Sagittal Spinal Alignment: An Evolutionary Perspective

Summary of Key Points

  • The upright sagittal posture in bipedal humans is a unique evolutionary development that has allowed humans to free up their hands, carry their young, exploit food sources, increase their cognitive function, and travel efficiently across great distances with minimal energy expenditure and decreased oxygen consumption.

  • There has been intense scrutiny of the sagittal alignment of the spine by researchers over the past two decades, with many studies identifying the fact that, although spinal alignment is intimately associated with global spinal balance (bipedal upright posture), these two aspects are in fact fundamentally distinct.

  • Important sagittal parameters used to assess spinopelvic alignment include cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, sagittal vertical angle, pelvic incidence, sacral slope, and pelvic tilt, with only the pelvic incidence being fixed.

  • Age-related changes in the spine often result in positive sagittal alignment, which is mitigated via pelvic retroversion, hip extension, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion to maintain global sagittal balance.

  • The loss of acceptable sagittal balance is poorly tolerated by patients, and restoration of the bipedal upright standing posture is one of the primary goals in adult spinal deformity surgery.

For many decades the primary focus of attention in patients with deformity of the spine has been exclusively addressing the coronal alignment of the spine, while ignoring the importance of global sagittal alignment and balance. However, over the past several decades there has been intense scrutiny of these alignment parameters of the spine, with many studies identifying the importance of sagittal balance. , Researchers have developed a greater appreciation of the fact that, although spinal alignment is intimately associated with global spinal balance, these two aspects are in fact fundamentally distinct. In fact, global spinal balance is inclusive of all the regional spinal alignment parameters that must be assessed when evaluating the normal human standing alignment, because humans are biomechanically unique with respect to their upright posture and method of locomotion. , Spinal alignment is variable between humans, changes with aging, and refers only to the spine alignment within a set range of normal parameters that are determined by standing posterior-anterior (PA) and lateral 36-inch radiographs. It differs from global spinal balance, which includes the entire skeleton’s contribution to maintaining an ergonomically balanced upright posture. By and large, spinal balance is the ability of the human body to maintain its center of gravity over a base of support, mainly the pelvis. The contribution of the pelvis, hips, knees, and ankles is critical to this balance. Pelvic dynamics and the intrinsic range of motion of these joints are the primary compensators of maintaining an upright posture with aging and following iatrogenic flatback spinal fusion surgery. Although not as commonly described, but arguably important, alterations in muscular tension, such as hip flexion contractures, may similarly affect the body’s ability to compensate for spinal deformity. In fact, changes in two of the three major spinopelvic indices (pelvic tilt [PT] and sacral slope [SS]) are measured to attempt to quantify the compensatory mechanisms that maintain the head’s center of gravity over the pelvis. However, it is important to understand that spinopelvic indices are measurements aimed at evaluating a dynamic process, which is spinal balance. Spinal balance is the intricate and complicated coordination that exists between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system’s sensory and motor pathways, and their effect on the alignment of the spinopelvic axis.

Excessive imbalance of the spine in any direction that cannot be easily compensated for by the lower extremities’ range of motion and is outside of the normal Dubosset “cone of economy” of the human trunk will inevitably lead to increased energy expenditure and significant patient dissatisfaction. This includes excessive sagittal, coronal, and/or rotational imbalance of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, alone or in combination, that results in a profound increase in the muscle force contraction demands of the paraspinal muscles and hip extensors, which struggle to restore normal upright balance. The increased muscle force contraction exerted to maintain compensation for an imbalanced spine will result in a substantial increase in oxygen consumption by the muscles and ultimate fatigue as the patient attempts to maintain an upright and ergonomic position. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the intricacies of the human upright bipedal development, anatomy, and alignment along with the effects of aging and surgery in the context of global sagittal balance.

The Anthropological Development of the Normal Human Upright Sagittal Balance

The development of human upright posture is unique in the animal kingdom. Among primates (hominoids), there was an impetus to develop an upright posture because of all the advantages that it imparts to the success and propagation of a species. Hominoids are generally felt to have originated in Africa up to 10 million years ago. Gradually, through trial and error, hominoids evolved into a true bipedal species by 4 million years ago, with the prototypical species ( Australopithecus africanus , i.e., “Lucy”) being discovered in 1924 by Raymond Dart in South Africa. Lucy appears to have a remarkably similar upright posture and skeleton when compared with modern humans, with a pelvis and lower extremity bones almost identical to those of modern humans, but with a significantly smaller brain, more similar to that of a chimpanzee. Over the next 2 millennia, numerous upright bipedal hominoid species developed. It has been speculated that wave after wave of migrations into Europe and Asia took place (the last occurring between 70,000 and 120,000 years ago) because the skeletal remains of numerous bipedal species have been identified along these presumed migration routes. The migrations culminated in the appearance of Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) 200,000 years ago, followed by Homo erectus (premodern humans) 100,000 years ago, who more recently developed into Homo sapiens , or modern humans. Homo sapiens became the dominant species that eventually populated every region of the planet but still has traces of DNA from other hominoids, most notably Neanderthals.

