Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Description: Vaginal bleeding during the third trimester of pregnancy (generally >25–27 weeks gestation). Vaginal bleeding should be seen as a symptom, rather than a diagnosis. Most often, the blood is of maternal origin.
Prevalence: Bleeding complicates 4%–5% of pregnancies.
Predominant Age: Reproductive age.
Genetics: No genetic pattern.
Causes: Cervical dilation, premature separation of a part or all of the placenta, abnormal placentation (location or character).
Risk Factors: Trauma (including physical abuse), labor, multiparity, advanced maternal age, smoking, cocaine use, multiple gestation, prior placenta previa and prior abortion.
Painless vaginal bleeding after 25–27 weeks of gestation.
Uterine hyperactivity possibly present when associated with a placental abnormality (20%).
When bleeding is heavy—hypotension, tachycardia, orthostasis, syncope.
Labor (bloody show)
Placenta previa
Placental abruption
Uterine rupture
Vasa previa
Vaginal or cervical lacerations
Bleeding from other sources (hemorrhoids, vulva, vagina)
Associated Conditions: Labor, prematurity, anemia, postpartum hemorrhage, coagulopathy.
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