cell extravasation; terminal hepatic venules may be occluded. Large outflow vessel obstruction, right heart failure;
Smallest Terminal Hepatic Venules: Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Sinusoids irregularly “open,” appear “broken” by reticulin; trichrome stain results in affected parenchyma appearing different than nonaffected parenchyma; this process is nonzonal, and can occur in sinusoids near large collagenous structures such as large portal tracts Oxaliplatin related, most commonly reported
Early May recover or result in NRH after long period SOS-HSCT-related: smallest terminal hepatic venules occluded; best seen on trichrome or VVG; may affect hepatic function and should be in ddx for GVHD at any point posttransplant
Portal Vein
Acute Cord atrophy; infarct of Zahn (all vascular structures approximated due to parenchymal atrophy)
Chronic Idiopathic portal hypertension, hepatoportal sclerosis, NRH, noncirrhotic portal hypertension
Hereditary hemorraghic telangiectasia Can be associated with focal nodular hyperplasia, and with high output cardiac failure
A1AT, α 1 -Antitrypsin; AIH, autoimmune hepatitis; ALD, alcoholic liver disease; CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IAD, idiopathic adulthood ductopenia; ICP, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy; NRH, nodular regenerative hyperplasia; PASd, periodic acid–Schiff after diastase; PBC, primary biliary cholangitis; PFIC, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis; SOS-HSCT, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

* Lesions of alcoholic and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis are most commonly accentuated in zone 3.

For directed lesional biopsies, the initial determination is the presence or absence of tissue consistent with a distinct mass lesion. Changes recognized as mass effect, such as sinusoidal dilatation with or without ductular reaction and portal chronic inflammation, suggest proximity to a lesion. If present, these findings should not be misinterpreted as necessarily evidence of underlying liver disease. Table 12-4 summarizes the morphologic features and associated diagnostic possibilities of hepatic injury, and Table 12-5 highlights unique histopathologic details for specific forms of acute and chronic liver diseases.

TABLE 12-5
Histopathologic Features of Specific Acute and Chronic Hepatidides
Etiology CLINICAL HEPATITIS Unique Histopathologic Findings
Acute Chronic
Viral Hepatitis
Hepatitis A, E Yes No
  • 1.

    May be portal predominant; may have numerous plasma cells

  • 2.

    May be cholestatic

Hepatitis C Yes Yes
  • 1.

    May appear to have acute and chronic lesions simultaneously

  • 2.

    Lymphoid aggregates and steatosis are common, but not exclusive to HCV

  • 3.

    Sinusoidal infiltrates may predominate as in Dilantin toxicity

  • 4.

    Duct injury and infiltration by lymphocytes and/or duct diverticuli may occur

  • 5.

    Eosinophils are not uncommon in portal inflammation

Hepatitis B Yes Yes
  • 1.

    Acute HBV: no specific characteristics; negative immunostains for surface and core antigens

  • 2.

    Chronic HBV: may have ground glass inclusions of surface antigen; immunostains for surface positive; immunostains for core indicate replicative phase

  • 3.

    Fibrosis in chronic HBV may show incomplete septal cirrhosis

Other Viral Infections
CMV Yes No
  • 1.

    In nonimmunosuppressed host, viral inclusions are not apparent; predominantly spotty necrosis or small collections of polymorphonuclear leukocytes

  • 2.

    In immunosuppressed host, intranuclear and intracytoplasmic viral inclusions may be seen

HSV 1,2 Yes No
  • 1.

    Intranuclear viral inclusions noted around edges of nonzonal punched-out necrosis or in occasional cells in massive necrosis

EBV Yes No
  • 1.

    Diffuse sinusoidal chronic inflammation; may have hemophagocytosis

Adenovirus Yes No
  • 1.

    Intranuclear inclusions are noted; acute hepatitis to massive necrosis

Autoimmune hepatitis Yes Yes
  • 1.

    Rarely may cause massive necrosis

  • 2.

    Most commonly has features of chronic hepatitis with varying degrees of activity; plasma cells easily noted; hepatitic rosettes are common

  • 3.

    Eosinophils may be present in portal inflammation

  • 4.

    Duct lesion may occur; ductopenia is not a feature

Fatty Liver Diseases
Alcoholic Yes Yes
  • 1.

    ± Steatosis, zone 3 or panacinar

  • 2.


