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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The use of repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) dates to the late 1800s, when Jolly made visual observations of muscle movement that occurred after nerve stimulation. Although his initial studies were done with submaximal stimuli and mechanical rather than electrical measurements were made, Jolly noted a decrementing response following RNS in patients with myasthenia gravis and correctly concluded that the disorder was peripheral.
Subsequently, RNS has been refined and validated as one of the most useful electrodiagnostic (EDX) tests in the evaluation of patients with suspected neuromuscular junction (NMJ) disorders. RNS should be performed whenever there is a possible diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, or botulism. It also should be considered in any patient who presents with fatigability, proximal weakness, dysphagia, dysarthria, or ocular abnormalities, which are clinical symptoms and signs suggestive of a possible NMJ disorder.
In the EDX laboratory, the effects of RNS are studied on the compound muscle action potential (CMAP), with analysis of any decremental or incremental response forming the basis of the study. Understanding these responses requires knowledge of normal NMJ physiology and the effects of repetitive stimulation on a single NMJ and its associated muscle fiber. That knowledge can be used in the EDX laboratory to accurately predict the effect of RNS on the CMAP, both in normal subjects and in patients with NMJ disorders.
The NMJ essentially forms an electrical-chemical-electrical link between nerve and muscle ( Fig. 6.1 ). The chemical neurotransmitter at the NMJ is acetylcholine (ACH). ACH molecules are packaged as vesicles in the presynaptic terminal in discrete units known as quanta; each quantum contains approximately 10,000 molecules of ACH. The quanta are in three separate stores. The primary, or immediately available, store consists of approximately 1000 quanta located just beneath the presynaptic nerve terminal membrane. This store is immediately available for release. The secondary, or mobilization, store consists of approximately 10,000 quanta that can resupply the primary store after a few seconds. Finally, a tertiary, or reserve, store of more than 100,000 quanta exists far from the NMJ in the axon and cell body.
When a nerve action potential invades and depolarizes the presynaptic junction, voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are activated, allowing an influx of calcium. The infusion of calcium starts a complicated interaction of many proteins that ends in the release of ACH quanta from the presynaptic terminal. The greater the calcium concentration inside the presynaptic terminal, the more quanta are released. ACH then diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to ACH receptors (ACHRs) on the postsynaptic muscle membrane. The postsynaptic membrane is composed of numerous junctional folds, effectively increasing the surface area of the membrane, with ACHRs clustered on the crests of the folds. The binding of ACH to ACHRs opens sodium channels, resulting in a local depolarization, the endplate potential (EPP). The size of the EPP is proportional to the amount of ACH that binds to the ACHRs.
In a process similar to the generation of a nerve action potential, if the EPP depolarizes the muscle membrane above threshold, an all-or-none muscle fiber action potential (MFAP) is generated and propagated through the muscle fiber. Under normal circumstances, the EPP always rises above the threshold, resulting in an MFAP. The amplitude of the EPP above the threshold value needed to generate an MFAP is called the safety factor . In the synaptic cleft, ACH is broken down by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase , and the choline subsequently is taken up into the presynaptic terminal to be repackaged into ACH.
During slow RNS (2–3 Hz) in normal subjects, ACH quanta are progressively depleted from the primary store, and fewer quanta are released with each successive stimulation. The corresponding EPP falls in amplitude, but because of the normal safety factor, it remains above the threshold to ensure generation of an MFAP with each stimulation. After the first few seconds, the secondary (mobilization) store begins to replace the depleted quanta with a subsequent rise in the EPP.
The physiology of rapid RNS (10–50 Hz) in normal subjects is more complex. Depletion of quanta from the presynaptic terminal is counterbalanced not only by the mobilization of quanta from the secondary store but also by the accumulation of calcium. Normally, it takes about 100 ms for calcium to be actively pumped out of the presynaptic terminal. If RNS is rapid enough so that new calcium influx occurs before the previously infused calcium has been fully pumped out, calcium accumulates in the presynaptic terminal, causing an increased release of quanta. Normally, this accumulation of calcium predominates over depletion, leading to an increased number of quanta being released and a correspondingly higher EPP. However, the result is the same as with any other EPP above threshold: an all-or-none MFAP is generated.
