
  • Description: Serous ovarian cysts are a group of benign and malignant epithelial tumors of the ovary that are characterized as serous cells. These tumors are the most commonly encountered epithelial ovarian tumors. When malignant, these tumors tend to be high grade and virulent.

  • Prevalence: 20% of all benign ovarian neoplasms.

  • Predominant Age: Reproductive age.

  • Genetics: No genetic pattern.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

  • Causes: Unknown.

  • Risk Factors: Family history, high-fat diet, advanced age, endometriosis, nulliparity, early menarche and late menopause, White race, higher economic status. Oral contraception, high parity, and breastfeeding reduce risk.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Asymptomatic

  • Vague lower abdominal symptoms

  • Adnexal mass (bilateral in 5% of benign and in 33%–66% of malignant lesions), cystic and filled with a clear serous fluid. Benign tumors tend to be unilocular and smooth with a mean size of 10 cm; malignant tumors are more often multilocular with papillary projections over much of the surface.

Diagnostic Approach

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