Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
I’m calling from the ER with a 16-year old male who was playing in a soccer tournament today and suddenly collapsed on the field. They say that just before he fell he was acting strange, a bit disoriented, and very unsteady on his feet. He was running the opposite direction of the ball and then he fell, face-first into the ground and has a pretty bad contusion to his forehead and may have broken his nose. An onlooker present at the game was a nurse and went to check on him when he wasn’t getting up. She says that she may have felt a pulse but he really wasn’t sure. She decided to start chest compressions and told people to call 9-1-1. After approximately 30 seconds of chest compressions the boy started to wake up and amazingly, wanted to get back in and play after paramedics had checked him out! He feels fine now except for his injuries to his face. I’m thinking that maybe he was just dehydrated but the “no pulse” thing kind of freaks me out. I’ll get an ECG on him now but wondering if he needs to see you before playing again?
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