Intervention for Lower Extremity Arterial Disease

Clinical Assessment

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is caused by a number of pathologies affecting the arteries of the lower extremities. The most common cause in industrialized countries is atherosclerosis, but the interventionalist needs to be aware of other pathologies that may be best treated by noninterventional approaches. The history and physical exam can distinguish most causes of peripheral artery disease and determine the need for further testing and urgency of interventional therapy.

Causes of Peripheral Artery Disease

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of peripheral artery disease, principally related to the conventional risk factors of age, cigarette smoking, elevated cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and associated inactivity and obesity. Other causes of large artery arterial disease include aneurysms, dissections, emboli, compression syndromes, and vasculitis.

About 50% to 90% of patients with atherosclerotic peripheral artery disease are asymptomatic. The diagnosis is made by clinical exam or other tests that are clinically indicated or ordered for other reasons. Asymptomatic disease is a marker of elevated risk of cardiovascular events. Thus, the interventionalist shares responsibility with the referring doctor in initiating risk factor modification by encouraging smoking cessation, initiating treatment for hyperlipidemia and hypertension, and promoting physical activity.

The symptoms of peripheral artery disease help distinguish acute from chronic presentations and often give an indication of the location of disease. The temporal relationship of disease onset is particularly important in determining the urgency of treatment.

Acute Limb Ischemia

Acute limb ischemia is a sudden decrease in perfusion (defined as within 14 days) that threatens the viability of the limb. Rapid assessment and treatment are needed to salvage the limb, although a high mortality often relates to coexisting comorbidities. Acute limb ischemia is due to embolization most commonly from the heart, in situ thrombosis related to atherosclerosis ( Figure 18-1 ), or increasingly, graft thrombosis or stent thrombosis.

FIGURE 18-1, Angiography from a 73-year-old man with multiple comorbidities and acute limb ischemia. A, An occluded right superficial femoral artery (arrow) and patent profunda artery in the early phase of the angiogram. B, Late phase of the angiogram showing a long filling defect in the superficial femoral artery consistent with in situ thrombus (arrow). C, Occlusion of the distal popliteal artery, peroneal tibial trunk, and proximal anterior tibial artery from embolized thrombus. Pop, Popliteal artery; AT, anterior tibial; PT, posterior tibial.

Emboli may occur in patients without symptoms or signs of preceding peripheral artery disease. In situ thrombosis is often accompanied by signs of atherosclerosis in both limbs, but it can occur from impaired flow in a graft or stent (e.g., restenosis or graft hyperplasia), thrombosis of a popliteal aneurysm, hypercoagulable states, or dissection.

The classic symptoms and signs of acute limb ischemia are known as the six P's . These are pain, pallor, pulseless, poikilothermia (a cold limb), paresthesia, and paralysis. The order of these symptoms and signs also relates to the viability of the limb and whether revascularization will salvage it. As sensory and motor function is lost progressively from the distal to proximal limb, a simple test of intact motor function is dorsiflexion of the big toe to resistance. Table 18-1 shows the Rutherford classification of acute limb ischemia and the management suggested by Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease. Patients with Rutherford class I and IIa may be able to tolerate an overnight infusion of catheter-based thrombolysis. Patients with class IIb ischemia require more immediate revascularization by endovascular aspiration or mechanical thrombectomy in conjunction with thrombolysis or classically by surgical embolectomy or bypass grafting. Typically, surgical treatment is employed if fasciotomy is required to prevent or treat a compartment syndrome associated with reperfusion injury and edema of the revascularized limb.

TABLE 18-1
Rutherford Classification of Acute Limb Ischemia
Adapted from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al: Inter-society consensus for the management of peripheral arterial disease (tasc ii). J Vasc Surg 45(Suppl S):S5–S67, 2007; and Rutherford RB, Baker JD, Ernst C, et al: Recommended standards for reports dealing with lower extremity ischemia: revised version. J Vasc Surg 26:517–538, 1997.
Class I Viable, Not Threatened Not immediately threatened Normal Normal Audible Audible Normal capillary return Anti-coagulation Imaging and revascularization
Class IIa: Marginally Threatened Salvageable with prompt therapy Minimal loss Normal Often inaudible Audible Decreased capillary return Anti-coagulation Imaging and revascularization
Class IIb: Immediately Threatened Salvageable if treated immediately Mild sensory loss and rest pain Mildly to moderately abnormal Usually inaudible Audible Pallor Anti-coagulation +/− Imaging and revascularization
Class III: Irreversible Irreversible tissue and nerve damage Profound loss Paralysis and rigor Inaudible Inaudible No capillary return and marbling Anti-coagulation Amputation

Chronic Limb Ischemia

Chronic limb ischemia has an indolent presentation and is far more common than acute limb ischemia. The two classifications of chronic limb ischemia are the Rutherford scale commonly used in the United States and the Fontaine scale commonly used in Europe ( Table 18-2 ). Both scales distinguish the two main clinical presentations of intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia.

