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For anatomic reasons, emergency surgical airway in the hands of advanced airway managers will usually be a cricothyrotomy.
The critical step in cricothyrotomy is recognizing when it is required. Decision-making should not be left solely to the airway manager—those not directly involved in airway management may better recognize an emerging cannot ventilate/cannot oxygenate (CVCO) situation.
We have chosen CVCO in this chapter to reflect two quantitative measurements that can be verbalized by team members, usually in the order they occur (e.g., “I notice the waveform capnography is flat, and the oxygen saturation is now going down to the mid 80s. I’ll get out the supraglottic device and cricothyrotomy set”). This deemphasizes the need for the airway manager to have the insight into their cognitive errors including perseveration of tracheal intubation attempts.
Due to the infrequent need to perform cricothyrotomy, skills maintenance requires regular practice, coaching, and keeping the technique as simple as possible. Similar to Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), infrequent high-acuity emergencies require a standardized predictable approach.
Due to its unpredictable nature, cricothyrotomy supplies should be stocked in every location in which advanced airway management occurs (e.g., in every trauma room, not just on one central cart). Equipment is simple; #10 scalpel, bougie, and 6.0 tracheal tube. These should be stocked together and clearly labeled.
The cricothyroid membrane is difficult to palpate in females, as well as in patients with a thick or short neck. There is a high failure rate of cricothyrotomy techniques that rely on accurate identification of the cricothyroid membrane (e.g., wire-guided cricothyrotomy).
Evidence of repeated success supports simplicity of choice and technique. The use of a scalpel, bougie, and tracheal tube emphasizes simplicity. Landmarking is key to success, and when faced with challenging dissection or excessive bleeding, the index finger can be used to internally palpate and confirm airway anatomy prior to horizontally incising the cricothyroid membrane. The index finger can then serve as a guide for insertion of the bougie followed by the tracheal tube.
Suctioning the tracheal tube immediately for blood after insertion is recommended. Waveform capnography is the gold standard of the tracheal tube being in the airway, even in the setting of cardiac arrest. Confirm intratracheal placement with waveform capnography. Bronchoscopic assessment is a helpful as a visual adjunct to tracheal tube placement and positioning. Obtain a chest x-ray to assess tracheal tube placement and possible barotrauma, including pneumothorax.
Nonemergent and emergent surgical airway approaches differ in context, anatomic approach, equipment, and training. Nonemergent surgical airway generally takes the form of open tracheotomy or percutaneous tracheostomy in the hands of a surgeon or intensivist with expertise in these techniques. The decision to perform a nonemergent surgical airway is, by definition, scheduled with a robust multidisciplinary airway plan. Elective tracheotomy is not without its dangers; poor physiologic reserve, difficult surgical access, and the inability to easily reintubate the patient may all result in an elective tracheostomy becoming emergent. In contrast, an emergent surgical airway generally takes the form of cricothyrotomy, often in the hands of advanced airway managers whose experience of cricothyrotomy often consists of simulation only. The decision to perform an emergency cricothyrotomy must be made expeditiously in the setting of possible hypoxic brain damage or death, if not performed imminently. The power of a team approach harnessed during these emergent situations may be lifesaving.
The term surgical airway should not be misinterpreted as needing to be performed by a surgeon. Any advanced airway manager (those performing airway management beyond mask ventilation) should have the skills to perform an emergency surgical airway (cricothyrotomy) when required. The indications, methods, and complications of achieving a successful surgical airway in emergency and non-emergency contexts is the focus of this chapter.
Most nonemergent surgical airways will be in the form of either tracheotomy (open surgical technique) or tracheostomy (percutaneous technique). Most critical care patients requiring tracheostomy will undergo bedside percutaneous tracheostomy with bronchoscopic guidance by a critical care physician. Patients with difficult anatomy are usually transferred to the operating room for open tracheostomy performed by surgeons skilled in this technique. This selects for the most difficult cases being transferred to the operating room. Anesthesiologists involved in these procedures should be well versed with the steps involved, engage in open communication with the surgery team, and be prepared with alternative oxygenation techniques should any of the emergencies reviewed in this chapter occur.
