Tumors of the Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses, and Pharynx

Bruce M. Wenig

Chapter Outline

  • Functional Anatomy and Histology, 96

  • General Considerations: Sinonasal Tract, 98

  • Benign Epithelial and Neuroectodermal Neoplasms, 100

  • Benign Minor Salivary Gland Neoplasms, 104

  • Benign Neuroendocrine/Neuroectodermal Tumors, 106

  • Benign Mesenchymal Neoplasms, 108

  • Benign Fibrohistiocytic Tumors, 116

  • Osseous, Fibroosseous, and Cartilaginous Lesions, 116

  • Borderline Soft Tissue Tumors, 122

  • Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms, 124

  • Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors, 137

  • General Considerations: Sinonasal Tract, 139

  • Neuroendocrine, Neuroectodermal, and Melanocytic Malignant Neoplasms, 153

  • Nonepithelial Malignant Neoplasms, 159

  • Secondary Tumors, 169

Functional Anatomy and Histology

The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses—including the maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal sinuses—are collectively referred to as the sinonasal tract. The sinonasal tract is anatomically and embryologically distinct from the pharynx. Although the sinonasal tract and pharynx have identical appearing ciliated respiratory epithelium, the epithelium of the sinonasal tract is ectodermally derived, while that of the nasopharynx is endodermally derived. This embryologic difference may be a factor in the development of certain epithelial lesions unique to these surfaces (e.g., sinonasal [schneiderian] papillomas and nasopharyngeal carcinomas). Despite these differences, the sinonasal tract and pharynx are comprised of similar structures such as minor salivary glands and connective tissue. These structures may give rise to identical neoplasms that differ only in their location and resulting clinical symptomatology.

Nasal Cavity

The nasal cavity is divided into right and left halves by the nasal septum; each half opens on the face via the nares or nostrils and communicates behind with the nasopharynx through the posterior nasal apertures or the choanae. Each half of the nasal cavity has the following borders (walls): (1) The superior (roof) slopes downward in front and back and is horizontal in its middle. The frontal and nasal bones form the anterior sloping part. The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone forms the horizontal part and separates the nasal cavity from the anterior cranial fossa (medial part of floor); this area represents the deepest part of the cavity. The body of the sphenoid bone forms the posterior sloping part. (2) The inferior (floor) is primarily (75%) formed by the palatine processes of the maxillary bone, thus intervening between the oral and nasal cavities; the remainder is formed by the horizontal process of the palatine bone. (3) The lateral is formed in most part by the nasal surface of the maxilla below and in front posteriorly by the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and above by the nasal surface of the ethmoidal labyrinth separating the nasal cavity from the orbit. Along the lateral wall of each nasal cavity are identified three horizontal bony projections: the superior, middle, and inferior conchae; occasionally a small fourth concha is identified above the superior concha called the supreme concha. The air spaces or meatuses (superior, middle, and inferior) lie beneath and lateral to the conchae and are named according to the concha immediately above it. (4) The medial is formed by the bony nasal septum entirely formed by the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid; the anterior portion of the nasal septum represents the septal cartilage.

Histologically, the nasal vestibule is a cutaneous structure composed of keratinizing squamous epithelium and underlying subcutaneous tissue with cutaneous adnexal structures (hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands). The mucocutaneous junction (limen nasi) is approximately 1 to 2 cm posterior from the nares and represents the point at which the epithelial surface changes from keratinizing squamous epithelium to a ciliated pseudostratified columnar (respiratory) epithelium, including identifiable mucocytes (goblet cells). The respiratory epithelium lines the entire nasal cavity. The submucosa underlying the epithelium is thin, is noteworthy for the presence of seromucous (minor salivary) glands arranged in distinct lobules, normally contains a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate, including mature lymphocytes and scattered plasma cells but no lymphoid follicles/aggregates, and has a distinct vascular component consisting of large, thick-walled blood vessels. The vascular structures are particularly prominent along the inferior and middle turbinates and may be mistaken for a hemangioma. The nasal septum separates the nasal cavities and includes elastic cartilage and lamellar bone. Along the anterior part of the nasal septum the submucosa is rich in thin-walled blood vessels. This location is referred to as Little or Kisselbach area representing a frequent site of nose bleeds. The nasal cartilage is of the hyaline type and has a bluish, translucent, homogenous appearance. The olfactory epithelium consists of bipolar, spindle-shaped olfactory neural (receptor) cells composed of myelinated axons penetrating the basal lamina to protrude from the mucosal surface and nonmyelinated proximal processes which traverse the cribriform plate. In addition, the olfactory mucosa includes columnar-appearing sustentacular or supporting (basal) cells located along the basal lamina, as well as olfactory or Bowman glands, which are pure serous-type glands present in the lamina propria.

Paranasal Sinuses

The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the paranasal sinuses and located in the body of the maxilla. From above, the maxillary sinus has a triangular shape with the base formed by the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and the apex projecting into the zygomatic arch. The borders of the maxillary sinuses include (1) superior (roof), the orbital surface of the maxilla (floor of the orbit); (2) inferior (floor), the alveolar and palatine process of the maxilla; (3) anterolateral, the facial surface of the maxilla; (4) posterior, the infratemporal surface of the maxilla; and (5) medial, the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The ethmoid sinuses consist of thin-walled cavities in the ethmoidal labyrinth completed by the frontal, maxillary, lacrimal, sphenoidal, and palatine bones varying in size and number—usually consisting of two to eight anterior and middle ethmoid cells and two to eight posterior ethmoid cells. The frontal sinuses are roughly pyramidal shaped and located in the vertical part of the frontal bone. An important anatomic relation includes proximity to the anterior cranial fossa and orbit, separated only by a thin plate of bone from these structures. The sphenoid sinuses are contained within the sphenoid bone situated posterior to the upper part of the nasal cavity and are related above to the optic chiasm and the hypophysis cerebri and are related on each side to the internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus.

Histologically all of the sinuses are lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium, including identifiable mucocytes (goblet cells) and together with the nasal cavity are referred to as the schneiderian membrane. Seromucinous glands are scattered throughout the paranasal sinus submucosa, particularly being seen in the ostial areas.

The pharynx lies behind and communicates with the nasal, oral, and laryngeal cavities via the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx (laryngopharynx), respectively. On this basis the pharynx is divided into three anatomic divisions, including (from superior to inferior) the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx. Of note, the hypopharynx is often included as part of the larynx but given differences in embryology from the larynx and the inclusion of hypopharyngeal cancers in the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging of pharyngeal cancers and not laryngeal cancers, the hypopharynx, including the piriform sinus, is included in this chapter. The pharyngeal lining mucosa is continuous with the mucosa lining the nasal cavity, oral cavity, pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tubes, and larynx. Structures of the pharynx include nasopharyngeal tonsils, which are also known as the adenoids and represent extranodal lymphoid tissues characterized by an epithelium infiltrated by many small lymphoid cells (so-called lymphoepithelium) expanding and disrupting the epithelium to produce a reticulated pattern. Germinal centers may be present but there is an absence of a capsule, sinusoids, or epithelial crypts.

The oropharyngeal contents include the soft palate, base of tongue (including the lingual tonsils), tonsillar pillars, palatine tonsils, and uvula. Waldeyer tonsillar ring is formed by a ring or group of extranodal lymphoid tissues about the upper end of the pharynx which consists of the palatine tonsils, pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids), and lingual (base of tongue) tonsils. The palatine and lingual tonsils, like the adenoids, contain a prominent lymphoid component, including germinal centers, but do not have a capsule or sinusoids. However, unlike the adenoids, the palatine and lingual tonsils have 10 to 30 (tonsillar) crypts formed by invagination of the free surface mucosa. Actinomycotic colonies ( Actinomyces israelii ) are commensal microorganisms that may be found within tonsillar crypts. The tonsillar crypts are lined by specialized stratified squamous epithelium known as reticulated epithelium, which lack the orderly laminar structure of surface stratified squamous epithelium of the tonsils, including loss of cellular polarity and surface maturation. As stratified squamous epithelium of the tonsillar surface extends into the tonsillar crypts, a dense lymphoid infiltrate and macrophages penetrate the reticulated epithelium obscuring junction between epithelial and lymphoid components. The basal lamina of reticulated epithelium is discontinuous and therefore porous, facilitating migration of lymphocytes and dendritic cells, the latter representing potent antigen processing cells. The intimate association of epithelial cells and lymphocytes facilitates direct transport of antigen (e.g., human papillomavirus [HPV], human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]) from external environment to the tonsillar lymphoid cells. The total surface area of the reticulated epithelium is very large owing to the complex branched nature of the tonsillar crypts. The reticulated epithelial cells are basaloid appearing with vesicular nuclei, increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, absence of keratinization, absence of intercellular bridges, and loss of distinct cytoplasmic border. The reticulated epithelium is characterized by numerous (intraepithelial) blood vessels that can be further delineated by vascular endothelial immunomarkers (e.g., CD31, ERG). The discontinuous basal lamina of the reticulated epithelium coupled to the numerous intraepithelial blood vessels assist in explaining the facts that any carcinoma arising from the crypt epithelium should be interpreted as invasive carcinoma rather than carcinoma in situ and metastatic carcinomas to the cervical neck may originate from very small crypt carcinomas that histologically appear to be wholly confined to the crypt epithelium without apparent evidence of invasion into the submucosa. HPV-associated squamous cell carcinomas originating from tonsillar crypt epithelium are predominantly nonkeratinizing and may be viewed as poorly differentiated; however, such cancers are in fact differentiated, originating and recapitulating the features of its cell of origin being that of the specialized tonsillar crypt reticulated epithelium. p16 immunoreactivity may be seen in normal (nonneoplastic) tonsillar crypt epithelium and is not evidence for the presence of HPV-associated intraepithelial dysplasia and/or carcinoma.

General Considerations: Sinonasal Tract

The classification of neoplasms of the sinonasal tract is listed in Box 4A.1 and the neoplasms of the pharynx are listed in Box 4A.2 .

Box 4A.1
Classification of Sinonasal Tract Neoplasms


  • Epithelial

    • Sinonasal (schneiderian) papillomas

    • Squamous papilloma (nasal vestibule)

    • Minor salivary gland tumors

  • Mesenchymal/neuroectodermal

    • Ectopic pituitary adenoma

    • Paraganglioma

    • Lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma)

    • Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma (formerly sinonasal-type hemangiopericytoma)

    • Sinonasal tract meningioma

    • Solitary fibrous tumor

    • Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors

    • Benign fibrous histiocytoma

    • Leiomyoma

    • Rhabdomyoma

    • Osteoma

    • Fibroosseous lesions (ossifying fibroma, juvenile active ossifying fibroma)

    • Chondroma

    • Myxoma/fibromyxoma/chondromyxoid fibroma

    • Ossifying and nonossifying fibromyxoid tumor

    • Ameloblastoma

    • Others

Malignant Neoplasms

  • Epithelial

    • Squamous cell carcinoma:

      • Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

      • Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

    • Variants of squamous cell carcinoma:

      • Verrucous carcinoma

      • Papillary squamous cell carcinoma

      • Spindle cell squamous carcinoma

      • Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma

      • NUT midline carcinoma

      • Others

    • Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma

    • HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma

    • SMARCB1 (INI1)–deficient carcinoma

    • Adenocarcinoma:

      • Salivary gland types

      • Intestinal types

      • Nonsalivary, nonintestinal types

  • Hematolymphoid malignant neoplasms

    • Non-Hodgkin lymphomas

    • Others

  • Mesenchymal/neuroectodermal

    • Olfactory neuroblastoma

    • Neuroendocrine carcinomas

    • Mucosal malignant melanoma

    • Non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas

    • Ewing family of tumors

    • Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma

    • Fibrosarcoma

    • Leiomyosarcoma

    • Malignant schwannoma

    • Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma (low-grade sarcoma with neural and myogenic differentiation)

    • Angiosarcoma

    • Matrix-forming malignant tumors (osteosarcoma; chondrosarcoma)

    • Teratocarcinosarcoma (malignant teratoma)

  • Secondary tumors

Box 4A.2
Classification of Neoplasms of the Pharynx, Including Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, and Hypopharynx


  • Epithelial

    • Squamous papilloma

    • Minor salivary glands tumors

  • Mesenchymal/neuroectodermal

    • Angiofibroma

    • Craniopharyngioma

    • Vascular neoplasms (e.g., hemangioma, lymphangioma)

    • Peripheral nerve sheath tumors

    • Paraganglioma

    • Lipomas

    • Rhabdomyomas

    • Fibrous histiocytic tumors

    • Leiomyomas

    • Osseous and cartilaginous tumors

    • Others


  • Epithelial/neuroendocrine

    • Squamous cell carcinoma, including conventional type and variants (e.g., verrucous carcinoma, papillary [exophytic] squamous cell carcinoma, spindle-cell squamous carcinoma, basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, others)

    • Viral-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinomas:

      • HPV-associated squamous cell carcinoma

      • EBV-associated squamous cell carcinoma

    • Neuroendocrine carcinomas

    • Minor salivary gland tumors

    • Low-grade nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma

    • Others

  • Hematolymphoid malignant neoplasms

    • Non-Hodgkin lymphomas

    • Hodgkin lymphoma

    • Plasma cell neoplasms

    • Others

  • Melanocytic/mesenchymal/neuroectodermal

    • Mucosal malignant melanoma

    • Rhabdomyosarcoma

    • Synovial sarcoma

    • Chordoma

    • Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma

    • Leiomyosarcoma

    • Liposarcoma

    • Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors

    • Vascular neoplasms (e.g., angiosarcoma, others)

    • Teratocarcinosarcoma (malignant teratoma)

  • Secondary neoplasms

The sinonasal tract is the location for a wide variety of benign and malignant tumors. The more common tumor types are of epithelial origin and include sinonasal (schneiderian) papillomas for benign neoplasms and squamous cell carcinoma and variants thereof for malignant neoplasms. Whether benign or malignant, neoplasms of the sinonasal tract often present with nasal obstruction, which may also be the clinical presentation for nonneoplastic lesions. The presence of pain and/or manifestations of cranial nerve dysfunction is an indicator of a malignancy until proven otherwise. Clinical information is paramount for the pathologist to evaluate any given case.

