Simple Coccygeal Dimple



  • Synonym: Sacral dimple


  • Low sacral dimple connecting to coccyx by fibrous tract

    • Usually resides within intergluteal cleft

    • No intradural extension by definition

  • Variable size; deeper dimples usually evoke more physician and parental concern

Top Differential Diagnoses

  • Dorsal dermal sinus

  • Pilonidal sinus


  • Congenital

  • Tract usually atretic; may occasionally be patent with fluid in lumen

Clinical Issues

  • Often asymptomatic discovery by parents during diaper change or bathing

    • Dimple becomes less conspicuous as patient grows

    • No specific treatment indicated; reassure parents

  • Occasionally presents with acute inflammation or purulent discharge

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Important to distinguish from dorsal dermal sinus, which requires surgical excision

    • Low dimple opening within intergluteal cleft usually but not always coccygeal dimple

    • High dimple position, leaking of fluid more likely dorsal dermal sinus

  • Look for hypointense tract surrounded by bright fat on MR

  • Always mark skin dimple ostium with MR visible marker

Sagittal graphic of the lumbosacral spine demonstrates a low sacral dimple (marked by vitamin E capsule
), which is connected to the coccyx tip by a fibrous tract
. There is no intradural extension, and the conus/intradural structures are normal.

Sagittal T2WI MR demonstrates a deep low sacral dimple with vitamin E marker capsule
placed. The conus terminates at normal L1 level. The dimple and tract
connect directly to the coccyx
with no intradural extension.

Sagittal T1WI MR reveals a deep sacral dimple marked for imaging with a vitamin E capsule
. The conus terminates at normal L1 level. The dimple shows typical “spot-welded” proximity to the coccyx via a short fibrous tract

Axial T1WI MR confirms that the sacral dimple, marked with vitamin E capsule
, and tract
connect directly to the coccyx
without intradural extension.



  • Sacral dimple


  • Low sacral dimple connecting to coccyx by fibrous tract

  • No intradural extension by definition

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