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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Injuries kill 5 million people each year, and trauma is responsible for nearly 1 in 10 deaths worldwide. It is also the leading cause of death between 15 and 29 years of age. For survivors of severe injury, resulting morbidity has a major impact on healthcare resources. Trauma is a global epidemic and places an additional burden on family members and society, as it is often a disease of the young and economically productive. Most early preventable deaths following trauma occur as a result of failure to recognise and treat haemorrhage.
The term ‘golden hour’ was coined by R. Adams Cowley, a US Army surgeon, to describe the period immediately after major injury during which prompt and coordinated care within a trauma system could save lives. In 1975 he stated, ‘the first hour after injury will largely determine a critically injured person’s chances for survival’. While there is no evidence to support a strictly defined period of 60 minutes from injury to definitive care, it remains a useful concept to reinforce the time-critical nature of many severe injuries and the necessity to rapidly treat exsanguination and avoid early, preventable death.
An analogous concept, the ‘platinum 10 minutes’, focuses on significantly limiting scene times by the prehospital team. The absolute priority is to address immediately life-threatening physiology, followed by rapid transport to definitive care. This ‘scoop and run’ approach includes airway and breathing assessment and control, circulatory support and temporisation of massive bleeding, rather than the ‘stay and play’ philosophy which often results in futile attempts at on-scene ‘stabilisation’ in the face of rapidly deteriorating physiology.
In the past, death following major injury was classically described as having a trimodal distribution; due to advancements in trauma systems and critical care, death following trauma now has a more bimodal distribution. Immediate deaths occur within seconds to minutes after injury. They are usually the result of catastrophic injury to the brain or high spinal cord, or exsanguination due to disruption of the great vessels. These deaths are generally considered unrevivable. Strategies to impact on this cohort focus on effective prevention policies such as seat-belt legislation, speed limits, automobile structural improvements and gun control. Early deaths occur within minutes to hours after injury. They are often the consequence of potentially survivable shock physiology including tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade and massive haemorrhage from thoracic or abdominal vascular injury. Trauma systems, which limit time from injury to definitive care through rapid transport, assessment and intervention, dramatically improve survival and reduce subsequent morbidity in this cohort. Late deaths were historically described to occur days to weeks after injury as a result of multiorgan failure or sepsis. Early optimal management, including appropriate and aggressive resuscitation, and improved techniques for managing and supporting critically injured patients have helped reduce this peak.
The introduction and development of trauma systems has had a profound effect on the cause, and therefore timing, of death following injury. Improvements in prehospital care, resuscitation, trauma surgery strategies and critical care have changed the epidemiology of trauma deaths to a new, predominantly bimodal, distribution. The first peak (immediate deaths) is not impacted by these developments. The second peak (early deaths) has been reduced in magnitude through rapid and effective care. The third peak (late deaths) no longer form a cluster as originally described; while they still occur, they result most often from a determination of futility or a survival so compromised that it is inconsistent with patient and family wishes.
Trauma is a global epidemic and the leading cause of death in the young
The ‘golden hour’ emphasises the time-dependent nature of managing major injury
The ‘platinum 10 minutes’ emphasises the ‘scoop and run’ approach to prehospital care
Trauma systems have changed the classic trimodal distribution of deaths to a bimodal model
Trauma is characterised by structural alteration or physiologic imbalance as a result of energy transfer from an external agent to the host. The mechanism of injury may be broadly subdivided into blunt, penetrating and miscellaneous trauma. This distinction is critical for several reasons. Firstly, the anatomic and physiologic consequences of different mechanisms of injury to a given body region or organ system vary significantly. Secondly, the investigation and management of these injuries is largely determined by injury mechanism. Thirdly, injury patterns and associations are determined largely by the mechanism of injury.
Blunt trauma occurs as a direct result of crushing or shearing forces. Crushing mechanisms involve one or more of three specific phases of energy transfer: direct impact between object and patient (e.g., striking the patient with a motor vehicle), impact between patient and surrounding environment (e.g., contact with the road surface after a motor vehicle versus pedestrian collision) and contact between internal organs and supporting structures (e.g., brain striking the skull). Crush impact mechanisms cause injury through the transfer of force directly to tissue, causing disruption of cellular membranes, haemorrhage and oedema.
