Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
CT and upper GI radiography have complementary roles
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure (a.k.a. "lap band")
Less effective for sustained weight loss
Complications: Less common and less varied
May be too tight or too loose
Band may erode into stomach or esophagus
Sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)
75% of stomach is removed by dividing stomach along its long axis
Complications: Less or comparable to LAGB, less than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
Leak: Early complication seen in < 1%
Stricture in mid stomach (transient or persistent)
Gastrointestinal complications occur in ~ 10%
Anastomotic stricture
Dilatation of gastric pouch, spherical shape, air-fluid-contrast material levels, delayed emptying
Anastomotic leaks
Most commonly at gastrojejunal anastomosis
CT may demonstrate major and minor leaks; fluid collections not evident on upper GI series
Marginal ulcers; rate of 0.5-1.4% after RYGB
Usually result of ischemia
Small bowel obstruction
Most common etiology: Internal hernias (IH) and adhesions
IH: CT appearance depends on location
Clustering of small bowel loops; congestion, crowding, twisting of mesenteric vessels
Obstruction of excluded stomach and biliopancreatic limb
Cannot be diagnosed with upper GI series; CT is key
May progress to perforation (often fatal)
Imaging techniques and findings used to evaluate possible complications of surgical procedures meant to induce weight loss
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure
Silicone band with inflatable cuff is looped around fundus, 2-3 cm below gastroesophageal (GE) junction
Opening (stoma) is adjustable by accessing subcutaneous port connected to inflatable cuff
Fluid is injected into or removed from port to inflate or deflate cuff
Complications: Less common and less varied than in laparoscopic R oux-en- Y g astric b ypass (RYGB) procedure
May be too tight (→ nausea, dehydration, excessive weight loss) or too loose (→ insufficient restriction of food intake)
Twisting or displacement of band (4-13% of patients)
Should lie at "phi" angle (between vertical line and horizontal axis of band) between 30-60°
May slip down and twist, partially obstructing gastric lumen through band
Signs of slip: Phi angle > 60°
Distended stomach above band with slow emptying (air-fluid levels)
O sign: On frontal image, gastric band is en face seen as O rather than seen in profile
May erode into stomach (1-14% of patients)
Partial erosion: May have nonspecific symptoms
Oral contrast coats intragastric band; may not extravasate beyond stomach
Complete erosion: May see intraperitoneal spill of contrast medium (CT or upper GI)
Leak from stomach may occur even without erosion of band into stomach (early complication)
May be less effective for sustained weight loss than other procedures
Sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)
75% of stomach is removed by dividing stomach along its long axis
Removes greater curvature portion of fundus, body, and proximal antrum
Remaining stomach only holds volume of ~ 100 mL
Complications: Less or comparable to LAGB, less than RYGB
Leak: Early complication seen in < 1%
Usually along proximal end of staple line
Extends laterally from greater curvature
Stricture: Early or late complication
Focal narrowing in mid gastric pouch, at end of staple line
May be transient or require stent or revision
GE reflux (in 20% of patients)
Laparoscopic RYGB
Surgeon divides stomach into small (~ 30-mL) gastric pouch (parts of cardia and fundus) and much larger excluded stomach
Excluded stomach empties into duodenum as usual, now referred to as biliopancreatic limb
Pouch is anastomosed to roux limb of jejunum (alimentary limb) that is 75-150 cm long
Roux limb is usually placed in antegastric and antecolic location
Roux (alimentary) and biliopancreatic limbs are joined side to side [jejunojejunal (J-J) anastomosis]
Normal postoperative upper GI study
Usually performed within 48 hours of surgery to exclude leak or obstruction
Esophagus and pouch should empty rapidly into roux limb
Blind end of roux limb should not be mistaken for leak or ulcer
Enteric contrast usually opacifies intestine to and beyond J-J anastomosis
Helps to exclude stricture at or near J-J anastomosis
Complications: More varied and common than with other bariatric procedures
Spasm or stricture at pouch-enteric anastomosis
Early (spasm) or late (stricture) complication
Recognized by dilated pouch with air-fluid level and slow emptying
Fairly common but may resolve or respond to balloon dilation
Leak: Usually at pouch-enteric anastomosis (up to 5% of cases)
Early (within 10 days) complication
Detected with upper GI or CT (complementary) by extravasation of water-soluble contrast medium
May be contained; look for opacification of surgical drain lumen
May extend into larger spaces, usually left subphrenic and around spleen
Marginal ulcer
Reported in 3-10% (more common after revision of prior gastric surgery)
May result from reflux of acid up roux limb or ischemic injury
Usually appears as fixed collection of barium with adjacent fold thickening
Near pouch-enteric anastomosis
Gastrogastric fistula
Opening of staple line meant to divide gastric pouch from excluded stomach
Evident by orally administered contrast material entering excluded stomach
May account for failure to lose expected weight, but this is relatively rare complication
Small bowel obstruction (affects 5-10% of RYGB patients)
Any site of obstruction may be due to adhesions or internal hernia (IH)
Think "ABC"
A = alimentary (roux) limb is dilated
Often down to near J-J anastomosis
B = biliopancreatic limb (excluded stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum)
This is closed loop obstruction and will not be detected by upper GI series (CT is essential)
Risk of perforation of stomach or duodenum; usually constitutes surgical emergency
C = common channel of bowel beyond J-J anastomosis
IHs are as common as adhesive obstructions in some reports
CT is more sensitive and specific than fluoroscopic barium studies for diagnosis of IH
CT signs of IH
Cluster of small bowel loops in abnormal location
Through defect in small bowel or transverse colon mesentery
Or between mesentery of roux limb and transverse colon (Peterson hernia)
Twisted, displaced, ± dilated mesenteric vessels
Displacement of J-J anastomotic staple line (from expected left mid abdomen to right side of abdomen usually)
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