Imaging of Bariatric Surgery



  • CT and upper GI radiography have complementary roles

  • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure (a.k.a. "lap band")

    • Less effective for sustained weight loss

    • Complications: Less common and less varied

    • May be too tight or too loose

    • Band may erode into stomach or esophagus

  • Sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)

    • 75% of stomach is removed by dividing stomach along its long axis

      • Complications: Less or comparable to LAGB, less than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)

      • Leak: Early complication seen in < 1%

      • Stricture in mid stomach (transient or persistent)

  • RYGB

    • Gastrointestinal complications occur in ~ 10%

    • Anastomotic stricture

      • Dilatation of gastric pouch, spherical shape, air-fluid-contrast material levels, delayed emptying

    • Anastomotic leaks

      • Most commonly at gastrojejunal anastomosis

      • CT may demonstrate major and minor leaks; fluid collections not evident on upper GI series

    • Marginal ulcers; rate of 0.5-1.4% after RYGB

      • Usually result of ischemia

    • Small bowel obstruction

      • Most common etiology: Internal hernias (IH) and adhesions

      • IH: CT appearance depends on location

      • Clustering of small bowel loops; congestion, crowding, twisting of mesenteric vessels

    • Obstruction of excluded stomach and biliopancreatic limb

      • Cannot be diagnosed with upper GI series; CT is key

      • May progress to perforation (often fatal)

Graphic depicts the gastric banding procedure in which a silicone band is looped around the proximal stomach. A tube connects the inflatable liner of the band to a subcutaneously placed port
that can be accessed and inflated or deflated with injections of fluid.

Spot film from an esophagram shows the gastric band
in its expected position with a "Phi" angle of ~ 45° (normal). The dilated, slowly emptying esophagus
indicates that the band is too tight and fluid will be removed from the access port

Radiograph shows an abnormal position of the gastric band
, which has slipped inferiorly and rotated clockwise. The connecting tubing
has also migrated into a more rightward position than expected.

Upright film from an esophagram in the same patient shows dilation of a larger than expected portion of the proximal stomach
with air-fluid-contrast levels, indicating stasis. Slip and rotation of the band often result in obstruction and require revision.



  • Imaging techniques and findings used to evaluate possible complications of surgical procedures meant to induce weight loss


General Features

  • Morphology

    • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure

      • Silicone band with inflatable cuff is looped around fundus, 2-3 cm below gastroesophageal (GE) junction

      • Opening (stoma) is adjustable by accessing subcutaneous port connected to inflatable cuff

        • Fluid is injected into or removed from port to inflate or deflate cuff

      • Complications: Less common and less varied than in laparoscopic R oux-en- Y g astric b ypass (RYGB) procedure

      • May be too tight (→ nausea, dehydration, excessive weight loss) or too loose (→ insufficient restriction of food intake)

      • Twisting or displacement of band  (4-13% of patients)

        • Should lie at "phi" angle (between vertical line and horizontal axis of band) between 30-60°

        • May slip down and twist, partially obstructing gastric lumen through band

        • Signs of slip: Phi angle > 60°

          • Distended stomach above band with slow emptying (air-fluid levels)

          • O sign: On frontal image, gastric band is en face seen as O rather than seen in profile

      • May erode into stomach (1-14% of patients)

        • Partial erosion: May have nonspecific symptoms

          • Oral contrast coats intragastric band; may not extravasate beyond stomach

        • Complete erosion: May see intraperitoneal spill of contrast medium (CT or upper GI)

      • Leak from stomach may occur even without erosion of band into stomach (early complication)

      • May be less effective for sustained weight loss than other procedures

    • Sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)

      • 75% of stomach is removed by dividing stomach along its long axis

        • Removes greater curvature portion of fundus, body, and proximal antrum

        • Remaining stomach only holds volume of ~ 100 mL

      • Complications: Less or comparable to LAGB, less than RYGB

        • Leak: Early complication seen in < 1%

          • Usually along proximal end of staple line

          • Extends laterally from greater curvature

        • Stricture: Early or late complication

          • Focal narrowing in mid gastric pouch, at end of staple line

          • May be transient or require stent or revision

        • GE reflux (in 20% of patients)

    • Laparoscopic RYGB

      • Surgeon divides stomach into small (~ 30-mL) gastric pouch (parts of cardia and fundus) and much larger excluded stomach

      • Excluded stomach empties into duodenum as usual, now referred to as biliopancreatic limb

      • Pouch is anastomosed to roux limb of jejunum (alimentary limb) that is 75-150 cm long

        • Roux limb is usually placed in antegastric and antecolic location

      • Roux (alimentary) and biliopancreatic limbs are joined side to side [jejunojejunal (J-J) anastomosis]

      • Normal postoperative upper GI study

        • Usually performed within 48 hours of surgery to exclude leak or obstruction

        • Esophagus and pouch should empty rapidly into roux limb

        • Blind end of roux limb should not be mistaken for leak or ulcer

        • Enteric contrast usually opacifies intestine to and beyond J-J anastomosis

          • Helps to exclude stricture at or near J-J anastomosis

      • Complications: More varied and common than with other bariatric procedures

        • Spasm or stricture at pouch-enteric anastomosis

          • Early (spasm) or late (stricture) complication

          • Recognized by dilated pouch with air-fluid level and slow emptying

          • Fairly common but may resolve or respond to balloon dilation

      • Leak: Usually at pouch-enteric anastomosis (up to 5% of cases)

        • Early (within 10 days) complication

        • Detected with upper GI or CT (complementary) by extravasation of water-soluble contrast medium

        • May be contained; look for opacification of surgical drain lumen

        • May extend into larger spaces, usually left subphrenic and around spleen

      • Marginal ulcer

        • Reported in 3-10% (more common after revision of prior gastric surgery)

        • May result from reflux of acid up roux limb or ischemic injury

        • Usually appears as fixed collection of barium with adjacent fold thickening

        • Near pouch-enteric anastomosis

      • Gastrogastric fistula

        • Opening of staple line meant to divide gastric pouch from excluded stomach

        • Evident by orally administered contrast material entering excluded stomach

        • May account for failure to lose expected weight, but this is relatively rare complication

      • Small bowel obstruction (affects 5-10% of RYGB patients)

        • Any site of obstruction may be due to adhesions or internal hernia (IH)

        • Think "ABC"

        • A = alimentary (roux) limb is dilated

          • Often down to near J-J anastomosis

        • B = biliopancreatic limb (excluded stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum)

          • This is closed loop obstruction and will not be detected by upper GI series (CT is essential)

          • Risk of perforation of stomach or duodenum; usually constitutes surgical emergency

        • C = common channel of bowel beyond J-J anastomosis

      • IHs are as common as adhesive obstructions in some reports

        • CT is more sensitive and specific than fluoroscopic barium studies for diagnosis of IH

        • CT signs of IH

          • Cluster of small bowel loops in abnormal location

            • Through defect in small bowel or transverse colon mesentery

            • Or between mesentery of roux limb and transverse colon (Peterson hernia)

          • Twisted, displaced, ± dilated mesenteric vessels

          • Displacement of J-J anastomotic staple line (from expected left mid abdomen to right side of abdomen usually)

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