TABLE 18-2
Rutherford Categories and Fontaine Stages of Chronic Limb Ischemia in PAD
Asymptomatic Asymptomatic 0 I
Intermittent claudication Mild claudication 1 IIa
Moderate claudication 2 IIb
Severe claudication 3 IIb
Critical limb ischemia Ischemic rest pain 4 III
Minor tissue loss 5 IV
Ulceration or gangrene 6 IV

Intermittent claudication is classically described as a cramping, aching discomfort or pain with exercise that is relieved by rest. Claudication results from muscle ischemia due to an inability to augment blood flow to a leg muscle related to a stenosis or occlusion of the large and/or small arteries. However, up to half of symptomatic patients describe atypical symptoms with exercise, including fatigue, slow walking speed, and gait disturbance. Claudication has major effects on quality of life by impairing function and activity. It also relates to a high risk of cardiovascular events over the subsequent years. The risk of limb loss is usually low, so that it is perfectly safe and appropriate to attempt medical therapies (e.g., exercise programs and/or cilostazol) for several months before considering revascularization. In many cases, medical therapy resolves symptoms and improves quality of life and function to a level where revascularization is unlikely to offer extra benefits.

Critical limb ischemia occurs when blood flow at rest is inadequate to meet metabolic demands. Symptoms include pain at rest usually in the lower leg and often with a sensation of coldness or numbness in the limb. Symptoms are exacerbated by cold and leg elevation and relieved by leg dependency (e.g., hanging the leg over the edge of the bed) to improve blood flow to the foot by gravity. Ischemia can progress to infarction with gangrene and ulceration. Patients with critical limb ischemia are at high risk of major amputation (amputation above the ankle) and myocardial infarction and stroke. Thus the goals of therapy are to improve blood flow through revascularization and ensure adequate treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis.

Physical Exam

The exam should include a complete check of the skin, heart, lungs, abdomen, and upper and lower limbs to look for systemic disease and causes of lower limb ischemia. Blood pressure should be measured in both arms, with a difference of more than 15 mm Hg to 20 mm Hg indicating significant unilateral upper extremity disease. All peripheral pulses are palpated and coded as absent (0), diminished (1), or normal (2). Expansile or hyperdynamic pulses may indicate aneurysms (e.g., of the abdominal aorta or popliteal artery). Ausculation of bruits indicates disturbed or turbulent flow and may indicate a stenosis. Shoes and socks should be removed to look for ulceration or gangrene, which may be missed by the patient with neuropathy. Arterial ulcers often have a dry base or an overlying eschar, in contrast to venous ulcers, which tend to be more beefy and moist. More severe forms of ischemia lead to pallor and coolness of the limb, particularly on elevation, and in critical limb ischemia, lowering the limb will reveal a dependent rubor due to hyperemia related to arteriolar and venule dilation and improved flow with gravity.

Physiological Tests

The ankle brachial index (ABI) is a simple office-based method to identify PAD. A handheld 5-MHz to 10-MHz Doppler device is used in conjunction with a conventional blood pressure cuff to measure the systolic pressure at both brachial arteries and the pedal arteries in both feet. Recent guidelines recommend recording the ABI for each limb as the highest pedal pressure in that limb over the highest brachial artery pressure. A normal ABI is greater than 1.0 up to about 1.4. Higher ABIs often indicate calcification of the tibial arteries, in which case the ABI is unreliable for identifying obstructive disease. An ABI of 0.9 to 1.0 is borderline, and an ABI of less than 0.9 is abnormal and a sensitive and specific indicator of obstructive PAD as well as elevated risk of cardiovascular events.

Vascular laboratories are able to provide additional physiological data beyond the ABI. These include segmental leg pressures that help to localize disease by using blood pressure cuffs at different locations to identify marked drops in systolic pressure between cuffs. Pulse volume recordings use blood pressure cuffs expanded to low pressure and identify the subtle expansion of the limb with each systole. These are particularly useful when calcified arteries prevent accurate measurements of ABI. Treadmill testing using standardized walking protocols can quantify the walking times or distances and identify a fall in ankle pressure with exercise in patients with PAD who have borderline results at rest.

