Timing Cycles of Implantable Devices

Acknowledgment: The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to Wyatt Stahl (Boston Scientific), Benjamin Coppola (St. Jude Medical), Pam Elrod (Medtronic), and David Thomas (Biotronik) for their review and comments on sections pertinent to their devices in the tables and figures in this chapter.

Timing cycles refer to the beat-by-beat behavior of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) in response to intrinsic and paced activity. These include both programmable and nonprogrammable parameters. Familiarity with timing cycles is crucial for understanding device behavior and for optimizing management of patients with CIEDs. This chapter outlines the timing cycles of pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices. Various device algorithms and pacemaker-mediated dysrhythmias are also discussed.

Pacing System Code

A three-position code to denote basic pacing system functions was first proposed in 1974 by the Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources (ICHD), which was subsequently expanded to a five-position code in 1981. As a result of a joint approach of the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (NASPE) and British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (BPEG), a five-letter NBG (NASPE and BPEG Generic) Code was developed in 1987, in which the fifth position denoted antitachyarrhythmia functions. A separate NASPE/BPEG Defibrillator (NBD) Code to describe antitachyarrhythmia functions was developed in 1993. The revised NBG code in 2001 therefore eliminated antitachyarrhythmia functions but incorporated multisite pacing ( Table 36-1 ).

TABLE 36-1
Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic Code for Antibradycardia Pacing
Position I
(Chamber Paced)
Position II
(Chamber Sensed)
Position III
(Response to Sensing)
Position IV
(Rate Modulation)
Position V
(Multisite Pacing)
O = None
A = Atrium
V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A + V)
O = None
A = Atrium
V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A + V)
O = None
T = Triggered
I = Inhibited
D = Dual (T + I)
O = None
R = Rate modulation
O = None
A = Atrium
V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A + V)
S = Single (A or V)
(Manufacturer's designation only)
S = Single (A or V)
(Manufacturer's designation only)

In the revised NBG code, the first letter (position I) denotes the chamber(s) paced; A for atrium, V for ventricle, D for dual-chamber (atrium and ventricle), and O if there is no pacing. The second letter (position II) denotes the chamber(s) sensed; A, V and D stand for sensing in the atrium, ventricle or dual-chamber, respectively; O stands for asynchronous operation without sensing. The third letter (position III) describes the response to a sensed signal; I indicates inhibition of pacing by a sensed event, whereas T indicates that a pacing stimulus is triggered by a sensed event; D represents dual mode of response and applies to dual-chamber systems, where a sensed event in one chamber inhibits pacing in the same chamber but triggers a pacing stimulus in the other chamber. For instance, in the DDD mode, a sensed atrial event inhibits atrial output but triggers ventricular output. The fourth letter (position IV) reflects the capability for rate modulation; R indicates that the device incorporates a sensor for rate-adaptive pacing, whereas O indicates absence of rate modulation. The fifth letter (position V) in the revised NBG code indicates the capability for multisite pacing; O indicates that no more than one site in each chamber is paced, A denotes more than one pacing site in the atria, V denotes more than one pacing site in the ventricles, and D denotes more than one pacing site in the atria and ventricles. For instance, DDDRV mode denotes pacing at more than one site in the ventricles, such as in the right ventricle and left ventricle for cardiac resynchronization. Similarly, dual-site atrial pacing for atrial fibrillation prevention would be represented as the DDDRA mode.

Pacing Modes

In describing pacing modes, it must be noted that both atria are together considered one electrical chamber, and likewise, both ventricles together as one electrical chamber. Many commonly used pacing modes are listed in Table 36-2 . Acronyms used in this chapter are listed in Table 36-3 . International scientific societies provide guidelines on selecting the appropriate device and pacing mode in specific populations. However, the treating electrophysiologist should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of various pacing modes to determine the best mode for a given individual.

TABLE 36-2
Pacing Modes
Asynchronous Inhibited Triggered Tracking
Single chamber AOO
Dual chamber DOO DDI
N/A, Not applicable.

TABLE 36-3
Abbreviations Used in This Chapter
AS Atrial sensed event
AP Atrial paced event
AR Atrial sensed event in refractory period
VS Ventricular sensed event
VP Ventricular paced event
VR Ventricular sensed event in refractory period
RVS Right ventricular sensed event
RVP Right ventricular paced event
LVS Left ventricular sensed event
LVP Left ventricular paced event
BiVP Biventricular pacing
PAC Premature atrial complex
PVC Premature ventricular complex
Lower Rate and Upper Rate
LRL Lower rate limit
LRI Lower rate interval
URL Upper rate limit
URI Upper rate interval
MTR Maximum tracking rate
MTRI Maximum tracking rate interval
MSR (MSDR) Maximum sensor (driven) rate (upper sensor rate)
MSRI Maximum sensor rate interval
SIR Sensor-indicated rate
AV and VA Intervals
AVI (AVD) Atrioventricular interval (atrioventricular delay)
PAVI (PAV, PAVD) AV interval after atrial paced event
SAVI (SAV, SAVD) AV interval after atrial sensed event
VAI Ventriculoatrial interval (LRI-AVI)
AEI Atrial escape interval (= VAI)
Blanking and Refractory Periods
BP Blanking period
RP Refractory period
ABP Atrial blanking period
ARP Atrial refractory period
VBP Ventricular blanking period
VRP Ventricular refractory period
PVAB Postventricular atrial blanking period
PVARP Postventricular atrial refractory period
PAVB Postatrial ventricular blanking period
TARP Total atrial refractory period (AVI + PVARP)
LVRP Left ventricular refractory period
RVRP Right ventricular refractory period
LVPP Left ventricular protection period
CDW Crosstalk detection window
VSP Ventricular safety pacing
CL Cycle length

Single-Chamber Pacing Modes

Generic descriptions of single-chamber pacing modes use the term S (for single chamber) in the first and second positions; A or V may be substituted for S depending on the relevant chamber. Likewise, in describing device capabilities, some manufacturers use S in the first and second positions to indicate that the device is capable of pacing and sensing in any single cardiac chamber.

