Vascular and lymphatic diseases

Blood vessel disorders


Erythema is redness of the skin, usually due to vasodilatation ( Table 40.1 ). It may be localized, e.g. with pregnancy or liver disease (on palms), fixed drug eruption and infection (e.g. Lyme disease), or generalized, as with drug eruption, toxic erythema (e.g. viral exanthem) and connective tissue disease.

Table 40.1
Classification of blood vessel and lymphatic disorders
Vessel Process Resulting lesion
Small blood vessels Dilatation (and/or increased flow) Erythema, flushing, telangiectasia
Release of extracellular fluid Urticaria (p. 94), oedema
Release of blood Purpura, capillaritis
Reduced flow Livedo reticularis, chilblains, Raynaud’s phenomenon
Inflammation damage Vasculitis, erythema ab igne
Arteries Atherosclerosis, Buerger’s disease Ischaemia and ulceration
Inflammation Vasculitis (p. 102)
Veins Inflammation, flow reduction, clotting abnormalities Thrombosis, skin changes, ulceration (p. 90)
Dilatation Venous lake
Lymphatics Congenital hypoplasia Lymphoedema (primary)
Blockage or inflammation Lymphoedema (secondary)
Infection Lymphangitis


Flushing is erythema due to vasodilatation. The causes are:

  • physiological (autonomic response to emotion, heat or exercise)

  • menopausal (hormonal; often with associated sweating)

  • foods (e.g. spices—gustatory; alcohol—aldehyde-related)

  • drugs (angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors, 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT 3 ] antagonists, nifedipine)

  • rosacea (mechanism unknown)

  • carcinoid syndrome (serotonin—5-HT)

  • phaeochromocytoma (catecholamine).

Flushing is common and affects the face, neck and upper trunk. It is usually benign. A sudden onset and systemic symptoms (e.g. diarrhoea or fainting) mean that carcinoid syndrome or phaeochromocytoma must be excluded. In treatment, first remove the cause, e.g. spices or alcohol. Embarrassing physiological flushing may improve with a small dose of propranolol.

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