The epithelium lining the sinonasal tract is capable of differentiating along various cell lines, accounting for the morphologic variety of carcinomas seen to arise from these surfaces.

Squamous cell carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive tract mucosa are divided according to histologic subtype. The most common type of squamous cell carcinoma of the sinonasal tract is the conventional type, including keratinizing and nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinomas. In addition there are a number of variants of conventional squamous carcinoma, including exophytic or papillary squamous carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma, spindle cell squamous carcinoma, basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, and adenosquamous carcinoma that are sufficiently different in their pathologic features, biologic behavior, and therapeutic approach to merit separate discussion.

Carcinomas of the sinonasal tract account for less than 1% of all malignant neoplasms and account for approximately 3% of head and neck malignant neoplasms. When considering the entire sinonasal tract, malignant neoplasms originate (in descending order of occurrence) from maxillary sinus (60%), nasal cavity (20%–30%), ethmoid sinus (10%–15%), and sphenoid and frontal sinuses (1%). When considering the entire paranasal sinuses alone, malignant neoplasms originate (in descending order of occurrence) from maxillary sinus (77%), ethmoid sinus (22%), and sphenoid and frontal sinuses (1%).

The etiology of sinonasal malignant neoplasms has been linked to occupational exposure and viruses. Occupational exposure to wood dust is linked to the development of sinonasal adenocarcinomas, intestinal types, and to a lesser extent squamous cell carcinoma; occupational exposure to nickel refining and chromate pigment manufacture is linked to an increased risk of sinonasal carcinoma. High-risk types of human papillomavirus are well established as major etiologic factors in head and neck carcinomas especially of the oropharynx (see later in this chapter). High-risk types of HPV are an important oncologic agent of certain carcinomas arising in ths sinonasal tract. HPV-associated sinonasal tract carcinomas proved by p16 immunohistochemistry and HPV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) in situ hybridization (ISH) include nonkeratinizing carcinoma in addition to partially keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, papillary squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, and carcinoma with adenoid cysticlike features. Rare examples of other sinonasal carcinoma types in which HPV identified by p16 immunohistochemistry and HPV DNA or RNA ISH include poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (PDNECs) and sinonasal undifferentiatated carcinoma. Whether the presence of HPV in these aggressive sinonasal carcinomas ameliorates their biologic behavior remains uncertain although evidence has shown no ameliorating effect relative to PDNEC. As many as 20% to 27% of sinonasal carcinomas may harbor transcriptionally active high-risk HPV and almost always have nonkeratinizing morphology, which may be associated with a better prognosis. In the sinonasal tract Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with the extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type and may also be present in lymphoepithelial-like carcinoma. Confirmation can be made by in situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr encoded RNA (EBER).

Unlike other upper aerodigetive tract sites, in particular the oral cavity and larynx, isolated premalignant lesions of the sinonasal tract (i.e., high-grade intraepithelial dysplasia and carcinoma in situ) are rarely seen unless associated with another neoplasm. When identified, premaligant lesions are usually seen in association with an invasive squamous cell carcinoma, including but not limited to conventional keratinizing type, nonkeratinizing carcinoma, and basaloid squamous cell carcinoma as well as in association with a carcinoma arising in association with a benign neoplasm (e.g., malignant transformation of sinonasal papilloma).

Although an extremely rare occurrence, high-grade intraepithelial dysplasia in the sinonasal tract can be seen in association with nonneoplastic sinonasal tract lesions such as chronic rhinosinusitis or sinonasal inflammatory polyps. There is no known association between the presence of squamous metaplasia of the sinonasal epithelium and the development of squamous cell carcinoma.

Benign Epithelial and Neuroectodermal Neoplasms

Sinonasal (Schneiderian) Papillomas


These are benign neoplasms of surface epithelial derivation with varying growth patterns composed of multilayered epithelium with mucocytes and transmigrating inflammatory cells. Three morphologically distinct types, collectively referred to as sinonasal (schneiderian) papillomas, are identified and include exophytic (septal), inverted, and oncocytic (cylindrical or columnar cell) types ( Table 4A.1 ).

Sinonasal (Schneiderian) Papillomas: Clinicopathologic Features.
Exophytic Inverted Oncocytic
Percentage 18%–50% 47%–79% 3%–8%
Gender/age M>F; 20–50 yrs M>F; 40–70 yrs M=F; >50 yrs
Location Nasal septum Lateral nasal wall in region of middle turbinates with extension into sinuses (maxillary or ethmoid) Lateral nasal wall and sinuses (maxillary or ethmoid)
Focality Unilateral Typically unilateral; rarely bilateral (up to 10%); bilateral disease should prompt possibility of septal perforation from unilateral disease Unilateral
Histology Papillary fronds composed of a predominantly squamous (epidermoid) epithelium; mucocytes (goblet cells) and intraepithelial mucous cysts are present; delicate fibrovascular cores Endophytic or inverted growth consisting of thickened squamous epithelium composed of squamous, transitional, and columnar cells (all three may be present in a given lesion) with admixed mucocytes (goblet cells) and intraepithelial mucous cysts; mixed chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate characteristically is seen within all layers of the surface epithelium Multilayered epithelial proliferation composed of columnar cells with abundant eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm; outer surface of the epithelial proliferation may demonstrate cilia; intraepithelial mucous cysts, often containing polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Incidence of human papillomavirus Approximately 50% positive; HPV 6 and 11 most common; rarely HPV 16 and 57b Approximately 38% positive; HPV 6 and 11; less frequently HPV 16, 18; rarely HPV 57 Typically absent
Treatment Complete surgical excision Complete surgical excision; may require lateral rhinotomy or medial maxillectomy with en bloc excision Complete surgical excision; may require lateral rhinotomy or medial maxillectomy with en bloc excision
Prognosis Good following complete surgical excision; will recur if incompletely resected Good following complete surgical excision; will recur if incompletely resected Good following complete surgical excision; will recur if incompletely resected
Incidence malignant transformation Rare Approximately 10% (range reported of 2%–27%); most commonly SCC and NKSCC; less common types include VC, MEC, SCSC, adenocarcinoma; synchronous (61%) > metachronous (39%) 4%–17%; most commonly SCC; less common types include MEC, SCUNC, SNUC
HPV, Human papillomavirus; MEC, mucoepidermoid carcinoma; NKSCC, nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma; SCC, (keratinizing) squamous cell carcinoma; SCSC, spindle-cell squamous carcinoma; SCUNC, small cell undifferentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma; SNUC, sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma; VC, verrucous carcinoma.

Clinical Features

Collectively, sinonasal papillomas represent fewer than 5% of all sinonasal tract tumors. The literature indicates that, among sinonasal-type papillomas, the septal papilloma is the most common type. However, practical experience indicates that the inverted type is the most common subtype seen. The oncocytic type is the least common. In general, the sinonasal-type papillomas occur over a wide age range but are rare in children. Inverted papillomas are most common in the fifth to eighth decades; cylindrical papillomas occur in a somewhat older age range (>50 years) and are uncommon in patients younger than the fourth decade of life; septal papillomas tend to occur in a younger age group. The septal papillomas almost invariably are limited to the nasal septum. Inverted papillomas occur along the lateral nasal wall (middle turbinate or ethmoid recesses) with secondary extension into the paranasal sinuses (maxillary and ethmoid, and less often sphenoid and frontal); less frequently, inverted papillomas may originate in a paranasal sinus. Oncocytic papillomas also are most often seen along the lateral nasal wall but may originate within a paranasal sinus (maxillary or ethmoid). The inverted and oncocytic subtypes rarely occur on the nasal septum. Typically, the sinonasal papillomas are unilateral; bilateral papillomas, in particular the inverted subtype, may occur with a reported incidence of up to 10%. In the presence of bilaterality, clinical evaluation to exclude the possibility of extension from unilateral disease (i.e., septal perforation) should be undertaken. Inverted papillomas may occur in a paranasal sinus without involvement of the nasal cavity.

Sinonasal papillomas have a tendency to spread along the mucosa into adjacent areas. Symptoms vary according to site of occurrence and include airway obstruction, epistaxis, an asymptomatic mass, and pain.


Human papillomavirus types 6/11, less often 16/18, and rarely other HPV types (e.g., HPV-57) have been found in septal and inverted papillomas. A meta-analysis of inverted papillomas (760 cases) reported that 38.5% were HPV positive by either in situ hybridization or polymerase chain reaction. The use of p16 expression, an accepted surrogate biomarker for high-risk HPV infection in oropharyngeal carcinoma, is controversial in sinonasal papillomas, but generally it is not considered useful with no correlation between p16 staining and HPV. Whether a cause and effect exists between the presence of HPV and the development of sinonasal papillomas remains to be determined. Molecular biologic analysis of oncocytic papillomas to date has not identified the presence of HPV. No association is found with the development of additional papillomas elsewhere in the upper respiratory tract. Epstein-Barr virus has also been identified in inverted papillomas, possibly implicating EBV in the development of these tumors ; however, other studies failed to confirm the presence of EBV in tumor cells.

Treatment and Prognosis

The treatment for all sinonasal-type papillomas is complete surgical excision, including adjacent uninvolved mucosa. The latter is necessary as growth and extension along the mucosa result from the induction of squamous metaplasia in the adjacent sinonasal mucosa. This group of neoplasms will recur if incompletely resected; recurrence probably represents persistence of disease rather than multicentricity of the neoplasm. In general, prognosis is good after complete surgical excision; however, if left unchecked, these neoplasms have the capability of continued growth with extension along the mucosal surface with destruction of bone and invasion of vital structures.

Complications associated with sinonasal papillomas (inverted and oncocytic types) include recurrence and malignant transformation. The incidence of malignant transformation varies by subtype: Malignant transformation reported for the inverted subtype ranges from 2% to 27% ; for the oncocytic subtype the range is from 4% to 17% ; malignant transformation in septal papilloma rarely if ever occurs. Most malignancies occurring in association with schneiderian papillomas are squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) (keratinizing and nonkeratinizing), varying in appearance from well to poorly differentiated. Less frequently, other carcinomas may occur, including verrucous carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma (nononcocytic, oncocytic), and sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma. The carcinoma may occur synchronously or metachronously with the papilloma; metachronous carcinomas develop with a mean interval of 63 months (range 6 months to 13 years) from the onset of the papilloma to the development of the carcinoma. The carcinomatous foci may be limited or extensive. In one series, the development of metachronous carcinoma in sinonasal papillomas was always preceded by recurrence of the papilloma. There are no reliable histologic features that predict which papillomas are likely to become malignant. Papillomas with increased cellularity, pleomorphism, and increased mitotic activity do not necessarily become malignant. The presence of moderate to severe epithelial dysplasia is a potential indicator of malignant transformation. Similarly, surface keratinization and dyskeratosis have anecdotally been considered as possible predictors of malignant transformation. No correlation exists between the number of recurrences and the development of carcinoma.