Thus, the effects of slow and rapid RNS are very different at the molecular level, yet in normal subjects, the result is the same: the consistent generation of an MFAP. In pathologic conditions where the safety factor is reduced (i.e., baseline EPP is reduced but still above threshold), slow RNS will cause depletion of quanta and may drop the EPP below threshold, resulting in the absence of an MFAP. In pathologic conditions where baseline EPP is below threshold and an MFAP is not generated, rapid RNS may increase the number of quanta released, resulting in a larger EPP, so that threshold is reached. An MFAP is then generated where one had not been present previously. These concepts form the basis of the decrements with slow RNS and increments with rapid RNS that are seen in NMJ disorders.
RNS in normal subjects and patients with NMJ disorders can be modeled effectively by making the following three assumptions:
m = pn , where m represents the number of quanta released during each stimulation; p is the probability of release (effectively proportional to the concentration of calcium), typically approximately 0.2 in normal subjects; and n represents the number of quanta in the immediately available store (at baseline, approximately 1000 in normal subjects).
The mobilization store starts to replenish the immediately available store after 1–2 seconds.
Approximately 100 ms is required to pump calcium out of the presynaptic terminal. If stimulation occurs again sooner than 100 ms (i.e., stimulation rate >10 Hz), the calcium concentration increases, the probability of release of ACH quanta increases, and more quanta are released.
The effects of slow RNS on the EPP, the MFAP, and the CMAP can best be illustrated with the following three examples ( Fig. 6.2A–C ):
Stimulus | n | m | EPP | MFAP | CMAP |
1 | 1000 | 200 | 40 | + | Normal |
2 | 800 | 160 | 32 | + | No change |
3 | 640 | 128 | 26 | + | No change |
4 | 512 | 102 | 20 | + | No change |
5 | 640 | 128 | 26 | + | No change |
In this first example, initially, there are 1000 quanta in the immediately available store (n) , and with each stimulation, 20% of the quanta are released. If the EPP is >15 mV (threshold in this example), an MFAP is generated. Note the normal depletion of the immediately available store (n) , the subsequent decline in the number of quanta released (m) , and the corresponding fall in the EPP from the first to the fourth stimulation. During the second stimulation, only 160 quanta are released instead of the initial 200 because the number of quanta in the immediately available store has dropped to 800 (1000 minus the 200 released during the first stimulation), and subsequently, 20% of the 800 is released. At the fifth stimulus, however, enough time has elapsed for the secondary or mobilization store to begin to resupply the primary store. The number of quanta in the immediately available store increases, with a corresponding increase in the number of ACH quanta released, resulting in a higher EPP. Note that the EPP always stays above threshold (15 mV), resulting in the consistent generation of an MFAP ( Fig. 6.2A ). In the EDX laboratory, these findings translate to normal baseline CMAPs with no change in amplitude, because action potentials are generated in all muscle fibers.
Stimulus | n | m | EPP | MFAP | CMAP |
1 | 1000 | 200 | 20 | + | Normal |
2 | 800 | 160 | 16 | + | Normal |
3 | 640 | 128 | 13 | − | Decrement |
4 | 512 | 102 | 10 | − | Decrement |
5 | 640 | 128 | 13 | − | Decrement (repair) |
In this next example, the number of quanta in the immediately available store (n) , the number of quanta released (m) , and the depletion of quanta with slow RNS all are normal. The response to the quanta (i.e., the EPP) is abnormal, however. Whereas in normal subjects the release of 200 quanta generated an EPP of 40 mV, in this case, the same number of quanta generates an EPP of only 20 mV. Accordingly, the safety factor is reduced. In myasthenia gravis, this occurs because of fewer ACHRs and, accordingly, less binding of ACH. The reduced safety factor, in conjunction with normal depletion of quanta, results in subsequent EPPs falling below threshold and their corresponding MFAPs not being generated ( Fig. 6.2B ). As the number of individual MFAPs declines, a decrement of CMAP amplitude and area occurs. This decrement reflects fewer EPPs reaching threshold and fewer individual MFAPs contributing to the CMAP. Often, after the fifth or sixth stimulus, the secondary stores are mobilized and no further loss of MFAPs occurs. This results in stabilization or sometimes slight improvement or “repair” of the CMAP decrement after the fifth or sixth stimulus, giving the characteristic “U-shaped” decrement (see later).
