The term vascular cognitive disorder (VCD) refers to a hetero­geneous group of disorders in which the salient feature is the presence of cognitive impairment primarily attributable to cerebrovascular disease (CVD). The conceptualization of this disorder has had a checkered history, with a variety of terms used to describe overlapping conditions. VCD is used not only for vascular dementia, including poststroke and multi-infarct dementia, but also for cognitive impairment of vascular origin that does not meet dementia criteria. VCD is recognized as the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer disease (AD), with varied clinical, neuropathologic, and neuroimaging manifestations. There is also considerable interest in the role of vascular injury in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of AD. Experimental work has shown a functional and pathogenetic synergy between the vascular endothelium and neural cells, and the dysfunction of the neurovascular unit has been a focus to understand the pathomechanisms of cognitive impairment. The fact that vascular risk factors are modifiable has led to the claim that VCD may be a preventable form of dementia.

Historical Overview and Terminology

The long-standing concept of hardening of the arteries or cerebral atherosclerosis as a cause of senility was challenged in the 1960s by the neuropathologic studies from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, which suggested that vascular dementia (VaD) was related to multiple brain infarctions exceeding a certain threshold and was distinct from AD as a cause of dementia. The concept was further elaborated in a 1974 paper, which stated that “…when vascular disease is responsible for dementia it is through the occurrence of multiple small or large cerebral infarcts.” This led to the widespread use of the term multi-infarct dementia (MID) as being synonymous with VaD. The last 2 decades have witnessed a major challenge to this narrow conceptualization of VaD, with an expanded concept that includes not only multiple cortical and/or subcortical infarcts, but also strategic single infarcts, noninfarction white matter lesions, hemorrhages, and hypoperfusion as possible causes of VaD.

The broader VaD construct was, however, also considered to be inadequate to represent the full spectrum of cognitive dysfunction of vascular origin for a number of reasons. First, the focus on dementia precluded the inclusion of milder forms of cognitive impairment that failed to reach the threshold of dementia but were nevertheless important, especially for prevention. Second, growing neuropathologic evidence has indicated that most dementias have a neurodegenerative, usually due to AD pathology, and vascular basis, and that these pathologies appear to act synergistically. Third, most diagnostic criteria for dementia required the presence of memory impairment ; this was at odds with the clinical experience of the varied cognitive profile of VaD, with memory being relatively spared, especially in the early stages of the disease. This led to the introduction of the construct vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), which includes a broad spectrum of clinical profiles, from mild cognitive impairment to dementia, as well as individuals in whom cognitive impairment showed mixed primary neurodegenerative and vascular features or mixed features. The VCI construct provides a dimensional approach to cognitive impairment of vascular origin, recognizing that the impairment can range from mild to very severe. The underlying pathology is varied, including single strategic infarcts, multiple infarcts, and noninfarct white matter lesions or leukoaraiosis, hypoperfusion, or hemorrhage; the vascular lesions can coexist with other brain pathologies. It also affords greater attention to opportunities for primary and secondary prevention.

The VCI construct is not without its limitations. The term impairment is used in medicine to indicate a reduction or loss of function in any domain of functioning and is applied as a statistical construct based on normative data or demonstration of disability, but is not used to denote a disorder. Moreover, VCI has sometimes also been used in the literature to denote mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to vascular factors, equating VCI with vascular MCI. Hence, the use of VCD recognizes that there is often a need for a categoric diagnosis, which encompasses mild impairment, predementia, and dementia syndromes at the same time. It can embrace many syndromes and diseases and also acknowledges the fact that patients with CVD also have noncognitive syndromes, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis, which need to be distinguished from cognitive disorder. So-called functional impairment is seen as a consequence of the disorder. The use of the plural form, disorders, acknowledges that VCD comprises many diseases, each with varying severity and patterns of dysfunction.


The prevalence and incidence of VCD vary, depending on the diagnostic criteria applied and the population studied. In 11 population-based European studies conducted in the 1990s, the age-standardized prevalence of VaD was estimated to be 1.6% compared to 4.4% for AD. The prevalence of VaD increased from 0.3% in those aged 65 to 69 years to 5.2% in those aged 90 years and older. VaD accounted for 15.8% of all cases of dementia in these studies. The Canadian Study of Health and Aging used a broader concept of VCI and estimated that approximately 5% of people older than 65 years had VCI, with 2.4% having VCI (not dementia), 0.9% having mixed dementia (vascular and neurodegenerative), and 1.5% having VaD. The incidence of VaD reportedly ranges from 6 to 12 cases/1000/year in those older than 70 years. The prevalence of VaD is much higher in poststroke patients, with 6% to 32% being reported in various clinical samples 3 months after a stroke. Dementia is 3.5- to 5.6-fold more frequent in stroke patients than in stroke-free controls. Poststroke dementia (PSD) has a complex cause, with a varying combination of large and small vessel disease, as well as nonvascular pathology such as AD contributing to the picture. Many stroke patients, up to 10% in some studies, have cognitive impairment sufficient to diagnose dementia prior to the stroke. In a longitudinal study, the 10-year risk of dementia after stroke was estimated at 19.3%, compared to 11.0% in nonstroke controls, suggesting that a stroke doubles the risk of incident dementia, although this excess risk diminishes with time and does not apply to those older than 85 years.