  • 3.

    Mallory-Denk bodies: well-formed and marked satellitosis favors ALD

  • 4.

    Zone 3 perisinusoidal (chicken wire) fibrosis: may be dense, complex; favors ALD ± ductular reaction

  • 5.

    Sclerosing hyaline necrosis

  • 6.

    Canalicular cholestasis

Nonalcoholic ? Yes
  • 1.

    Same as findings 1 through 4 for ALD

Metabolic Liver Diseases
A1AT deficiency No Yes
  • 1.

    Chronic hepatitis

  • 2.

    Periportal PASd-positive globules, varying sizes

Hereditary hemochromatosis No Yes
  • 1.

    Chronic hepatitis

  • 2.

    Granular iron in hepatocytes; zone 1-3 gradient

  • 3.

    ± Iron in reticuloendothelial cells

  • 4.

    ± Iron in biliary epithelial cells

Wilson disease No Yes
  • 1.

    Varying features: steatosis, chronic hepatitis

  • 2.

    Periportal Mallory-Denk bodies

  • 3.

    Atypical lipofuscin

  • 4.

    Copper in hepatocytes; see text

A1AT, α 1 -Antitrypsin; ALD, alcoholic liver disease; CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HBV, hepatitis C virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; PASd, periodic acid–Schiff after diastase.

Morphologic Lesions of Hepatitis

Acute Hepatitis

Acute hepatitis is characterized by intraacinar-predominant findings of hepatocyte injury, inflammation, and hepatocellular regeneration. The hepatocytes may be diffusely or zonally involved with swelling, cytoplasmic clearing, or lytic necrosis. Most types of acute hepatitis affect primarily zone 3, but hepatitides A and E are notable exceptions that may show zone 1 accentuation, and herpes hepatitis is characterized by nonzonal regions of necrosis. Clusters of ceroid-pigmented Kupffer cells and/or mononuclear cells may be sparse initially. With resolution, PASd-pigmented Kupffer cells may be present in zone 3. Eosinophilic, rounded, apoptotic hepatocytes may be noted singly outside the cords. Hepatocellular necrosis is detected by foci of spotty necrosis, which is recognized as scattered, intraparenchymal collections of Kupffer cells surrounding fragments of hepatocellular cytoplasm, zone 3 or zone 1 confluent necrosis, submassive (bridging) necrosis, or massive hepatic necrosis. The types and acinar extent of necrosis may be clues to underlying etiology. Necrosis of hepatocytes results in loss of plate architecture and reticulin collapse. Inflammatory cells infiltrate diffusely throughout the lobules, and sinusoidal lining cells become prominent as they are activated; an overall “busy” appearance is apparent. An interesting example is the relative lack of hepatocellular injury that accompanies the “beads on a string” sinusoidal lymphocytic infiltrates of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) hepatitis. Inflammation in most forms of acute hepatitis is predominantly mononuclear cells. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes are uncommon in acute hepatitis. Microabscesses, however, can be indicative of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in the allograft liver, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes surrounding individual hepatocytes (satellitosis) or accompanying ductular reaction in zone 1 are characteristic of alcoholic hepatitis (discussed later in this chapter). Subendothelial or transmural inflammation (phlebitis) of outflow veins can be noted in cases of severe acute hepatitis. Chronic portal inflammation may be present in varying degrees. In acute hepatitis A or E, portal inflammation may be equal or predominant to the intraacinar findings and may be dominated by plasma cells. Spillover of inflammatory cells from portal tracts may be difficult to distinguish from piecemeal necrosis or interface activity. Evidence of hepatocellular regeneration is common in all forms of acute hepatitis except fulminant cases and is characterized by anisonucleosis of hepatocytes, binucleated or trinucleated hepatocytes, broad cords on reticulin stain, and, rarely, mitotic figures in hepatocytes. Ductular profiles in a seemingly empty stroma may represent the only form of regeneration in fulminant liver failure.

Fibrosis is not present in acute hepatitis. In cases with marked collapse, the two-cell-thick regenerative cords of surviving hepatocytes surrounded by dense reticulin condensation may be confused with cirrhotic remodeling. The trichrome stain may or may not distinguish the deep, vibrant color of the native collagen of portal tracts from the paler and less well-defined dye retention of the collapsed parenchyma. Reticulin stain highlights the collapse, as well as highlighting regenerative cords. Elastic fiber stains such as orcein can be quite helpful because elastic fibers are largely absent in recent passive collapse but are present in the true active septa of fibrosis.