Sinonasal Papilloma, Septal Type

Macroscopic Appearance.

Septal papillomas are papillary, exophytic, verrucoid lesions with a pink to tan appearance and a firm to rubbery consistency. They are often attached to the mucosa by a narrow or broad-based stalk.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically papillary fronds are seen, being composed of a thick epithelium that is predominantly squamous (epidermoid) and, less frequently, respiratory type ( Fig. 4A.1 ). Surface keratinization is uncommon. Mucocytes (goblet cells) and intraepithelial mucous cysts are present. The stromal component is composed of delicate fibrovascular cores.

FIG. 4A.1, Sinonasal papilloma, exophytic (septal) type. (A) The tumor has an exophytic and papillary growth protruding from the surface respiratory epithelium and composed of a thickened nonkeratinized squamous (epidermoid) epithelium; note the presence of minor salivary glands in the submucosa indicative of mucosal rather than cutaneous origin. (B) At higher magnification the epithelium is cytomorphologically bland with uniform cells, retention of cellular polarity, absence of cytologic atypia, presence of scattered mucous cysts, and intraepithelial inflammatory cells; residual nonneoplastic ciliated respiratory epithelium is seen along the surface.

Sinonasal Papilloma, Inverted Type

Macrosocpic Appearance.

Inverted papillomas are large, bulky, translucent masses that are red to gray, varying from firm to friable in consistency.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically, these tumors have an endophytic or inverted growth pattern consisting of markedly thickened squamous epithelial proliferation growing downward into the underlying stroma ( Fig. 4A.2 ). The epithelium varies in cellularity and is composed of squamous, transitional, and columnar cells (all three may be present in a given lesion) with admixed mucocytes (goblet cells) and intraepithelial mucous cysts. A mixed chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate characteristically is seen within all layers of the surface epithelium. The cells are generally bland in appearance with uniform nuclei and no piling up. However, pleomorphism and cytologic atypia may be present. The epithelial component may demonstrate extensive clear cell features indicative of abundant glycogen content. Mitotic figures may be seen in the basal and parabasal layers, but atypical mitotic figures are not seen. Surface keratinization may be present. The stromal component varies from myxoid to fibrous with admixed chronic inflammatory cells and variable vascularity.

FIG. 4A.2, Sinonasal papilloma, inverted type. (A) In contrast to the exophytic type, in the inverted type the squamous epithelial cell proliferation grows in downward trajectory into an underlying edematous stroma. (B) Bulbous downward (inverted) growth of benign epithelium taking origin from squamous metaplasia of the normally respiratory epithelial-lined mucosa; an intraepithelial cyst with inflammatory cells is present. (C) At higher magnification the epithelial component is bland with uniform-appearing nuclei and retention of polarity; scattered mucocytes, intraepithelial inflammatory cells, and small cysts (toward top) are present.

Sinonasal Papilloma, Oncocytic Type

Macroscopic Appearance.

Sinonasal papillomas, oncocytic type, are dark red to brown, papillary or polypoid lesions.

Microsocpic Appearance.

Histologically a multilayered epithelial proliferation is seen, composed of columnar cells with abundant eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm ( Fig. 4A.3 ). The nuclei vary from vesicular to hyperchromatic; nucleoli are usually indistinct. The outer surface of the epithelial proliferation may demonstrate cilia. Intraepithelial mucin cysts, often containing polymorphonuclear leukocytes, are seen; cysts are not identified in the submucosa. The stromal component varies from myxoid to fibrous with admixed chronic inflammatory cells and variable vascularity.

FIG. 4A.3, Sinonasal papilloma, oncocytic type. (A) Exophytic epithelial proliferation with readily apparent eosinophilic appearance. (B) At higher magnification the epithelium is multilayered composed of columnar cells with abundant eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm; intraepithelial mucin cysts, some with polymorphonuclear leukocytes, are present. (C) Malignant transformation of an oncocytic type papilloma showing residual benign epithelium (top) with areas of carcinoma in situ (lower) . Invasive keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma was present in this case (not shown) .

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis for septal papillomas includes verruca vulgaris and squamous papilloma. In contrast to all of the sinonasal-type papillomas, squamous papilloma of the nasal vestibule does not have mucocytes as part of the neoplastic proliferation. The differential diagnosis for inverted papillomas includes inflammatory sinonasal polyps, nonkeratinizing respiratory (transitional) carcinoma, and verrucous carcinoma. The differential diagnosis for oncocytic papilloma includes rhinosporidiosis and (low-grade) papillary adenocarcinoma. The differential diagnosis for exophytic (septal) papilloma is primarily with a cutaneous squamous lesion (e.g., papilloma, verruca) arising distal to the limen nasi from cutaneous mucosa.

Squamous Papilloma


These are benign exophytic, papillary, or verrucoid overgrowths of surface epithelium.

Clinical Features

Squamous papillomas represent the most common benign neoplasms of the upper aerodigestive tract mucosa and are commonly seen in the oral cavity and larynx. Less often, squamous papillomas occur in the pharynx and nasal vestibule. Squamous papillomas occur over a wide age range but most commonly in adults; there is no gender predilection.

Treatment and Prognosis

Recurrences occur infrequently and relate to inadequate excision. Malignant transformation does not occur.


Macroscopic Appearance.

Squamous papillomas are exophytic, warty or cauliflower-like tumors ranging in size from a few millimeters up to 3 cm in greatest dimension.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically these tumors are composed of benign squamous epithelium arranged in multiple fingerlike projections with prominent fibrovascular cores. The squamous epithelium is free of any dysplastic change. In general, these tumors lack surface keratin, but in any tumor (hyper)keratosis, as well as parakeratosis and orthokeratosis, may occur. The presence of surface keratin carries no additional risk for the development of carcinoma.

Differential Diagnosis.

The nasal vestibular squamous papillomas are of cutaneous origin. In contrast to the sinonasal-type papillomas, cutaneous squamous papillomas lack intraepithelial mucocytes and submucosal glands.

Benign Minor Salivary Gland Neoplasms

Benign salivary gland tumors of the sinonasal region and nasopharynx are uncommon. In general, minor salivary gland tumors occur most often in the nasal cavity and rarely in the paranasal sinuses. Pleomorphic adenoma is the dominant histologic type seen ; less often, monomorphic adenomas such as myoepithelioma and oncocytoma occur.

Pleomorphic Adenoma (PA)


This is a benign salivary gland tumor comprised of epithelial and myoepithelial cells, and a variable amount of chondromyxoid stroma.

Clinical Features

Pleomorphic adenomas tend to originate along the nasal septum (bony or cartilaginous component) more than any other site. Although these tumors may arise from within the paranasal sinus, more often paranasal sinus involvement occurs as a result of extension from an intranasal lesion.

Treatment and Prognosis

Surgery is usually curative with local recurrence being seen in fewer than 10% of patients. Rarely, malignant transformation may occur (i.e., carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma), characterized by overtly malignant cytomorphology and/or infiltrative growth. The latter may include neurotropism or osseous invasion.


Macroscopic Appearance.

These tumors appear as polypoid or exophytic growths, usually covered by intact mucosa, and vary in size from 1 to 7 cm.

Microscopic Appearance.

As is true of all upper aerodigestive tract minor salivary gland tumors (benign or malignant), the pleomorphic adenomas are unencapsulated. However, in contrast to malignant minor salivary gland tumors, these tumors are relatively circumscribed without invasive growth; involvement of surface epithelium does not constitute invasion. Histologically, these tumors are identical to those of major salivary glands (see Chapter 7 ), including an admixture of ductular or tubular structures, spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells, and a chondromyxoid stroma. A tendency exists for pleomorphic adenomas of the nasal cavity to be cellular, with a predominant myoepithelial component, usually in the form of plasmacytoid (hyaline cell) rather than spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells ( Fig. 4A.4 ).

FIG. 4A.4, Intranasal myoepithelial-predominant pleomorphic adenoma. (A) Submucosal unencapsulated cellular proliferation with associated chondromyxoid stroma. (B) Admixture of glands, chondromyxoid stroma, and prominent plasmacytoid myoepithelial cells; the presence of the ductular structure glands and chondromyxoid stroma allow categorization as a pleomorphic adenoma, myoepithelial predominant, and not as a myoepithelioma, which is better regarded as a monomorphic adenoma. (C) At higher magnification details of the plasmacytoid (hyaline cell) myoepithelial cells are better seen; in addition to cytokeratin staining, myoepithelial cells are immunoreactive for (D) S100 protein (nuclear and cytoplasmic) and (E) p63 (nuclear staining). Calponin, another myoepithelial specific marker, will also be positive (not shown) .

Differential Diagnosis

The diagnosis of PA is usually straightforward. However, in limited tissue sampling with tissue fragmentation that often occurs in initial biopsies of such lesions, differentiation from other salivary gland tumors, including malignant ones, may be problematic especially in cellular PAs. In the absence of features allowing for a definitive diagnosis, a diagnosis of “minor salivary gland neoplasm, not further specified” would be advised with a recommendation for complete resection to include tumor-free margins. A definitive diagnosis should be achievable with the availability of the entire tumor for histologic review.

Given the presence of ductular or tubular structures and chondromyxoid stroma, these tumors would not be considered as myoepitheliomas. Myoepitheliomas represent a monomorphic adenoma showing only a single cell type, the myoepithelial cell. Typically, myoepitheliomas are of the spindle cell type and, rarely, the tumor cells are of the plasmacytoid type. Myoepithelial differentiation can be shown by immunoreactivity for cytokeratin, S100 protein, and smooth muscle actin, as well as more specific markers of myoepithelial differentiation, including p63 and calponin (see Fig. 4A.4 ).

Salivary gland anlage tumor (SGAT), also known as congenital pleomorphic adenoma, is an uncommon benign tumor with mixed epithelial and mesenchymal elements recapitulating in early stages in the embryology of salivary glands between 4 and 8 weeks of gestation and felt to be a hamartomatous lesion. SGATs are most common to males, usually present in the immediate neonatal period or in early infancy (by age 6 weeks) and are often located at or near midline in the nasopharynx. Histologically SGATs are comprised of multiple submucosal solid nodules separated by less cellular stroma and a network of delicate linear and branching small ductlike or glandular structures and nests of solid or cystic squamous epithelium set in a variably fibromyxoid stroma ( Fig. 4A.5 ). The epithelial components are reactive for cytokeratins (pancytokeratins, CK7) and p63 with EMA restricted to tubular structures. The mesenchymal components are reactive for vimentin, cytokeratins (AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, OSCAR), p63, and muscle-specific actin but negative for S100 protein and GFAP. Consistent diffuse and widespread reactivity for salivary gland amylase is present. The proliferation rate (by Ki67 staining) may be as low as 1% or as high as 20% to 30%. Simple excision (polypectomy) is considered curative.

FIG. 4A.5, Salivary gland anlage tumor (SGAT). (A) At low magnification, SGAT is characterized by multiple submucosal solid nodules separated by less cellular stroma and network of delicate linear and branching small ductlike structures and nests of solid or cystic squamous epithelium with variable fibromyxoid stroma. (B) Ductlike structures within cellular stromal nodule composed of round to oval to spindle-shaped nuclei with dispersed nuclear chromatin and eosinophilic cytoplasm with indistinct cell borders.

Benign Neuroendocrine/Neuroectodermal Tumors

Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma (EPA)


This is a benign tumor of pituitary cells arising in upper aerodigestive tract mucosal sites from remnants of Rathke pouch with no continuity/connection with the sella turcica. Pituitary neoplasms originating from the sella turcica may occasionally extend into the sinonasal tract or nasopharynx and appear to present as a primary neoplasm of those regions. Radiographic analysis will identify the lesion as originating from the sella turcica.

Clinical Features

EPAs occur in adults with no sex predilection and present with airway obstruction, chronic sinusitis, visual field defects, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and endocrine manifestations (e.g., Cushing syndrome, hirsutism). The most common ectopic sites of occurrence are the sphenoid sinus followed by the nasopharynx. Other less common sites include the nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus; rarely EPAs that involve the clivus may clinically suggest a diagnosis of chordoma.