Single-Chamber Asynchronous Pacing (AOO, VOO)

Single-chamber asynchronous pacing (generically designated SOO) is the simplest of all pacing modes. Depending on the relevant chamber, it can be AOO (atrium) or VOO (ventricle). No intrinsic events are sensed, and pacing occurs in the chamber independent of the intrinsic rhythm at the lower rate interval (LRI) or lower rate limit (LRL), which is the only timing cycle in this mode ( Figs. 36-1 and 36-2 ). The VOO mode can be temporarily enabled to prevent ventricular pacing inhibition from inappropriate oversensing of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in a pacing-dependent patient. Asynchronous pacing has a potential risk of arrhythmia induction if the pacing stimulus falls in the vulnerable period (relative refractory period) of the myocardium; in the absence of contributing factors such as myocardial ischemia, metabolic or electrolyte abnormalities, or autonomic imbalance, this risk is quite small.

Figure 36-1, VOO and VVI Pacing Modes.

Figure 36-2, AOO and AAI Pacing Modes.

Single-Chamber Inhibited Pacing (AAI, VVI)

In single-chamber inhibited pacing (generically termed SSI), when an intrinsic event is sensed, it results in inhibition of pacing (see Figs. 36-1 and 36-2 ). The AAI mode is indicated in patients with sinus node dysfunction but intact atrioventricular (AV) conduction. The VVI mode is most useful for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and a slow ventricular rate, and is also used for backup pacing in patients with an infrequent need for pacing.

Single-Chamber Triggered Pacing (AAT, VVT)

Single-chamber triggered pacing mode (SST) delivers a pacing output when a native event is sensed. These modes have been used diagnostically to mark sensed events (in evaluating undersensing or oversensing) before the availability of intracardiac electrograms (EGMs) and marker channels. These modes are rarely used in current practice. However, a modified VVT mode is now being utilized in some CRT devices to trigger biventricular pacing when intrinsic ventricular activity is sensed in one ventricle.

Dual-Chamber Pacing Modes

Dual-Chamber Asynchronous Pacing (DOO)

In dual-chamber asynchronous pacing, a pacing pulse is delivered in the atrium, followed by a pacing pulse in the ventricle after completion of the atrioventricular interval (AVI). This sequential AV pacing occurs at the LRI regardless of intrinsic events in the atria or the ventricles. Like the VOO mode, this mode may also be transiently used in pacing-dependent patients to avoid inappropriate pacing inhibition from EMI during surgeries or other interventions.

Dual-Chamber Tracking Modes (DDD, VDD)

Tracking modes have the capability to pace the ventricle in response to atrial events (thereby tracking the atrial sensed events). This is termed P-synchronous pacing. The tracking modes are identified by “D” in the 3rd position of the pacing code, which denotes dual response to atrial sensing: an atrial sensed event inhibits pacing in the atrium, but triggers pacing in the ventricle.

The DDD mode is the most commonly used mode in dual-chamber devices and in biventricular devices. Depending on the intrinsic rate and AV conduction, AV sequential pacing (AP, VP), atrial pacing with spontaneous ventricular conduction (AP, VS), atrial tracking (AS, VP), or complete inhibition of pacing (AS,VS) can occur in the DDD mode ( Fig. 36-3 ).

Figure 36-3, DDD, DDI, DVI, and VDD Pacing Modes.

The VDD mode is similar to the VDD mode but lacks atrial pacing (see Fig. 36-3 ). When the atrial rate is faster than the LRL, atrial tracking is observed; when the atrial rate is slower than the LRL, VVI pacing occurs at the LRL. The most common use of this mode is with the use of a single-lead system that integrates atrial sensing electrodes with a ventricular pace/sense electrode.

Dual-Chamber Modes Without Tracking (DDI, VDI, DVI)

These modes lack P-synchronous pacing.

The DDI mode is similar to the DDD mode but lacks P-synchronous pacing (see Fig. 36-3 ). The ventricular paced rate is always at the lower rate regardless of the atrial rate. AV sequential pacing will only occur at the LRL if no ventricular event is sensed after the atrial paced event. This mode is commonly programmed as a mode switch to prevent tracking of atrial tachyarrhythmias.

The DVI mode lacks atrial sensing (see Fig. 36-3 ). It can be used in patients with marked sinus bradycardia or sinus arrest with atrial lead malfunction (oversensing) to provide AV synchrony. If used in patients with normal sinus node function, asynchronous atrial pacing may precipitate atrial fibrillation.

The VDI mode lacks atrial pacing. Because there is no atrial pacing or tracking, AV dissociation will occur with any pacing in this mode regardless of the atrial rate. It essentially is the VVI mode with atrial sensing. It is available as a mode switch feature in some devices.

Dual-Chamber Triggered Modes

The DDT mode deserves special mention. The DDT mode can potentially involve ventricular triggering, atrial triggering, or both. The timing with respect to atrium and ventricle can be DDI (nontracking mode) or DDD (tracking mode). Most devices that offer the DDT mode trigger pacing in the ventricle after sensed ventricular events (ventricular triggering) to force CRT ( Fig. 36-4 ).

Figure 36-4, DDT Mode With DDD Timing and Ventricular Triggering.

Timing Cycles of Single- and Dual-Chamber Pacing

Timing cycles comprise the set of rules that govern when paced events occur in a given pacing mode. Timing cycles include one or more periods or intervals. Each timing cycle is triggered by one or more cardiac events, which can be either a sensed signal or delivery of a pacing output. The timing cycle may continue until completion whereupon a pacing stimulus may be released or a different timing cycle may be initiated. The timing cycle may be terminated or reset (starts over again) by intrinsic cardiac events.