Arterial Imaging

Duplex ultrasound uses a combination of B-mode two-dimensional grayscale imaging with color-encoded Doppler imaging and pulsed-Doppler velocity analysis. Grayscale imaging and color Doppler can identify the artery and direction of blood flow, but they are not reliable at grading the degree of stenosis. Stenoses are identified by turbulent flow with varying velocities and graded by pulsed-Doppler comparing velocities in the stenosed segment to a proximal reference segment. Greater stenosis relates to increasing peak and subsequently diastolic flow velocities.

Magnetic resonance angiography uses two techniques to identify arteries by coding blood flow white ( Figure 18-2 ). These include time-of-flight techniques and contrast-enhanced imaging. Time-of-flight relies on laminar blood flow. It tends to overestimate stenosis severity compared to conventional angiography, particularly in regions of disturbed blood flow (e.g., at bifurcations) and regions with reversal of flow. Contrast-enhanced techniques use one of several contrast agents such as gadolinium. Contrast increases the accuracy of the imaging and is better able to define smaller distal arteries. Three-dimensional rendering can allow the reader to rotate the image to help identify eccentric stenoses. A disadvantage of gadolinium is the small risk of disabling nephrogenic systemic sclerosis, which is related to renal function and a particular concern in patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis. For this reason, gadolinium is usually avoided in patients with severe renal dysfunction.

FIGURE 18-2, Comparison of magnetic resonance angiography and digital subtraction angiography (DSA). A, Lateral rotation of a maximum intensity image (MIP) of the lower aorta and iliac arteries. SMA, Superior mesenteric artery; IMA, inferior mesenteric artery; REIA, right external iliac artery. B, Anterior-posterior rotation from an MIP showing the left common iliac occlusion (arrow) and IMA supplying collaterals to the left external iliac artery. C, Corresponding image from conventional angiography with DSA.

Computed tomographic angiography uses high-resolution x-ray scanners and iodinated contrast to image the arteries. Volume and three-dimensional rendering can strip surrounding tissue away from the artery images and provide images similar to conventional angiography or magnetic resonance imaging. High-resolution multidetector computed tomography is generally faster than magnetic resonance angiography, but it is sometimes difficult to assess stenosis severity in heavily calcified arteries due to the blooming effect around calcium. Most techniques require 100 mL or more of iodinated contrast, which limits its use in patients with renal dysfunction at risk of contrast nephropathy.

Invasive conventional angiography is still considered the gold standard for arterial imaging. Digital imaging equipment is now capable of conventional “cine” imaging as well as digital subtraction angiography, which removes non­arterial structures to better view the artery ( Figure 18-2 ). Noninvasive angiography has largely superseded the need for conventional angiography in the diagnosis and location of disease, but invasive angiography can provide additional physiological assessment of specific lesions using pressure gradients at rest and with vasodilators. Generally a 10-mm Hg gradient at rest or a 15-mm Hg to 20-mm Hg gradient with vasodilators (e.g., nitroglycerin) is considered significant. However, even a 4 Fr catheter placed through a lesion can falsely increase the gradient. Measuring gradients by pullback from proximal to distal or using 0.014-inch pressure wires helps avoid this error.

Percutaneous Revascularization Tools

Approach and Access

The four major access sites for a lower limb artery are retrograde access from the contralateral femoral artery, antegrade access via the ipsilateral femoral artery, an upper extremity limb traversing the aorta, and retrograde access via an ipsilateral distal artery such as the popliteal or tibial arteries ( Figure 18-3 ). Each access has its advantages and disadvantages.

FIGURE 18-3, Potential access sites to treat peripheral artery disease. A, Contralateral common femoral access and up over the aortic bifurcation. B, Antegrade common femoral access. C, Brachial artery access with a guide or sheath in the lower aorta. D, Retrograde access from a more distal artery (e.g., popliteal or pedal artery).

Retrograde access of the contralateral femoral artery is familiar to many interventional cardiologists and sheath removal at the end of the case is facilitated by a number of closure devices ( Figure 18-4A-C ). Catheters and sheaths are directed over the aorto-iliac bifurcation into the contralateral leg. This provides easy access to the iliac, common femoral, and proximal superficial femoral arteries but is often used to treat more distal disease. The advantages of this approach are the ability to quickly balloon occlude the distal aorta or proximal contralateral iliac artery in the event of perforation of a more distal artery and the ability to treat the contralateral common femoral and proximal superficial femoral arteries. The disadvantages are that it may be difficult to negotiate a tortuous or calcified iliac artery system, and it may offer less support to push through extensive disease in the distal arteries (popliteal or tibial arteries).

