Decay of Radioactivity

Radioactive decay is a spontaneous process; that is, there is no way to predict with certainty the exact moment at which an unstable nucleus will undergo its radioactive transformation into another, more stable nucleus. Mathematically, radioactive decay is described in terms of probabilities and average decay rates. In this chapter we discuss these mathematical aspects of radioactive decay.


The Decay Constant

If one has a sample containing N radioactive atoms of a certain radionuclide, the average decay rate, Δ N t , for that sample is given by:

Δ N / Δ t = λ N

where λ is the decay constant for the radionuclide. The decay constant has a characteristic value for each radionuclide. It is the fraction of the atoms in a sample of that radionuclide undergoing radioactive decay per unit of time during a period that is so short that only a small fraction decay during that interval. Alternatively, it is the probability that any individual atom will undergo decay during the same period. The units of λ are (time) −1 . Thus 0.01 sec −1 means that, on the average, 1% of the atoms undergo radioactive decay each second. In Equation 4-1 the minus sign indicates that Δ N t is negative; that is, N is decreasing with time.

Equation 4-1 is valid only as an estimate of the average rate of decay for a radioactive sample. From one moment to the next, the actual decay rate may differ from that predicted by Equation 4-1 . These statistical fluctuations in decay rate are described in Chapter 9 .

Some radionuclides can undergo more than one type of radioactive decay (e.g., 18 F: 97% β + , 3% electron capture). For such types of “branching” decay, one can define a value of λ for each of the possible decay modes, for example, λ 1 , λ 2 , λ 3 , and so on, where λ 1 is the fraction decaying per unit time by decay mode 1, λ 2 by decay mode 2, and so on. The total decay constant for the radionuclide is the sum of the branching decay constants:

λ = λ 1 + λ 2 + λ 3 +

The fraction of nuclei decaying by a specific decay mode is called the branching ratio (B.R.). For the i th decay mode, it is given by:

B . R . = λ i / λ

Definition and Units of Activity

The quantity Δ N t , the average decay rate, is the activity of the sample. It has dimensions of disintegrations per second (dps) or disintegrations per minute (dpm) and is essentially a measure of “how radioactive” the sample is. The Systeme International (SI) unit of activity is the becquerel (Bq). A sample has an activity of 1 Bq if it is decaying at an average rate of 1 sec −1 (1 dps). Thus:

A ( Bq ) = | Δ N / Δ t | = λ N

where λ is in units of sec −1 . The absolute value is used to indicate that activity is a “positive” quantity, as compared with the change in number of radioactive atoms in Equation 4-1 , which is a negative quantity. Commonly used multiples of the becquerel are the kilobecquerel (1 kBq = 10 3 sec −1 ), the megabecquerel (1 MBq = 10 6 sec −1 ), and the gigabecquerel (1 GBq = 10 9 sec −1 ).

The traditional unit for activity is the curie (Ci), which is defined as 3.7 × 10 10 dps (2.22 × 10 12 dpm). Subunits and multiples of the curie are the millicurie (1 mCi = 10 −3 Ci), the microcurie (1 µCi = 10 −3 mCi = 10 −6 Ci), the nanocurie (1 nCi = 10 −9 Ci), and the kilocurie (1 kCi = 1000 Ci). Equation 4-1 may be modified for these units of activity:

A ( Ci ) = λ N / ( 3.7 × 10 10 )

The curie was defined originally as the activity of 1 g of 226 Ra; however, this value “changed” from time to time as more accurate measurements of the 226 Ra decay rate were obtained. For this reason, the 226 Ra standard was abandoned in favor of a fixed value of 3.7 × 10 10 dps. This is not too different from the currently accepted value for 226 Ra (3.656 × 10 10 dps/g).

SI units are the “official language” for nuclear medicine and are used in this text; however, because traditional units of activity still are used in day-to-day practice in many laboratories, we sometimes also indicate activities in these units as well. Conversion factors between traditional and SI units are provided in Appendix A .

The amounts of activity used for nuclear medicine studies typically are in the MBq-GBq range (10s of µCi to 10s of mCi). Occasionally, 10s of gigabecquerels (curie quantities) may be acquired for long-term supplies. External-beam radiation sources (e.g., 60 Co therapy units) use source strengths of 1000s of GBq [1000 GBq = 1 terraBq (TBq) = 10 12 Bq]. At the other extreme, the most sensitive measuring systems used in nuclear medicine can detect activities at the level of a few becquerels (nanocuries).

Exponential Decay

The Decay Factor

With the passage of time, the number N of radioactive atoms in a sample decreases. Therefore the activity A of the sample also decreases (see Equation 4-4 ). Figure 4-1 is used to illustrate radioactive decay with the passage of time.