Shearing mechanisms are typically due to deceleration forces that cause injury at the junction between the mobile portion of an organ and an adjacent fixed portion (e.g., the relatively mobile descending thoracic aorta shears at the relatively fixed ligamentum arteriosum). Shear mechanisms cause injury from torque forces leading to the tearing of tissue and disruption of anatomic architecture, resulting in disruption of cellular membranes, haemorrhage and oedema. Frequently, high-velocity blunt trauma results in a combination of both crushing and shearing forces being applied to the body.
Mechanisms of injury resulting in blunt trauma include:
motor vehicle collision
pedestrian struck by motor vehicle
bicycle crash
falls from a height or from ground level
interpersonal assault
Penetrating trauma occurs when an object transfers energy to the tissue by passing through it. Although wounding objects do not always follow a straight trajectory, penetrating injuries are usually more predictable than blunt force mechanisms in terms of the extent of injury and causation of the resulting physiology. Penetrating injuries include stab wounds from a sharp implement (most commonly a knife), impalement and gunshot wounds.
Stab wounds and impalement are typically low-velocity injuries, and the injuries produced are centred around the trajectory of the offending object. Following the tract of penetration usually suffices to understand the organs that have been injured.
Ballistic injuries, such as from a gunshot wound, are much more complex, and a basic understanding of ballistics is helpful in managing such injuries. The biomechanics of wounding are based on two factors: firstly, the kinetic energy of the projectile, and secondly, the elasticity and density of the target tissue. Kinetic energy is in turn a function of projectile mass and velocity. Most civilian gunshot wounds are inflicted by low-velocity weapons (< 500 m/s). In contrast, military assault weapons are high velocity (> 1000 m/s) and result in devastating injury.
The clinical relevance of this distinction is in the energy transfer and consequent tissue damage. Low-velocity weapons produce a permanent cavity (e.g., a bullet tract or stab wound) as it passes through tissue, creating relatively localized damage. In addition to local damage, however, high-velocity weapons also produce a large concussive force created from the blast effect as the missile travels through tissues at high speeds. This results in extensive tissue damage at some distance from the permanent cavity through shearing forces as a result of rapid tissue displacement and recoil.
Blast injury as result of detonated explosives causes injury through several mechanisms:
penetrating injury from fragments
tissue disruption from shock waves
evisceration and burns
traumatic amputation
Burn trauma is a leading cause of accidental death, and mechanisms include:
thermal injury
chemical burns
electrical burns
Drownings, hangings and poisoning are often considered within the global ‘trauma’ category but typically do not require surgical assessment or intervention as part of the initial trauma evaluation. The first two mechanisms may require imaging of the cervical spine to assess for injury.
Trauma is broadly divided by mechanism into blunt and penetrating injury
Blunt trauma is frequently caused by motor vehicle collision, falls and assaults
Penetrating trauma is frequently caused by stab wounds or gunshot wounds
The mechanism of injury plays an important role in determining investigation and management
Injury severity assessments have three specific applications: triaging of patients to establish priorities for management and treatment, prognostic assessments to predict injury outcomes and manage expectations, and for research purposes to compare groups on injury outcomes and treatment effects.
Initial assessments of injury severity rely on rapid, clinically based evaluations of the extent of injury. They are based on patient physiology, anatomic data or, preferably, both. In field triage, injury mechanism is also a major consideration even in the absence of physiologic abnormalities. All triage aims to prioritise care and expedite transport to the most appropriate level of care or facility. Undertriaging occurs when an injured patient is taken to a facility without adequate resources. Overtriage occurs when the less severely injured patient is taken to a high-level trauma centre, bypassing a closer and adequate facility.
Injury severity scores are primarily used in clinical and health services research to allow comparison of variably injured patients across space and time, and attempt to provide a degree of reproducible objectivity to complex injury patterns and diverse populations. Injury severity scores attempt to predict the risk of morbidity and mortality for individual patients. They may be used to stratify patient cohorts when planning resource allocation or inclusion into clinical studies, and they are a useful benchmark to analyse outcome and performance improvement strategies within a facility or across a health system.
