Special Issues in Pregnancy

Summary of Key Points

  • Cancer complicates 1 in 1000 pregnancies; the most common malignancies in pregnant women are breast cancer, cervical cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, malignant melanoma, and acute leukemia.

  • No evidence exists that pregnancy alters the clinical behavior of cancer, but cancer often is advanced at diagnosis because of the overlap of symptoms with those of a normal pregnancy.

  • Important factors in management include assessment of gestational age, maternal staging with limited exposure to ionizing radiation, the urgency of therapy, and the impact of therapy on maternal prognosis and fetal outcome.

  • Physiologic changes in pregnancy affect the metabolism of chemotherapy drugs, but few practical guidelines exist about how a regimen should be adjusted to take this factor into account.

  • Alkylators and antimetabolites should be avoided in the first trimester, but these agents and other cytotoxic drugs are generally not contraindicated (with the possible exceptions of methotrexate and hydroxyurea) in the second and third trimesters.

  • The scheduling of chemotherapy should be planned to minimize the risk of complications at the time of delivery.

  • No evidence exists that exposure to chemotherapy results in long-term adverse effects on physical or intellectual development, and surviving children have no increased risk of malignancy.

  • Therapeutic radiation jeopardizes fetal outcome and should be reserved for the postpartum period whenever possible.

  • Subsequent pregnancy after cancer diagnosis and treatment is usually possible.

This chapter focuses on the issues related to the care of women with cancer that is diagnosed during pregnancy. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in women between the ages of 20 and 39 years and complicates 1 in 1000 pregnancies. The most common cancers diagnosed in pregnant patients are the same as those seen in nonpregnant women of similar age: breast cancer, cervical cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, malignant melanoma, and acute leukemia. Although pregnancy is associated with immunologic tolerance, no evidence exists of an increased incidence of cancer or of more aggressive behavior of malignancies that are diagnosed during pregnancy. However, many cancers in pregnancy are diagnosed at an advanced stage, often because symptoms of the malignancy overlap with those that are experienced during a “normal” pregnancy.

Fetal Development and Physiology

The three phases of fetal development are implantation, organogenesis, and growth. The implantation phase lasts from conception to 2 weeks. Exposure to chemotherapy at this stage usually results in an all-or-none phenomenon—that is, spontaneous abortion or no sequelae. Organogenesis occurs between 2 and 7 to 12 weeks. Noxious stimuli at this time may lead to organ dysgenesis, resulting in fetal malformation or death. The growth phase occurs from the second trimester to term. During this time, toxic stimuli to the mother and fetus may result in fetal growth retardation, which can be associated with abnormal brain development and subsequent learning difficulties. However, as will be discussed, fetal growth retardation has not been demonstrated to be a significant clinical concern in women receiving chemotherapy during the second and third trimesters.

Because most chemotherapy drugs are uncharged, lipophilic, of low molecular weight, and minimally protein bound, they cross the placenta to the fetal circulation. The placenta is the primary portal of exit of waste products and toxins from the fetus. However, in general, the metabolites are more polar than the parent compound, might not cross the placenta as easily, and hence may accumulate in fetal tissues or amniotic fluid. The fetal liver can metabolize drugs as early as 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, but the extent to which the fetal liver and kidneys participate in drug elimination is minimal.

Maternal Physiology: Relevance to Chemotherapy and Surgery

Pregnancy induces several important physiologic changes that cause significant alterations in the metabolism and efficacy of commonly used medications ( Box 61.1 ). However, few data exist to guide physicians in adjustment of drug regimens (see the section on chemotherapy dosage).

Box 61.1
Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy That May Affect the Metabolism and Efficacy of Chemotherapy Agents

  • Alteration of drug absorption as a result of delayed gastric emptying and gastrointestinal mobility

  • Increased plasma volume leading to dilutional anemia, increased volume of distribution, and decreased peak plasma concentration of drugs

  • Increased enterohepatic circulation leading to increased drug bioavailability

  • Enhanced hepatic oxidation enhancing drug clearance

  • Altered levels of plasma proteins altering the pharmacokinetics of drugs with significant protein binding

  • Increased glomerular filtration resulting in enhanced drug clearance

  • Amniotic sac may be a third space for drugs

Physiologic changes in pregnancy also affect surgical treatment and planning. Pregnancy is accompanied by increased plasma volume and dilutional anemia, reduced mean arterial pressure, increased oxygen consumption, and a narrow respiratory reserve. Cardiac output is increased by 30% to 50% as early as the second trimester, but in the supine position the gravid uterus can compress the inferior vena cava, resulting in decreased venous return and reduction in cardiac output. Fetal development or viability may be jeopardized by hypotension and hypoxemia. Nevertheless, surgery can usually be performed safely during pregnancy; a small but increased risk of low birth weight and spontaneous abortion occurs, but there is no increased risk of fetal malformation.