Patients requiring nonemergent surgical airway procedures often have an orally or nasally placed tracheal tube in situ. Although many airway managers will not perform a surgical airway in a nonemergent context, many will be called upon to assist or support oxygenation and ventilation during the tracheostomy. It is important to understand the anatomy, steps involved, and potential pitfalls. Communication and understanding of the sequential steps involved on both sides of the drape will prevent a nonemergency situation from devolving into an emergency. Oral/nasal tracheal tube withdrawal should only occur following confirmation of proper placement of the new surgical airway. The surgical airway should be confirmed by waveform capnography. If there is no waveform despite suctioning through the surgical airway, the creation of a false passage should be assumed. False passage occurs when surgical dissection diverges from the airway into anterior neck tissues. False passage creation is associated with hypoxia, cardiorespiratory instability, and loss of the airway if not managed correctly. Other rare immediate complications include airway fire in the presence of a combustible gas (such as a high Fio 2 escaping from the tracheal incision, a spark from electrocautery, and ignition of drapes, towels or gauze) or uncontrolled bleeding from an overlying thyroid gland or important vessels that cross the midline, such as the innominate artery. Finally, barotrauma or pneumothorax can result due to tube migration, high pressure/high flow ventilation, or accidental trauma to the pleura from challenging surgical dissection in the mediastinum or lung apices in the lateral neck.
Establishing an emergency surgical airway is often a second- or third-line choice to secure an airway after tracheal intubation (TI) attempts have failed. It is important to consider, particularly in the setting of obstructing airway pathology, if performance of a surgical airway whilst the patient is awake should be the first choice of securing the patient’s airway. A styleted tracheal tube or flexible bronchoscope through the patient’s native narrowed airway may completely obstruct the airway. This may lead to patient panic, loss of cooperation, and the change from a semiurgent situation into a less-controlled emergency.
Advanced airway managers, regardless of specialty, will be usually involved in performing an emergency cricothyrotomy at least once in their career, usually during a cannot ventilate/cannot oxygenate (CVCO) situation.
Waveform capnography and pulse oximetry provide objective physiologic assessments of patency from the patient’s mouth to alveoli and of oxygenation of circulating blood, respectively. Both are essential parts of advanced airway management. We have used the term CVCO in this chapter to reflect the temporal sequence of these two objective findings; nonreassuring waveform capnography (due to upper airway obstruction) usually precedes the patient becoming hypoxemic. The term CVCO, unlike cannot intubate/cannot oxygenate (CICO), deemphasizes failure of TI as a criterion for diagnosing the CVCO airway emergency. In retrospective and prospective observational studies, CVCO has been associated with perseveration of TI attempts. If this life-threatening emergency situation can be recognized by any member of the healthcare team based on objective criteria, the decision to adjust the action becomes independent of the primary airway manager’s insight to a failure of airway management. Team members should be empowered to state when waveform capnography is no longer a square wave or is completely absent, as well as pulse oximetry falling. This level of engagement and situational awareness allows the entire team to mobilize and prepare for immediate surgical airway.
A failed airway is not defined as the need for a surgical airway. A failed airway is:
not recognizing the need for surgical airway, or
not performing a surgical airway in a timely manner, or
not being adequately practiced in the technique.
In a coordinated manner, the team should ensure the following: adequate patient paralysis, optimal two-handed, two-person with oral airway bag-valve-mask (BVM) technique, and insertion of a supraglottic device while positioning and preparing for a surgical airway, usually in the form of a cricothyrotomy.
The ideal cricothyrotomy technique should be as simple as possible with equipment that can be stocked and maintained in every airway management location. It should be practiced and refined on a regular basis. It should have a high first-pass success rate that is not dependent on fine motor skills, which often deteriorate due to the airway manager’s own physiologic stress response. For these reasons, the authors recommend a scalpel-bougie-ETT cricothyrotomy for the performance of a surgical airway in a CVCO emergency for all non-surgeon airway managers.
Surgical airway is the term used to encompass placing a breathing tube through the cricothyroid membrane (CTM) (cricothyrotomy) or between or through tracheal rings (tracheotomy). The term should not imply that it is performed only by surgeons. The term denotes the use of a scalpel to create an artificial conduit for oxygen provision (oxygenation) and carbon dioxide elimination (ventilation). No matter what approach is taken, the operator should expect blood to obscure the surgical field; palpation is the primary sense that will be used to successfully establish a surgical airway in an emergency.