Treatment and Prognosis

Complete removal is curative without recurrent or progressive tumor, and with resolution of any endocrinopathy. Rarely, malignant transformation of ectopic pituitary adenoma may occur.


Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically a submucosal epithelioid neoplastic proliferation is seen with solid, organoid, and trabecular growth patterns ( Fig. 4A.6 ). The epithelioid cells have round nuclei with a dispersed chromatin pattern and granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Pleomorphism, necrosis, or mitotic activity is not seen. No evidence is seen of glandular or squamous differentiation.

FIG. 4A.6, Ectopic (sphenoid sinus) pituitary adenoma. (A) The neoplastic infiltrate is submucosal and is composed of an epithelioid neoplastic proliferation with an organoid growth pattern. (B) The epithelioid cells have round nuclei with dispersed chromatin pattern and granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical stains confirmed a pituitary neoplasm.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Immunohistochemical stains show reactivity with neuroendocrine markers (e.g., chromogranin, synaptophysin, CD56), cytokeratins which may include dotlike paranuclear staining, and a variety of pituitary hormones, including growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. Approximately 33% of tumors express a single pituitary marker with prolactin being the most frequently identified; reactivity with two or more hormones, so-called plurihormonal pituitary adenoma, may be seen in 48% of cases. In 19% of cases, there is no reactivity for any pituitary markers (null cell pituitary adenoma). EPAs typically have a low proliferation rate (<5%).

Differential Diagnosis ( Table 4A.2 )

EPAs may be mistaken for olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB), especially ONBs that express cytokeratin. ONBs arise predominantly in the superior aspect of the nasal cavity and rarely originate from the sphenoid sinus, the most common location for EPA. Cytokeratin expression when present in ONBs tends to be limited (i.e., extent and/or intensity); the presence of diffuse and strong cytokeratin staining is unusual in ONB and should prompt consideration for a possible diagnosis of EPA. Carcinoid tumor (well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma) may be confused with EPA but carcinoid tumors of the sinonasal tract are so uncommon as to be considered virtually nonexistent.

Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma (EPA), Olfactory Neuroblastoma (ONB), Carcinoid and Paraganglioma: Comparison of Sites of Occurrence and Immunohistochemical Findings.
EPA ONB Carcinoid Paraganglioma
Location Sphenoid sinus > nasopharynx Roof of nasal cavity (most common) Uncommon in H&N; rarely occurs in SNT Neck, ME; rarely if ever identified in SNT
Cytokeratins Positive, diffuse/strong Negative in majority of cases; may be focally positive Positive, diffuse/strong Negative
NE markers Positive Positive Positive Positive
S100 protein Positive in neoplastic cells but not at periphery of lobules Positive at periphery of lobules (sustentacular cell pattern) as well as in neoplastic cells May be positive in lesional cells but not at periphery of lobules Positive at periphery of lobules (sustentacular cell pattern)
Pituitary markers Positive in majority of cases; may be negative Negative Negative Negative
Calretinin Negative Positive Negative Negative
Ki67 Low Low: grades 1, 2
High: grades 3, 4
Low Low
Cytokeratins: AE1/AE3, CAM5.2, OSCAR.
H&N, Head and neck; ME, middle ear; NE markers, neuroendocrine markers, including synaptophysin, chromogranin, CD56; SNT, sinonasal tract.

Paragangliomas (discussed next) rarely if ever occur in the sinonasal tract. In contrast to EPAs, the chief cells in paraganglioma are typically negative for pituitary hormone markers and cytokeratin, although rare cases of paraganglioma have been reported to be cytokeratin positive. Further, characteristic S100-protein staining is seen along the periphery of the neoplastic lobules in a sustentacular cell pattern of staining, a feature not seen in EPAs.



This is a benign neuroendocrine tumor arising from the neural crest–derived paraganglia of the autonomic nervous sytem.

Extraadrenal paragangliomas are identified throughout the body and classified according to the anatomic site of occurrence. Paragangliomas in the head and neck region include those of carotid body, jugulotympanic, and vagal origin (see Chapter 28 ).

Clinical Features

Paragangliomas may rarely occur in other mucosal sites of the upper aerodigestive tract, including the nasal cavity, where they produce nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis. Approximately 25% of parapharyngeal space tumors are paragangliomas. Parasympathetic paraganglia are found throughout the body and give rise to almost all of the paragangliomas of the upper aerodigestive tract. Most paragangliomas in this location are nonfunctional, although rare cases exist of adrenocorticotropic hormone–producing nasal paraganglioma associated with Cushing syndrome.

Treatment and Prognosis

The prognosis is excellent after complete resection. Although the majority of these tumors are benign and behave in an indolent manner, they may recur locally and be invasive. Rarely, these tumors are malignant. The histology is not predictive of malignant behavior, and malignancy in paraganglioma is determined most reliably by the presence of metastatic disease.


Microscopic Appearance.

Irrespective of the site of origin, the histologic appearance of all extraadrenal paragangliomas is the same. As at other sites, the hallmark histologic feature is the presence of a cell nest or Zellballen pattern. The stroma surrounding and separating the nests is composed of fibrovascular tissue. Paragangliomas are predominantly composed of chief cells, which are round or oval with uniform nuclei, dispersed chromatin pattern, and abundant eosinophilic, granular, or vacuolated cytoplasm. The sustentacular cells are located at the periphery of the cell nests as spindle-shaped, basophilic-appearing cells but are difficult to identify by light microscopy. Cellular and nuclear pleomorphism can be seen, but these features are not indicative of malignancy; mitoses and necrosis are infrequently identified. Paragangliomas lack glandular or alveolar differentiation.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

The immunohistochemical profile of paragangliomas includes insulinoma-associated protein 1 (INSM1), chromogranin, synaptophysin, and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) positivity in the chief cells and S100-protein staining localized to the peripherally located sustentacular cells. Only rare cases have been cytokeratin reactive.



This benign neoplasm of meningothelial cells most often occurs intracranially where it represents from 13% to 18% of all intracranial tumors.

Clinical Features

Meningioma occurring outside the central nervous system is considered ectopic; these meningiomas are divided into those with no identifiable central nervous system connection (primary) and those with central nervous system connection (secondary). The most common sites of occurrence of the ectopic meningiomas of the head and neck region include the middle ear and temporal bone, sinonasal cavity, orbit, oral cavity, and parotid gland. Sinonasal tract meningiomas most often involve the nasal cavity, or a combination of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses ; less frequently, involvement may be isolated to the nasopharynx, frontal sinus, or sphenoid sinus. In the sinonasal cavity, symptoms include nasal obstruction, epistaxis, headache, pain, visual disturbances, and facial deformity. The tumors may erode the bones of the sinuses with involvement of surrounding soft tissues, the orbit, and occasionally the base of the skull.

Treatment and Prognosis

Complete surgical excision may be difficult to achieve, resulting in recurrence; recurrence rates range up to 30%. After the histologic diagnosis, it is essential to exclude spread from a primary intracranial neoplasm.


Macroscopic Appearance.

These tumors appear as a polypoid mass. Often the tumor is curetted out and received as fragments of solid, white tissue. A gritty consistency may be noted.

Microscopic Appearance.

The histology is similar to that of its intracranial counterparts (see Chapter 26 ). Among the histologic subtypes of meningioma, the meningotheliomatous type is the most common in the sinonasal cavity ( Fig. 4A.7 ). Psammoma bodies, typical and numerous in intracranial meningothelial meningiomas, may be seen but are not as common in the ectopically located meningiomas.

FIG. 4A.7, Sinonasal tract (ectopic) meningioma. (A) This submucosal situated cellular proliferation shows a lobular growth pattern with tumor nests separated by a variable amount of fibroconnective tissue and with a whorled arrangement. (B) The neoplastic cells have round to oval nuclei with pale-staining cytoplasm, indistinct cell borders, and characteristic punched-out or empty appearance resulting from intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions; several psammoma bodies are present.

Immunohistochemical Staining

The immunohistochemical profile of meningiomas includes reactivity with epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2A), with absence of cytokeratin or neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin and synaptophysin). Meningiomas may be reactive for p63. Initally, Rushing et al. reported that p63 expression correlated to tumor grade with lower grade meninigomas (World Health Organization [WHO] grade I) lacking expression while higher grade tumors (WHO grades II and III) showed increased expression. These authors posited that p63 expression might correlate to clinical outcome. Subsequently, Mittal et al. reported that a considerable number of WHO grade I meningiomas expressed p63 and that, while p63 expression was significantly associated with higher histologic grade, it was not considered as a sole biomarker to assess aggressive behavior in meningiomas.

Benign Mesenchymal Neoplasms


Aside from the lobular capillary hemangioma, other types of hemangiomas of the sinonasal cavity and nasopharynx are rare. Hemangiomas of the sinonasal tract tend to be mucosally based but also may arise from within the osseous components of this region (intraosseous hemangiomas).

Lobular Capillary Hemangioma (LCH)


This is a benign polypoid form of capillary hemangioma primarily occurring on skin and mucous membranes. LCH is also referred to as pyogenic granuloma, pregnancy tumor, and epulis gravidarum. The term pyogenic granuloma is a misnomer in that this lesion is neither an infectious process nor granulomatous.

Clinical Features.

LCH occurs equally in both sexes. The age range is wide, but these lesions are most commonly seen in the fourth to fifth decades of life and are uncommon under 16 years of age. LCH is most often found in the anterior portion of the nasal septum in an area referred to as Little area or Kiesselbach triangle; the second most common sinonasal location is the turbinates. The most common clinical complaint is epistaxis; an obstructive painless mass may be present.


The pathogenesis remains unclear. A minority of cases may be associated with prior trauma. LCH may occur in association with pregnancy and with oral contraceptive use, suggesting that hormonal factors may be involved. A hormonal role is further supported by the regression of these tumors after parturition. However, in an immunohistochemical study of 21 cases of LCH, Nichols and colleagues did not identify estrogen or progesterone receptors in any of these tumors. The mechanism for the regression of pregnancy-related LCH after parturition remains unclear. Yuan and Lin evaluated the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) in the regression of pregnancy-related LCH. These authors found that the amount of VEGF was high in LCH in pregnancy and almost undetectable after parturition and concluded that a lack of VEGF is associated with apoptosis of endothelial cells and regression of granuloma. They found no role for Ang-2 alone in regression.

Treatment and Prognosis.

The prognosis after excision is excellent. Recurrences are relatively infrequent.


Macroscopic Appearance.

The gross appearance of LCH is a smooth, lobulated, polypoid red mass measuring up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically LCH is characterized by a submucosal vascular proliferation arranged in lobules or clusters composed of central capillaries and smaller ramifying tributaries ( Fig. 4A.8 ). The central capillaries vary in caliber and shape, and in more mature lesions may show a staghorn appearance. The endothelial cell lining may be prominent and may display both endothelial tufting and mitoses. Surrounding and intimately associated with the vascular component are granulation tissue and a mixed chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate. The surface epithelium is often ulcerated with associated necrosis. In longstanding lesions, the lobular pattern is often lost. Increased mitotic activity may be present, but such a finding is not diagnostic for malignancy.

FIG. 4A.8, Sinonasal lobular capillary hemangioma. (A) Submucosal lobular proliferation in which variable sized vascular spaces are present, including some with irregular to staghorn shapes. (B) Surrounding the endothelial-lined irregularly shaped vascular space is a mixed cellular infiltrate, including inflammatory cells and fibroblasts. This combination of findings is diagnostic for lobular capillary hemangioma and contrasts to the diffuse growth pattern and monomorphic cellular proliferation seen in sinonasal glomangiopericytoma.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Diagnosis of LCH and its differentiation from other lesions are usually accomplished by light microscopic evaluation, and immunohistochemical staining is generally not required. However, at times, immunohistochemical staining may be needed in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of LCH. The neoplastic cells are reactive for CD31, CD34, factor VIII–related antigen, ERG, and FLI1. No staining is present for glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1). In contrast to Kaposi sarcoma, staining for human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is negative.

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis of LCH includes sinonasal glomangiopericytoma. In contrast to LCH, in sinonasal glomangiopericytoma there is a diffuse growth pattern comprised of a single (spindle) cell type and the presence of perivascular hyalinization. Infantile hemangiomas are primarily cutaneous lesions of newborns and children that may involve the mucosa of upper aerodigestive tract, including the sinonasal tract, in association with or independent of cutaneous involvement. Sinonasal tract involvement may be confused with LCH.