Diagnostic Radiology for Staging

The practitioner who is responsible for the radiologic examination must take all reasonable steps beforehand to advise the pregnant patient of the potential risks to the embryo or fetus that are associated with in utero exposure. A tally of total radiation dose received during pregnancy should be kept.

Radiation can be divided into ionizing and nonionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation can penetrate tissue and damage cellular DNA, resulting in mutation and ultimately affecting the development and viability of the fetus. Numerous studies of radiation exposure after the atomic bomb detonations in Japan confirmed that this effect is dependent on radiation dose and stage of fetal development at the time of exposure ( Table 61.1 ). Fetal abnormalities associated with exposure to excessive ionizing radiation include microcephaly, eye malformation, and growth retardation. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommendations for imaging during pregnancy state that 5-cGy exposure to the fetus is not associated with any increased risk of fetal loss or birth defects. Radiation exposure is well below this amount for most procedures except for the maximum dose with computed tomography (CT) scanning of the abdomen and pelvis ( Table 61.2 ). A more relevant concern is an increased risk of childhood cancer. After a gestational age of 3 to 4 weeks, the number of excess cancer cases (leukemia and solid tumors) up to age 15 years after radiation in utero is estimated to be 1 in 17,000 per 0.1 cGy. The baseline cancer risk in the first 15 years is about 1 in 650, and thus fetal doses of 2.5 cGy will approximately double the risk; however, this represents an excess lifetime fatal cancer risk of less than 0.5%.

Table 61.1
Estimates of Threshold Doses for Effects After Fetal Radiation in Utero
M inimal D ose (mG y )
Age (wk) Death Gross Malformations Mental Retardation
0–1 No threshold at day 1; 100 thereafter No threshold at day 1? Analysis of Japanese data suggest a dose-related reduction of about 3 IQ points per 10 cGy for children who undergo radiation in utero from 8–15 wk after fertilization; the threshold is ill defined and may lie between 6 and 30 cGy
2–5 250–500 200
5–7 500 500
7–21 >500 Very few observed
To term >1000 Very few observed

Table 61.2
Typical Ranges of Fetal Doses a After Common Diagnostic Procedures
Examination Mean Dose (cGy) Maximum Dose (cGy)
Abdomen 0.14 0.42
Chest <0.01 <0.01
Cervical spine <0.01 <0.01
Lumbar spine 0.17 1.0
Pelvis 0.11 0.4
Thoracic spine <0.01 <0.01
Abdomen 0.8 4.9
Pelvis 2.5 7.9
Chest 0.006 0.096
Cervical spine <0.01
Brain <0.005 <0.005
Technetium-99m bone scan (phosphate) 0.33 0.46
Gallium-67 tumors and abscesses 1.2
Iodine-131 thyroid metastases 2.2

a The radiation doses have been estimated from surveys conducted in the United Kingdom for a range of diagnostic radiologic procedures.

Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ultrasound examination is believed to be safe during pregnancy and can be particularly useful in assessing the breasts and liver. CT scans and noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are being used with increasing frequency during pregnancy and lactation. Radiation doses from CT of the head and chest are minimal. CT should be used as the initial study for suspected pulmonary embolism. Noncontrast MRI does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation, and there has been no indication that noncontrast MRI during pregnancy has produced deleterious effects. Contrast agents such as gadolinium cross the placenta and are contraindicated. MRI of the abdomen is limited by motion artifact of the bowel.

Position Emission Tomography Scanning

There are limited safety data in pregnancy on the use of positron emission tomography (PET) scanning with use of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose as a radiomarker. The radiation dose to the uterus ranges from 3.70 to 7.40 mGy for the usual dose range of isotope injected. Fetal doses are likely higher earlier in pregnancy. However, this remains a low dose, and the decision regarding PET scanning should be individualized to the patient.