There are a multitude of subtle variations of both tracheostomy and cricothyrotomy techniques that share the same goal following incision of the skin and soft tissue followed by the use of a tracheal tube through the CTM or tracheal rings to oxygenate and ventilate the patient.
Emergency surgical airway as a lifesaving procedure has been performed for thousands of years. The first depictions of surgical tracheostomy were found on Egyptian tablets dating from 3600 bce. In the second century ad , Galen suggested tracheostomy, using a vertical incision, as an emergency treatment for airway obstruction. Vesalius published the first detailed descriptions of tracheostomy in the 16th century, using a reed to ventilate the lungs. Ironically, his alleged resuscitation through tracheostomy and ventilation of a Spanish nobleman led to condemnation by the Spanish Inquisition and his ultimate death. Such condemnation may be reenacted to a degree in contemporary practice, whereby the performance of a surgical airway may be met with a retrospective and harsh critique!
Dr. Chevalier Jackson published a landmark article on tracheostomy in 1921, enumerating the surgical principles still relevant today. Cricothyrotomy, which Jackson called high tracheostomy, was condemned as the cause of subglottic stenosis. It is now clear that subglottic stenosis developed due to underlying inflammation of the respiratory mucosa, usually from an infectious cause (often diphtheria), rather than the site of incision. However, knowledge translation of this evidence has taken decades and is only now leading to a paradigm shift supporting the safety of cricothyrotomy.
The dangers of cricothyrotomy were not widely reconsidered until 1976, when Brantigan and Grow published a retrospective study of cricothyrotomy for long-term airway management in 655 patients. Only 5 patients (0.76%) developed subglottic stenosis. More recently, a 2019 systematic review analyzed the short- and long-term complications of cricothyrotomy (n = 1219) and tracheotomy (n = 342) procedures performed during emergency situations, the most common reason being trauma. All studies included were retrospective. Early complications occurred in 4.8% of cricothyrotomies, the most common being failure of the technique (1.6%) and damage to cartilaginous structures (1.6%). By comparison, early complications occurred in 9.1% of emergency tracheotomies, the most common being hemorrhage (5.6%) and pneumothorax/subcutaneous emphysema (2.9%). Subglottic stenosis occurred in 1.1% of patients who underwent cricothyrotomy regardless of whether early conversion to tracheotomy was performed versus 7.0% of patients undergoing tracheostomy.
In conclusion, not every cricothyrotomy performed requires immediate conversion to tracheotomy to prevent subglottic stenosis. The exception to this remains what Chevalier Jackson observed 100 years ago: in the face of inflammatory or infectious airway pathology, conversion as soon as possible to performing tracheostomy is advised, ideally within 24 hours.
The incidence of surgical airway varies depending on the clinical context. For example, in critical care where prolonged ventilatory support is anticipated, the incidence of tracheostomy can range from 7% to 24% depending on available resources and patient population. In emergencies, such as on the battlefield and in the prehospital setting, frequencies range between 0.5% and 18.5%. In the emergency department, a rate of 0.9% to 2.8% has been observed. In the operating suite, the incidence is much lower at 0.002% to 0.39%.
Surgical airway encompasses both cricothyrotomy and tracheotomy. Principles of the ideal surgical airway procedure can be found in Table 29.1 . An anatomic comparison of cricothyrotomy versus tracheotomy can be found in Table 29.2 . Surgical cricothyrotomy and surgical tracheotomy refer to the use of a scalpel and other surgical instruments to create an opening through the anterior neck and into the airway, through the CTM or through/between tracheal rings, respectively. In adults, these techniques allow the insertion of a cuffed tube. The 2019 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) airway-related closed claims review reported protracted delays in performing a surgical airway due to, among other reasons, the belief that a surgeon was required. Therefore, the authors support the use of the term surgical airway to encompass both cricothyrotomy and tracheotomy, with one or both being in the skill set of any advanced airway manager. Surgical airway may be further subclassified according to the technique used: (1) surgical, (2) percutaneous, (3) dilatational, and (4) cannula based.
