Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty


A 59-year-old man presented for evaluation of a stiff and painful revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The patient was experiencing significant dysfunction due to his limited range of motion (ROM). He had a history of two knee arthroscopies before his initial TKA. He underwent an uncomplicated hybrid TKA, but at follow-up, the cementless femur was found to have developed aseptic loosening. He subsequently underwent an isolated femoral revision approximately 2 years before presentation at our institution.

The patient presented with stiffness (ROM of 25 to 80 degrees), particularly a significant flexion contracture despite an additional distal femoral resection at the time of the revision surgery. On examination, the patient demonstrated active and passive flexion of 80 degrees and a flexion contracture of 25 degrees. The radiographs showed patellar maltracking and a slightly elevated joint line ( Fig. 16.1 ). To assess the concern for component malrotation and resultant patellar maltracking, computed tomography (CT) was ordered. The CT scan demonstrated an internally rotated femoral component, about 15 degrees in relation to the epicondylar axis. Laboratory and aspiration test results revealed no evidence of infection. A technetium, triple-phase bone scan demonstrated mild to moderate activity at the TKA, especially around the femoral component, and loosening could not be excluded. Serial radiographs did not demonstrate any component migration or presence of progressive radiolucent lines.

FIGURE 16.1, A, Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates a slight elevation of the joint line. B, Lateral radiograph depicts possible mismanagement of a flexion and extension gap and thus of the joint line, producing a patella baja. C , A Merchant view demonstrates patellar maltracking and possible slight internal rotation of the femoral component.

The working diagnosis for the patient was stiffness after a TKA due to component malrotation and poor patellar tracking. Despite an extended course of physical therapy and bracing, his ROM remained unchanged. Full revision surgery was recommended because the malrotation and stiffness were unlikely to improve with a nonrevision procedure.

Chapter Preview

  • Stiffness after TKA is a common complication. Depending on the definition, it can affect about 1% to 60% of cases, and it is a significant cause for patient dissatisfaction after surgery.

  • Specific numeric criteria for stiffness after TKA vary, but loose criteria suggest a range of motion (ROM) of 5 to 95 degrees. Stricter criteria describe a ROM of 15 to 75 degrees. It is generally agreed that an arc of motion of less than 70 degrees qualifies as a stiff TKA.

  • Surgical management consists of revision surgery when malpositioning or malrotation exist. Options are isolated femoral, tibial, or patellar revision and complete revision TKA.

  • The case study highlights the use of revision options for treatment of knee stiffness after TKA.


In the United States, increasing numbers of total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) are being performed, with excellent clinical results. Many investigators have reported survival rates of 90% or better at 10 to 15 years of follow-up. Despite these favorable results, poor outcomes affect a small percentage of patients, some of whom require revision TKA to improve their conditions. As a result, surgeons are seeing an increase in the incidence of revision TKAs.

Among the reasons for poor results is persistent TKA stiffness, with most reports documenting prevalence rates in the range of 1.3% to 12% using strict criteria and up to 60% with the use of an expanded designation of knee stiffness. The definition of stiffness after TKA is a subject of debate, and the number of degrees for an acceptable postoperative range of motion (ROM) remains a moving target. Nicholls and Dorr described stiffness as a ROM of less than 45 degrees and a flexion contracture greater than or equal to 25 degrees. Others have defined stiffness as flexion of less than 70 degrees. It can be argued that the more demanding modern TKA patient sees less than 90 degrees of flexion as a suboptimal result.

The definition of stiffness is likely more complicated than originally described. Biomechanical studies have demonstrated that walking on a level surface requires knee flexion of 65 degrees, arising from a seated position or ascending stairs requires 70 to 85 degrees, descending stairs requires 90 to 100 degrees, and arising from a low chair requires 105 degrees. Flexion contractures in excess of 5 to 8 degrees compromise standard gait patterns. Based on observations that most normal activities of daily living require a threshold of 90 to 100 degrees of knee flexion, many would agree that a ROM of less than 90 degrees comprises stiffness. For these reasons, we define TKA stiffness as flexion of less than 90 degrees and a flexion contracture as greater than or equal to 10 degrees. In the case presentation, the patient demonstrated a significant flexion contracture of 25 degrees and flexion of 80 degrees, satisfying the requirements for the diagnosis of stiffness.