Characteristic findings of particular entities that may result in lesions of acute hepatitis are presented in Table 12-5 .

Massive or submassive hepatic necrosis, characterized by panacinar or bridging parenchymal necrosis, respectively, may be histologic features in clinical cases of hepatitis. CD68-positive, PASd-pigmented Kupffer cells are easily noted in the residual stroma. Ductular reaction, characterized by increased numbers of ductular elements and variable amounts of stroma and inflammation, may be noted in acute hepatitis when extensive necrosis is present. In massive hepatic necrosis, the majority of viable epithelial cells remaining are the K7-positive and K19-positive interlobular bile ducts, as well as transit-amplifying cells derived from the hepatic progenitor cells that characterize the ductular reaction. Etiologic determination of the injury based on pathologic evaluation may not be possible in massive hepatic necrosis, but some patterns can be suggestive. Zone 3 coagulative necrosis with little inflammation characterizes both systemic shock and acetaminophen toxicity. Clusters of necrotic hepatocytes or massive necrosis may be seen with herpes simplex virus (HSV) or adenovirus hepatitis. Careful evaluation by light microscopy for the typical intranuclear inclusions of these viruses is suggested, particularly in cases of immunosuppression. The glassy nuclei, syncytial nuclear formation, and basophilic stippling of herpes simplex can be noted by routine stains. Immunohistochemical stains are available to confirm both herpes virus and the smudged nuclei of adenovirus.

Chronic Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis is histologically characterized by the portal predominance of mononuclear or mixed chronic inflammatory infiltrates. In addition, PASd-pigmented portal macrophages are either more or equally prominent with intraacinar Kupffer cells. Lobular necroinflammatory activity ranges from that described for the previous lesions to near absence of activity. In most diseases that result in chronic hepatitis, fibrosis occurs initially in and around the periportal regions. The most notable exception to these concepts is fatty liver disease, which is discussed in the following section. Interface activity, a defining lesion of chronicity, is not specific to any disease entity and is characterized by chronic inflammatory cells breaching the limiting plate of the portal tract and surrounding adjacent hepatocytes in zone 1. The older term for this was piecemeal necrosis. Currently, actual necrosis (or apoptosis) is not required in the recognition of interface activity. The types and amounts of parenchymal necrosis and collapse depend on the specific disease and the individual host's immune response. If the underlying disease is unchecked, fibrosis in chronic hepatitis may progress and may involve portal-portal bridging septa, portal-central approximation from loss of intervening parenchyma, and ultimately cirrhosis, defined not only by loss of hepatic parenchyma and replacement by septal scar tissue but also by vascular remodeling that results in (or from) intraparenchymal shunts. The extinct parenchyma, or septa, commonly contains not only elastic fibers and collagens but also ductular profiles, thin-walled vascular and lymphatic channels, and varying degrees of inflammatory infiltrates. Neither the inflammation nor the fibrosis is uniform throughout the organ in many cases. This lack of homogeneity can result in sampling error in liver biopsies, particularly if sufficiently large samples are not obtained.

Fig. 12-1 is an example of AIH. AIH may manifest a variety of histopathologic findings, but rarely as an acute hepatitis. The most common lesions of AIH are marked overrepresentation of plasma cells in the otherwise mixed chronic portal infiltrates. Sheets of plasma cells are common at the portal-parenchymal interface. Plasma cells are also easily noted in foci of lobular necroses and/or infiltrates; swollen groups of hepatocytes form hepatitic rosettes; zone 3 confluent necrosis or bridging necrosis are commonly described. Eosinophils are a minor but common component of the portal inflammation. When cirrhosis occurs, there may be broad areas of extinction (septa). The untreated process is notable for more severe necroinflammatory activity and interface hepatitis than with hepatitis C. On the other hand, inactive burned-out cirrhosis may be due to AIH. Overlap of AIH and primary biliary cholangitis may have either clinical and/or histologic features of both disease processes. Treatment decisions will include consideration of the liver biopsy findings, as well as biochemical and serologic tests. It is important, however, to reiterate that no single finding distinguishes AIH and other forms of chronic hepatitis, thus careful clinical correlation (determination of total proteins and elevated globulins may be as informative as measurement of autoantibodies) is needed.

