Principles of Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms

The 2016 revision of the fourth edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of myeloid neoplasms, WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues , is used in this book. The principles of the WHO classification have been described elsewhere, and the process for developing this consensus classification is summarized in Chapter 13 . Briefly, the classification relies on a combination of clinical, morphologic, immunophenotypic, genetic, and other biologic features to define specific disease entities—a logical approach similar to that followed by a clinician and a pathologist working together to reach a diagnosis in a patient suspected of having a myeloid neoplasm. The relative contribution of each feature varies, depending on the case. Only through familiarity with the classification system and with the criteria for each entity can the appropriate studies be chosen to arrive at an accurate diagnosis in an expedient manner. Although perhaps overused as an example of the prototype for the classification of myeloid neoplasms, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) symbolizes the utility of the WHO approach. This leukemia is recognized mainly by its clinical and morphologic features and is consistently associated with a specific genetic defect, the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene. This abnormality leads to the production of a constitutively activated protein tyrosine kinase that interacts with a number of different cellular pathways to influence the proliferation, survival, and differentiation of neoplastic cells. The protein is sufficient to cause the leukemia, but it also provides a target for therapy that has prolonged the lives of thousands of patients with this disease. The diagnosis of CML, however, is not based on any single parameter. There are other myeloid leukemias that mimic its clinical presentation and morphology, and the BCR-ABL1 fusion is seen not only in CML but also in some cases of de novo acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and mixed phenotype acute leukemia. Thus, CML is a perfect model for the integration of all pieces of relevant information to define an entity in a classification scheme. Furthermore, there are still mysteries regarding CML, so there is still more to learn (see Chapter 47 ).

As the focus in all neoplasms turns increasingly to the genetic infrastructure of malignant cells and to molecular abnormalities that may be targets for therapeutic agents, it is only natural that more genetic and molecular data are incorporated into the diagnostic algorithms or nomenclature of classification schemes. The 2001 third edition of the WHO classification included, for the first time in any widely used system, genetic information as criteria for the diagnosis of not only CML but also some subtypes of AML. By the time the 2008 fourth edition of the WHO classification was published, a number of significant genetic abnormalities were discovered that are associated with subgroups of myeloid neoplasms or with specific disease entities within the subgroups. Since that time, an even larger number of genetic and epigenetic events associated with myeloid neoplasms have been described, making an approach that uses these data for both classification and prognostication more challenging. In some instances, such as malignant eosinophilia associated with rearrangements involving PDGFRA or PDGFRB , the genetic defect (coupled with the morphology and clinical findings) is the major criterion for naming the disease and for selecting specific targeted therapy (see Chapter 50 ). In other instances, such as the BCR-ABL1 –negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) that are often but not invariably associated with the JAK2 V617F mutation, the presence of the genetic defect is an objective criterion that identifies the myeloid proliferation as neoplastic. Additional criteria are necessary to define the specific disease associated with the mutated JAK2 and to distinguish it from other MPNs that share the same mutation (see Chapter 47 ). Therefore, although the 2016 WHO classification scheme incorporates an increasing number of genetic abnormalities, a multidisciplinary approach is still required for the classification of myeloid neoplasms. This multidisciplinary approach succeeds in defining many distinct disease entities that cannot be adequately identified by relying on morphology or clinical features alone. Such a limited approach to the myeloid neoplasms is no longer adequate, and a diagnosis is not complete in many cases until the results of all studies have been correlated, often requiring amended pathology reports.

New entities and new diagnostic criteria for old entities in the WHO classification scheme are based mainly on published clinical and scientific studies that have been widely quoted and their significance widely acknowledged. However, to accommodate recent data that have not yet “matured,” the classification continues to include a number of “provisional entities.” These are newly described or characterized disorders that are clinically or scientifically important and should be considered in the classification, but additional studies are needed to clarify their significance. Some previous provisional entities have been refined in the current classification and are now incorporated as full entities, and their presence emphasizes that the classification is ever-changing.

Evaluation of Myeloid Neoplasms

Myeloid neoplasms are serious, often life-threatening disorders, and their diagnosis requires a concerted and serious effort by the clinician and the pathologist to thoroughly and carefully evaluate the clinical, morphologic, immunophenotypic, and genetic data. Too often, a diagnosis is based on insufficient knowledge of the clinical and laboratory information and, particularly, on inadequate diagnostic specimens. Although the proper collection and processing of blood and bone marrow specimens are addressed in Chapter 3 , Box 44-1 emphasizes additional guidelines in assessing specimens from patients suspected of having myeloid neoplasms. One rule of thumb is that morphology is a key criterion in the diagnosis of all myeloid neoplasms, even those in which there is a closely associated genetic defect or characteristic immunophenotypic profile. If the specimen is not adequate to evaluate morphologically, a new specimen should be obtained.

Box 44-1
Evaluation of Myeloid Neoplasms

Specimen Requirements

  • Peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens obtained before any definitive therapy for the suspected myeloid neoplasm

  • Peripheral blood and cellular marrow aspirate smears or touch preparations stained with Wright-Giemsa or similar stains

  • Bone marrow biopsy at least 1.5 cm long and at right angles to the cortical bone for all cases, if feasible

  • Bone marrow specimens for complete cytogenetic analysis and, when indicated, for flow cytometry, with an additional specimen cryopreserved for molecular genetic studies; the latter studies should be performed on the basis of initial karyotypic, clinical, morphologic, and immunophenotypic findings

Assessment of Blasts in Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Specimens

  • Determine the blast percentage in peripheral blood and cellular bone marrow aspirate smears by visual inspection.

  • Count myeloblasts, monoblasts, promonocytes, megakaryoblasts (but not dysplastic megakaryocytes) as blasts when determining blast percentage for diagnosis of AML or blast transformation; count abnormal promyelocytes as “blast equivalents” in acute promyelocytic leukemia.

  • Proerythroblasts are not counted as blasts except in rare instances of “pure” acute erythroleukemia.

  • Flow cytometric assessment of CD34 + cells is not recommended as a substitute for visual inspection; not all blasts express CD34, and artifacts introduced by specimen processing may result in erroneous estimates.

  • If the aspirate is poor or marrow fibrosis is present, immunohistochemistry on biopsy sections for CD34 may be informative if blasts are CD34 + .

Assessment of Blast Lineage

  • Multiparameter flow cytometry (at least three colors) is recommended; the panel should be sufficient to determine lineage as well as aberrant antigen profile of the neoplastic population.

  • Cytochemistry, such as myeloperoxidase or non-specific esterase, may be helpful, particularly in AML, NOS, but it is not essential in all cases.

  • Immunohistochemistry on bone marrow biopsy may be helpful; many antibodies are now available for the recognition of myeloid and lymphoid antigens.

Assessment of Genetic Features

  • Complete cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow at initial diagnosis

  • Additional studies, such as fluorescence in situ hybridization or reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, should be guided by clinical, laboratory, and morphologic information.

  • Mutational studies for JAK2 , followed by CALR and MPL if indicated, should be sought in BCR-ABL1 negative MPNs.

  • Mutation panels that include NPM1 , CEBPA , RUNX1 , and FLT3 -ITD should be performed on new cases of AML, and larger panels may become standard for most myeloid neoplasms.

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