Single-Chamber Pacing

Lower Rate Interval

The lower rate interval (LRI) or lower rate limit (LRL) determines the base rate of pacing (LRI describes the interval, whereas LRL describes the rate). It is an essential interval of all pacing modes. In single-chamber modes, it is the interval between successive pacing stimuli in the relevant chamber; a pacing stimulus is delivered when the LRI is completed, which starts another LRI cycle. In single-chamber asynchronous modes, it is the only timing interval and is not reset by intrinsic events (see Figs. 36-1 and 36-2 ). In single-chamber inhibited modes, it can be reset by sensed events outside the refractory period ( Figs. 36-5 and 36-6 ).

Figure 36-5, VVI Timing Cycles.

Figure 36-6, AAI Timing Cycles.

Refractory Period

Refractory periods are an essential component of all pacing modes that involve sensing of intrinsic cardiac events. In single-chamber modes with sensing, there is a ventricular refractory period (VRP) or an atrial refractory period (ARP), depending on the relevant chamber. It is initiated by paced or sensed events; after a sensed event, the refractory period prevents double counting the same event, whereas after a paced event, it prevents sensing the pacing stimulus, its after-potential, or the evoked response. Events within the refractory period do not reset the LRI. The remaining portion of the LRI following the refractory period is termed the open interval or alert interval (Open interval = LRI − Refractory period), during which sensed events reset the LRI. The refractory period is typically composed of an initial blanking period, followed by an unblanked portion of the refractory period. No events are sensed in the blanking period; signals sensed in the unblanked portion of the refractory period do not reset the LRI, but may drive other pacemaker functions (see “ Blanking and Refractory Periods ” in the section on “ Dual-Chamber Pacing ”).

Sensing an event that does not represent a distinct depolarization from the same chamber is termed oversensing. For instance, in the VVI mode, portions of the QRS complex, the T wave, afterdepolarization following a pacing stimulus, atrial activity, noise from lead abnormalities, myopotentials, and EMI are possible causes of ventricular oversensing. The VRP should be long enough to include the T wave, which may be inappropriately sensed ( Fig. 36-7 ). The ARP should be long enough to prevent inadvertent sensing of ventricular activity (far-field R wave) ( Fig. 36-8 ).

Figure 36-7, VVI Oversensing.

Figure 36-8, AAI Oversensing.

Timing Cycles in Different Single-Chamber Pacing Modes

Single-Chamber Asynchronous Pacing (AOO, VOO)

The only timing cycle in these modes is the LRI (A-A interval or V-V interval) ( Table 36-4 ). Pacing occurs in the relevant chamber at the LRL, which cannot be reset by intrinsic events (see Figs. 36-1 and 36-2 ). Asynchronous pacing may be described either as lacking refractory and alert periods, or as the refractory period extending throughout the LRI.

TABLE 36-4
Timing Cycles in Various Pacing Modes
Single Chamber
Dual Chamber
See Table 36-3 for abbreviations. In each mode, the shaded box(es) represent(s) the timing cycle(s) present in that mode.

* AOO, VOO, and DOO modes can be described either as lacking refractory periods (and alert periods) or as refractory periods extending throughout the LRI. DVI mode may be described either as lacking atrial refractory periods (and alert periods) or as the TARP extending throughout the LRI. Rate responsiveness in any of the above modes adds an additional timing cycle to it, the Maximum Sensor Rate Interval.

Single-Chamber Inhibited Pacing (AAI, VVI)

In addition to the LRI (A-A interval or V-V interval), the timing cycles in single-chamber inhibited pacing include a refractory period (ARP or VRP), the initial portion of which is a blanking period (ABP or VBP) (see Table 36-4 and Figs. 36-5 and 36-6 ). Blanking and refractory periods are triggered by any sensed or paced events.

Single-Chamber Rate Hysteresis

Hysteresis refers to adaptation of a timing interval in response to a sensed intrinsic event. The interval between two consecutive paced events is termed the automatic interval (VP-to-VP in VVI, AP-to-AP in AAI). The interval between a sensed event and the next paced event is termed the escape interval (VS-to-VP in VVI, AS-to-AP in AAI). Rate hysteresis refers to prolongation of the LRI following a sensed event to promote intrinsic rate. Therefore in rate hysteresis, the escape interval is longer than the automatic interval ( Fig. 36-9 ). The longer interval that is allowed in the presence of intrinsic rhythm is termed the hysteresis interval. Hysteresis tends to promote intrinsic rhythm and minimize pacing. Rate hysteresis in the VVI mode is termed ventricular rate hysteresis; in the AAI mode, it is termed atrial rate hysteresis.

Figure 36-9, Rate Hysteresis and Rate Search Hysteresis.

Devices may also have a rate search hysteresis function: the pacing rate is periodically decreased from the LRL to the hysteresis rate; if intrinsic activity is detected, the hysteresis interval remains in effect; if no intrinsic activity is detected in a specified window, pacing resumes at the LRL (see Fig. 36-9 ).

Dual-Chamber Pacing

Overview of Dual-Chamber Timing Cycles

The timing cycles of dual-chamber pacing include the LRI, the AV interval (and derived VA interval), same- and cross-chamber blanking and refractory periods, and the upper rate interval ( Fig. 36-10 ).

Figure 36-10, Timing Cycles in the DDD Pacing Mode.

Lower Rate Interval

The LRI in dual-chamber modes can be defined in terms of ventricular events or atrial events (see section on “Lower Rate Behavior”). In ventricular-based timing, it is the interval between a ventricular event and the next paced ventricular event.