Vascular lesions are common in autopsy studies of dementia cases, with approximately one third showing significant vascular pathology, although this does not indicate the clinical relevance of such pathology. A review of pathologic studies, however, has shown a wide range in prevalence of VaD, from 0.03% to 85.2%, with a median figure of about 11%. Vascular brain lesions are also common in population-based autopsy series. In the U.S. Adult Change in Thought study, microinfarcts were common in nondemented (29%) and demented (63%) individuals, as were cystic infarcts (23% and 36% respectively), and the presence of two or more microinfarcts increased the risk of dementia 4.8 times (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.91 to 10.26). Other population-based neuropathologic studies have also highlighted the importance of vascular lesions, in particular microinfarcts, in the development of dementia. Consequently, VCD is generally referred to as the second most common form of cognitive impairment after AD.

Geographic variations in the prevalence of VCD have been noted, but the data are inconclusive. VaD was previously reported to be more common than AD in some Eastern Asian countries, but more recent data have shown a reversal. In the Hisayama Study from Japan, the incidence of vascular dementia was 12.2/1000 person-years for men and 9.0/1000 person-years for women, whereas for AD it was 5.1 and 10.9/1000 person-years, respectively. In the last 3 decades, the ratio of VaD to AD in Japan has shifted from 2 : 1 to 1 : 1, probably due to better control of vascular risk factors and stroke prevention. Reports from China have suggested a similar trend, with more recent studies reporting a higher prevalence of AD than VaD. Data from other developing countries are limited, but it has been suggested is that although AD is the most common cause of dementia, VaD is relatively more common than in industrialized countries.

Causes and Pathophysiology

Because the essential feature of VCD is that cognitive deficits are attributable to CVD, and the latter is extremely varied, the clinical manifestations and causes of VCD are very heterogeneous. One approach to the pathophysiology of VCD has been to examine the contributions made by large vessel disease, small vessel disease, noninfarct ischemic changes, and small and large hemorrhages. The parenchymal lesions associated with these factors are summarized in Table 53-1 .

TABLE 53-1
Parenchymal Lesions of Vascular Cause Associated With Vascular Cognitive Disorders
Large vessel disease
  • Multiple infarcts

  • Single strategically placed infarct

Small vessel disease
  • Multiple lacunar infarcts in white matter and deep gray matter nuclei

  • Ischemic white matter change

  • Dilation of perivascular spaces

  • Cortical microinfarcts

  • Cortical and subcortical microbleeds

  • Intracerebral hemorrhage

  • Multiple cortical and subcortical microbleeds

  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage

  • Hippocampal sclerosis

  • Laminar cortical sclerosis

Large Vessel Disease

VCD has traditionally been associated with large vessel disease leading to one or more strokes, generally referred to as MID or PSD, although the cognitive impairment is not always above the threshold for dementia (see later). The pathologic lesion is atherosclerosis of large extracranial or intracranial vessels, which causes ischemia through a reduction of blood flow (hemodynamic cause) or artery to artery embolism. The most commonly affected extracranial site is the bifurcation of the common carotid artery, with the aortic arch and proximal subclavian and vertebral arteries also being commonly affected. Severe carotid stenosis is common; intracranial atherosclerosis as a cause of stroke is less common in whites but more common in Asian and African American populations. Large artery atherosclerosis, however, accounts for only 30% of strokes; cardioembolic events (25% to 30% of strokes) and small vessel disease (25%) are also commonly responsible.

PSD is defined as cognitive impairment from any cause following stroke that is significant enough to affect daily function; it may be vascular, neurodegenerative, or mixed. The prevalence of PSD varies, depending on diagnostic criteria used, age of the study population, and delay between stroke and cognitive evaluation. In the Framingham Study, the rate of dementia in people with a history of stroke was approximately double that of the nonstroke population but, if cognitive impairment without dementia is included, the rates are much higher.

