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Biomedical science paid surprisingly little attention to a remarkable change in human biology during the 20th century—the marked increase of human life expectancy N62-1 in developed nations. Life expectancy is the projected mean length of life of those born in a given calendar year (e.g., 1984)—or those of a particular age (e.g., 30 years)—computed from the mortality characteristics of the entire population in a particular year (e.g., 2016). In the United States, life expectancy for men progressively increased from 47.9 years in 1900 to 76.4 years in 2012, and for women, from 50.7 years in 1900 to 81.2 years in 2012.
Human life-expectancy data—such as those cited in the first paragraphs of this chapter—are computed from mortality data for a particular year (e.g., 2002)—that is, the ages of all people who happen to have died in a particular year. Note that some of these individuals who died in 2002 were born in 2002, and some were born in 1900. The first step in computing life expectancy is to use the mortality data of 2002, for example, to compute age-specific death rates, from which we can derive a variety of other statistics. For example, we can compute the life expectancy at a particular age. The life expectancy at birth in the United States in 2002 was 74.5 years for men and 79.9 years for women. However, based on 2012 data, the life expectancy at birth in the United States had already risen to 76.4 for men and 81.2 for women. Clearly, these life expectancies are not predictions about how long someone alive today will live. Rather, they are death rates that are frozen in time.
Another way of approaching the question is to analyze an extinct cohort, such as all those born in the year 1800. Based on the age at death of each member of this cohort, we could compute the true life expectancy of those born in the year 1800. Note that it is impossible—today—to predict the true life expectancy of those born in the year 2000 because that cohort is not extinct.
Responding to the increase in life expectancy, the United States in 1974 established the National Institute on Aging (NIA) in the National Institutes of Health. The NIA has had a major impact in the United States and throughout the world in the promotion of research on aging and in the development of geriatric medicine.
The fraction of the U.S. population ≥65 years of age was only 4% in 1900 but 12.4% in 2000. This trend in age structure is projected to continue ( Fig. 62-1 ). Moreover, because women have a greater life expectancy, they comprised 70.5% of the population >80 years of age in 1990 in developed nations.
The shift in the age structure of the U.S. population during the 20th century depended only modestly on an increase in life expectancy from birth. More important was the progressive decrease in birth rates. As a result, the elderly have become an ever-increasing fraction of the population, particularly in developed nations. Indeed, the effect of the post–World War II “baby boom” generation on population age structure is clearly apparent in Figure 62-1 . If birth rates do not fall much further, future changes in the age structure of the U.S. population will depend mainly on further increases in life expectancy. N62-3
There is concern that the increasing fraction of the population ≥65 years will have a negative socioeconomic impact. Part of the potential problem is cultural in that individuals expect to exit the work force at or around 65 years of age. Also, with advancing age, there is progressive deterioration of physiological capacity and an increasing prevalence of age-associated diseases. Thus, with advancing age, individuals need greater assistance in living and more medical care. In the United States, hospital admissions in 1993 for those >65 years of age were more than twice the admissions for those 45 to 64 years of age.
The age of an organism usually refers to the length of time the individual has existed. Biogerontologists and members of the general public alike usually use aging to mean the process of senescence. For example, we may say that a person is young for her age, an expression meaning that the processes of senescence appear to be occurring slowly in that person. Aging —the synonym for senescence that we use throughout this chapter— is the progressive deteriorative changes during the adult period of life that underlie an increasing vulnerability to challenges and thereby decrease the ability of the organism to survive.
Biogerontologists distinguish biological age from chronological age. Although we easily recognize the biological aging of family members, friends, and pets, it would be helpful to have a quantitative measure of the rate of aging of an individual. Biomarkers of aging —morphological and functional changes that occur with time in the adult organism—could in principle serve as a measure of senescent deterioration. Alas, a generally agreed-on panel of biomarkers of aging has yet to emerge, so it is currently impossible to quantitate the aging of individuals.
Although measuring the aging of individuals is difficult, it has long been possible to measure the rate of aging of populations. In 1825, Benjamin Gompertz, a British actuary, published a report on the human age-specific death rate —the fraction of the population entering an age interval (e.g., 60 to 61 years of age) that dies during the age interval. For the British population, Gompertz found that, after early adulthood, the age-specific death rate increases exponentially with increasing adult age. The same is true for other human populations ( Fig. 62-2 ) and for many animal populations. Based on the assumption that the death rate reflects the vulnerability caused by senescence, it has generally been accepted that the slope of the curve in Figure 62-2 reflects the rate of population aging. Although gompertzian and related analyses had long been viewed as the “gold standard” for measuring population aging, some biogerontologists have challenged this approach.
