Vascutek (Bolton) TREO Endograft


Bolton Medical was founded in 1998 and is based in Sunrise, Florida, and Barcelona, Spain. The company was acquired in 2017 by Terumo (Tokyo, Japan), with Bolton Medical’s products merged into Terumo’s Vascutek line of vascular grafts. Bolton Medical manufactures Treovance and TREO, its EVAR endografts, with TREO being its newest. The company also manufactures an aorto-uni-iliac endograft and a customized endograft.

These endografts have been used for some time around the world, including Europe, China, South America, and Japan. In May 2020, the TREO endograft was approved by the FDA for use in the United States. This chapter will focus only on the TREO endograft.

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