Principle | Explanation |
There is an acceptable first-pass success rate. | Analogous to the literature for tracheal intubation (TI), it is not an unreasonable expectation that surgical airway has a first-pass success rate of 85% or greater. |
Landmarks are preserved. | The chosen technique should not impair the ability to perform a second technique should the first technique fail. Published evidence in adults from the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) closed claims, , as well as a systematic review of transtracheal jet ventilation techniques used in cannot ventilate/cannot oxygenate (CVCO) emergencies, document a high rate of cannula misplacement. Subcutaneous emphysema leading to obliteration of landmarks and failure of subsequent open scalpel-based surgical airway rescue attempts was documented frequently. |
There is minimized risk of creating a false passage. | False passage occurs when surgical dissection diverges from the airway into anterior neck tissues ( Fig. 29.1A ). Palpation and stabilization techniques can minimize this risk while providing tactile feedback. Advancement of the bougie without resistance also suggests proper placement in the airway. Tracheal “clicks” felt through the bougie as it slides over the tracheal rings although specific are not sensitive. Preloading the ETT alters tactile feedback from the bougie and impedes the proper mechanics of ETT insertion. Therefore this technique is not recommended. |
Equipment should be minimal, familiar, and immediately available. | Multiple technique choices and a multitude of devices may lead to delay in initiating a surgical airway due to device choice confusion and construction failure ( Fig. 29.4 ). Equipment should be as simple as possible, at a cost that permits availability in every airway management location versus only centralized in difficult airway carts ( Fig. 29.3 ). Packaging should be clear and unambiguous. There may be merit in labeling equipment with icons rather than written descriptors to enable healthcare workers to understand the contents despite their own physiologic and cognitive stress responses ( Fig. 29.3 ). |
Equipment cost should allow for simulated cricothyrotomy practice by advanced airway practitioners on a regular basis. | The equipment used in a CVCO emergency should be the same equipment used during practice sessions. Intermittent observation/coaching of technique improves performance compared to repetition alone. |
The need for fine motor skills is minimized. | The stress response of the airway manager cannot be overstated and is a key factor in performance outcome in cricothyrotomy during a CVCO emergency. Fine motor skills decay when the heart rate >115 beats per minute ; therefore, techniques depending on fine motor skills (e.g., connecting various pieces of equipment) are discouraged. |
Many CVCO emergencies are due to airway obstruction at or above the laryngeal inlet. | Surgical airway should allow for both inspiration and expiration of the full tidal volumes to avoid breath stacking and potential barotrauma. |
The cricothyroid membrane (CTM) is not a palpable structure; the cartilaginous structures that surround it are. Surgical airway choice should not rely on accurate palpation of CTM (i.e., the absence of cartilaginous structures) prior to initiation of cricothyrotomy. Palpation of the surrounding laryngeal structures surrounding the CTM (thyroid and cricoid cartilages) is useful. | Techniques that require precise, rapid identification of the CTM (e.g., cannula or wire-guided techniques) have a lower first-pass success rate versus scalpel-based techniques. Gender, body mass index (BMI), and patients with a short and/or thick neck have been associated with poor CTM identification based on palpation. |
Cricothyrotomy | Tracheotomy | |
Location of tracheal tube insertion | Larynx lies between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. | Between tracheal rings inferior to larynx |
Overlying tissues | Larynx is the most anterior superficial structure of the airway. | Increasing depth as the trachea dives posteriorly from its proximal origin at the first tracheal ring to its entry into the thoracic inlet |
Bleeding | Anterior thyroid artery; possible pyramidal lobe of the thyroid in 5% to 30% of people. | Anterior jugular veins Thyroid gland High-riding innominate artery |
Stability of structures | The larynx, because of complexity and interattachment of its components, is more anchored in the neck, thus far less mobile than the trachea. | More mobile in the neck compared to the larynx, requiring more instruments, expertise to identify, and traction of the trachea |
Extra equipment | Engaging the cricothyroid joints laterally by insertion of a finger widens the cricothyroid space. | Need for tracheal hook |
Risk of airway transection | Transverse incision CTM does not result in airway separation due to the presence of the bilateral cricothyroid joints. Posterior wall of the airway cannot be severed without hefty deliberate effort as it is protected by the long, thick, posterior plate of the cricoid cartilage. |
