Learning objectives

  • Identify the types of vaginal breech deliveries.

  • Describe the complications associated with vaginal breech delivery.

  • Be able to safely perform vaginal breech delivery.

Breech presentation occurs when the presenting part of the fetus is the buttocks or feet. There are three main types of breech presentation Fig. 11.1 .

Fig. 11.1
Types of breech presentation. (A) Frank breech is defined by flexed hips and extended knees. (B) In complete breech, the fetus has flexed hips and flexed knees. (C) In incomplete breech, there is extension of at least one of the fetal hips.

Types of Vaginal Breech Delivery

  • Spontaneous breech delivery → fetus delivers without assistance or manipulation; usually occurs when fetus is preterm

  • Assisted breech delivery → fetus descends with a “hands-off” approach. Recognized maneuvers are used to assist when required

  • Breech extraction → one or both fetal feet are grasped from the uterine cavity and brought down through the vagina; usually reserved for delivery of a second twin


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