Elbow Checklists

Radiographic examination

  • AP

  • External oblique

  • Lateral

Elbow joint effusions and the fat pad sign

  • Visible posterior fat pad

  • Elevation of the anterior fat pad, the sail sign

Common sites of injury in adults

  • Radial head and neck

  • Olecranon

  • Coronoid process of ulna

  • Distal humerus

Common sites of injury in children and adolescents

  • Supracondylar of the distal humerus

  • Salter-Harris type 4 of lateral condyle

  • Avulsion of the medial epicondyle

  • Olecranon

Injuries likely to be missed

  • Monteggia fracture dislocations

    • Missing radial head dislocation

  • Fine, subtle fractures of the radial head and neck

  • Radial head epiphyseal separation

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