Most evolutionary biologists no longer accept the once popular belief that aging is an evolutionary adaptation with a genetic program similar to that for development. The current view is that aging evolved by default as the result of the absence of forces of natural selection that might otherwise eliminate mutations that promote senescence. For example, consider a cohort of a species that reaches reproductive maturity at age X. At that age, all members of the cohort will be involved in generating progeny. Furthermore, assume that this species is evolving in a hostile environment—the case for most species. As the age of this cohort increases past X, fewer and fewer members survive so that all members of the cohort die before exhibiting senescence. In this cohort, genes with detrimental actions expressed only at advanced ages would not be subjected to natural selection. If we now move the progeny of our cohort to a highly protective environment, many may well live to ages at which the deleterious genes can express their effects, thereby giving rise to the aging phenotype. This general concept led biologists to put forward three genetic mechanisms that we discuss in the following three paragraphs. These are not mutually exclusive, and each has experimental support.
In 1952, Peter Medawar N62-4 proposed a variant of the foregoing model, now referred to as the mutation-accumulation mechanism. He proposed that most deleterious mutations in gametes will result in progeny that are defective during most of life, and natural selection removes such genes from the population. However, a very few of mutated genes will not have deleterious effects until advanced ages, and natural selection would fail to eliminate such genes.
For more information about Peter Medawar and his work on acquired immunological tolerance, for which he shared a Nobel Prize, visit (accessed February 2015).
George Williams proposed another variant in 1957. He postulated that the genes that have deleterious actions in late life actually increase evolutionary fitness in early adulthood. Natural selection will strongly favor such alleles because they promote the ability of the young adult to generate progeny and because they have a negative impact only after reproduction— antagonistic pleiotropy. In this scenario, aging is a byproduct of natural selection.
In 1977, Tom Kirkwood proposed the disposable soma theory, according to which the fundamental life role of organisms is to generate progeny. Natural selection would apportion the use of available energy between reproduction and body (i.e., somatic) maintenance to maximize the individual's lifetime yield of progeny. As a consequence, less energy is available for somatic maintenance than needed for indefinite survival. This theory further proposes that a hostile environment increases the fraction of energy expended in reproduction, so that a smaller fraction is left for somatic maintenance.
Measuring the effects of aging on the human physiology presents investigators with a difficulty—the subjects' life span is longer than the investigator's scientific life span.
The usual approach to the foregoing difficulty is a cross-sectional design in which investigators study cohorts with several different age ranges (e.g., 20- to 29-year-olds, 30- to 39-year-olds) over a brief period (e.g., a calendar year). However, this design suffers from two serious potential confounders. One is the cohort effect; that is, different cohorts have had different environmental experiences. For example, in studies of the effects of aging on cognition, a confounding factor could be that younger cohorts have had the benefit of a relatively higher level of education. If aware of a potential confounder, the investigator may be able to modify the study's design to avoid the confounder.
The second potential confounder is selective mortality —individuals with risk factors for diseases that cause death at a relatively young age are underrepresented in older age groups. For example, in a study on the effect of age on plasma lipoproteins, mortality at a young age from cardiovascular disease would preferentially eliminate individuals with the highest low-density lipoprotein levels.
To circumvent the confounders encountered in cross-sectional designs, investigators can repeatedly study a subject over a significant portion of his or her lifetime. However, this longitudinal design has other problems. Long-term longitudinal studies require a special organizational structure that can outlive an individual investigator and ensure completion of the study. Even shorter longitudinal studies are very costly. Some problems are inherent in the time course of longitudinal studies, including the effect of repeated measurements on the function being assessed, changes in subjects' lifestyle (e.g., diet), dropout of subjects from the study, and changes in professional personnel and technology.
Age-associated diseases are those that do not cause morbidity or mortality until advanced ages. Examples are coronary artery disease, stroke, many cancers, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, cataracts, Alzheimer disease, and Parkinson disease. These are either chronic diseases or acute diseases that result from long-term processes (e.g., atherogenesis).
Most gerontologists have held the view that age-associated diseases are not an integral part of aging. These gerontologists developed the concept of primary and secondary aging to explain why age-associated diseases occur in almost all elderly people. Primary aging refers to intrinsic changes occurring with age, unrelated to disease or environmental influences. Secondary aging refers to changes caused by the interaction of primary aging with environmental influences or disease processes.
In contrast, some gerontologists adhere to a view expressed by Robin Holliday: “The distinction between age-related changes that are not pathological and those that are pathological is not at all fundamental.” Moreover, the genetic mechanisms proposed for the evolution of aging (see p. [CR] ) may apply equally to the processes underlying both primary and secondary aging.