Atrioventricular Interval and Ventriculoatrial Interval

The LRI in dual-chamber pacing modes is divided into the atrioventricular interval (AVI) and the ventriculoatrial interval (VAI). The AVI is an essential interval of all dual-chamber pacing modes. It is the interval between an atrial event and the next scheduled ventricular paced event. The VAI (also called the atrial escape interval, AEI) is the interval between a ventricular event and the next scheduled atrial paced event. It can be derived from the LRI and AVI (AEI = LRI − AVI).

A ventricular pacing (VP) stimulus is delivered at the end of the AVI, and starts the VAI. An atrial pacing (AP) stimulus occurs at the end of the VAI and starts the AVI. In the dual-chamber asynchronous pacing mode (DOO), the LRI and the AVI (and therefore the VAI) are not reset by intrinsic cardiac events; atrial and ventricular pacing occur sequentially at the same rate. In the DDD mode, the VAI is reset by ventricular sensed (VS) events outside the ventricular refractory period and is terminated by atrial sensed (AS) events outside the atrial refractory period; the AVI is usually terminated by ventricular sensed (VS) events (see “ Atrioventricular Interval ”).

Refractory Periods

Dual-chamber sensing mandates refractory periods in the atria and the ventricles. The VRP is initiated by a ventricular event. The atrial refractory period in dual-chamber modes is initiated by an atrial event. It extends throughout the AVI but also includes a period following the ventricular event, called the postventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP), which is designed to prevent sensing the far-field R wave or the retrograde P wave. The total atrial refractory period (TARP), therefore, is the sum of the AVI and the PVARP. The PVARP may be considered a fundamental timing interval, and the TARP can be derived from the AVI and the PVARP. Refractory periods are typically composed of an initial blanking period, followed by an unblanked portion (see section on “ Blanking and Refractory Periods ”).

Upper Rate Interval

Present in all dual-chamber tracking modes, the upper rate interval (URI) or upper rate limit (URL) determines the maximum paced ventricular rate in response to sensed atrial activity (also termed maximum tracking rate, MTR). The TARP determines the functional limit for tracking atrial activity, but a separate URI longer than this may be programmed (see “ Upper Rate Behavior ”). If a separate URI is not present or programmed, the TARP serves as the URI.

The basic dual-chamber timing cycles can be best understood by considering the timing cycles in the DDD mode, which contains all the timing cycles pertinent to all other modes. The refractory and blanking periods and the AVI are discussed below, whereas the lower and upper rate behavior are discussed later.

Blanking and Refractory Periods

To appropriately sense and pace within the same chamber, a refractory period should be included in the timing cycles. Such “same chamber” refractory periods follow sensed or paced events in the same chamber ( Figs. 36-10 and 36-11 ). The first portion of the refractory period is termed the blanking period and is analogous to the absolute refractory period of the heart. During the blanking period, the sense amplifier is typically turned off and is therefore blind to any events that occur during this period. The second portion of the refractory period (unblanked portion) is analogous to the relative refractory period; during this period, the sense amplifier is active and is able to detect intrinsic events. Events sensed during this unblanked portion of the refractory period do not trigger or reset the LRI or the AVI. However, these sensed events in the refractory period (refractory sensed events) are utilized for other device functions such as atrial tachyarrhythmia detection for mode switching, and detection/response to nonphysiologic signals.

Figure 36-11, Timing Cycles in a DDD Pacemaker With Mode Switching Capability.

There is a ventricular refractory period (VRP) on the ventricular channel, with the initial portion being the ventricular blanking period (VBP). The VRP and VBP are triggered by ventricular paced (VP) or sensed (VS) events. Following VS events, the VRP and VBP are designed to prevent repetitive sensing of the same ventricular depolarization or sensing the repolarization potential (T wave). Following VP events, they prevent sensing the pacing stimulus and its afterpotential, the evoked potential, and the repolarization potential (T wave).

On the atrial channel, there is an atrial blanking period (ABP) and an atrial refractory period following an atrial event that similarly serve to prevent repetitive counting of the same atrial signal (following an AS event) or prevent oversensing the atrial pacing stimulus, its afterpotential, or the evoked potential (following an AP event). It is axiomatic that the atrial refractory period extend through the AV delay to prevent the AVI from being reset by another sensed atrial event. The atrial refractory period also includes a period following a ventricular event to prevent sensing far-field ventricular activity (see below).

In addition to the “same chamber” blanking and refractory periods, “cross-chamber” blanking and refractory periods are essential to prevent crosstalk (see Figs. 36-10 and 36-11 ). Crosstalk refers to sensing events from another chamber. AV crosstalk refers to sensing atrial events (atrial pacing stimulus or its afterpotential) on the ventricular channel and can potentially cause asystole in the pacing-dependent patient. VA crosstalk refers to sensing ventricular events (ventricular pacing stimulus or its afterpotential, ventricular depolarization, or repolarization) on the atrial channel. Though crosstalk can mean AV or VA crosstalk, it is commonly used to refer to the former, whereas VA crosstalk is loosely termed far-field R wave oversensing (FFRW oversensing).

Following ventricular sensed or paced events, a PVARP is triggered on the atrial channel. The first portion of this is the postventricular atrial blanking period (PVAB). The PVAB and PVARP are designed to prevent V-A crosstalk (i.e., to prevent oversensing the ventricular pacing stimulus and its afterpotential, far-field ventricular EGM, and far-field T wave). The PVARP should also ideally prevent oversensing any retrograde P wave that can occur following ventricular depolarization (note that sensing retrograde P waves is not V-A crosstalk). The TARP is the sum of the AVI and the PVARP.

The PVARP plays a crucial role in dual-chamber pacing and should be programmed appropriately. Too short a PVARP may cause a retrograde P wave to be sensed beyond the PVARP, which can initiate a pacemaker reentrant tachycardia called endless-loop tachycardia (ELT). Retrograde P waves are likely to occur after PVCs, and therefore most devices have a programmable PVARP extension following PVCs. If the PVARP is too long, the sinus P waves may fall within it and not be tracked, resulting in loss of atrial tracking.

