Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Obstruction of the flow of urine from the renal pelvis to the proximal ureter due to partial or total blockage at the ureteropelvic junction that can be congential or acquired
Can be caused by structural abnormality (intrinsic disorganization, extrinsic compression mainly from crossing vessels) or by functional anomaly
Most common cause of pediatric hydronephrosis, occurring in 1 per 1000–2000 newborns
Sporadic in most cases, with rare familial association
May present at any age
In children
20%–30% bilateral
Predominantly in boys (> 2:1 (M:F) in neonates) and on the left side (67%)
Due to embryologic defects in the proximal ureter that has altered circular musculature development and/or collagen fibers, and composition between and around the muscle cells (75%)
Rarely valvular mucosal folds, persistent fetal ureteral convolutions, and ureteral polyps
Extrinsic compression by aberrant or accessory renal artery or arterial branch (6%–24%)
Abnormally high insertion of ureter
Other concomitant genitourinary anomalies: horseshoe kidney, CHARGE (coloboma, heart anomaly, choanal atresia, retarded growth, and genital and ear anomalies) syndrome
In adults
Predominantly in women
Most often unilateral
Etiology: kidney stones, upper urinary tract inflammation, scarring from a past surgery, or tumors
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