Transverse incision between tracheal rings may leave just the posterior membranous tracheal attachment, which can easily tear with placement of the tracheal tube, leading to impressive intrathoracic retraction of the distal limb of the trachea. |
For a tracheostomy, an incision is made below the cricoid cartilage (the most distal cartilage of the larynx), usually between two tracheal rings, but minor variations and preferences exist based on surgical training and clinical experience (Bjork flap, cruciate incision, ring excision) and placement of a tracheostomy tracheal tube. In the adult population, tracheostomy involves an initial horizontal skin incision, followed by sharp vertical dissection to divide the midline fascia between the strap muscles and to identify the thyroid isthmus, which is then retracted or divided to expose the trachea. Prior to incising the trachea, a tracheal hook is applied to the larynx at the cricoid ring and tractioned rostrally to provide inline stabilization of the larynx during insertion of an appropriately sized tracheostomy tube. The experienced operator will create the smallest possible horizontal incision in the trachea to accommodate the optimally sized tracheotomy tube to minimize the risk of tracheal transection leading to rapid intrathoracic retraction of the distal limb of the trachea due to negative intrathoracic pressures.
Percutaneous tracheostomy involves initial horizontal skin and soft tissue incision to facilitate a puncture and dilatation procedure into the trachea. Once again, an appropriately sized tracheostomy tube should be selected based on patient need and anatomic characteristics. Several commercial devices are available.
Cricothyrotomy is an incision made between the laryngeal structures of the thyroid and cricoid cartilages, through the CTM, with subsequent placement of a tracheal tube.
Open cricothyrotomy is generally preformed in emergency situations and involves an initial vertical midline skin and soft tissue incision ( Figure 29.2A ), followed by a horizontal incision through the full width of the CTM. Unike tracheosotmy, complete transection of the CTM and muscles anteriorly will not lead to transection of the airway for several reasons. The larynx consists of a cartilaginous skeleton, with supportive ligaments and muscles. The cartilaginous skeleton includes the thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis, and arytenoid cartilages. The larynx is anchored in the neck. By contrast, the trachea is much more mobile, is more “slinky” in its anatomy, and moves considerably with intrathoracic pressure changes, or space occupying lesions such as hematoma and infection of the lateral neck. The cricoid and thyroid cartilages are also coupled by two posterolateral cricothyroid joints. Functionally, these joints allow for anterior widening or narrowing of the cricothyroid space, which in the day to day contribute to changes in pitch on vocalization. When establishing a surgical airway via cricothyrotomy, after incising the CTM and muscles will engage the joints and open this space to facilitate placement of a tracheal tube to secure the airway. A tracheal hook is not required. Avoiding the need for a tracheal hook simplifies cricothyrotomy equipment.
Percutaneous cannula cricothyrotomy relies on accurate identification of the CTM and involves initial puncture simultaneously through the skin and CTM or skin incision followed by cannula placement through the CTM. Oxygenation occurs through the cannula by pressure- or flow-determined oxygen provision through oxygen tubing. Ventilation (exhalation) does not occur through the cannula.
Percutaneous wire-guided cricothyrotomy relies on accurate identification of the CTM and uses a Seldinger technique, in which the cannula technique (described in the preceding paragraph) is followed by wire insertion, dilatation, and insertion of the device. The device is large enough to provide both oxygenation and ventilation.
Since 2010, ultrasound localization studies have shown that accurate identification of the CTM by palpation is generally poor among anaesthesia providers and has the lowest reliability in obese females. In an emerging airway obstruction, the fine motor dexterity required to accurately perform this refined procedure is more likely to end in failure than success. Another drawback is understanding that in a situation of upper airway obstruction, with no airflow in or out, use of a small cannula in the airway below the obstruction may indeed provide a path for oxygenation, but if sufficient exhalation time or space for outflow is not created, then barotrauma remains a real and dramatic risk to further exacerbate the dire situation, provoking cardiovascular collapse and failure of salvage open techniques due to tissue destruction.
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