In a similar fashion, a postatrial ventricular blanking period (PAVB) is enabled on the ventricular channel following paced, but not sensed, atrial events. This is because intrinsic atrial events are unlikely to result in crosstalk but an atrial pacing stimulus or its afterpotential might do so. Following the PAVB, there is a special period called the crosstalk detection window (CDW) which is also triggered by atrial paced events. Events sensed in the CDW trigger, rather than inhibit, ventricular pacing (see “Ventricular Safety Pacing” in the section on “ Atrioventricular Interval ”).

Confusing Terminology Regarding Blanking and Refractory Periods

The concept of blanking and refractory periods as described above applies to traditional pacemakers with fixed sensitivity. In this traditional concept, the sense amplifier is disabled during the blanking period and no events are sensed; events sensed in the unblanked portion of the refractory period are used for noise response, tachyarrhythmia detection, and other features but do not affect the LRI or the AVI. The advent of ICDs and sophisticated device functions that allow sensing within the “blanking period” has blurred the distinction between blanking and refractory periods and has led to confusing terminology used by different manufacturers regarding them. Although there is no consensus, certain points are worth noting: (a) All refractory periods should be considered to start with a blanking period. (b) In most current devices, the sense amplifier is not turned off during the “blanking period.” Rather, following initial sensing of an intrinsic event, there is repetitive sensing for a defined period to determine the maximal amplitude of the sensed event (automatic sensing algorithms). (c) If sensing can occur within the blanking period, one practical way to distinguish this from the refractory period would be to designate the blanking period as the period when sensed events are not counte d for tachyarrhythmia detection. With this definition, the ventricular sensing channel of ICDs is considered as having blanking periods alone, even though some manufacturers use the term “refractory period” (see “ Blanking and Refractory Periods in Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators ” in the section on “ Timing Cycles of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators ”). This definition would also satisfy the blanking and refractory periods in the atrial channel (with some exceptions related to PVAB in some devices). (d) Automatic ventricular capture algorithms identify the evoked potential following a pacing stimulus to determine capture; however, the standard sense amplifier is blanked during this period and a separate sensing circuit (and a dedicated evoked response sense amplifier) is utilized for this purpose. (e) In traditional pacemakers, only sensed events in the unblanked portion of the refractory period are used for noise response. In many current devices, noise detection windows may be part of the “blanking periods” (see “ Noise Response ” in the section on “ Response to External Influences ”).

Atrioventricular Interval

The atrioventricular interval (AV interval, AVI) or AV delay (AVD) is a programmable interval triggered by sensed or paced atrial events. It is terminated by a ventricular sensed event. If no ventricular event is sensed, a ventricular pacing stimulus is delivered at the end of the AVI.

The AVI is designed to mimic the native PR interval and is therefore programmed to maintain optimal AV synchrony. By programming the electrical AV delay on the right side of the heart (between right atrial activity and right ventricular [RV] pacing), the clinician strives to produce appropriate mechanical AV coupling on the left side of the heart (between left atrial [LA] systole and left ventricular [LV] systole) that determines the best stroke volume. Studies have shown that the hemodynamic benefit of AV synchrony is diminished in patients with PR intervals greater than 220 msec. Progressive prolongation of AV conduction time results in AV decoupling (which may induce diastolic mitral regurgitation), VA coupling (reversal of the left sided AV timing sequence), and AV uncoupling (transient breakdown in 1 : 1 AV conduction). However, the electrical AV delay may not always correlate with the mechanical AV delay and Doppler echocardiography may be required to determine the optimal AV delay for a particular individual. The AVI should therefore be short enough to optimize AV synchrony, while being long enough to promote intrinsic AV conduction. Multiple studies have shown that excessive RV apical pacing can have several deleterious effects (including increase in congestive heart failure [CHF] and atrial fibrillation), especially in individuals with preexisting LV dysfunction. Another reason to promote intrinsic ventricular activation is to preserve the battery life of the pacemaker. The optimal AVI varies depending on whether the atrium is paced or activated intrinsically, and depending on the heart rate.

Atrioventricular Crosstalk and Ventricular Safety Pacing

As discussed earlier, crosstalk refers to inappropriate sensing of far-field signals from the opposite cardiac chamber that can potentially result in pacing inhibition. Cross-chamber blanking and refractory periods are designed to prevent crosstalk. One of the most serious consequences of crosstalk in a dual-chamber pacing system is oversensing of far-field atrial stimuli on the ventricular channel, resulting in ventricular pacing inhibition and asystole in a pacing-dependent patient (see Case Study 36-1 ).

Case Study 36-1
Syncope in a Pacemaker-Dependent Patient

A 78-year-old male with ischemic cardiomyopathy (left ventricular ejection fraction 30%) initially had a single-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) placed, which was subsequently upgraded to a biventricular ICD. Later on, due to recurrent atrial tachyarrhythmias with rapid ventricular rates, he underwent ablation of the atrioventricular (AV) junction. He underwent a routine pulse generator replacement when the existing device reached elective replacement indicator. All leads were tested at that time and found to be fine. A few weeks following this, he presented with several episodes of dizziness and a few episodes of frank syncope. Telemetry strips during an episode of dizziness are shown ( Fig. E36-1 ). Device interrogation revealed normal device function with normal pacing impedances and acceptable pacing thresholds. The programmed parameters are shown (see Fig. E36-1 ). Chest x-ray was obtained that revealed leads in expected position. Device diagnostics revealed several mode switch episodes. Sample tracings from these episodes are shown ( Fig. E36-2 ).

Figure E36-1, A, Telemetry strips during an episode of dizziness. B, The programmed parameters of the device.

Figure E36-2, Stored electrograms of mode switch episodes.