FIGURE 4-1, Decay of a radioactive sample during successive 1-sec increments of time, starting with 1000 atoms, for λ = 0.1 sec −1 . Both the number of atoms remaining and activity (decay rate) decrease with time. Note that the values shown are approximations, because they do not account precisely for the changing number of atoms present during the decay intervals (see Section D).

Suppose one starts with a sample containing N (0) = 1000 atoms * of a radionuclide having a decay constant λ = 0.1 sec −1 . During the first 1-sec time interval, the approximate number of atoms decaying is 0.1 × 1000 = 100 atoms (see Equation 4-1 ). The activity is therefore 100 Bq, and after 1 sec there are 900 radioactive atoms remaining. During the next second, the activity is 0.1 × 900 = 90 Bq, and after 2 sec, 810 radioactive atoms remain. During the next second the activity is 81 Bq, and after 3 sec 729 radioactive atoms remain. Thus both the activity and the number of radioactive atoms remaining in the sample are decreasing continuously with time. A graph of either of these quantities is a curve that gradually approaches zero.

* N ( t ) is symbolic notation for the number of atoms present as a function of time t. N (0) is the number N at a specific time t = 0, that is, at the starting point.

An exact mathematical expression for N ( t ) can be derived using methods of calculus. * The result is:

N ( t ) = N ( 0 ) e λ t

* The derivation is as follows:

dN / dt = λ N

dN / N = λ dt

d N / N = λ d t

from which follows Equation 4-6 .

Thus N ( t ), the number of atoms remaining after a time t , is equal to N (0), the number of atoms at time t = 0, multiplied by the factor e −λ t . This factor e −λ t , the fraction of radioactive atoms remaining after a time t , is called the decay factor (DF). It is a number equal to e —the base of natural logarithms (2.718 …)—raised to the power −λ t . For given values of λ and t , the decay factor can be determined by various methods as described in Section C later in this chapter. Note that because activity A is proportional to the number of atoms N (see Equation 4-4 ), the decay factor also applies to activity versus time:

A ( t ) = A ( 0 ) e λ t

The decay factor e −λ t is an exponential function of time t . Exponential decay is characterized by the disappearance of a constant fraction of activity or number of atoms present per unit time interval. For example if λ = 0.1 sec −1 , the fraction is 10% per second. Graphs of e −λ t versus time t for λ = 0.1 sec −1 are shown in Figure 4-2 . On a linear plot, it is a curve gradually approaching zero; on a semilogarithmic plot, it is a straight line. It should be noted that there are other processes besides radioactive decay that can be described by exponential functions. Examples are the absorption of x- and λ-ray beams (see Chapter 6 , Section D) and the clearance of certain tracers from organs by physiologic processes (see Chapter 22 , Section B.2).

FIGURE 4-2, Decay factor versus time shown on linear ( A ) and semilogarithmic ( B ) plots, for radionuclide with λ = 0.1 sec −1 .

When the exponent in the decay factor is “small,” that is, λ t ≲ 0.1, the decay factor may be approximated by e −λ t ≈ 1 − λ t . This form may be used as an approximation in Equations 4-6 and 4-7 .


As indicated in the preceding section, radioactive decay is characterized by the disappearance of a constant fraction of the activity present in the sample during a given time interval. The half-life (T 1/2 ) of a radionuclide is the time required for it to decay to 50% of its initial activity level. The half-life and decay constant of a radionuclide are related as *

T 1 / 2 = ln 2 / λ

λ = ln 2 / T 1 / 2

where ln 2 ≈ 0.693. Usually, tables or charts of radionuclides list the half-life of the radionuclide rather than its decay constant. Thus it often is more convenient to write the decay factor in terms of half-life rather than decay constant:

DF = e ln 2 × t / T 1 / 2

* The relationships are derived as follows:

1 / 2 = e λ T 1 / 2

2 = e λ T 1 / 2

ln 2 = λ T 1 / 2

from which follow Equations 4-8 and 4-9 .

Average Lifetime

The actual lifetimes of individual radioactive atoms in a sample range anywhere from “very short” to “very long.” Some atoms decay almost immediately, whereas a few do not decay for a relatively long time (see Fig. 4-2 ). The average lifetime τ of the atoms in a sample has a value that is characteristic of the nuclide and is related to the decay constant λ by *

τ = 1 / λ

* The equation from which Equation 4-11 is derived is:

τ = 0 t e λ t d t / 0 e λ t d t

Combining Equations 4-9 and 4-11 , one obtains

τ = T 1 / 2 / ln 2

The average lifetime for the atoms of a radionuclide is therefore longer than its half-life, by a factor 1/ln 2 (≈1.44). The concept of average lifetime is of importance in radiation dosimetry calculations (see Chapter 22 ).

Methods for Determining Decay Factors

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