All trauma scoring systems have limitations and are influenced by incomplete or inaccurate data. They are not absolute predictors of outcome, and some can only be applied retrospectively when detailed information is available for all injuries. Scoring systems should be regarded as broad estimates of likely outcome rather than definitive values on which to base critical decisions. They should be used as an adjunct to clinical experience, pattern recognition and protocol-driven care.
The GCS, described in 1974 by Teasdale and Jennett, is the most commonly used method of evaluating level of conscious. It ranges from 3 (completely unresponsive) to 15 (completely alert and appropriate) and is based on the best response in each of three categories of eye opening (1–4 points), verbal response (1–5 points), and motor response (1–6 points). It is important to note that the score must be described in component parts, e.g., E3 V3 M5 and not simply GCS of 11 (see Table 9.1 ).
Eye opening | Score (E) |
Spontaneous | 4 |
To voice | 3 |
To pain | 2 |
None | 1 |
Verbal response | Score (V) |
Orientated | 5 |
Confused | 4 |
Inappropriate words | 3 |
Incomprehensible sounds | 2 |
None | 1 |
Motor response | Score (M) |
Obeys commands | 6 |
Localises pain | 5 |
Withdraws from pain | 4 |
Flexion to pain | 3 |
Extension to pain | 2 |
None | 1 |
The RTS incorporates the GCS, systolic blood pressure and respiratory rate with a coded value applied to each of these categories (see Table 9.2 ). The score ranges from 0 to 12, with higher scores predicting better outcome. It is more accurate in predicting outcome in the hospital than in the field.
GCS score | Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | Respiratory rate (breaths/min) | Coded value |
13–15 | > 89 | 10–29 | 4 |
9–12 | 76–89 | > 29 | 3 |
6–8 | 50–75 | 6–9 | 2 |
4–5 | 1–49 | 1–5 | 1 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Anatomic scores define injury severity within each body region either individually or collectively. The most commonly used scores are the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), which quantifies injury within distinct anatomic areas, and the Injury Severity Score (ISS), which is in turn a function of multiples of the AIS. These scores can only be applied when the full extent of injury is known and are therefore retrospective tools with which to evaluate processes of care and to gather epidemiologic information.
The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) is an anatomically based scoring system that classifies injury severity for each of nine body regions (head, face, neck, thorax, abdomen, spine, upper extremities, lower extremities and external). Each injury is assigned an AIS score on a 6-point scale (1 = minor injury, 6 = maximum, possibly lethal injury). AIS is the system used to determine the Injury Severity Score (ISS) of the multiply injured patient.
The ISS summarises multiple anatomic injuries in a single patient across six body regions: head and neck, face, chest, abdominal and pelvic contents, extremities and pelvic girdle, and external. It is calculated as the sum of the squares of the three highest AIS scores in each of the three most severely injured ISS body regions. For example, an abdominal AIS of 3, chest AIS of 2 and extremity AIS of 3 would give an ISS of 9 + 4 + 9 = 22. The ISS is a useful predictor of mortality but does not take into account the impact of injuries without the three most severely injured regions. By convention, an ISS of ≥15 is considered severe trauma.
TRISS is a combination anatomic and physiologic score using RTS, ISS and age. It allows calculation of probability of survival for an individual patient. This helps to benchmark care of one facility against others and allows early detection of deviation in outcome for a given injury severity. It is particularly useful in identifying unexpected survivors and, more importantly, unexpected deaths.
Injury severity, mechanism, and physiologic derangement all play a crucial role in the activation of the trauma system and team. In mature trauma systems, clear protocols exist to activate emergency medical services for field response, coordinate triage and transfer activities, and alert trauma facilities and teams to prepare for the arrival of a trauma patient. Because the extent of injury is not always apparent in the field, clearly defined and agreed-upon criteria allow unambiguous decision making and expeditious delivery of an injured patient to the most appropriate level of care. Trauma teams are typically alerted in a tiered fashion, whereby escalation can rapidly expand to include progressively specialised providers. For instance, a minor or moderately injured patient may be adequately evaluated by emergency medicine physicians, whereas a patient who clearly requires surgical consultation will have surgical and anaesthetic clinicians involved upon arrival to the trauma bay. An example of trauma activation criteria is listed in Table 9.3 . Note that under most circumstances, major trauma team activation is automatic if certain criteria for mechanism or physiology are met (such as penetrating trauma to the torso or abdomen, or hypotension in the field).
