Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Hi there, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could curbside you on a case I’m seeing in the urgent care? I have a 2-year old who came in with his parents because he passed out at home. He has been otherwise healthy and was running around at home, chasing his older sibling, when he tripped on the rug and hit his head against the coffee table. Parents were in the other room and heard the thud, heard a loud cry. They ran into the room to find him with his mouth agape but no sound, as though he wanted to cry but couldn’t make the sound. His face turned blue and then he passed out. He remained blue and out for about a minute or two, according to parents. He then woke up and seems to be OK other than being a little tired according to mom. He has a pretty decent sized abrasion on his forehead so I am sending him to the ER for a CT scan. He’s happy and playful again but the passing out and turning blue concerns me. Should I get an echocardiogram or have them meet you in the ER or something?
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