Fig. 12-1, Autoimmune hepatitis.

Systems for semiquantitation of lesions of chronic hepatitis, initially developed for comparative analysis of treatment effects, have evolved over recent decades into methods of evaluation in clinical practice. Although each has subtle differences, they share a thorough evaluation of lesions with the separation of necroinflammatory lesions (portal and lobular; grade) from evaluation of fibrosis amount and architectural alterations (stage). Fig. 12-2 is an example of the progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis due to HCV. Guidelines for application of scoring systems include knowledge of the clinical situation, but blind application of grade and stage without clinical evidence of the chronic hepatitis being evaluated is not recommended.

Fig. 12-2, Chronic hepatitis C.

Fatty Liver Diseases

The two most common diseases that are characterized by intrahepatocellular steatosis in some phase of their evolution are alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Although alcoholic hepatitis, an entity commonly without steatosis, may exist within the spectrum of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), to date no equivalent lesion (or clinical equivalent) has been described in nonalcoholic fatty liver. Likewise, the entity of alcoholic foamy degeneration has no equivalent in NAFLD. Otherwise, there may be substantial overlap of histologic lesions in these two processes, including the findings of steatosis on one end and cirrhosis on the other. Further, patients may have clinical features of both metabolic syndrome and deleterious exposure to alcohol and thus liver biopsy evaluation may show features that could be attributed to either. Both are characterized in adults by mixed large and small droplet steatosis, zone 3 hepatocellular ballooning, presence of Mallory-Denk bodies , and, initially, zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis ( Fig. 12-3 ). Both may progress to fibrosis in and around portal tracts, including varying degrees of ductular reaction, bridging septa between portal structures or outflow veins or portal-central bridging ( Fig. 12-4 ), and both may result in cirrhosis with or without lesions of the active disease. Thus distinguishing the two may be impossible without adequate clinical information. On the other hand, canalicular cholestasis, large and abundant Mallory-Denk bodies, pericholangitis, lesions of alcoholic hepatitis (nonsteatotic), the various occlusive lesions of the outflow veins (including sclerosing hyaline necrosis), and large regions of parenchymal extinction strongly favor alcohol abuse.

Fig. 12-3, Alcoholic hepatitis.

Fig. 12-4, Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with perisinusoidal and bridging fibrosis.

Similar to the separation of necroinflammatory lesions (grade) from those of fibrosis and remodeling (stage) in chronic hepatitis, scoring systems for semiquantitative evaluation are commonly utilized for assessment and treatment trials of NAFLD. Unlike the recent system proposed by a consortium in Europe, the National Institute of Digestive Diseases and Kidney; Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Cooperative Research Network scoring system has shown that simple addition of lesional values for score and actual diagnostic classification of pattern of injury correlate with different processes and deserve to be assessed separately.

A multinational validated study resulted in a method of predicting 90-day prognosis for alcoholic hepatitis. The Alcoholic Hepatitis Histologic Score, an aggregate score of lesions for mild, moderate, and severe, was based on extensive fibrosis, canalicular and ductular cholestasis (i.e., bile plugs in the canal of Hering), severe polymorphonuclear infiltration, and lack of megamitochondria. Steatosis was not a factor included in the model.

Hepatic steatosis and/or steatohepatitis may occur concurrently with other forms of chronic liver disease. Steatosis is noted in up to 70% of HCV biopsies and this is particularly common with genotype 3. Trichrome stain is considered essential by some to aid in diagnosis or exclusion of concurrent steatohepatitis, as zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis, whether attributable to alcohol or obesity, is not associated with other forms of chronic hepatitis. Thus zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis is necessary for diagnosing both causes of fatty liver. Other investigators have used hepatocellular ballooning as the distinguishing feature of concurrent steatohepatitis.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the pediatric and adolescent age groups is known to have unique histologic manifestations from those in adults. First shown in a landmark study, the distinctions are most apparent by gender and age. Boys and younger children are more likely to have portal accentuation of the lesions, and less likely to have ballooning, Mallory-Denk bodies, and zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis. Transitions through adolescence result in altered histologic features of fatty liver disease, as noted in a cross-sectional study.

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