Major trauma activation | Minor trauma activation | Trauma notification (ED only) | |
Physiology | Adults: Confirmed SBP less than 90 at any time Child less than 6 years: SBP less than 60 Child greater than 6 years: SBP less than 90 Paediatric: Nasal flaring, retraction, stridor, cyanosis in setting of trauma Active airway compromise or obstruction GCS less than 9 with trauma mechanism Traumatic paraplegia or quadriplegia Patients receiving blood or vasopressors to maintain vital signs Emergency Medicine discretion |
GCS 9–13 with trauma mechanism Major facial injuries (w/o airway compromise) Flail or crushed chest Suspected pelvic fracture Two or more long bone fractures (femur or humerus) Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle Burns >20% TBSA Prehospital intubation Respiratory distress with a rate less than 10 or greater than 29 Emergency Medicine discretion |
Trauma Notification should be initiated when there is no significant anatomic injury other than extremity fractures distal to the knee or elbow, or abrasions, lacerations or contusions. These will be initially seen by ED only with appropriate consultation following initial assessment. Rollover Death of occupant of car Prolonged extrication Auto deformity greater than 20 inches or intrusion to space occupied by passenger Blunt injury to head with prehospital-witnessed neurologic change Adult fall less than 3 metres Emergency Medicine discretion |
Mechanism | Penetrating trauma (nonextremity) excepting distal to knee/elbow Fall >5 metres |
High speed auto crash greater than 35 mph Ejection Cycle crash greater than 20 mph (e.g., bike, motorcycle, quad-bike) or rider thrown Pedestrian vs. auto greater than 5 mph impact (e.g., thrown, run over) Fall greater than 3 metres Penetrating extremity injuries between wrist and elbow or ankle and knee Pregnant woman ≥ 20 EGA with a trauma mechanism |
Initial assessments of injury severity rely on rapid, clinically based assessments of the extent of injury
Field triage aims to prioritise care and expedite transport to the most appropriate level of care or facility
Trauma scoring systems are designed to objectively ‘quantify’ injury and may be based on anatomic scores, physiologic scores or both
All scoring systems have limitations and should not be used in isolation to determine treatment
The most commonly used are the GCS (physiologic), ISS (anatomic) and TRISS (combination)
A trauma system is an organized, coordinated, multidisciplinary structure within a defined geographic area that delivers the full range of care to all injured patients while optimising the use of resources to reduce death and disability following injury. It includes public health services, injury prevention, emergency medical services, trauma-receiving hospitals and major trauma centres, and rehabilitation services to deliver care to a trauma patient at the right time by the right specialists through the seamless transition between each phase from ‘roadside to rehabilitation’. Importantly, it also includes research, education and systems governance as a fundamental part of injury prevention and control. The preventable death rate before implementation of a trauma system can be as high as 40%. This falls to 5% after implementing an effective trauma system and to less than 2% as the system matures. Trauma systems save lives and reduce the associated morbidity of survivors ( EBM 9.1 ).
‘Patients managed within a trauma centre had a lower preventable mortality, received more aggressive neurosurgical input and had fewer missed or untreated injuries than those managed without a dedicated trauma system.’
There are five major components of a trauma system:
Injury epidemiology and prevention offers the greatest opportunity to reduce both the healthcare and societal burden of trauma care
Prehospital care is critical to delivering the right patient to the right facility at the right time.
Trauma centres are the hub of the network of care and must be integrated with other trauma-receiving hospitals to allow rapid interfacility transfer as needed.
Rehabilitation supports physical and psychological recovery to allow return to functional independence.
Home and follow-up care support reintegration into society and return to productivity.
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