Clinical Question

What is the cause for the patient's symptomatic episodes? What can be done to prevent these episodes?


Several findings can be made from the device tracings. Intermittent signals are seen in the ventricular channel that correlate temporally with the atrial pacing stimulus, suggesting that they are due to the atrial pacing stimuli and/or afterpotentials ( Fig. E36-3 , arrows ). These signals are occasionally sensed by the device (VS, red ovals ) causing pacing inhibition. Therefore the patient's symptoms are due to intermittent AV crosstalk—sensing of the atrial pacing stimulus/afterpotential in the ventricular channel, causing pacing-inhibition.

Figure E36-3, Stored electrograms of mode switch episodes. Arrows denote signals in the ventricular channel due to atrial pacing stimuli and/or afterpotentials. Some of these signals fall in the postatrial ventricular blanking period (PAVB) (green ovals), some signals fall within the CDW (blue ovals), and some others fall beyond the PAVB and the CDW (red ovals). See text for discussion.

The postatrial ventricular blanking period (PAVB) is designed to prevent crosstalk. Some signals can be inferred to fall within this period, since no “VS” markers are seen in the ventricular channel (green ovals). Signals falling within the PAVB are not seen by the device, and pacing occurs at the programmed atrioventricular delay (AVD).

Some potentials fall within the crosstalk detection window (CDW) (blue ovals). This is evident from the “VSP” marker; signals falling within the CDW do not inhibit, but rather trigger, ventricular pacing at a shortened AVD (ventricular safety pacing).

Whereas the PAVB is designed to prevent crosstalk, the CDW is designed to prevent the consequences of crosstalk. In this patient, obvious programming considerations should include prolonging the PAVB and/or the CDW. Review of programmed parameters revealed that the PAVB is programmed to the maximum duration (52 msec) for the device, and the CDW is nonprogrammable (12 msec) in this device. However, crosstalk is occurring beyond this 64-msec duration in this patient.

Other than manipulating the PAVB and the CDW, options for minimizing crosstalk or its consequences include: (i) using bipolar leads, (ii) decreasing the atrial pacing output, or (iii) decreasing ventricular sensitivity.

Bipolar leads are already used here and the atrial pacing output has been programmed to a low value. Can the ventricular sensitivity be decreased? Decreasing the ventricular sensitivity can potentially resolve this problem. However, if the ventricular sensitivity is decreased in an ICD, ventricular fibrillation (VF) may be not be appropriately sensed. Is it possible to have the best of both worlds?

St. Jude Medical devices offer the option of programming different sensitivities for pacing and tachycardia detection. The sensing threshold for tachycardia detection can be kept low to allow appropriate sensing of VF, whereas the sensing threshold for pacing can be set higher to prevent inappropriate inhibition of pacing. Sensed events between the two threshold settings will not inhibit pacing but will be counted for tachyarrhythmia detection; sensed events higher than both thresholds will inhibit pacing and will be counted for tachyarrhythmia detection.

The maximum sensitivity for pacing (brady) was changed from “same as defib” to 2 mV and the maximum sensitivity for tachyarrhythmia detection (defib) was left at 0.3 mV ( Fig. E36-4 ). Testing for AV crosstalk was performed at maximal atrial output and no inhibition of pacing was noted. The patient had no further episodes of dizziness or syncope in follow-up.

Figure E36-4, A, Initial programmed sensitivity settings; the maximum sensitivity for pacing and tachycardia detection are the same. B, Modified sensitivity settings; the maximum sensitivity for pacing was changed to 2 mV, leaving the maximum sensitivity for tachycardia detection at 0.3 mV.

Testing for crosstalk can be done by forcing atrial and ventricular pacing, by increasing the lower rate, and shortening the AVD (not required if the patient has complete atrioventricular block). Testing should be performed at maximal atrial output and maximal ventricular sensitivity (worst-case scenario).

To counteract this, an atrial pacing output triggers two periods on the ventricular channel within the AVI ( Fig. 36-12 ). The first is a PAVB, during which the ventricular sense amplifier is turned off. Immediately after this, there is a ventricular safety pacing (VSP) window (CDW), during which the ventricular sense amplifier is active. Signals sensed during the crosstalk sensing window are considered nonphysiologic because of the close coupling interval to the atrial stimulus, and are likely to be due to oversensing of atrial pacing afterpotentials, spontaneous premature ventricular depolarizations, or noise. Signals sensed during this window do not cause pacing inhibition, but rather trigger delivery of a ventricular pacing output at an abbreviated AV interval, usually around 110 msec (VSP). The premise is that this will prevent pacing inhibition if the sensed event is crosstalk or noise, while at the same time preventing pacing in the ventricular vulnerable period if the sensed event is due to a true ventricular depolarization. The shortened AVI makes the identification of VSP apparent ( Fig. 36-13 ). VSP may also be seen when atrial undersensing occurs and the conducted ventricular beat is sensed in the CDW (see Fig. 36-13 ).

Figure 36-12, Atrioventricular Interval (AVI) and Ventricular Safety Pacing (VSP).

Figure 36-13, Ventricular Safety Pacing.

Differential Atrioventricular Interval

The AVI initiated after a sensed atrial event (SAV) can be programmed different (typically shorter) from the AVI initiated after a paced atrial event (PAV). This is called a differential AVI or sensed AV offset. With atrial pacing, the atrial depolarization and the AVI start with the pacing artifact. With atrial sensing, the impulse typically starts in the sinus node and is on its way to the AV node as it reaches the atrial lead. The event is therefore sensed on the atrial lead about 20 to 50 msec after the onset of the P wave, the actual delay being determined by the distance between the site of impulse origin and the atrial lead, and the conductive properties of the atrium. It follows that the device-initiated AVI (SAV), which starts when the atrial event is sensed, is 20 to 50 msec shorter than the true AVI, which starts at the onset of the P wave. The SAV is therefore programmed shorter than the PAV to account for this and provide similar physiologic AVIs in both situations. The SAV may be expressed as a percentage of the PAV, or as an absolute difference between the two.