Histologically infantile hemangiomas are composed of solid masses of small capillaries consisting of plump endothelial cells grouped in defined lobules separated by fibroconnective tissue or by normal intervening tissue. Neural pseudoinvasion is a common feature, and occasional mitotic figures may be present. In contrast to the cells in LCH, the lesional cells in infantile hemangiomas are GLUT-1 positive. Malignant vascular neoplasms may occur in the sinonasal tract, including angiosarcoma and Kaposi sarcoma. Angiosarcomas are characterized by ramifying and interconnecting endothelial-lined vascular channels comprised of cells with nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia, endothelial tufting, increased mitotic activity, and invasive growth. In Kaposi sarcoma, the neoplastic cells are uniformly spindled and immunoreactive for HHV-8, a finding not seen in LCH.

Other Hemangiomas

Cavernous hemangiomas occur less frequently in the upper respiratory tract when compared to capillary hemangioma. In general, cavernous hemangiomas have a similar clinical presentation to capillary hemangiomas but are more often identified in the turbinates, in the lateral nasal wall, or within bone (intraosseous) than in the nasal septum. Similar to cavernous hemangiomas at other sites, those of the sinonasal tract are composed of multiple, variably sized, dilated and thin-walled, endothelial cell–lined vascular spaces. Surgical resection is curative.

(Nasopharyngeal) Angiofibroma


This is a benign neoplasm composed of an admixture of mature vascular and fibrous tissue with locally destructive properties. It is also referred to as juvenile angiofibroma.

Evidence suggests that this tumor does not originate from the nasopharynx, but from a fibrovascular nidus in the posterolateral wall of the nasal cavity and pterygopalatine fossa near the sphenopalatine foramen secondarily extending into the nasopharynx and other adjacent/contiguous anatomic sites. Given the presumed origin in the posterior nasal cavity, use of the designation “nasopharyngeal” is questioned.

Clinical Features

Angiofibroma is a relatively rare neoplasm, accounting for fewer than 1% of all head and neck tumors. This tumor occurs almost exclusively in men, and some believe it is a tumor limited to the male population. Angiofibromas occur over a wide age range but are most common in the second decade. They are uncommon over the age of 25 years. However, these tumors may rarely occur in older ages, thereby negating the use of the designation “juvenile” angiofibroma. The most common clinical complaints are persistent nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Late signs and symptoms include facial swelling or deformity (swelling of the cheek), nasal discharge, proptosis, diplopia, headache, sinusitis, cranial nerve palsies, anosmia, and hearing deficits. Pain is considered an unusual finding. Typically, symptoms have been present for more than 1 year before diagnosis. The site of occurrence is usually the posterolateral portion of the roof of the nasal cavity in the area of the sphenopalatine foramen. Large tumors may extend anteriorly into the nasal cavity, causing nasal obstruction and simulating a primary intranasal or paranasal sinus tumor. Extension posteriorly may fill the nasopharynx and extend into the oropharynx, causing displacement of the soft palate. Extension can occur through the sphenopalatine foramen with involvement of the pterygomaxillary fossa and infratemporal fossa, resulting in facial deformities. Extension into the middle cranial fossa can occur if the tumor involves and destroys the pterygoid process.


As a result of the overwhelming occurrence in men, this tumor is thought to be hormonally driven, being dependent on testosterone and inhibited with estrogen. Androgen receptors have been found in these tumors but not estrogen receptors. A familial predisposition for nasopharyngeal angiofibromas has been suggested in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Patients with FAP have nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 25 times more frequently than an age-matched population. Activating β-catenin mutation without APC gene mutation has been reported in sporadic nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Zhang and colleagues found that expression of β-catenin, c-kit (CD117), and neural growth factor (NGF) was higher and more frequent in stromal cells of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas than those of nasal polyps. In a limited number of patients, consumptive coagulopathy has been found as a complication of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas suggesting that preoperative coagulation studies may be useful in ensuring perioperative hemostasis.

Imaging Findings

Routine radiographs show characteristic bowing of the posterior wall of the maxillary antrum, as well as distortion and posterior displacement of the pterygoid plates (Holman-Miller sign). Arteriographic findings are usually diagnostic and include a tumor with marked vascular hypertrophy and increased number of arteries without beading, dilatation, segmental narrowing, or aneurysmal dilatation. Radiographic staging of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas based on extent of disease has been proposed ( Tables 4A.3 and 4A.4 ).

Sessions Staging of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.
Stage Extent of Disease
IA Tumor limited to posterior nares and/or nasopharyngeal vault; no paranasal sinus extension
IB Same as IA but with extension into one or more paranasal sinuses
IIA Minimal lateral extension through the sphenopalatine foramen, into and including a minimal part of the medialmost part of the pterygomaxillary fossa
IIB Full occupation of pterygomaxillary fossa, displacing the posterior wall of the maxillary antrum forward. Lateral and/or anterior displacement of branches of the maxillary artery. Superior extension may occur, eroding the orbital bones
IIC Extension through the pterygomaxillary fossa into the cheek and temporal fossa
III Intracranial extension

Modified (Radkowski) Staging of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.
Stage Extent of Disease
IA Limited to posterior nares and/or nasopharyngeal vault
IB Tumor involving the posterior nares and/or nasopharyngeal vault with involvement of at least one paranasal sinus
IIA Minimal lateral extension into pterygomaxillary fossa
IIB Full occupation of pterygomaxillary fossa with or without superior erosion orbital bones
IIC Extends into the infratemporal fossa or extension posterior to the pterygoid plates
IIIA Erosion of base of skull (middle cranial fossa/base of pterygoids)—minimal intracranial extension
IIIB Extensive intracranial extension with or without extension into cavernous sinus

Treatment and Prognosis

In uncomplicated cases (with tumor limited to the nasopharynx), surgical excision via a transverse palatal approach is the treatment of choice. Vascular embolization usually precedes surgical intervention to control bleeding. Recurrence rates vary from 6% to as high as 24%. High recurrence rates and early recurrence may occur in nasopharyngeal angiofibromas involving the skull base. Recurrences are more common in cases with intracranial extension. Tumor recurrence in cases without intracranial extension usually occurs within 2 years of treatment. In general, the prognosis is excellent after surgical removal; mortality rates range from 3% to 9%. Rarely, spontaneous regression may occur. Malignant (sarcomatous) transformation is a rare event and has been linked to treatment with radiotherapy (postirradiation sarcoma).


Macroscopic Appearance.

Angiofibromas appear as sessile or lobulated masses but may occasionally be polypoid or pedunculated.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically, angiofibromas are unencapsulated and are characterized by a fibrocollagenous stromal proliferation with an admixture of variably sized vascular spaces ( Fig. 4A.9 ). The vascular component is made up of thin-walled, small to large vessels varying in appearance from stellate or staghorn to barely conspicuous due to marked compression by stromal fibrous tissue. The endothelial cells form a single layer and are flat or plump in appearance. The vessel walls lack elastic fibers and are distinctive in having a smooth muscle layer which may be incomplete or discontinuous and which shows marked variation in thickness. Central areas of the tumor may be relatively hypovascular. The stroma is composed of fibrous tissue with fine or coarse collagen fibers. The stromal cells are spindle shaped and stellate with plump nuclei, and tend to radiate around vessels. Nuclear pleomorphism and multinucleate giant cells may be seen. Mitotic figures are rare. The stroma may be focally myxoid. Mast cells are common; however, other inflammatory cells are absent except near areas of surface ulceration. Tumors of longer duration tend to be more fibrous and less vascular.

FIG. 4A.9, (Nasopharyngeal) angiofibroma. These tumors are composed of a variable admixture of fibrocollagenous stroma with associated spindle- to stellate-shaped cells and variably sized vascular spaces. The vascular component includes thin-walled structures varying in appearance from (A) readily apparent to (B) less conspicuous due to marked compression from the collagenized stroma. Note that the vascular walls have an incomplete or absent smooth muscle layer. The spindle-shaped cells are immunoreactive for (C) nuclear β-catenin and (D) androgen receptor (nuclear).

Immunohistochemical Staining.

The endothelial cells are reactive for CD31, CD34, factor VIII–related antigen, ERG, and FLI1. Smooth muscle actin–positive cells can be found around the circumference of the vascular spaces. The spindle-shaped and stellate stromal cells are reactive for vimentin, nuclear β-catenin, and androgen receptor (nuclear) (see Fig. 4A.9 ). In addition, Hwang and colleagues found the stromal cells to be strongly reactive for testosterone receptors.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis includes sinonasal inflammatory polyps, lobular capillary hemangioma, benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor, solitary fibrous tumor, and extraabdominal (aggressive) fibromatosis. The previous detailed histologic findings, including characteristic vascularity, and immunophenotype should allow for the diagnosis of angiofibroma, differentiating it from these other lesions/tumors.

Solitary Fibrous Tumor


Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a distinctive and ubiquitous fibroblastic type mesenchymal neoplasm with a hemangiopericytoma (HPC)–like vascular pattern that typically is serosal based or a soft tissue proliferation, but that may occur in extrapleural sites, including the upper aerodigestive tract. SFTs include those tumors formerly classified as hemangiopericytoma ; however, sinonasal-type HPC shares more features similar to glomangiopericytoma than to soft tissue HPC and is addressed separately later in this chapter.

Clinical Features

SFTs of the head and neck are rare tumors, most often involving the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Patients with tumors in these sites present with nasal obstruction. Usually the symptoms have been present for an extended time (≥1 year).

Treatment and Prognosis

Complete surgical resection is curative. Recurrence is primarily due to incomplete resection. SFT of the nasopharynx may be more difficult to excise completely. Despite incomplete resection, these tumors are not generally associated with adverse biologic behavior at this anatomic location.


Macroscopic Appearance.

These tumors typically are polypoid.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically (see Chapter 24 ) they are unencapsulated and composed of a variably cellular proliferation of bland spindle-shaped cells lacking any pattern of growth and associated with ropey, keloidal collagen bundles and associated, often branching, thin-walled vascular spaces ( Fig. 4A.10 ).

FIG. 4A.10, Solitary fibrous tumor of the sinonasal tract. (A) This tumor was unencapsulated and is composed of a variably cellular proliferation of bland spindle-shaped cells lacking any pattern of growth with associated ropey collagen or (B) keloidal collagen bundles; cells are immunoreactive for (C) CD34 and (D) STAT6 (nuclear staining).

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Strong staining is present for CD34 and STAT6 (nuclear) (see Fig. 4A.10 ). In addition, staining may be present for β-catenin, bcl-2, and CD99 and there may be focal positivity for smooth muscle actin, but general absence of S100 protein or desmin.

Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics.

NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion is a consistent, recurrent genetic change and defines SFT.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis primarily includes sinonasal HPC (see later discussion). Other tumors that need to be differentiated from SFT include smooth muscle tumors, nerve sheath tumors, and fibrohistiocytic tumors.

Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (Benign Schwannoma and Neurofibroma)


Schwannomas are benign (usually encapsulated) nerve sheath tumors composed of differentiated neoplastic Schwann cells and characterized by a cellular component (Antoni A) and a loose myxoid component (Antoni B) and presence of diffuse S100-protein immunoreactivity. Other terms for this neoplasm include neurilemoma, neurinoma, and conventional schwannoma .

Neurofibromas are well-demarcated but unencapsulated intraneural or diffusely infiltrative extraneural tumors consisting of an admixture of Schwann cells, perineurial cells, and fibroblasts.

Clinical Features

Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors of the head and neck are common, perhaps accounting for as many as 45% of all cases. However, benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors of the sinonasal tract and nasopharynx are uncommon, accounting for fewer than 4%. In this location schwannomas are substantially more common than neurofibromas. Adults are most commonly affected, with no sex predilection. Patients present with symptoms related to nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Nasopharyngeal involvement may result in unilateral serous otitis media. In two of the cases reported by Hasegawa and colleagues, visual disturbances were present because of intracranial extension of the tumor. These tumors may cause pressure erosion of bone. No association with neurofibromatosis is seen.

Treatment and Prognosis

Surgical resection is the treatment of choice and is typically curative.


Microscopic Appearance.

Unlike their soft tissue counterparts, benign schwannomas of the upper aerodigestive tract are unencapsulated ( Fig. 4A.11 ). Aside from this finding, the histologic features are similar to those described for benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors at other sites (see Chapter 27 ).

