Skin and soft-tissue infections


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    The time-honoured principles of soft tissue infection management and judicious evidence-based use of antibiotics remain the basis of treatment and the prevention of further complications.

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    These infections are common and range from mild to rapidly progressive and life threatening; early clinical recognition and treatment are paramount in reducing morbidity and mortality.

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    Deep soft tissue infections have high morbidity and mortality and, unless treated aggressively, can rapidly result in loss of a limb or the death of the patient.

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    Unusual organisms, including organisms not usually considered to be pathogenic, frequently cause serious infections in the immunocompromised, diabetic individuals and patients with hepatic disease.

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    There has been an increasing worldwide prevalence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMRSA) associated with skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) in the last decade.


Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are among the most common reasons for emergency department (ED) presentations and admissions to the hospital. SSTIs are a diverse group of etiologically and anatomically distinct infections, with bacteria responsible for the majority of presentations in the ED. The pathogenesis of these infections usually involves the direct inoculation of bacteria as a result of violation of the skin or its defences, although infection may also spread from a distant source via the haematogenous or lymphatic systems. The severity of infections encountered may range from mild to life threatening. Most recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of SSTIs are based on tradition or consensus, as there are few randomized clinical trials on the subject. Some of the challenges to the emergency physician include the following:

  • Early and accurate diagnosis of the type of infection, based on clinical judgement and limited use of laboratory and radiological investigations

  • Early identification of potentially high-risk situations when the initial presentation is seemingly innocuous by looking at patient factors (e.g. diabetes, immunosuppression) and local factors (bite wounds, site of infection, e.g. orbital cellulitis)

  • Role of antibiotics: (1) appropriate choice of pharmacotherapeutic agent where indicated, taking into account the emergence of new infections and changing bacterial resistance patterns; (2) optimal route of delivery (i.e. topical versus oral versus initial intravenous or intramuscular bolus, followed by oral antibiotics versus intravenous therapy); (3) duration of the antibiotic treatment

  • Need for surgical intervention (e.g. drainage of abscess, early debridement in necrotizing fasciitis)

  • Disposition: outpatient versus inpatient care

Epidemiology and aetiology

The incidence of SSTIs has recently increased worldwide, mainly due to expansion of the aging population, comorbidities and the emergence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMRSA). The majority of SSTIs are caused by aerobic gram positive bacteria, commonly Staphylococcus aureus and group A streptococcus. gram negative, anaerobic or mixed organisms usually cause deeper, more complicated infections, commonly seen in the immunocompromised host. The increased prevalence of CAMRSA associated with SSTIs poses a challenge because there are high rates of treatment failure and relapse ( Table 9.5.1 ).

Table 9.5.1
Causes of skin and soft tissue infections
Risk factor/setting Expected pathogen
Simple cutaneous infection Staphylococcus aureus . Also S. epidermidis , S. hominis , S. viridans
Perianal, genital, buttocks, ungual and cervical areas Bacteroides fragilis , Escherichia coli , Klebsiella and Proteus
Immunocompromised host Cryptococccus neoformans , Coccidioides , Aspergillus , M. kansasii , M. tuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica
Human bite Eikenella corrodens , Fusobacterium , Prevotella , streptococci
Dog bite Pasteurella multocida , Capnocytophaga canimorsus
Cat bite P. multocida
Injection drug abuse S. aureus , Clostridium spp., E. corrodens , Stsphylococcus pyogenes
Body piercing S. aureus , S. pyogenes , P. aeruginosa , Clostridium tetani
Hot tub/wading pool Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Freshwater injury Aeromonas hydrophila
Saltwater injury Vibrio vulnificus
Fish tank exposure Mycobacterium marinum



When a history is being taken, it is important to elicit the following:

  • Any event leading to a breach in skin integrity, which may precipitate an infection (e.g. human, insect or animal bite, ‘clenched fist’ injury, excoriation, fungal infection or puncture wound). This is important because it will help in determining the likely pathogen and choice of antibiotics as well as the need to rule out any potential foreign body that may be embedded in the wound.

  • The speed with which the infection has progressed, which serves to indicate how aggressive the infection is and the urgency of needed treatment.

  • Patient factors that may complicate treatment of the infection, such as

    • History of immunosuppression (e.g. diabetes, steroid use, chronic liver disease, alcoholism, malnourishment, HIV, oncology patients on chemotherapy, nephrotic syndrome).

    • Recent use of antibiotics, (i.e. failed treatment).

    • History of prosthetic heart valves, mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation, previous history of endocarditis.

    • Chronic venous stasis or lymphoedema in limbs; surgery that includes lymph node dissection or saphenous vein resection.

    • Intravenous drug use (IVDU).

  • Tetanus immunization status.

  • Contamination with soil or water, which would suggest unusual pathogens as the cause of the infection.

Physical examination

  • Identification of signs of sepsis: haemodynamic instability, pyrexia, ‘toxic’-looking patient.

  • Specific features of the infection to help narrow down the diagnosis (e.g. raised erythematous margins in erysipelas; presence of bullae and crepitus or tenderness out of proportion to physical signs, which are suggestive of necrotizing fasciitis; fetid odour, suggesting anaerobic infection; green exudates typical of Pseudomonas spp.).

  • The extent of the infection (e.g. mapping areas of erythema to track progress, fluctuance that indicates a likely abscess, or lymphangitic spread).

  • Location of the infection, as involvement of certain critical areas (e.g. head, face, hands, perineum) may require more intensive inpatient management and specialist consultation.

