Transcarotid Artery Revascularization With the ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System

Extracranial carotid artery occlusive disease is associated with the risk of stroke, disability, and death. The surgical treatment of carotid disease has undergone significant evolution from early attempts at carotid ligation to the first carotid endarterectomy by Michael Debakey in 1953. Over the following decades, carotid intervention was mostly limited for symptomatic patients. There was considerable research into the treatments of carotid disease and multiple randomized prospective trials were conducted, which demonstrated a definitive benefit to carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with moderate to severe disease and asymptomatic patients with severe disease. Carotid endarterectomy became the treatment of choice for disease of the carotid bifurcation.

With the expansion of endovascular interventions in the 1990s, stenting for extracranial carotid disease with cerebral protection was explored as an alternative to endarterectomy in numerous trials. Several cerebral protection devices that were based upon distal cerebral occlusion balloons versus distal embolism filters were trialed, utilizing both open and closed cell stents. Interventions were performed both with and without devices to protect against embolization during interventions. Embolic protection included distal occlusive balloons and distal embolic filters. Multiple multicentered prospective randomized and nonrandom trials further explored transfemoral carotid stenting and established it as a viable treatment option for extracranial disease. These rigorous trials have also shed light on the nuances of this technique.

Based upon the results of these trials, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval for carotid artery stenting (CAS) with certain limitations. CAS from a transfemoral approach has been shown to have a significant increased risk of stroke compared with carotid endarterectomy. Factors that increase the risk include navigating tortuous anatomy, atheroma within the aortic arch, and crossing proximal common carotid lesions. The use of distal embolic protection devices improves outcome; however, these devices must be brought across the lesions in order to be deployed, which in itself can provoke embolization. Diffusion-weighted MRI studies of transfemoral CAS patients have shown an incidence of silent event as high as 40%. Many of these events were contralateral to the treated side, suggesting that navigation of the aortic arch may be a frequent cause of embolization. Transcarotid artery stenting (TCAR) with flow reversal was designed to mitigate many of these risks and to prevent stroke. Accessing the common carotid artery at the base of the neck allows the operator to avoid the complexities of challenging arch anatomy. Dynamic flow reversal is designed to prevent distal embolization beyond what is possible with distal filters.

The ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System (Silk Road Medical, Sunnydale, California) is a flow reversal circuit that connects two 8-French sheaths through a flow modulator. One sheath is placed in the common carotid artery via arterial cutdown and the other is placed percutaneously into the femoral vein. The two sheaths are connected through a flow modulator, which can regulate the rate of flow reversal between high and low. The flow modulator can also temporarily stop flow reversal. When the common carotid artery is clamped proximal to the arterial sheath, the arterial–venous pressure gradient leads to flow reversal within the external and internal carotid arteries.

The ROADSTER trial was the pivotal trial for the ENROUTE system. It was a prospective, single arm, multicenter trial to assess the safety and efficacy of the flow reversal system in carotid artery stenting. The trial enrolled 141 patients, of whom 36 were symptomatic with stenoses >50%. The asymptomatic patients all had >70% stenosis. The enrolled patients were considered at high risk of endarterectomy based upon anatomic and physiologic criteria. The primary endpoint was major adverse events of death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. There were five major adverse events in the trial (two cerebrovascular accident, two deaths, and one myocardial infarction). There were also minor adverse events including eight arterial dissections, five hematomas, and one cranial nerve injury.


The patient is positioned supine as for carotid endarterectomy. The groin is prepared for placing the venous sheath. The procedure may be performed under general or local anesthesia. Patients in the ROADSTER trial were split 53% to 47% between local and general anesthesia, respectively. The common carotid artery is exposed at the base of the neck through a longitudinal or transverse incision. The sternal and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoid act as anatomic landmarks. The artery is found by splitting the two muscle heads and mobilizing the internal jugular vein medially. Occasionally, the vagus nerve courses anteriorly and must be avoided. Approximately 3 cm of artery should be exposed to allow proximal occlusion and sheath placement. The artery should be freed circumferentially to allow proximal control with a Rummel tourniquet, silastic vessel loops, or atraumatic vascular clamp. Proximal common carotid occlusion is necessary to establish flow reversal. A silastic vessel loop or umbilical tape around the artery can facilitate control during artery access and sheath placement.

The patient is systemically anticoagulated. An adventitial U-stitch placed prior to access facilitates closure of the arteriotomy at the end of the procedure. The artery is accessed with a micro puncture needle and exchanged over a wire for a microcatheter. A stiffer wire is placed into the common carotid artery to allow placement of the 8-French flow-reversal sheath. The arterial sheath is placed over the wire up to the 2.5 cm marker. The sheath is secured to the patient externally to prevent accidental dislodging during the procedure. The venous sheath is placed in the contralateral superficial femoral vein and the arteriovenous circuit is flushed and connected. Flow reversal is established following clamping of the common carotid artery proximal to the sheath entry site.

Flow reversal should be demonstrated by arteriogram through the arterial sheath after first confirming by clearing the line with saline injection and allowing reversal of flow to be established once more. The ENROUTE Neuroprotection System allows temporary cessation of flow reversal during arteriograms for imaging purposes.

Once flow reversal has been established and the lesion is identified, it is crossed with a wire and the stent is deployed in the usual fashion. If the stenosis is particularly tight, predilation with an undersized balloon can be performed. Some surgeons advocate predilatation of all lesions. Postdilation can be performed as needed. A completion cerebral angiogram is performed with cranial imaging to evaluate cerebral emboli and adequacy of stenting.

Antegrade cerebral flow is reestablished by unclamping the proximal common carotid artery. The wires and sheaths are removed and the arteriotomy is then closed with the previously placed suture.

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