Because stiffness often is a very painful and physically disabling condition, it is a common reason for patient dissatisfaction after TKA. Some authorities even recommend against revision TKA because of previously reported poor results. There is sparse literature on which to base the surgical treatment of knee stiffness after TKA. Elucidating the reasons for stiffness is paramount to optimize treatment strategies. This chapter discusses the causes, evaluation, and treatment of stiffness after TKA, with a focus on the surgical options for revision TKA.


Stiffness after TKA has many causes, which can be subdivided into patient factors, technical errors, and postoperative complications. Patient factors consist of limited preoperative ROM, effects of previous surgeries, poor motivation regarding rehabilitation protocols, body habitus (e.g., obesity), and biologic predisposition. Limited preoperative knee ROM is the most influential factor on postoperative ROM. The patient in the case study had a history of multiple operations on his knee, including two knee arthroscopies and two TKAs (one primary and one revision).

Intraoperative factors leading to stiffness encompass flexion/extension gap mismatch, joint line elevation (e.g., patella baja), retained posterior osteophytes, anterior tibial slope, inadequate bony resection, incorrect component sizing, component malrotation, and overstuffing of the patellofemoral compartment. Overstuffing of the patellofemoral articulation can be caused by an underresected patella, insertion of an overly thick patellar component, anterior displacement of the anterior flange of the femoral component, or an oversized femoral component. Whatever the reason, overstuffing can ultimately lead to decreased flexion postoperatively because it tightens the soft tissue retinaculum about the knee. Anterior knee pain with motion can lead to a restricted ROM and contractures.

Decreased flexion can also result from a tight flexion gap. A tight flexion gap can be caused by an overly tight posterior cruciate ligament or by underresection of the posterior femoral condyles, which leads to an oversized femoral component. A tight flexion gap can result from a tibial component inserted with anterior tibial slope. Joint line elevation can lead to a situation in which the patella articulates with the polyethylene and tibial tray, limiting the ability to flex the knee.

Decreased extension can result from a tight extension gap in which the amount of distal femur resected was inadequate or a tibial polyethylene liner that was too thick was inserted. Large, retained posterior osteophytes can contribute to decreased extension. Flexion/extension gap imbalance can also alter the joint line, producing an overall patella baja when elevated. Joint line elevation and gap mismatch, a common cause of knee stiffness, must be corrected with revision surgery.

Component malrotation or malalignment can result in arthrofibrosis postoperatively after TKA. Malrotation causes an asymmetric flexion gap, contributing to lift-off and potential patellar tracking problems, both of which can lead to decreased flexion of the knee. Malalignment of components results in an asymmetric extension gap and patellar maltracking, which can cause stiffness. In the case study, the patient had malrotation of the femoral component, which resulted in patellar maltracking and an asymmetric flexion gap.

Postoperative complications that can induce stiffness include sepsis, implant loosening, poor patient motivation, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), heterotopic ossification, and arthrofibrosis. Arthrofibrosis comprises excessive and pathologic postoperative scarring, which can compromise flexion and extension. It is often unresponsive to treatment and very difficult to manage. The patient in the case study had three potential sources for residual pain and stiffness: loosening suggested by a bone scan, femoral component internal rotation confirmed on a CT scan, and lateral tilt and maltracking of the patella.

Determining the causes of stiffness preoperatively is crucial for developing a treatment strategy and optimizing outcomes. With regard to performing revision TKA, intrinsic technical factors that can be corrected must be detected to increase the probability of success, because revision TKA undertaken without a clear diagnosis has been fraught with complications and poor results. In our case presentation, the patient did have objective technical factors that were deemed correctible with a surgical plan to include improving component stability, rotational alignment, and patellar tracking.

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