Dynamic or Rate-Adaptive Atrioventricular Interval

Dynamic or rate-adaptive AVI is a programmable parameter that permits modulation of the sensed or paced AVI based on the heart rate, either intrinsic or sensor driven. The shortening of AVI with exercise mimics the normal physiologic shortening of the PR interval to provide optimal AV synchrony. In addition to this hemodynamic benefit, rate-related shortening of the AVI decreases the TARP, allowing a correspondingly higher 1 : 1 atrial tracking rate.

Dynamic AVI is programmed from a baseline AVI to a minimum AVI, and different parameters may be programmed for PAV and SAV. The range of heart rates (based on the sensed atrial rate or the sensor-driven rate) over which this applies is programmable, and modulation over this range may be linear or nonlinear ( Fig. 36-14 ).

Figure 36-14, Rate Adaptive Atrioventricular Delay Curves of Different Manufacturers.

Atrioventricular Interval Hysteresis

As previously discussed, hysteresis refers to adaptation of a timing interval in response to a sensed intrinsic event. AVI hysteresis refers to adjustment of the AVI in response to sensed events. Positive AV/PV hysteresis is prolongation of the AVI in response to a ventricular sensed event. This permits intrinsic AV conduction and minimizes unnecessary ventricular pacing. It is most beneficial in patients who have variable AV conduction. During ventricular pacing, a search function extends the AVI periodically from the baseline value to a longer programmed AVI hysteresis interval. If intrinsic AV conduction occurs (a spontaneous ventricular event is sensed), the AVI is left at the longer hysteresis interval; if intrinsic AV conduction is longer than the hysteresis interval, no spontaneous R waves occur and the AVI is shortened to the original programmed value (see “ Algorithms to Minimize Ventricular Pacing ”).

Negative AV/PV hysteresis is designed to promote and maintain ventricular pacing. After an atrial event, if a ventricular event is sensed, the next AVI will be shortened to promote ventricular pacing. This feature is useful to promote pacing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or biventricular pacing (see “ Timing Cycles of Biventricular Pacing ”).

Timing Cycles in Different Dual-Chamber Pacing Modes

The timing cycles in different single- and dual-chamber pacing modes are summarized in Table 36-4 .

In dual-chamber asynchronous (AV sequential asynchronous) pacing (DOO) , the LRI is divided into the AVI and a VAI (AEI). DOO pacing can be fully described by the LRI and the AVI as the VAI can be derived (VAI = LRL − AVI). The DOO mode may be defined as lacking refractory (and alert) periods, or as the VRP and the TARP extending throughout the LRI.

The DDD mode incorporates all the timing cycles described above. The LRI is divided into the AVI and the VAI (AEI). The VAI is started or reset by a ventricular event; an AP event occurs at the end of the VAI unless it is terminated by an AS event. The AVI is started by an atrial event; a VP event occurs at the end of the AVI unless it is terminated by a VS event. Ventricular events trigger the VBP and VRP on the ventricular channel, and the PVAB and PVARP on the atrial channel. Atrial events trigger the ABP and ARP on the atrial channel; the atrial refractory period extends through the AVI and the PVARP (TARP = AVI + PVARP). Atrial paced (but not sensed) events trigger the PAVB and the CDW on the ventricular channel during the AVI. VS events that fall within the VRP (including the VBP) or the PAVB do not reset/trigger the VAI; VS events that fall within the VSP window trigger a VP event at an abbreviated AVI. AS events that fall within the TARP (AVI [including the ABP] or the PVARP [including the PVAB]) do not trigger/reset the AVI. A separate URI (MTRI) may be programmed that determines the maximum ventricular pacing rate.

The VDD mode is similar to the DDD mode but lacks atrial pacing. The PAVB and VSP window are therefore absent. The VAI is irrelevant because there is no atrial pacing. If no atrial event occurs by the end of the implied VAI (LRI − sAVI), a VP event occurs at the LRL, regardless of the occurrence of an atrial sensed event subsequently (behaves like the VVI mode).

The DDI mode is similar to the DDD mode, but lacks P-synchronous pacing. It includes the same timing cycles as the DDD mode. However, an AS event outside the TARP will only inhibit AP but will not trigger the AVI (and therefore will not trigger VP); VP in this instance occurs at the LRL (just like the VVI mode).

The DVI mode lacks atrial sensing. Therefore it lacks the timing cycles relevant for atrial sensing, the ABP, PVAB and PVARP (and the derived TARP); it may also be described as having a TARP that extends throughout the LRI.

The VDI mode is essentially the VVI mode with atrial sensing; it has the timing cycles of the VVI mode + blanking and refractory periods in the atrial channel. Because there is neither atrial pacing nor tracking, there is no AVI or VAI; with the lack of atrial pacing, the PAVB and VSP are absent.

Lower Rate (Base Rate) Timing

The lower rate interval (LRI) or lower rate limit (LRL) determines the base rate of pacing. In dual-chamber modes, the LRI can be defined in terms of ventricular events (ventricular-based timing) or atrial events (atrial-based timing). Lower rate (base rate) behavior is nonprogrammable and varies between manufacturers and even among different models of the same manufacturer.