In this subchapter, we consider three major classes of cellular and molecular processes that may be proximate causes of organismic aging: (1) damage caused by oxidative stress and other factors, (2) inadequate repair of damage, and (3) dysregulation of cell number. No one of these is the underlying mechanism of aging. The basic mechanism of aging is likely to be the long-term imbalance between damage and repair. During growth and development, the genetic program not only creates a complex structure, but also repairs damaged molecules that arise in the process. Following development is a brief adult period when damage and repair are in balance, and then begins a long-term imbalance in favor of damage.
The factors underlying the imbalance vary among species and among individuals within species, as a result of both genetic and environmental variability. For example, oxidative stress is one of many damaging processes that underlie aging, but an individual's genome and environment determine the extent to which it is an important causal factor.
Raymond Pearl in 1928 proposed that organisms have a finite amount of a “vital principle,” which they deplete at a rate proportional to the rate of energy expenditure. Although this once-dominant “rate of living” theory of aging has now been discarded, some of its concepts helped to spawn the oxidative stress theory of aging. N62-5
Also contributing to the development of the oxidative stress theory of aging was the free-radical theory of aging. In 1954, Denham Harman published an article setting forth the free-radical theory of aging. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical entities containing unpaired outer orbital electrons. Harman proposed that free radicals are generated in living organisms from both endogenous and exogenous sources. He theorized that these highly reactive entities damage biologically important molecules, resulting in aging.
As illustrated in Figure 62-3 A , reactive oxygen species (ROS) include molecules such as hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), neutral free radicals such as the hydroxyl radical ( . OH), and anionic radicals such as the superoxide anion radical ( ). Free radicals have an unpaired electron in the outer orbital, shown in red in Figure 62-3 A . These free radicals are extremely unstable because they react with a target molecule to capture an electron, so that they become a stable molecule with only paired electrons in the outer shell. However, the target molecule left behind becomes a free radical, which initiates a chain reaction that continues until two free radicals meet to create a product with a covalent bond. ROS—particularly . OH, which is the most reactive of them all—have the potential to damage important biological molecules, such as proteins, lipids, and DNA. However, ROS also play important physiological roles in the oxidation of iodide anions by thyroid peroxidase in the formation of thyroid hormone (see pp. 1006–1010 ), as well as in the destruction of certain bacteria by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and myeloperoxidase in phagocytic cells.
N62-6 Finally, the highly reactive signaling molecule nitric oxide (see p. 66 ) is a free radical (see Fig. 62-3 A ).
For more information about ROS and their physiological roles, see the following Web page, particularly the discussion under the heading “ROS Are Essential”: (accessed February 2015).
For more information on the chemistry and physiology of nitric oxide (NO), visit the following websites: (accessed February 2015) (accessed February 2015)
Quantitatively, the most important source of ROS is the mitochondrial electron transport chain (see p. 118 ). Complex I and complex III of the electron transport chain generate as byproducts (see Fig. 62-3 B ). The enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) converts
to hydrogen peroxide, which in turn can yield the highly reactive . OH.
Only a small fraction of the oxygen used in aerobic metabolism (<1%) generates ROS. However, even that amount would be lethal in the absence of protective mechanisms. Fortunately, organisms have two potent antioxidant defenses. The major defense is enzymatic, specifically SODs, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase ( Fig. 62-4 ). In addition, low-molecular-weight antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, play a minor role in the defense against the metabolically produced radicals.
Because these antioxidant defense mechanisms are not fully protective, the dominant concept of the oxidative stress theory is that an imbalance between the production and removal of ROS by antioxidant defenses is the major cause of aging. Nevertheless, recent studies using genetically engineered mice—with either deficient or overexpressed antioxidant enzymes—do not support this theory.
Glycation refers to nonenzymatic reactions between the carbonyl groups of reducing sugars (e.g., glucose) and the amino groups of macromolecules (e.g., proteins, DNA) to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Figure 62-5 shows an interaction of open-chain d -glucose with a lysine residue on a protein, yielding a Schiff base and water. The Schiff base undergoes an intramolecular rearrangement to form an open-chain Amadori compound that undergoes the Amadori rearrangement to form a ring structure called an Amadori product. In cooking, Amadori products undergo a series of further reactions to produce polymers and copolymers called melanoidins, which give a brown color to cooked food. N62-8 In humans, the Amadori product can undergo a series of intramolecular and intermolecular rearrangements that include oxidation— glycoxidation —to form AGE molecules. For example, the Amadori product in Figure 62-5 can either form carboxymethyllysine or react with an arginine residue on the same or a different protein to form a cross-link called pentosidine.
