Ultrasound-Guided Resuscitation

Use of Ultrasound in the Undifferentiated Hypotensive Patient

Care of the undifferentiated hypotensive patient is a challenge for clinicians, and identifying life-threatening conditions that are readily reversible is a priority. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has had a prominent role over the past 20 years in the care of these patients. Focus on conditions that require emergent intervention, such as pneumothorax, intraabdominal hemorrhage, and pericardial effusion, has been an important addition to resuscitation practice.

The first description of a POCUS examination for the undifferentiated hypotensive patient was described by Rose et al. This examination protocol involves a focused three-view assessment evaluating for abdominal free fluid, pericardial fluid and cardiac activity, and abdominal aortic aneurysm. Subsequent protocols include additional views. The rapid ultrasound for shock and hypotension (RUSH) examination introduced a multipoint ultrasound (US) examination that includes detailed evaluation of the chest and abdomen to assess for causes of shock. Several other protocols have also emerged with varying numbers of US views. Regardless of the specific protocol involved, each of these protocols focuses on the use of US to rapidly identify etiologies of hypotension, with particular attention to conditions that require emergent intervention. Whether the shock is due to a cardiogenic etiology, an obstructive etiology, hypovolemia, or a distributive cause, an organized scanning protocol will narrow the differential diagnosis. The progress and sophistication in POCUS examinations allow detailed evaluation of the hypotensive patient.

The Heart

A focused cardiac US is central to all of the described protocols for US evaluation of the hypotensive patient. The techniques to perform focused echocardiography are explained in the echocardiography chapters.

The initial phase of resuscitation requires estimation of cardiac function, particularly left ventricular ejection fraction. Qualitatively evaluating ejection fraction is straightforward for sonographers of all skill levels. Categorization of the ejection fraction is trifold: preserved, moderately depressed, or severely depressed. This rapid estimate guides the resuscitation and determines whether the etiology of the hypotension is primarily cardiogenic.

Further interrogation of the heart is performed, depending on the clinical scenario. US is the modality of choice to identify pericardial fluid. This is best evaluated with a substernal or parasternal view. Sonographic characteristics of cardiac tamponade, characterized by right ventricular collapse and alteration of the intraventricular septum, are assessed on the focused cardiac examination. Evaluation of the aortic root is performed when there is suspicion for aortic dissection. With a parasternal long-axis view, an aortic root measurement (no greater than 3.5 cm) can be rapidly evaluated. Other signs of aortic root dissection include pericardial effusion and aortic valve insufficiency. However, these may not be present. Evaluation of the right heart for right heart strain is an important addition to the cardiac examination when massive pulmonary embolus is in the differential diagnosis. This is best assessed with the apical four-chamber view.

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