Tag Sook-Bin Woo DMD MMSc FDSRCS (Edin)

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Odontogenic tumors

Odontogenic tumors are classified as follows: (1) epithelial tumors with mature fibrous stroma without ectomesenchyme, (2) mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumors, and (3) mesenchymal tumors with or without scarce epithelium (usually in the form of rests) ( Fig. 15.1 ).…

Odontogenic cysts

The tooth develops from the dental lamina, an ingrowth of the lining of the primitive stomodeum, and the dental lamina develops tooth buds for the primary and the permanent dentition ( Fig. 14.1 ). After odontogenesis, remnant epithelium is left…

Salivary gland neoplasms

This chapter discusses salivary gland tumors that occur with high frequency in the oral cavity with the understanding that even salivary gland tumors that tend to occur mostly in the major glands may also occur in the minor glands. Intraoral…

Inflammatory salivary gland disorders

Mucocele The term mucocele sometimes is used to include both extravasation and retention mucoceles. Only the extravasation type should be termed mucocele while the retention type is a salivary duct cyst. They have different sites of occurrence, etiopathogenesis, and histopathology.…