Risk factors for MID and PSD may be patient-related or stroke-related. Vascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and smoking have shown an inconsistent association, whereas age, low education, and preexisting cognitive impairment or dependency have shown a more consistent association. The relationship between preexisting cognitive impairment and risk of PSD has been seen as robust, likely reflecting some combination of the effects of stroke, effects of chronic ischemia, and presence of preexisting neurodegenerative impairment. A report from the Rotterdam Study has brought this into question, however. It may be that the number of vascular risk factors is more important than any one individual factor in predicting PSD. Neuroimaging features such as global cerebral atrophy and mediotemporal lobe atrophy are associated with a higher risk of PSD. Although mediotemporal atrophy has been proposed as a marker of preexisting neurodegenerative disease in these cases, it is also present in VaD and in patients without preexisting clinical evidence of dementia.

It was previously believed that a certain threshold of tissue loss, put at 50 mL of cerebral tissue by the Newcastle group, was necessary for dementia to manifest. This is no longer considered to be the case, and much smaller lesions can produce cognitive disorders, including dementia. Stroke characteristics are nevertheless important. Dementia is usually associated with supratentorial lesions, left hemispheric lesions, or anterior and posterior cerebral artery lesions, and multiple infarcts are commonly implicated, although these may not always be large artery infarcts. Most often, cognitive impairment in association with vascular disease results from the cumulative effects of several cortical infarcts of varying size and number—the basis of cortical MID as described by Hachinski and colleagues in 1974. The infarcts of MID occur predominantly in the cortical and subcortical arterial territories and distal fields. Single strategic infarcts in the cortex (hippocampus, angular gyrus) or subcortex (thalamus, caudate, globus pallidus, basal forebrain, fornix, genu of the internal capsule) can result in characteristic PSD cognitive syndromes. For example, angular gyrus infarction is associated with an acute onset of fluent dysphasia, visuospatial disorientation, agraphia, and memory loss that can be mistaken for AD. However, many reports of dementia following single strategic infarcts do not necessarily exclude small vessel disease or associated AD pathology.

Large vessel disease seldom occurs in isolation because neuroimaging evidence of small vessel disease is ubiquitous in older adults with varying degrees of clinical significance, and some degree of Alzheimer-type, Lewy body disease, and other neurodegenerative pathology may be coexisting. The presence of white matter lesions (leukoaraiosis), lacunes, microbleeds, hippocampal sclerosis, and cerebral atrophy should all be taken into consideration.

Small Vessel Disease

Small vessel disease (SVD) includes leukoaraiosis, subcortical infarcts, incomplete infarction and microbleeds. It is much more common than large vessel disease and may be the most common cause of VCD.

White Matter Lesions

Leukoaraiosis (literally, thinning of the white matter)—white matter lesions (WMLs)—describes diffuse, confluent, white matter abnormalities, which are low density on computed tomography (CT) and hyperintense on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR). The latter are usually referred to as white matter hyperintensities (WMHs). Increasing sensitivity of MRI has resulted in less specificity and predictive validity of leukoaraiosis, which can now be detected in more than 90% of older adults and nearly 50% of individuals in their late 40s. Just as the term leukoaraiosis does not presuppose pathology, white matter changes are not specific to infarcts but may also occur with leukodystrophies, metastases, and other inflammatory conditions. Leukoaraiosis may be present at varying degrees, from small punctate hyperintensities to large confluent lesions. The major neuropathologic features found in leukoaraiosis in association with VCI include axonal loss, enlargement of perivascular spaces, gliosis, and myelin pallor. They are caused by arteriosclerosis, lipohyalinosis, and fibrinoid necrosis of small vessels, in particular the long perforating arteries, with or without occlusion. Importantly, WMLs are more extensive in the periventricular regions and extend to the deep white matter but spare areas protected from hypoperfusion, such as the subcortical U-fibers and external capsule, claustrum, and extreme capsule. Whether periventricular and deep white matter lesions are distinct in their cause, presentation, or rate of progression is not well understood.

The association between leukoaraiosis and cognitive and functional decline appears robust, but the cognitive domains affected have not been clearly established. The Sydney Stroke Study showed a particular association with information processing speed and frontal executive functioning. The Framingham Study showed an association between the presence of leukoaraiosis and executive function, new learning, and visual organization. In general, confluent lesions appear to have a more reliable relationship with cognitive impairment. WMLs progress over time, with the Sydney Stroke Study showing a rate of progression of 13%/year in nonstroke older adults. The baseline WML load was the best predictor of the rate of progression. Decline in cognition is, however, not consistently related to this increase, and appears to be better explained by measures of atrophy. Visual and volumetric quantitative measurement scales for leukoaraiosis have been developed but are limited in their utility as outcome measures by ceiling effects.

With the development of newer MRI techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), it has been demonstrated that white matter that appears normal on T2-weighted images may also have abnormal anisotropy or diffusivity, which relates to neuropathology, and may have relevance for cognitive function. Abnormalities on DTI are, however, not delineated well enough at present to be incorporated into diagnostic criteria or be used clinically.