  • Complicating factors that might impair successful treatment (e.g. IVDU, the presence of prosthetic heart valves).


The diagnosis of SSTIs is essentially clinical. Laboratory and radiological investigations play a secondary and limited role in routine evaluation but may be useful in the ED management of immunocompromised patients or those with signs and symptoms of severe sepsis. In such situations, the following parameters should be considered :

  • Full blood examination with differential: Marked leucocytosis, leucopaenia or an extreme left shift in the white cell differential; new-onset anaemia or thrombocytopaenia may suggest sepsis syndrome.

  • Urea/creatinine: Elevated levels suggest intravascular volume depletion or renal failure.

  • Creatine kinase: Elevated levels may indicate myonecrosis caused by necrotizing fasciitis.

  • Tests to rule out diabetes mellitus: There is a strong association between SSTI and diabetes as well as a higher rate of complications.

  • Blood cultures: These are recommended only in patients with systemic toxicity and wound cultures indicating severe purulent and deep soft tissue infection. The yield from blood cultures is less than 10% and may be compounded by false-positive results.

Patients with a chronic, recurrent or unusual infection should have their immune status checked, including serology for HIV. Soft tissue radiographs may demonstrate a foreign body or gas in deep tissues. Ultrasonography is extremely useful in evaluating soft tissue infections for the presence of abscesses as well as for guiding drainage and the removal of foreign bodies. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be needed to define the depth and extent of the infective process in deep soft tissue infection.


Key points in the management of SSTIs include the following:

  • Appropriate use of antibiotics and timely surgical intervention

  • Analgesia and supportive measure such as limb elevation

  • Tetanus prophylaxis if indicated.

  • Disposition


Oral or parenteral analgesia should be prescribed, as most patients with SSTIs will present with pain. Simple measures—such as immobilization, elevation, heat or moist warm packs—should not be overlooked, as they may help to alleviate pain in cellulitis. Abscess pain is best resolved by timely incision and drainage.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics are recommended for patients with signs of systemic toxicity, high fever, tachycardia, for those who look unwell or are immunocompromised. They are also needed for infection in high-risk areas (hands, perineal region or face) and where deep tissue infection is suspected.

It is important for the emergency physician to recognize patients with serious SSTIs and to initiate timely and appropriate care. The choice of antibiotic is often empiric and thus must be guided by the patient’s history, record of recent hospitalization and knowledge of the typical range of pathogens associated with each type of infection and their resistance patterns. The antibiotic of choice is the one that has proven efficacy against the range of expected pathogens is associated with minimal toxicity and is cost-effective. Where possible, narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be used in preference to broad-spectrum ones. Guidelines on antibiotic therapy are often deliberately non-prescriptive, reflecting the wide variety between differing patient populations, resistance patterns, risk for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and local governance policies. It is also prudent to remember that SSTI clinical trials often exclude the most severely ill patients and may be powered to demonstrate non-inferiority only. The Infectious Diseases Society of America has released guidelines for treating SSTIs, including CAMRSA infections. Unlike those in inpatient or chronic care settings, emergency physicians more frequently have to initiate empiric antibiotics based on clinical judgement and prevailing anti-biograms due to the absence of culture and susceptibility results.

Current agents active against the common pathogens including MRSA and licensed for treating complicated SSTIs include linezolid, daptomycin and tigecycline. Novel approaches like phage therapy and novel antimicrobial therapy (oritavancin and tedizolid), which has equal efficacy with a better safety profile and shorter regimen, are under investigation.

Surgical intervention

Effective treatment of abscesses and carbuncles and large furuncles entails incision, drainage of pus and breaking up of loculations, followed by regular dressings. Necrotizing fasciitis requires early aggressive surgical debridement together with broad-spectrum antibiotics in order to achieve a good outcome.

Tetanus and other prophylaxis

All traumatic wounds should be considered to be tetanus-prone and treated accordingly. The patient’s immunization status should be confirmed and, where appropriate, tetanus toxoid plus tetanus immunoglobulin should be administered. Rabies prophylaxis should be considered for all feral and wild animal bites and in geographical areas where there is a high prevalence of rabies.

In cases involving human bites, consideration should also be given to screening for blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, HIV and Neisseria gonorrhoea .


Good candidates for the observation/short-stay unit include patients likely to respond to empirical therapy as well as those with a low likelihood of infection or with unusual and/or resistant organisms.

Patients who have signs of systemic toxicity, involvement of vital structures (fingers, hands, face and neck; genitourinary, scrotal and anal regions), who are unable to take oral medication, and/or have failed outpatient therapy or who are immunocompromised are highly likely to require admission. Other prognostic factors include low serum bicarbonate, elevated creatinine, elevated creatine kinase and marked left shift polymorphonuclear neutrophils. The emergency physician must also be alert to scenarios requiring not just inpatient care but also urgent subspecialty consultation (e.g. necrotizing fasciitis).

Superficial skin infections

Clinical presentation

Patients usually present with complaints of localized pain, erythema and swelling. They may be on oral antibiotics and have not responded to them. The patient may present with signs of cellulitis and regional lymphadenopathy. Frequently an indurated fluctuant swelling may be elicited, indicating the presence of an abscess. If the patient is febrile or there is systemic involvement, his or her immune status must be examined. A diligent history should be taken to assess whether a foreign body associated with an abscess may be present. Ultrasonography is extremely useful in identifying this in such cases.

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