Thrombin Time and Fibrinogen Evaluation

Decreased fibrinogen concentration or impaired fibrinogen function can lead to hemorrhage. Thus fibrinogen testing is frequently utilized in the setting of trauma, surgery, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and fibrinolytic treatment to determine the need for replacement product. Congenital decreases in fibrinogen such as congenital hypofibrinogenemia and afibrinogenemia are rare. In addition, congenital qualitative deficiencies in fibrinogen activity (dysfibrinogenemia) are rare, whereas acquired dysfribrinogenemia is more common. Clauss fibrinogen and prothrombin time (PT)–based clottable fibrinogen methods allow for rapid quantitative determination of clottable fibrinogen in a clinical laboratory. Additionally, point-of-care whole-blood tests utilizing thromboelastography or rotational thromboelastometry can be utilized to monitor fibrinogen in major surgery and trauma situations. Thrombin time (TT) is methodologically related to Clauss fibrinogen and provides a useful tool for screening for heparin, thrombin inhibitors, and dysfibrinogenemia.

Clottable fibrinogen determination is one of the basic screening tests in a coagulation laboratory. Decreased fibrinogen concentration or impaired function can lead to hemorrhage. Thus fibrinogen testing is frequently utilized in the setting of trauma and surgery to determine the need for replacement product. In addition to trauma and surgery settings, fibrinogen concentration may also be reduced in consumptive coagulopathies, fibrinolytic therapy, and due to compromised fibrinogen synthesis. Inherited disorders of fibrinogen such as congenital hypofibrinogenemia, afibrinogenemia, and dysfibrinogenemia are rare. Clauss fibrinogen and PT-based clottable fibrinogen methods allow for rapid quantitative determination of clottable fibrinogen in a clinical laboratory. In addition, point-of-care whole-blood tests utilizing thromboelastography or rotational thromboelastometry can be utilized to monitor fibrinogen in major surgery and trauma situations. TT determination is methodologically related to Clauss fibrinogen but uses lower thrombin concentration. It provides a useful tool for screening for heparin, thrombin inhibitors, and dysfibrinogenemia.

Physiologic Role of Fibrinogen

Fibrinogen is a plasma glycoprotein with a multitude of activities in the hemostasis system. The protein is a product of three genes FGA , FGB , and FGG and is primarily synthesized by hepatocytes, although extrahepatic fibrinogen synthesis has been observed in lung, kidney, and other tissues. Fully assembled fibrinogen is a hexamer of three dimers Aα, Bβ, and γ chains. The nomenclature refers to the small polypeptides A and B that are cleaved from Aα and Bβ chains by thrombin during conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin (see Chapter 115 ).

In addition to the plasma fibrinogen pool, the protein is also stored in the platelet alpha granules. The platelet fibrinogen pool provides a localized boost in fibrinogen concentration at the site of platelet activation. Fibrinogen serves as a scaffold for platelet aggregation via the activated form of integrin αIIbβ3 (also known as glycoprotein IIb/IIIa). Platelet aggregation via fibrinogen cross-linking provides an initial hemostatic barrier following blood vessel injury as part of the rapid primary hemostatic response. Subsequently, thrombin activation on the platelet surface leads to conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin and the formation of a more durable hemostatic barrier consisting of platelets and fibrin. During the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, thrombin cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen Aα and Bβ chains, respectively, forming so-called fibrin monomers. Fibrin monomers polymerize into a noncovalently linked, staggered, linear network that stabilizes the initial platelet plug. Fibrin fibers are subsequently covalently cross-linked by activated factor XIII, a step that prevents premature dissolution of the fibrin clot. Subsequent degradation of fibrin requires action of plasmin. Paradoxically, fibrinogen also possesses antithrombotic activity, as it sequesters thrombin at nonsubstrate sites. Thus lack of fibrinogen in afibrinogenemia can lead to hemorrhagic and thrombotic complications. Dysfibrinogenemia can also present as either hemorrhagic and/or thrombotic complications, as abnormal fibrin results not only in defective clots but also may be resistance to plasmin cleavage and lysis.

Clinical Significance

Functional fibrinogen concentration is an important physiologic parameter. The normal concentration of clottable fibrinogen is approximately 150–400 mg/dL of plasma, although the normal ranges may vary somewhat from laboratory to laboratory and from method to method. A substantial decrease in clottable fibrinogen below 100 mg/dL can lead to hemorrhage, as fibrinogen becomes a limiting reagent in the formation of a hemostatic plug. Functional fibrinogen concentrations above 150–200 mg/dL may be needed for optimal hemostasis in the setting of trauma resuscitation and major surgery.

Hemostatic function of fibrinogen can be compromised by either quantitative or qualitative changes in the molecule. Substantial quantitative abnormalities of fibrinogen are most often acquired. Dramatic declines in fibrinogen concentrations are frequently seen in conditions of hemostatic stress, such as significant trauma, hemorrhage, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Low fibrinogen level in the setting of trauma is an independent predictor of poor survival. Severely compromised liver synthetic function due to synthesis inhibitor antileukemic drug l -asparaginase, and occasionally liver failure can also significantly reduce fibrinogen concentrations. Congenital decrease in fibrinogen concentration due to mutations in fibrinogen genes leading to hypofibrinogenemia or afibrinogenemia is rare.

Increased fibrinogen concentration is most often seen in inflammation. Fibrinogen is a classic acute phase reactant. Hepatic synthesis of fibrinogen can increase up to 20-fold from baseline levels under conditions of severe stress. Genetic and environmental factors can also play a role in a subset of patients with high fibrinogen concentration. Persistently elevated fibrinogen levels have been linked to atherosclerosis risk.

Qualitative fibrinogen defects (dysfibrinogenemia) can be either congenital or acquired. Acquired dysfibrinogenemia is frequently seen in liver disease due to aberrant fibrinogen with increased amount of sialic acid. This modification is similar to fetal fibrinogen and likely has only modest, if any effect on bleeding risk. Dysfibrinogenemia associated with kidney disease such as nephrotic syndrome and renal cell carcinoma has also been reported. Congenital disorders of fibrinogen are discussed in Chapter 115 .

Testing Overview

Functional Fibrinogen Determination

The gold standard method for measuring clottable fibrinogen relies on conversion of all fibrinogen into fibrin using thrombin, and then measuring the total protein content of the fibrin clot. Such measurements are cumbersome and impractical in day-to-day operations of a clinical laboratory. Thus, commercially available clinical tests rely on measuring the rate of fibrin polymerization, rather than the total fibrin amount, as an estimate of clottable fibrinogen concentration.

Clauss Fibrinogen Test

The Clauss fibrinogen method allows isolation of fibrinogen measurements from other coagulation factors and phospholipids. This method utilizes a very high (50–100 NIH units) concentration of thrombin in diluted patient plasma. Under these circumstances, fibrinogen becomes a limiting reagent for the rate of clot formation, and the time to clot formation becomes proportional to the clottable fibrinogen concentration. The values are read from a standard curve made with dilutions of a fibrinogen calibrator. Either electromechanical or absorbance-based measurements can be used to detect clot formation. Electromechanical methods generally produce better precision. Nonetheless, both methodologies yield clinically acceptable results under most circumstances.

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