Interestingly, sometime between the appearance of Lucy and modern man, bipedalism seems to have facilitated the rather marked encephalization of the brain. Anthropologists have suggest that bipedalism may have contributed to the development of the modern human brain by freeing up of the hands to develop fine motor hand skills for the gathering of food and tool making, developing linguistic skills, and exploiting new nutrient-rich habitats and other food sources. The key feature of the upright posture is that bipeds have a significant physiological advantage over quadrupeds during ambulation. Upright, bipedal ambulation has been shown to be 53% more energy efficient, in terms of oxygen consumption, than quadrupedal ambulation when walking. Additionally, the humanoid gait pattern is uniquely and recently evolved, with hominoids being relatively stiff-legged, owing to knee extension. This gait pattern has been described as an inverted pendulum where the heel strike is the lowest point of the pelvic center of gravity and midstance the highest. In this manner, the pelvis stays relatively parallel in relationship to the ground, allowing for an efficient exchange of gravitational potential and kinetic energy while walking. In addition to the hips, the upright posture of humanoids requires unique anatomical alterations of the knee joint, including elongation of the femoral condyles to reduce cartilage stresses, elevation of the lateral condyle to contain the patella, plantigrade joint surfaces for improved weightbearing, and valgus alignment during standing. The upright posture also requires an exceptional vestibular balance system that has bigger canals and an expanded cerebral cortex to maintain standing and running balance. This is supported by a chromosome deficiency syndrome (17P) in modern humans that affects the vestibular system and results in the inability to walk upright. Visual stereoscopic terrain recognition also assists bipedal hominoids in maintaining their balance, with only two or more steplengths of visual information from the upcoming terrain necessary to have sufficient topographical information to exploit bipedal walking. Consequently, as a result of these specific anatomical adaptions that facilitate upright posture (or more specifically, global sagittal balance), humanoids were able to migrate greater distances, carry their progeny in their arms, and transport weapons/tools—all of which collectively enhanced survival of the species and their eventual planetwide dispersion.

The Anatomical Transition From Quadrupeds to Bipeds

The transition from a quadruped to a biped requires a complete remodeling and reorientation of the spine and pelvis. The anatomical differences between these two different weightbearing positions focus on the relationship between the anterior-posterior depth of the pelvis and the anterior migration of the hip joints, allowing centralization of the pelvic bucket under the developing upright spine. The key to global sagittal balance is to align the head and thorax directly over the pelvis to maximize the ergonomic function and energy efficiency of the bipedal gait. To do this, the spine and thorax also undergo extensive anatomical changes during development to maintain normal spinal alignment. These changes can be appreciated by comparing hominoids to other primates that are facultative bipeds. For example, the cervical spine develops lordosis, the thoracic spine kyphosis, and the lumbar spine lordosis in perfect harmony to ensure that the sagittal C7 plumb line (C7PL) and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) fall into the posterosuperior aspect of the sacrum, allowing perfect upright alignment with minimal energy expenditure. Other anatomical changes include the thoracic spine invaginating into the chest, the ribs elevating to prevent impingement on the pelvis, the lumbar vertebra increasing in number to improve flexibility, and the lumbar muscles becoming much more robust and migrating to the top of the pelvis to help maintain the upright sagittal spine balance. , Similarly, the infantile pelvis, which resembles that of a primate, adapts with upright posture and weightbearing to develop normal human pelvic and acetabular geometry.

The importance of the evolution of pelvic morphology and its contribution to bipedalism can be demonstrated by evaluating the pelvic incidence (PI) in primates versus humans. The anterior–posterior pelvic distance deepens in humans, thus providing a better foundation for the spine to support human bipedalism and upright spinal alignment. Ultimately the hip joints serve as a primary area of compensation of spinal alignment and are an important contributor to global sagittal balance. , ,

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