Teratogenicity of Chemotherapy

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has defined risk categories for all drugs based in part on the evidence in animals of fetal harm. Most chemotherapeutic agents are category D, for which there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks. Extrapolation of teratogenic and mutagenic effects of chemotherapeutic agents from animals to human organogenesis is difficult, however, because of differences in susceptibility among species. The timing of fetal drug exposure is critical. Administration of drugs within 1 week of conception may result in a spontaneous abortion or a healthy fetus. During the first trimester, when organogenesis occurs, drugs may produce congenital malformations and/or result in spontaneous abortion. Other factors that may influence the probability of teratogenesis include the frequency of drug administration, duration of exposure, synergistic effects of multiple drugs, use of radiation, and individual genetic susceptibility.

Most human data about chemotherapy during pregnancy involve small series or case reports, which are prone to reporting bias. Specific or systemic information about the teratogenicity of individual cytotoxics or modern multiagent chemotherapy regimens is limited, particularly in the first trimester. Many reported malformations have occurred after exposure to multiple agents, making it difficult to assign blame to a single causative agent. It is important to note that the overall incidence of major congenital malformations with chemotherapy use after the first trimester is approximately 3% (close to the risk in the general population), although the incidence of minor malformations may be as high as 9%, and 10% to 15% of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Extrapolation from older data also might not be appropriate, because many of these drugs (e.g., alkylating agents such as nitrogen mustard and busulfan and antimetabolites such as aminopterin) are now rarely used. Limited experience in the first trimester with regimens such as Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) and cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisolone (CHOP) suggests low rates of teratogenicity. In the second and third trimesters, drugs very rarely cause significant malformations but could impair fetal growth and development. The current available literature suggests that chronic prenatal chemotherapy exposure does not result in learning or behavioral problems (also known as functional teratogenesis ). Overall, the use of systemic antineoplastic therapy alone appears to be accompanied by significantly lower risk than is commonly appreciated.

Specific Chemotherapy Drugs

Table 61.3 details the available experience with some of the more commonly used chemotherapy drugs in animals and at various stages of human pregnancy, together with the FDA category. The recommendations are those published by Briggs and colleagues, with some additional comments from the authors. The choice of chemotherapy agents should be based on the most current literature.

Table 61.3
Summary and Recommendations for Selected Drug Experience in Pregnancy
Modified from Briggs GG, Freeman RK, Yaffe ST. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: a Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2005.
Drug First Trimester Second Trimester Recommendations Comments
Alkylators Inadequate data; teratogenic in animals Case reports without apparent fetal harm Contraindicated in first trimester
Anthracyclines Teratogenic in rats; few human data as single agent No reports of specific fetal abnormalities; idarubicin associated with neonatal cardiomyopathy Contraindicated in first trimester Doxorubicin preferred
Bleomycin Teratogenic in rats; use in combination not associated with fetal malformations Use in combination has not been clearly associated with fetal abnormalities Not specified Oxygen during delivery may aggravate pulmonary toxicity
Cisplatin Teratogenic in animals; few human data Case reports suggest safety Contraindicated in first trimester
Cyclophosphamide Yes: cyclophosphamide embryopathy Main concern is neonatal myelosuppression Contraindicated in first trimester
Cytarabine Yes: limb abnormalities Main concern is maternal myelosuppression and sepsis with secondary effects on the fetus Not specified; relatively contraindicated in first trimester
Etoposide Teratogenic in animals; no human data Intrauterine growth retardation and myelosuppression when used in aggressive combination regimens Not specified
Imatinib Associated with exomphalos, cardiac and renal abnormalities 50% of neonates without abnormalities Contraindicated during early pregnancy Consider in second or third trimester if poor disease control
Methotrexate Yes: methotrexate embryopathy; minimal risk at 6–8 wk after conception at doses ≥10 mg/wk Neonatal myelosuppression; accumulates in ascetic fluid Contraindicated at all stages
Rituximab Not teratogenic in animals; limited data suggest no adverse effects Limited case reports suggest safety Not contraindicated but use with caution Benefit outweighs risk in most circumstances
Taxanes Teratogenic in animals; no human data Reports suggest no significant risk to the fetus Not specified Consider in second or third trimester if clear maternal benefit
Trastuzumab No fetal harm in monkeys Oligohydramnios (reversible in some cases) has been reported with trastuzumab use alone or with combination chemotherapy. Trastuzumab exposure during pregnancy may result in oligohydramnios and oligohydramnios sequence (pulmonary hypoplasia, skeletal malformations and neonatal death); ESMO recommends delaying until after delivery If administered during pregnancy, or if a patient becomes pregnant during or within 7 months after treatment, report exposure to Genentech Adverse Events at 1-888-835-2555. Women exposed to trastuzumab during pregnancy (or within 7 months prior to conception) are encouraged to enroll in MotHER (the Herceptin Pregnancy Registry; 1-800-690-6720 or http://www.motherpregnancyregistry.com ).
Vinca alkaloids Teratogenic in rats, but limited human data suggest relatively safety No reports of specific fetal abnormalities Not specified Vinblastine has been recommended as a single agent in women with Hodgkin lymphoma in the first trimester
Refer to the text for additional comments.