In the Maillard reaction, the amino group of an amino acid reacts with the carbonyl group of a sugar. As shown in the left side of Figure 62-5 , the products are water plus an N-substituted glycosylamine (i.e., an open-chained Amadori compound). This reaction, discovered by the physiologist Louis Camille Maillard (see ) in the 1910s is responsible for the brown color of toast and the color of seared meat. For more information about the reaction, visit the following websites:
The formation of AGEs is especially important for long-lived proteins and appears to play a role in the long-term complications of diabetes. The similarity between the aging phenotype and that of the diabetic patient led Anthony Cerami to propose the glycation hypothesis of aging. Although glucose is not the only reducing sugar involved in glycation, it is an important one. Thus, the level of glycemia is a major factor in glycation, and periods of hyperglycemia are probably the reason glycation—including the glycation of hemoglobin (see Box 29-1 )—is enhanced in patients with diabetes. Proteins containing AGEs exhibit altered structural and functional properties. For example, AGE formation in lens proteins of the eye probably contributes to age-associated opacification. Moreover, with advancing age, the increased stiffness of collagen in connective tissues (e.g., blood vessels; see pp. 458–459 ) may also, in part, be due to AGE-mediated collagen cross-links. AGE-induced DNA damage may lead to alterations in genomic function.
Because mitochondria are the major source of ROS, they are also likely to be a major target of oxidative damage. Damage to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) increases greatly with age because, unlike genomic DNA, mtDNA is not protected by histones (see pp. 75–76 ). According to the mitochondrial theory of aging, the damage to mtDNA reduces the ability of the mitochondria to generate ATP, and this decreased production of ATP results in the loss of cell function and hence aging.
Damage to genomic and mitochondrial DNA can occur as the result of radiation and other environmental agents, such as toxic chemicals. In recent years, oxidative stress has been recognized as a major source of DNA damage. Cells can repair much of the damage to DNA, and the level of damage is in a steady state between damaging and repair processes. According to the DNA damage theory of aging, accumulated DNA damage interferes with DNA replication and transcription, thereby impairing the ability of cells to function and causing aging. Moreover, this loss of function increases as the steady-state level of DNA damage increases with advancing age. However, it is not clear that DNA damage and mutations in somatic cells are sufficient to cause the organismic functional deterioration that characterizes the aging phenotype.
Many biogerontologists believe that even more important than damage per se is the progressive age-associated loss in the ability to repair such damage. N62-9
Those who believe in the concept of primary and secondary aging would feel that, because repair processes are an intrinsic component of an organism, their inadequate functioning is a component of primary aging. Some distinguished biogerontologists do not regard the concept of primary and secondary aging as useful. On the other hand, other distinguished biogerontologists, including some in the medical area, still subscribe to the concept.
As noted above, the steady-state level of damaged DNA depends on the balance between damage and repair processes. The DNA repair theory of aging proposes that DNA repair declines with advancing age, which causes a rise in the steady-state level of damaged DNA and thereby compromises the integrity of the genome. Because DNA repair is a complex process, it is difficult to measure in vivo. Moreover, not only the rate but also the accuracy of the repair processes could contribute to aging. Particularly in stem cells, unrepaired or inappropriately repaired DNA may play a major role in aging.
In addition to oxidative stress and nonenzymatic glycation, a host of other processes—including deamidation, racemization, and isomerization—may lead to deterioration of proteins, resulting in changes in the secondary and tertiary structures as well as aggregation and fragmentation. Protecting the organism from an excessive accumulation of altered proteins are proteolytic degradation and replacement— protein turnover.
As noted beginning on page 33 , cells have mechanisms for monitoring and maintaining the quality of their proteome. A major role of these mechanisms is the maintenance of the appropriate conformation of the proteins in the face of factors tending to unfold and misfold them, thereby abolishing function and often converting the protein into a toxic agent. An age-associated decrease in chaperone proteins—involved in protein folding and refolding—may be a factor in the accumulation of protein oligomers and aggregates. Small oligomers, not mature amyloid fibers, are believed to be the most toxic species in some age-associated diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. The ubiquitin/proteasome system (see pp. 33–34 ) degrades many of the proteins not refolded by the chaperones. The catalytic activity of the proteasome may decrease with age.
The rate of total-body protein turnover in humans decreases with age. Thus, the average lifetime of most but not all protein species increases with age. Long-lived proteins in the extracellular matrix, particularly collagen and elastin, undergo age-associated changes such as oxidation, glycation, and cross-linking. These changes, for cells embedded in the matrix, probably alter proliferation, migration, and the response to extracellular signals.
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