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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Craniocervical junction (CCJ) = C1, C2, and articulation with skull base
Craniocervical junction comprises occiput, atlas, axis, their articulations, ligaments
Occipital bone
Occipital condyles are paired, oval-shaped, inferior prominences of lateral exoccipital portion of occipital bone
Articular facet projects laterally
C1 (atlas)
Composed of anterior and posterior arches, no body
Paired lateral masses with their superior and inferior articular facets
Large transverse processes with transverse foramen
C2 (axis)
Large body and superiorly projecting odontoid process
Superior articulating facet surface is convex & directed laterally
Inferior articular process + facet surface is typical of lower cervical vertebrae
Superior facet is positioned relatively anteriorly; inferior facet is posterior with elongated pars interarticularis
Atlantooccipital joints
Inferior articular facet of occipital condyle: Oval, convex surface, projects laterally
Superior articular facet of C1: Oval, concave anteroposteriorly, projects medially
Median atlanto axial joints
Pivot-type joint between dens + ring formed by anterior arch + transverse ligament of C1
Synovial cavities between transverse ligament/odontoid & atlas/odontoid articulations
Lateral atlantoaxial joints
Inferior articular facet of C1: Concave mediolaterally, projects medially in coronal plane
Superior articular facet of C2: Convex surface, projects laterally
Ligaments (from anterior to posterior)
Anterior atlantooccipital membrane : Connects anterior arch C1 with anterior margin foramen magnum
Odontoid ligaments
Apical ligament: Small fibrous band extending from dens tip to basion
Alar ligaments: Thick, horizontally directed ligaments extending from lateral surface of dens tip to anteromedial occipital condyles
Cruciate ligament
Transverse ligament: Strong horizontal component between lateral masses of C1, passes behind dens
Craniocaudal component: Fibrous band running from transverse ligament superiorly to foramen magnum and inferiorly to C2
Tectorial membrane : Continuation of posterior longitudinal ligament; attaches to anterior rim foramen magnum (posterior clivus)
Posterior atlantooccipital membrane
Posterior arch C1 to margin of foramen magnum
Deficit laterally where vertebral artery enters on superior surface of C1
Atlantooccipital joint: 50% cervical flexion/extension and limited lateral motion
Atlantoaxial joint: 50% cervical rotation
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