FIG. 4A.11, Sinonasal benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor (benign schwannoma). (A) The tumor is submucosal, encapsulated, and composed of a bland spindle-shaped cellular proliferation with wavy or buckled appearing nuclei, admixed inflammatory cells, and perivascular hyalinization. (B) Diffuse and intense S100-protein immunoreactivity is present.

Neurofibromas are submucosal, circumscribed tumors composed of spindle-shaped cells with wavy or buckled, hyperchromatic nuclei and indistinct cytoplasm. An associated collagenized and/or myxoid stromal component is present.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Diffuse S100-protein immunoreactivity (cytoplasmic and nuclear pattern) and Sox10 (nuclear) staining is present. Retained expression is present for trimethyl histone (H3K27me3). Cytokeratin, actin, and desmin staining are absent. Proliferation rate (i.e., MIB-1 staining) is low with staining of 1% to 5% of tumor cell nuclei.

In neurofibromas the neoplastic cells are S100-protein positive, but the extent of staining is notably less than that seen in schwannomas.



This is a benign tumor of smooth muscle. In general, leiomyomas are one of the least common mesenchymal tumors in mucosal sites of the head and neck area. Smooth muscle found in association with blood vessels represents the origin for mucosal leiomyomas. Leiomyomas arising from blood vessels are termed vascular leiomyomas .

Clinical Features.

The most frequent sites of occurrence are the skin and oral cavity (lips, tongue, palate). Less often leiomyomas may arise from within the sinonasal cavity, presenting as a painless mass with nasal obstruction. This is a tumor of adults with a peak incidence in the sixth decade of life. Within the sinonasal tract, leiomyomas most often involve the turbinates.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Simple surgical excision is curative.


Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically these tumors are localized to the submucosa, appearing circumscribed and characterized by the presence of interlacing bundles or fascicles of cells composed of blunt-ended or cigar-shaped nuclei with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclear palisading and perinuclear vacuolation may be seen but no significant pleomorphism or mitotic activity. The neoplastic cells are seen in intimate association with vascular spaces. Degenerative changes, including stromal fibrosis and myxoid change, may be present. Hypercellular tumors, referred to as cellular leiomyoma and characterized by an absolute increase in cells but lacking significant pleomorphism, mitotic activity, necrosis, or invasive growth, may be identified. Another suggested category among sinonasal tract smooth muscle tumors is the smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP). STUMP is histologically characterized by increased cellularity, moderate nuclear pleomorphism, and the presence of no more than 4 mitoses per 10 high-power fields (hpf). Locally, infiltrative growth (i.e., into bone) may occur in STUMP.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

The neoplastic cells in leiomyoma and STUMP are immunoreactive with actin (smooth muscle and muscle specific) and desmin; S100-protein reactivity is absent. MIB-1 index for both leiomyoma and STUMP is low (≤5%).



This is a benign mesenchymal tumor with skeletal muscle differentiation.

Adult or fetal types of rhabdomyoma (see Chapter 24 ) rarely occur in the sinonasal tract or nasopharynx. The cellular features of fetal rhabdomyomas show rhabdomyoblasts in various stages of differentiation, including spindle-shaped and strap cells. These findings may be worrisome for a diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS); however, in contrast to RMS, fetal rhabdomyomas tend to be circumscribed and lack nuclear atypia or mitotic activity. Complete surgical excision is usually curative; rare cases may recur.

Sinonasal Myxoma and Fibromyxoma


Myxomas and fibromyxomas are benign neoplasms of uncertain histogenesis with a characteristic histologic appearance often behaving in an aggressive (infiltrating) manner. When a relatively greater amount of collagen is present, the term fibromyxoma (or myxofibroma ) may be used.

Clinical Features.

In the sinonasal tract, these tumors appear to be of osseous derivation. No sex predilection is seen; these tumors occur over a wide age range but are most frequently seen in the second and third decades of life. In general, these are gnathic tumors, the mandible (posterior and condylar regions) being involved more often than the maxilla (zygomatic process and alveolar bone). Extragnathic tumors are uncommon and primarily involve the sinonasal tract; specifically, the maxillary sinus (antrum) is most often involved with secondary extension into the nasal cavity. The presentation usually is as a painless swelling of the affected area. Localization to the jaw bones has led to the belief that these tumors take origin from the primordial odontogenic mesenchyme or from osteogenic embryonic connective tissue. The radiologic appearance is that of a unilocular or multilocular radiolucency with a honeycomb or soap-bubble appearance.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Wide local excision is the treatment of choice. These tumors tend to be slow growing and usually follow a benign course but may have the potential for local destruction after inadequate excision. Metastasis from a presumptive sinonasal myxoma or fibromyxoma should seriously place that diagnosis in doubt and probably indicates a myxoid-type sarcoma (e.g., liposarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, RMS).


Macroscopic Appearance.

Grossly, these are delineated but unencapsulated multinodular, gelatinous-appearing lesions.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically, these tumors show a scant, loosely cellular proliferation consisting of spindle-shaped or stellate-appearing cells embedded in an abundant mucinous stroma ( Fig. 4A.12 ). The nuclei are small and hyperchromatic. Cellular pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and necrosis are absent. The amount of collagenous fibrillary material varies between cases and, depending on the extent, the tumor may be called a fibromyxoma ( Fig. 4A.13 ). The periphery of the tumor appears circumscribed, but local infiltration with replacement of bone can be seen. Vessels are generally sparse.

FIG. 4A.12, Sinonasal myxoma. (A) Submucosal loose cellular proliferation with compressed but identifiable vascularity. (B) The cells are spindle shaped or stellate appearing with uniform small, hyperchromatic nuclei embedded; copious mucinous stroma.

FIG. 4A.13, Sinonasal fibromyxoma. As compared to myxomas the stromal component includes greater collagenous fibrillary material. Cellularity may be increased but still lacks pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and necrosis. The absence of specific immunoreactivity excludes other diagnoses and is required to make the diagnosis of fibromyxoma.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

The neoplastic cells are vimentin positive but are negative for S100 protein, desmin, myogenin (myf4), MUC4, β-catenin, CD34, STAT6, and MDM2.

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis includes dental papillae, nasal inflammatory polyps, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma, other myxoid sarcomas (e.g., myxofibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, RMS), and chondroid tumors.

Benign Fibrohistiocytic Tumors

Benign fibrohistiocytic tumors of the sinonasal tract and pharynx are uncommon and include benign fibrous histiocytoma and variants thereof.

Osseous, Fibroosseous, and Cartilaginous Lesions



Osteomas are benign bone-forming tumors that are almost exclusively identified in the craniofacial skeleton.

Clinical Features

Sinonasal osteomas may be found throughout the sinonasal tract but most commonly involve the frontal and ethmoid sinuses. These tumors are usually asymptomatic and are found only by radiographic studies. Symptoms associated with paranasal sinus osteomas include headaches, facial swelling or deformity, and ocular disturbances. Sinonasal osteomas are more common in men and occur over a wide age range but are most often encountered in the second to fourth decades of life. Sinonasal osteomas usually occur as a single lesion but may be associated with Gardner syndrome, an inherited autosomal dominant trait characterized by intestinal (colorectal) polyposis, soft tissue lesions (fibromatosis, cutaneous epidermoid cysts, lipomas, leiomyomas), and multiple craniofacial osteomas. The radiographic appearance is that of a sharply delineated radiopaque lesion confined to bone or protruding into a sinus.

Treatment and Prognosis

Unless symptomatic, osteomas require no treatment. Complete surgical excision is curative.

Microscopic Appearance

Histologically, osteomas are well circumscribed and composed of dense, mature, predominantly lamellar bone sometimes rimmed by osteoblasts. Interosseous spaces may be composed of fibrous, fibrovascular, or fatty tissue, and hematopoietic elements may be present.

Benign Fibroosseous Lesions

Benign fibroosseous lesions include ossifying fibroma (and variants thereof) and fibrous dysplasia. Fibrous dysplasia is not a neoplastic lesion but is included here as part of the broader category of benign fibroosseous lesions. Given its localization to the sinonasal tract, psammomatoid ossifying fibroma is included in this section. In the head and neck, benign fibroosseous lesions occur most often in relation to gnathic bones (i.e., maxilla and mandible). Ossifying fibroma and fibrous dysplasia may be histologically indistinguishable especially in limited sampling and therefore a definitive diagnosis may not be achievable on morphology alone with the diagnosis resting on the clinical-radiologic-histopathologic correlation.

Ossifying Fibroma (OF)


This is a well-demarcated, slow-growing benign fibroosseous neoplasm composed of fibrocellular tissue admixed with varying amounts of mineralized material (i.e., bone, cementum) of varying appearances. OF is also referred to as cementoossifying fibroma, cementifying fibroma, central intraosseous ossifying fibroma, fibrous osteoma, and osteofibroma.

Clinical Features.

OFs are more common in women and tend to occur in older age groups, being most frequently seen in the third and fourth decades of life, although any age may be affected. A predilection to occur in black women has been reported. Sinonasal tract involvement is generally asymptomatic and is often diagnosed incidentally after radiographic examination. Symptomatic tumors manifest by displacement of teeth or as an expansile mass. Radiologic features include the presence of a well-circumscribed or sharply demarcated lesion with smooth contours.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and the well-circumscribed nature of this lesion allows for relatively easy removal. The prognosis is excellent following complete excision. Recurrences are rare.


Macroscopic Appearance.

Ossifying fibromas appear as tan or gray to white, gritty, and firm, varying in size from 0.5 to 10 cm.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically ossifying fibro­mas are composed of randomly distributed mature (lamellar) bone spicules rimmed by osteoblasts admixed with a fibrous stroma ( Fig. 4A.14 ). Although the osseous component is generally described as mature, the central portions may be woven bone with lamellar bone at the periphery. Complete bone maturation is seldom seen. The fibrous stroma may be densely cellular; mitotic figures are rare to absent. Secondary changes, including hemorrhage, inflammation, and giant cells, may be seen.

FIG. 4A.14, Ossifying fibroma of the paranasal sinuses composed of mature (lamellar) bone spicules rimmed by osteoblasts with an admixed fibrous stroma.

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis of OF is primarily with fibrous dysplasia ( Table 4A.5 ).

Benign Fibroosseous Lesions: Clinicopathologic Comparison.
Gender/age F>M; third to fourth decades F = M; younger age groups (first and second decades), but may occur in older individuals F = M; first two decades of life
Location No specific site of involvement Ethmoid sinus; supraorbital frontal region No specific site of involvement
Focality Single site Single site or involvement of multiple (contiguous) sites/sinuses Monostotic (75%–80%); polyostotic (20%–25%)
Radiology Well-circumscribed or sharply demarcated lesion with smooth contours Lytic or mixed lytic/radiopaque osseous and/or soft tissue mass varying from well-demarcated to invasive with bone erosion Poorly defined expansile osseous lesion with a thin intact cortex; predominantly fibrous lesions are radiolucent; predominantly osseous lesions are radiodense; lesions with an equal admixture of fibrous and osseous components have a ground-glass appearance
Histology Randomly distributed mature (lamellar) bone spicules rimmed by osteoblasts admixed with a fibrous stroma; central portions may be woven bone with lamellar bone at the periphery Bony spicules and distinctive mineralized or calcified psammomatoid bodies or ossicles admixed with a fibrous stroma; psammomatoid bodies
vary from a few in number to a dense population of innumerable spherical bodies; osteoclasts are present within the ossicles, and osteoblasts can be seen along their peripheral aspects; the bony trabeculae vary in appearance and include odd shapes with a curvilinear pattern. The trabeculae are composed of lamellar bone with associated osteoclasts and osteoblastic rimming
Fibrous tissue component is nondescript and of variable cellularity; osseous component includes irregularly shaped trabeculae of osteoid and immature (woven) bone that is poorly oriented with misshapen bony trabeculae with odd geometric patterns including C- or S-shaped configurations; the trabeculae typically lack osteoblastic rimming
Syndromes No known association No known association Albright syndrome (1%–3%)
Treatment Surgical resection Surgical resection Disease may stabilize at puberty and, in children, therapy should be delayed if possible until after puberty; surgical resection indicated in cases with compromise of function, progression of deformity, associated pathologic fracture(s), or the development of a malignancy
Prognosis Excellent Good following complete excision; recurrence(s) often occur due to incomplete excision; may behave in an aggressive manner with local destruction and potential invasion into vital structures Good prognosis; recurrence rates are low, and death due to extension into vital structures rarely occurs
Malignant transformation Not known to occur Not known to occur Malignant transformation (osteosarcoma) occurs in less than 1%
FD, Fibrous dysplasia; OF, ossifying fibroma; POF, psammomatoid ossifying fibroma.