Methotrexate is widely distributed, including into fluid spaces such as amniotic fluid, and when given during the first trimester is closely associated with fetal abnormalities, characterized by cranial dysostosis, hypertelorism, micrognathia, limb deformities, and mental retardation. In fact, methotrexate is commonly used in combination with misoprostol during the first trimester to medically induce abortions. However, methotrexate does not uniformly cause malformations, and a critical dose and timing may exist beyond which fetal malformations occur. Exposure to methotrexate in the latter trimesters has not been associated with significant malformations, but its elective use, particularly in high doses, is still not recommended.

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) was associated with multiple congenital malformations in the fetus of a patient who was found to be pregnant at week 14 after she began receiving chemotherapy for colon cancer at week 12 and hence is not recommended for use during the first trimester. Multiple studies have shown safe use beyond the first trimester in combination therapy. Use of cytosine arabinoside during the first trimester, alone and in combination with other drugs, has also been associated with congenital anomalies. Capecitabine is an oral drug akin to 5-FU that is used in persons with bowel and breast cancer. Capecitabine is embryotoxic in animals, is classified as a category D drug, and is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Use of hydroxyurea is believed to be unsafe during pregnancy because of a case series of 31 patients in which an increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation, intrauterine fetal demise, and prematurity was noted. Whether this finding was due to underlying disease is unclear. No data for cladribine or fludarabine exist in the literature.

Alkylating Agents

Alkylating agents are commonly used in the treatment of lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. Cyclophosphamide is the most widely used and the best studied. Use in the first trimester has been associated with some fetal abnormalities, tempered with several reports with no abnormalities. Second- and third-trimester use is believed to be safe. Regarding dacarbazine use during pregnancy, congenital abnormalities were seen in two cases during the first trimester, consisting of isolated microphthalmos with secondary severe hypermetropia and a unilateral floating thumb malformation and one fetal death. In the second- or third-trimester exposure, one fetus died and one case of minor malformation (syndactyly) was observed. In all cases, dacarbazine was administered with several other cytotoxic drugs. Exposure to chlorambucil during the first trimester has been reported to cause renal aplasia, cleft palate, and skeletal abnormalities.

Platinum Derivatives

Regarding cisplatin and carboplatin, several case reports documenting platinum use after the first trimester have not noted any congenital malformations. Oxaliplatin is embryotoxic in animals, is classified as a category D drug, and is not recommended for use during pregnancy, although one case has been reported without adverse outcomes.


Although data are limited, the use of taxanes appears feasible and safe during pregnancy based on placental expression of drug-extruding transporters such as P-glycoprotein and BCRP-1, which indicates low fetal exposure. Fifty cases have been reported in the literature; a completely healthy neonate was born in 77% of cases, and 90% of children were completely healthy after a median follow-up of 16 months. These data are consistent with European and US registry data that have incorporated data into published guidelines from the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) for use in selected cases of breast cancer after the first trimester. More data exist for paclitaxel than docetaxel, and weekly paclitaxel is the preferred regimen, in general.

Vinca Alkaloids

Although vinblastine is highly teratogenic in animal models, the literature suggests that its use in the first trimester may be relatively safe. In a series of patients treated with single-agent vinblastine for Hodgkin lymphoma, no adverse outcomes to the pregnancy or in infants who were followed afterward were reported. No congenital malformations were reported in 11 pregnancies when exposure to vincristine occurred, with exposure in three pregnancies occurring in the first trimester. Vinorelbine, vinblastine, and vincristine have been used during the latter trimesters without harm to the fetus.

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