FIGURE 18-4, A-C, Access to a left iliac stenosis via the right common femoral artery. A, Access of the right femoral artery. Arrow indicates the tip of the femoral sheath. B, An Omniflush catheter is directed from the right iliac artery into the left iliac artery and a support wire is used to direct a sheath into the left iliac artery for the intervention. D, Antegrade access of the common femoral artery with the sheath tip directed into the superficial femoral artery.

An upper limb artery (typically the brachial artery) can provide access to the lower limbs, but due to distance, most equipment can only treat the distal aorta and iliac arteries ( Figure 18-5 ). This technique is useful when a femoral artery approach is not possible due to disease or chronic occlusion of the iliac arteries. Although radial artery access is appealing, it is generally too far from the lower extremities for most interventional equipment.

FIGURE 18-5, Brachial approach to a right common and external iliac occlusion. A, Angiogram from the brachial artery showing an occlusion at the right common iliac artery (arrow). B, Wire tip in an extraluminal plane in the external iliac artery. C, After wire repositioning, injection distal to the occlusion shows the luminal location of the catheter. D, Balloon dilation of the external iliac artery. E, External iliac artery after a self-expanding stent used to dilate the artery (due to the close location to the common femoral artery). F, Deployment of a proximal balloon expandable stent at the origin of the right common iliac artery and avoiding the takeoff of the internal iliac artery. G, Postdilation of the proximal stent. H, Final result showing patent common, internal, and external iliac arteries.

Antegrade access of an ipsilateral femoral artery is useful for providing greater support for popliteal and tibial interventions ( Figure 18-4D ). It requires skin entry well above the common femoral artery and is therefore more difficult and often not feasible in overweight or obese patients. Since the subcutaneous path to the femoral artery is usually longer than with retrograde femoral artery access, closure devices are more difficult to use and tend to have a higher failure rate.

Retrograde access from a more distal artery is useful when antegrade access is unsuccessful (typically in crossing a chronic total occlusion) ( Figure 18-6 ). Manual compression is required to control hemostasis after the case, as the arteries are smaller. The key disadvantage of this approach is the potential to create an ischemic ulcer at the access site if revascularization is unsuccessful. Thus it is generally used as an approach of “last resort.”

FIGURE 18-6, Antegrade and retrograde approach to an occluded below knee popliteal and posterior tibial artery. A, Occluded segment (arrow). B, Retrograde wire from the posterior tibial artery accessed at the ankle. C, Antegrade and retrograde wires crossing the occlusion. D, The antegrade wire crossed the occlusion into the distal posterior tibial artery. E, Balloon angioplasty was followed by a short stent in the occluded segment. F, Final angiogram.

Guides and Sheaths

A variety of guides and sheaths are used for lower limb diagnostic cases and interventions. Both are measured in French size (1 French = 0.33 mm), but sheath French size refers to the inner diameter and guide French size refers to the outer diameter. Thus sheaths have a larger external diameter than the same French guides.

Typical sheaths for the contralateral femoral artery access include the Balkin and Ansel sheaths, which have preformed curves but can be shaped further if required. Conventional short and long sheaths can be used for antegrade femoral artery access, including sheaths with radio-opaque tips that show where the tip of the sheath is in relation to the segment being treated.

If access is from the contralateral or ipsilateral femoral artery, a multipurpose guide can be directed into the distal superficial femoral or popliteal arteries for interventions below the knee ( Figure 18-7 ) ( ). This can provide greater support than a femoral sheath and also reduce the amount of contrast required for an intervention. Conventional 0.014-inch coronary balloons or specific peripheral balloons can be used through a 5 Fr or 6 Fr multipurpose guide in this manner.

FIGURE 18-7, Antegrade access for balloon angioplasty to a totally occluded anterior tibial artery to treat a nonhealing ulcer of the antero-lateral foot using a multipurpose guide in the popliteal artery for support. A, Baseline angiogram showing occlusion of the anterior tibial artery (arrow). B, 0.014-inch wire entering the occluded artery. C, Angioplasty of the distal anterior tibial artery with a 2.0 mm × 80 mm balloon. D, Angiogram after dilating the anterior tibial artery with a 2.0-mm balloon. E, Dilation of the distal artery with a 3.0-mm balloon. F, Dilation of the proximal anterior tibial artery with a 3.0-mm balloon. G, Final angiogram of the proximal anterior tibial artery. H, Final angiogram of the foot showing a patent dorsalis pedis artery (DP) and posterior tibial artery (PT) with a restored pedal arcade.

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