VCD may also be associated with lacunar infarction, although there is a lack of consensus on the specific number and location of the lacunes required for a VCD diagnosis. It is well recognized that one or two lacunes are not uncommon in older adults with no cognitive impairment and may be incidental findings. More than two lacunes outside the brain stem would generally be regarded as necessary to support a diagnosis of VCD. Single lacunes placed strategically in the striatum or the thalamus, usually above a certain size of threshold, may produce a VCD, but a temporal relationship between lacunar infarction and the cognitive syndrome must be present to be able to attribute VCD to a single lacune. Single lacunes may also be sufficient when associated with extensive periventricular and deep white matter lesions. The Newcastle neuropathologic criteria for VaD have suggested more than three lacunar infarcts as being sufficient evidence, but this must be considered along with other vascular pathologies, in particular WMLs that are generally present concurrently. Lacunes are best detected on T1- or T2-weighted MRI scans using a FLAIR sequence on a 1.0-T scanner or greater. A lacune has usually been regarded as a lesion between 3 and 15 mm in size, a definition favored by the STRIVE criteria, but definitions vary, with a maximum diameter from 1 to 2 cm.


Microscopic infarcts, less than 1 mm in size, are common in the brains of older adults, but are not visible on gross neuropathologic examination or MRI on a 3-T scanner. There is good evidence for their pathophysiologic importance in autopsy studies. With new developments in high-field MRI, it may be possible to image microinfarcts in patients in the future.

Dilated Perivascular Spaces

Infarctions should be distinguished from dilated perivascular spaces (PVSs); the neuroimaging characteristics are described in the STRIVE criteria. Although dilated perivascular or Virchow-Robin spaces may represent an early stage of CVD with underlying microvascular degeneration, they have not commonly been considered a feature supporting VCD, thereby needing further study.


Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) may be a manifestation of SVD and are seen as susceptibility artifacts on certain MRI sequences, such as T2* gradient-recalled echo and susceptibility weighted imaging. They are common in community-dwelling older adults, from 7% in younger adults (45 to 55 years) to 36% in those older than 80 years. Their prevalence is elevated in AD, in which they have been associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and is markedly increased in individuals with multiple lacunar strokes or vascular dementia, in which they are associated with hypertensive arteriopathy. Microbleeds associated with hypertension are seen in the deep nuclei and brain stem, and those with AD are generally lobar in location. CMBs have been associated with cognitive dysfunction in a number of domains, although the relationship between location and the type of cognitive deficits is inconsistent. Because microbleeds are not uncommon in cognitively normal older adults, attribution of the VCD to these, especially VaD, should follow a careful exclusion of other causes of cognitive impairment and only if many of these lesions are present. More data are needed in relation to the standard measurement of CMBs, and their diagnostic and prognostic significance before CMBs are routinely applied in clinical assessments.


Cognitive disorders have been associated with subdural hemorrhage (SH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), the presence of which on an MRI scan should alert the diagnostician to their possible significance. Cognitive deficits have been reported in 19% to 62% of patients following SAH, and their severity is related to the severity of SAH, although other factors such as older age, the presence of arterial vasospasm and delayed cerebral infarction, increased intracranial pressure, intraparenchymal and intraventricular hemorrhages, hydrocephalus, and location of the aneurysm are all important. Subdural hemorrhage is an uncommon cause of cognitive disorder, with reports that about 50% of older adults with chronic SH have cognitive deficits, which may be progressive and not always reversible with surgical drainage. Because SH is usually a result of trauma and not vascular pathology, it should be not be regarded as a VCD. SAH is due to vascular pathology, and its associated cognitive deficits are appropriately regarded as VCD. Multiple hemorrhages or hemorrhagic infarcts are often associated with VCD, with common causes being sporadic or hereditary conditions associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and other genetic disorders, although hypertension may have a role. VCD has also been associated with cortical and subcortical microbleeds, which may be related to hypertension or CAA, as described earlier.

Brain Atrophy

Gray matter atrophy may show a stronger association with cognitive impairment than strategic infarcts and subcortical vascular disease. Cortical atrophy predicts cognitive decline independently of vascular burden on neuroimaging. In particular, mediotemporal atrophy (MTA) shows an association with cognitive dysfunction, especially memory. MTA was initially thought to indicate underlying neurodegenerative pathology because of the predilection of pathology in the mediotemporal lobes of those with AD. However, MTA may also result from vascular pathology, and reduced hippocampal volumes have been reported in VaD in the absence of AD pathology at autopsy. Thalamic volume has also shown an association with the degree of cognitive impairment.

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