Psammomatoid (Active) Ossifying Fibroma (POF)


This variant of ossifying fibroma typically occurs in the sinonasal tract and potentially may behave aggressively with locally invasive and destructive capabilities.

Synonymous terms include cementifying or cementoossifying fibroma and juvenile active ossifying fibroma .

Clinical Features.

No sex predilection is seen and, although generally occurring in younger age groups (first and second decades), this lesion can occur over a wide age range, including older individuals. Presenting symptoms include facial swelling, nasal obstruction, pain, sinusitis, headache, and proptosis. These lesions may occur in any area of the sinonasal tract but are most frequent in the ethmoid sinus and supraorbital frontal region. A single site or multiple sinuses may be involved; the orbit may also be involved. The radiologic appearance is that of a lytic or mixed lytic and radiopaque osseous and/or soft tissue mass varying from well demarcated to invasive with bone erosion. Ossifying fibroma has been suggested to arise from mesenchyme of the periodontal ligament and, as such, is related to cementifying fibroma and cementoossifying fibroma.

Treatment and Prognosis.

The prognosis is good after complete excision, but if margins are involved recurrences quite often occur and the tumors may behave in an aggressive manner with local destruction and potential invasion into vital structures.


Microscopic Appearance.

The histology is that of a benign fibroosseous proliferation composed of bony spicules and spherules admixed with a fibrous stroma. The most distinctive component is the presence of mineralized or calcified psammomatoid bodies or ossicles ( Fig. 4A.15 ). These ossicles vary from a few in number to a dense population of innumerable spherical bodies. The ossicles are demarcated with a central blue to black appearance surrounded by a pink-appearing rim and with concentric laminations. The ossicles vary from small with a round to oval shape to being larger and irregularly shaped and are present within either the bony trabeculae or the adjacent cellular stroma. Osteoclasts are present within the ossicles, and osteoblasts can be seen along their peripheral aspects. The bony trabeculae vary in appearance and include odd shapes with a curvilinear pattern. The trabeculae are composed of lamellar bone with associated osteoclasts and osteoblastic rimming. Transition zones between the spherical ossicles and bony trabeculae can be seen. The nonosseous component includes a cellular stroma with a fascicular to storiform growth composed of round to polyhedral to spindle-shaped cells with prominent basophilic nuclei and inapparent cytoplasmic borders. Mitotic figures can be seen, but mitotic activity is not prominent. Giant cells can be seen among the psammomatoid ossicles or scattered throughout the nonosseous stromal component. Osteoid formation may be present focally.

FIG. 4A.15, Aggressive psammomatoid ossifying fibroma. This variant of ossifying fibroma is composed of bony spicules and numerous spherules admixed with a fibrous stroma. The most distinctive component is the presence of mineralized or calcified psammomatoid bodies or ossicles.

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis is primarily with ossifying fibroma and fibrous dysplasia (see Table 4A.5 ).

Fibrous Dysplasia (FD)


Fibrous dysplasis is an idiopathic nonneoplastic bone disease characterized by GNASI mutations in which normal medullary bone is replaced by structurally weak fibrous and osseous tissue (see Chapter 25 ). FD may be monostotic (only a single osseous site is involved) or polyostotic (involvement of two or more bones) and polyostotic with endocrinopathy (McCune-Albright syndrome).

Clinical Features.

The majority of patients affected by FD are under 30 years of age, usually in the first two decades of life. Craniofacial symptoms of fibrous dysplasia include painless, asymmetric swelling associated with functional disturbances. In the sinonasal tract, signs and symptoms may include headaches, proptosis, and nasal obstruction. Involvement of the craniofacial or jaw regions occurs in up to 50% of patients with polyostotic lesions and in up to 25% of patients with monostotic lesions. A small percentage (1%–3%) of fibrous dysplasia lesions are associated with Albright syndrome (or McCune-Albright syndrome), characterized by the triad of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, endocrine dysfunction (hyperthyroidism and/or sexual precocity, the latter predominantly identified in female patients), and cutaneous hyperpigmentation. Cherubism is a congenital form of fibrous dysplasia representing an autosomal dominant disease with variable expressivity. It is characterized by lateral swelling of the jaws, and bilateral symmetric involvement is almost pathognomonic. Patients have characteristic upturned appearance of the eyes resulting in a cherubic expression. FD may rarely be associated with soft tissue myxomas referred to as Mazabraud syndrome. These patients are at increased risk for malignant transformation. Association with McCune-Albright syndrome, including overlapping clinical features, may occur.

The radiologic appearance is that of a poorly defined expansile osseous lesion with a thin intact cortex. Predominantly fibrous lesions are radiolucent whereas predominantly osseous lesions are radiodense. Lesions with an equal admixture of fibrous and osseous components have a ground-glass appearance.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Conservative surgical excision is the preferred treatment and is indicated only in cases with compromise of function, progression of deformity, pain, associated pathologic fracture(s), or the development of a malignancy. The disease may stabilize at puberty, and in children therapy should be delayed if possible until after puberty. Such a static biologic behavior is seen in most cases of FD; but with long-term follow-up, FD may have more dynamic behavior. For this reason, patients should be followed carefully over the long term. Recurrence rates are low, and death due to extension into vital structures rarely occurs. Malignant transformation occurs in fewer than 1% of cases and when it occurs is most often as an osteosarcoma. Malignant transformation is rare when FD is not associated with McCune-Albright syndrome.


Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically the fibrous component is nondescript and of variable cellularity. The osseous component includes irregularly shaped trabeculae of osteoid and immature (woven) bone arising within the fibrous stroma—being poorly oriented with misshapen bony trabeculae, increased cellularity, and irregular margins—and forms odd geometric patterns, including C- or S-shaped configurations (so-called Chinese characters) ( Fig. 4A.16 ). The trabeculae typically lack osteoblastic rimming. Multinucleate giant cells, macrophages, increased vascularity, and calcification may be seen.

FIG. 4A.16, Sinonasal fibrous dysplasia includes irregularly shaped immature (woven) bone, typically lacking osteoblastic rimming, with an associated nondescript fibrous tissue component.

Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics.

Guanine nucleotide-binding protein/α-subunit (GNAS) mutations are identified in fibrous dysplasia but are absent in ossifying fibromas, cementoossifying fibromas, cementoossifying dysplasias, and odontogenic myxomas.

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis is primarily with ossifying fibroma (see Table 4A.5 ).



A chondroma is a benign neoplasm of cartilage.

Clinical Features

Chondromas of the sinonasal tract and nasopharynx are rare. The most frequent sites of occurrence include the nasal septum and the nasopharynx. Sinus opacification or a circumscribed radiolucent lesion can be seen by radiographic studies.

Treatment and Prognosis

Surgical excision is curative; recurrences are uncommon.


Macroscopic Appearance.

Sinonasal chondromas appear as a polypoid, firm, smooth-surfaced nodule measuring usually 0.5 to 2 cm and rarely being greater than 3 cm.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically these are lobulated tumors composed of chondrocytes recapitulating the normal histology of cartilage. Cellular pleomorphism, binucleate chondrocytes, or increased mitotic activity is not present.

Odontogenic and Other Tumors



Ameloblastomas are locally aggressive jaw tumors with a high propensity for recurrence that are thought to arise from remnants of odontogenic epithelium, lining of odontogenic cysts, and the basal layer of the overlying oral mucosa (see Chapter 6 ). Suggested sources for the odontogenic epithelium include cell rests of the dental lamina, a developing enamel organ, the lining of an odontogenic cyst, basal cells of oral mucosa, or heterotopic embryonic organ epithelium. Ameloblastomas can occur in either the maxilla or mandible at almost any age but are most frequently discovered as a painless expansion in the mandible of patients in their third to fifth decades.

Primary Sinonasal Ameloblastoma.

Sinonasal tract involvement is uncommon and usually occurs by secondary extension from the maxilla. However, true primary sinonasal ameloblastomas without connection to gnathic sites uncommonly occur. Schafer and colleagues reported a series of 24 primary sinonasal ameloblastomas. In their series a decidedly male preponderance of 3.8 : 1 was seen, with a mean age at presentation of 59.7 years (approximately 15–25 years later than in patients with ameloblastoma occurring within the jaws). The patients usually presented with a mass lesion and nasal obstruction. Sites of involvement included the nasal cavity only, the paranasal sinuses only, or both the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses.

In contrast to the characteristic multilocular and radiolucent presentation of ameloblastomas within the jaws, sinonasal ameloblastomas are described radiographically as solid masses or opacifications. Bone destruction, erosion, and remodeling (remnant of bony shell delimiting the lesion as it grew) may be present.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Surgical excision is the treatment of choice in all cases, but the type and extent of surgery vary. Schafer and colleagues reported a 22% recurrence rate. Recurrence of the tumor was generally within 1 to 2 years of the initial procedure, but in one of their patients the recurrence was 13 years after initial surgery. Overall treatment success correlated most positively with complete surgical eradication when performed in conjunction with thoroughly detailed radiographic imaging. No tumor deaths, metastases, or malignant transformation has been reported.


Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically sinonasal ame­loblastomas are similar in appearance to their gnathic counterparts (see Chapter 6 ). The plexiform pattern, composed of a network of long anastomosing cords of odontogenic epithelium, represents the predominant histologic pattern ( Fig. 4A.17 ). The stellate reticulum-like component associated with other patterns of ameloblastoma is often less conspicuous in the plexiform histologic type. The acanthomatous pattern, characterized by squamous metaplasia and keratin formation in the central portions of the epithelial islands, can also be seen but is usually limited.

FIG. 4A.17, Sinonasal ameloblastoma. (A) The tumor was unencapsulated and is composed of proliferating nests or islands of odontogenic epithelium, including central area of loosely arranged cells similar to the stellate reticulum of the enamel organ and a peripheral area of palisading columnar or cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic small nuclei oriented away from the basement membrane (reverse polarity). (B) Acanthomatous changes can be seen, as a focal finding or a dominant finding in any given tumor. (C) Ameloblastomatous proliferation is arising in direct continuity with the intact sinonasal surface mucosal epithelium. This finding in the face of an isolated sinonasal mass without continuity with gnathic sites supports the histogenesis of these sinonasal tumors from totipotential cells of the sinonasal mucosal epithelium.

Other histologic types include follicular (solid and cystic), basaloid, and granular cell, the latter characterized by cells with brightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. These histologic subtypes can be found independently or within the same tumor. The ameloblastomatous proliferation can be seen arising in direct continuity with the intact sinonasal surface mucosal epithelium. The latter finding in conjunction with the absence of continuity with gnathic sites supports the histogenesis of these sinonasal tumors from totipotential cells of the sinonasal mucosal epithelium.

Differential Diagnosis.

Given their unusual localization to the sinonasal tract, the diagnosis of sinonasal ameloblastoma may be overlooked and may be confused with a variety of basaloid neoplasms, including sinonasal nonkeratinizing carcinoma, basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma, HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma, and craniopharyngioma. Attention to the characteristic central stellate reticulum and peripheral columnar-appearing cells with associated reverse polarity should be diagnostic.



This is a rare benign epithelial tumor of the sellar region presumably derived from Rathke pouch epithelium. Craniopharyngioma is considered to be a WHO grade I neoplasm. Two clinicopathologic forms are identified: adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma and papillary craniopharyngioma, with the former being more common in extrasellar sites.

Clinical Features.

Craniopharyngiomas arise from Rathke pouch in the area of the pituitary gland (sella turcica) or along the developmental tract leading to Rathke pouch and the pituitary gland. Extrasellar craniopharyngiomas may occur in the sinonasal tract or nasopharynx, either by direct extension from a sellar tumor or independent of sellar involvement. The nasopharnx represents the most common purely extrasellar location. Symptoms include nasal obstruction, epistaxis, headache, and impaired vision. Most patients are in the first decade of life.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice and generally is curative. Incomplete excision may be associated with long-term morbidity and recurrence.


Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically craniopharyngiomas are epithelial neoplasms composed of centrally situated stellate cells with small nuclei and clear cytoplasm surrounded by a row of basaloid-appearing columnar cells with polarized nuclei in a palisaded arrangement. Degenerative necrobiotic changes, such as ghost cells and calcification, can be identified in the tumor. These features closely resemble the appearance of gnathic ameloblastomas.

Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics.

A molecular hallmark of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma is the presence of the activated Wnt signaling pathway indicated by nuclear β-catenin accumulation in a subset of tumor cells. β-catenin nuclear translocation may occur in the absence of CTNNB1 mutations suggesting that other genetic or epigenetic events can activate Wnt signaling in adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma.

Differential Diagnosis.

Histologic similarities exist between ameloblastoma and craniopharyngioma. However, the clinical features of craniopharyngiomas markedly contrast with those of sinonasal tract ameloblastomas so that the lesions should be readily separable.

Benign Teratoma


This tumor is composed of a variety of mature tissues derived from two or three germ cell layers, and foreign to the site of occurrence.

Clinical Features.

Teratomas in the upper aerodigestive tract mucosal areas are rare neoplasms, accounting for fewer than 2% of all teratomas. No sex predilection is seen. Teratomas may be seen in the adult population, but the majority occur in newborns or infants, and these lesions are rarely seen over the age of 1 year (cervical teratoma) and 2 years (nasopharyngeal teratoma). The most common location for teratomas within the upper aerodigestive tract mucosa is the nasopharynx; other less commonly involved sites include the oral cavity (tonsil, tongue, palate), sinonasal cavity, and the ear and temporal bone. Nasopharyngeal teratoma presents as a mass protruding into the oral cavity or pharynx causing associated dysphagia and/or airway obstruction. Teratomas may be associated with maternal hydramnios and stillbirth. In contrast to teratomas occurring in the pediatric population, teratomas of the head and neck in adults occur much less frequently, but a much larger percentage of such tumors will be malignant.

Treatment and Prognosis.

Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Morbidity may be high because of the size and location of the tumors. Mortality rates are low if surgical intervention is initiated early; however, death may ensue in inadequately treated cases and is usually caused by complications of respiratory obstruction. Nasopharyngeal teratomas may extend intracranially. In the pediatric age group, malignant transformation (or behavior) of a head and neck teratoma has not been reported.


Macroscopic Appearance.

Teratomas are encapsulated cystic, solid, or multiloculated, measuring from 5 to 17 cm in diameter.

Microscopic Appearance.

The histologic composition of teratomas includes tissues arising from all three germ layers, including epithelia (keratinizing squamous, columnar, ciliated respiratory, or gastrointestinal-type epithelium), cutaneous adnexa, minor salivary glands, neuroectodermal and central nervous system tissue, cartilage, bone, fat, and smooth muscle. Epithelial-lined cystic spaces are prominent. Immature or embryonal tissue components can be identified throughout the tumor but are not of any prognostic significance. In nasopharyngeal teratomas, neuroectodermal and neural tissue components predominate. Necrosis and hemorrhage may be seen. In adults with malignant teratomas a prominent neural component exists, associated with poorly differentiated carcinoma and/or sarcoma (see later section Sinonasal Malignant Teratoma ).

Differential Diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis of nasopharyngeal teratoma includes the nasopharyngeal dermoid (so-called hairy polyp). Nasopharyngeal dermoid is a developmental (congenital) anomaly predominantly comprised of skin (ectodermal dervied) but also may include well-formed cartilage (mesodermal derived); the absence of endodermal-derived structures and the presence of limited heterogeneity of tissue types argue against inclusion as a teratoma. The fact that these lesions contain skin, a tissue type not normally found in the nasopharynx, suggests that these lesions may be better classified as a choristoma rather than a hamartoma, and possibly of first branchial arch origin. However, some authors have argued that these lesions are best classified as a subset of benign teratoma.

Borderline Soft Tissue Tumors

Sinonasal Glomangiopericytoma


This sinonasal tumor shows perivascular myoid differentiation typically with an indolent biologic behavior. Also referred to as sinonasal-type hemangiopericytoma, hemangiopericytoma-like sinonasal tumor, and sinonasal glomus tumor.

The classification of this sinonasal tumor has evolved and continues to evolve from its designation for the last several decades as sinonasal hemangiopericytoma-like tumor reflecting the uncertainty of its relationship to soft tissue hemangiopericytoma to the more current suggested designation of sinonasal glomangiopericytoma reflecting a perivascular myoid differentiation. The current classification of soft tissue hemangiopericytoma incorporates it within the spectrum solitary fibrous tumor based on the presence of NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion and STAT6 immunoreactivity. Studies to date have shown that sinonasal glomangiopericytoma/hemangiopericytoma are negative for NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion and/or STAT6 immunoreactivity precluding classification within the spectrum of SFT and soft tissue hemangiopericytoma. Genetic abnormalities seen in association with glomus tumor include miR143-NOTCH fusions and GLI1 . Based on the genetic studies in the literature, including the absence of NAB2-STAT6 and the presence of miR143-NOTCH fusions, it would appear that the sinonasal glomangiopericytoma does not merit classification within the spectrum of SFT/soft tissue hemangiopericytoma but does merit the designation sinonasal glomangiopericytoma as used in the current WHO classification of head and neck tumors. Furthermore, these tumors are known to harbor CTNNB-1 (beta-catenin) gene mutations.

Clinical Features

Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma (SG) accounts for less than 0.5% of all sinonasal tract tumors. There is no sex predilection; it occurs over a wide age range but is most commonly seen in the sixth to seventh decades of life. SG typically presents as a unilateral nasal mass with obstruction and epistaxis. Extension into adjacent paranasal sinuses may occur, but isolated involvement of a paranasal sinus is uncommon. The radiologic appearance of sinonasal-type HPC is usually opacification of the involved sinus. Bone erosion due to pressure may be seen. Arteriographic findings reveal a richly vascular neoplasm. No known etiologic factors exist.

Treatment and Prognosis

Surgery is the treatment of choice. SGs are considered radioresistant neoplasms. SGs are indolent-behaving tumors with overall 5-year survival rates of greater than 90%. Local recurrence may occur in as many as 40% of cases and is likely due to inadequate surgical excision. Eichorn et al. and El-Naggar et al. report that recurrence of SG can be anticipated over extended follow-up periods (one to two decades). Aggressively behaving SGs are uncommon and include tumors that are locally destructive or are metastatic. Findings potentially linked to aggressive behavior include large tumor size (>5 cm), marked nuclear pleomorphism, increased mitotic activity (>4 mitoses per 10 hpf), necrosis, invasive growth (e.g., bone), and a proliferation index of greater than 10%, but some of these lesions may have been SFTs. Metastatic tumor occurs to regional lymph nodes and lung and is usually preceded by recurrent tumor, but predicting the biologic behavior is difficult (see Chapter 3 ).


Macroscopic Appearance.

The gross appearance is that of a red to tan-gray, soft to firm polypoid mass of varying size.

Microscopic Appearance.

Histologically SG is a submucosal, circumscribed but unencapsulated cellular tumor. In contrast to LCH, SG has a diffuse growth pattern and is composed of a single cell type distributed around endothelial-lined vascular spaces ( Fig. 4A.18 ). The tumor cells are usually arrayed in short fascicles and less often may show storiform, whorled, or even palisaded growth patterns. The tumor cells are usually uniform with round to oval nuclei, vesicular to hyperchromatic-appearing chromatin, and indistinct eosinophilic cytoplasm; occasionally, spindle-shaped cells are seen (see Fig. 4A.18 ). Mild nuclear pleomorphism and an occasional mitotic figure can be seen, but typically no marked increase occurs in mitotic activity, and atypical mitoses are not present. Necrosis is not usually found. The vascular channels range from capillary size to large sinusoidal spaces that may have a staghorn configuration. A characteristic but not pathognomonic feature is the presence of perivascular hyalinization (see Fig. 4A.18 ). The cellular proliferation may compress and obscure blood vessels of smaller size. Extravasated erythrocytes are often identified. An inflammatory component, usually including mast cells but also eosinophils, is present scattered throughout the tumor. Multinucleate (tumor) giant cells can be seen in a minority of cases. Fibrosis or a myxoid stroma may be seen, especially in tumors with degenerative change. Heterologous metaplastic elements, including bone and cartilage, may occasionally be seen.

FIG. 4A.18, Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma. (A) The tumor characteristically is submucosal without involvement of the surface epithelium and is cellular, diffuse in its growth, and well vascularized. The neoplastic cells are tightly packed with hyperchromatic nuclei and are situated in and around endothelial-lined vascular spaces; the latter appear dilated and irregularly shaped but there is no intercommunication of the vascular channels. (B) A characteristic finding relative to the vascular spaces is the presence of perivascular (peritheliomatous) hyalinization that in conjunction with the cytomorphology assists in recognizing this tumor.

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Neoplastic cells of SG typically are immunoreactive for vimentin and actins (smooth muscle actin more than muscle-specific actin), as well as for β-catenin (nuclear) and factor XIIIa. a

a References .

Variably reactivity may sometimes be seen for S100 protein. SGs typically are negative for CD34, but any CD34 staining tends to be limited in extent. No immunoreactivity is present with STAT6, cytokeratins, vascular endothelial markers (factor VIII–related antigen, CD31, others), desmin, NSE, CD68, bcl-2, CD99, CD117 (c-kit), and TLE1.

Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology.

There is absence of NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion, presence of miR143-NOTCH fusions, and presence of β-catenin mutation.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis includes LCH, angiofibroma, solitary fibrous tumor, smooth muscle tumors (leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma), and synovial sarcoma. In contrast to solitary fibrous tumor, SG lacks the presence of ropey keloidal-appearing collagen or amianthoid fibers, diffuse and strong CD34, and STAT6 reactivity. Both tumor types show the presence of β-catenin (nuclear) staining.



Fibromatosis is a locally infiltrative or aggressive, nonmetastasizing, (myo)fibroblastic neoplasm. Synonyms include aggressive fibromatosis and extraabdominal desmoid, desmoid-type fibromatosis .

Clinical Features

Involvement of the head and neck region occurs primarily in the soft tissues of the neck. Excluding the neck, the common sites of occurrence are the sinonasal tract, nasopharynx, tongue, and oral cavity. From 10% to 15% of cases occur in the head and neck. In children, up to 30% of cases occur in the head and neck. In the sinonasal tract, the maxillary sinus is the most common site. Symptoms vary according to site. In the sinonasal tract and pharynx, the clinical presentation includes a painless enlarging mass or nasal obstruction. With progression of disease, other symptoms, including epistaxis, facial deformity, proptosis, and dysphagia, may occur.


There is an association with Gardner syndrome (familial colorectal polyposis), including familial adenomatous polyposis. Gardner syndrome is characterized by the presence of intestinal polyposis, bone tumors (osteomas), and soft tissue tumors. Aside from fibromatoses, the soft tissue tumors include epidermoid cysts and lipomas. The majority of fibromatosis associated with Gardner syndrome occur intraabdominally.

Treatment and Prognosis

These lesions present difficulties in management because of insinuation of the lesion into adjacent structures without clear demarcation, making complete excision difficult. This may potentially predispose to reoccurrence, which usually occurs within the first few years after surgery. Radiotherapy has been used with some success in patients with residual tumor and/or recurrent disease. Hormonal therapy has been used with varying results. More recently, receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition as well as imatinib and sorafenib have been used with varying efficacy in treatment of primary and recurrent disease. Death due to uncontrolled local disease is an extraordinary occurrence. Spontaneous regression of the lesion may occur but is also rare. In extremely rare cases, transformation to an overt malignancy (fibrosarcoma) has been reported and likely relates to prior radiation therapy.


The gross and histologic appearances are the same as those in fibromatoses at more common locations (see Chapter 24 ).

Immunohistochemical Staining.

Lesional cells are reactive for nuclear beta-catenin (in 70%–75% of cases), actins, and occasionally desmin.

Cytogenetic and Molecular Biology.

Germline mutations of the APC gene are primarily identified in the setting of Gardner-type familial adenomatous polyposis, whereas mutations of the β-catenin gene ( CTNNB1 ) are identified in as many as 85% of sporadic cases, resulting in immunohistochemically demonstrable overexpression of the protein in nuclei.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis primarily includes reactive fibrosis and fibrosarcoma. In contrast to fibrosarcoma, fibromatoses lack a herringbone growth pattern, hypercellularity, and increased mitotic rate. Other differential diagnostic considerations include peripheral nerve sheath tumors, myxoma and fibromyxoma, solitary fibrous tumor, myofibromatosis, nodular fasciitis, fibroosseous lesions, and myofibroblastic tumors (inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma).

Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms

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