Ventricular-Based Timing

All dual-chamber devices originally used ventricular based timing, in which ventricular events start or reset the LRI (and the VAI). The interval from a ventricular event to the subsequent ventricular paced event defines the LRI. The hallmark of ventricular based timing is that the VAI (AEI) always remains constant (the A-A interval varies). A ventricular paced event starts the LRI and the VAI. A ventricular sensed event in the VAI will reset the LRI and the VAI, whereas a ventricular sensed event in the AVI will terminate the AVI and start the LRI and the VAI. A consequence of this is that in the presence of intrinsic AV conduction, the resultant atrial pacing interval (A-A interval) will be shorter than the programmed LRI ( Fig. 36-15 ). A PVC will reset or start the LRI and VAI, depending on whether it falls in the VAI or in the AVI; the PVC-VP interval will therefore be equal to the LRI ( Fig. 36-16 ).

Figure 36-15, Comparison of Atrial- and Ventricular-Based Lower Rate Timing.

Figure 36-16, Response to Premature Ventricular Contractions Based on Base Rate Behavior.

Atrial-Based Timing

In atrial-based timing, atrial events start or reset the LRI. The LRI is the interval between an atrial event and the subsequent atrial paced event. Atrial-based timing is characterized by a fixed A-A interval (the VAI varies to maintain a constant A-A interval). The A-A interval is started or reset by any atrial event. In the presence of intrinsic AV conduction, the ventricular sensed event, which occurs in the AVI, will not affect the AA interval; therefore the atrial pacing rate will remain at the programmed LRL (see Fig. 36-15 ). Following a PVC, devices use one of two responses : (i) Common type (also termed modified atrial-based behavior). The PVC-VP interval equals the LRI, similar to ventricular based timing. (ii) Uncommon type or hysteresis response (also termed “pure” atrial-based behavior). The PVC resets the A-A interval, so that the PVC-AP interval equals the LRI (see Fig. 36-16 ).

Early sensing of PVCs on the atrial channel (VA crosstalk) in a device with atrial-based timing (and common type PVC response) may result in prolonged AEIs. When atrial sensing of the far-field R wave of the PVC occurs before detection of the near-field R wave by the ventricular channel, the A-A interval is reset by the atrial sensed event, resulting in a prolonged AEI following the PVC ( Fig. 36-17 ). This behavior is promoted by a high atrial sensitivity and/or low ventricular sensitivity and may be corrected by reducing atrial sensitivity and/or increasing ventricular sensitivity.

Figure 36-17, Prolongation of the Atrial Escape Interval in Pacemakers With Atrial-Based Timing.

Comparison of Atrial-Based and Ventricular-Based Timing

Ventricular-based timing is characterized by a fixed VAI, whereas a fixed AA interval defines atrial-based timing. For the most part, during constant ventricular pacing, the two systems are similar: with constant AV sequential pacing or constant atrial tracking, there is no difference between the two; however, if a differential AV delay is programmed, and AS-VP is followed by AP-VP, the AS-AP interval is shorter with ventricular-based timing (see Fig. 36-15 ). The main difference between the two systems is in the presence of spontaneous AV conduction. In the presence of spontaneous AV conduction, the atrial pacing rate increases in ventricular-based pacing, whereas it remains constant in atrial-based pacing. The increase in atrial pacing rate in ventricular-based systems in the presence of spontaneous AV conduction is exaggerated during sensor-driven pacing, when AV conduction may be rather brisk. The response to spontaneous AV conduction is also the basis for slightly different patterns seen with both systems with intermittent AV conduction (e.g., 2 : 1 AV block). Table 36-5 summarizes the differences between ventricular-based and atrial-based lower rate timing.

TABLE 36-5
Comparison of Ventricular-Based and Atrial-Based Lower Rate Timing
Ventricular-Based Timing Atrial-Based Timing
LRI Ventricular event − Ventricular paced (V-V) interval Atrial event − Atrial paced (A-A) interval
What is constant? AEI A-A interval
Effect of continuous intrinsic AV conduction Increase in atrial pacing rate No increase in atrial pacing rate
2 : 1 AV block Alternate V-V intervals at LRL (VS-VP) and at faster rate (VP-VS) Alternate V-V intervals faster than LRL (VP-VS) and slower than LRL (VS-VP)
Rate-modulated pacing May cause significant increase in pacing rate in the presence of spontaneous AV conduction. (Features that minimize this include Rate-responsive AVD and Forced VA interval extension) Pacing occurs at the sensor-indicated rate
Effect of continuous ventricular safety pacing Increase in pacing rate No increase in pacing rate
Differential AV delay: AS-VP followed by AP-VP A-A interval < LRI A-A interval = LRI
What happens after a PVC? LRI (V-V interval) is reset
PVC-AP interval = AEI
Common type response: AVI is subtracted from the reset LRI
PVC-AP interval = A-A interval-AVI
Hysteresis response: LRI (A-A interval) is reset PVC-AP interval = A-A interval
See Table 36-3 for abbreviations.

In the DOO mode, both ventricular- and atrial-based systems function exactly the same way. Atrial-based timing is not applicable to the VDD and VDI modes, as there is no atrial pacing. True atrial-based timing is incompatible with the DDI mode.

Hybrid Timing

Most current devices combine features of both atrial-based and ventricular-based timing to avoid heart rate variations associated with either system. This has been termed modified atrial-based timing or hybrid timing. Current devices primarily use atrial-based timing to avoid heart rate acceleration during intrinsic AV conduction (AP-VS sequences) that is seen with ventricular-based timing. Following PVCs, most devices demonstrate modified atrial-based behavior (common type response, similar to ventricular-based timing) to avoid the pause seen with hysteresis response. Different modifications (manufacturer- and device-specific) may be applied for other situations (DDI mode, differential AVI, etc.)

Dual-Chamber Rate Hysteresis

Dual-chamber devices can also have rate hysteresis analogous to ventricular or atrial hysteresis. With dual-chamber pacing, whether atrial-sensed or ventricular-sensed events trigger rate hysteresis depends on the pacing mode and the manufacturer; in almost all devices, atrial-sensed events trigger hysteresis in the DDD mode (see “ Algorithms for Rate Adjustment ”).

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