Stimulus | n | m | EPP | MFAP | CMAP |
1 | 1000 | 20 | 4 | − | Low |
2 | 980 | 19.6 | 3.9 | − | Decrement |
3 | 960 | 19.2 | 3.8 | − | Decrement |
4 | 940 | 18.8 | 3.7 | − | Decrement |
5 | 920 | 19.2 | 3.8 | − | Decrement (repair) |
In this next example, the number of quanta in the immediately available store (n) is normal, and the EPP is normal for the number of quanta released (m) . What is abnormal is the number of ACH quanta released (m) and the baseline EPP. In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, the calcium concentration in the presynaptic terminal is reduced, due to an antibody attack on the VGCCs. Thus, the probability of release (p) falls dramatically, along with a decrease in the number of quanta released. There still is depletion, although it is not as marked as in normal or postsynaptic disorders. Simply because so few quanta are released, the subsequent amount of depletion cannot be as great. In this example, because the EPP is below threshold at baseline, an MFAP is never generated ( Fig. 6.2C ). Thus, the baseline CMAP is low in amplitude because many muscle fibers do not reach threshold due to inadequate release of quanta after a single stimulus at baseline. With slow RNS, there is also further decrement of the CMAP because subsequent stimuli result in further loss of MFAPs. Just as in postsynaptic disorders, after the fifth or sixth stimulus, the secondary stores are mobilized and no further loss of MFAPs occurs. This results in stabilization or sometimes slight improvement or repair of the CMAP decrement after the fifth or sixth stimulus, giving the characteristic “U-shaped” decrement (see later). Note that in some presynaptic disorders, the baseline EPP may be low but still above threshold, resulting in a reduced safety factor. In this situation, an MFAP initially may be generated but then fails to be generated as the EPP falls below threshold with slow RNS.
The effects of rapid RNS can be deduced from the three basic assumptions discussed above (see section on Physiologic Modeling of RNS). With rapid RNS, the depletion of quanta is counterbalanced by (1) increased mobilization of quanta from the secondary to the primary store and (2) calcium accumulation in the presynaptic terminal, which increases p , the probability of release. The sum of these influences usually results in a greater number of quanta released and higher EPPs with rapid RNS.
In normal subjects, rapid RNS always results in the generation of an MFAP, the same as with any EPP above threshold. In patients with postsynaptic NMJ disorders, the EPP also will increase, but because the EPP usually is above threshold at baseline, the result will still be the generation of an MFAP. However, if the EPP has been lowered, such as after slow RNS, the decreased EPP may be repaired or improved with rapid RNS. If the EPP has dropped below threshold, subsequent rapid RNS may increase the EPP back to above threshold.
Presynaptic NMJ disorders are distinctly different. Because the EPP is abnormally low at baseline in those disorders—often below threshold—rapid RNS may increase the EPP above threshold so that an MFAP is generated where one had not been present previously ( Fig. 6.2D ).
When a subject is asked to voluntarily contract a muscle at maximum force, motor units fire at their maximal firing frequency, typically 30–50 Hz. Thus, maximal voluntary exercise can be used to demonstrate many of the same effects as rapid (30–50 Hz) RNS. Both result in higher-amplitude EPPs.
In normal subjects, maximal exercise results in the usual generation of an MFAP. In postsynaptic NMJ disorders, exercise, just like rapid RNS, results in higher EPPs. Because the EPP is usually above threshold at baseline, the result is the same: the generation of an MFAP. Exercise likewise may repair or improve a low EPP that has developed during slow RNS. If the EPP has dropped below threshold, subsequent exercise may increase the EPP back to above threshold. In presynaptic NMJ disorders, exercise, like rapid RNS, often can facilitate low EPPs. If the baseline EPP is below threshold, exercise may increase the EPP above threshold so that an MFAP is generated where one had not been present previously.
The effects of rapid RNS or voluntary exercise just described occur with brief periods of exercise or rapid RNS, typically 10 seconds. This process is known as postexercise (or posttetanic) facilitation . The phenomenon of postexercise (or posttetanic) exhaustion is less well understood. Immediately after a prolonged exercise or rapid RNS (usually 1 minute), EPPs typically increase initially, as described earlier, but then subsequently decline over the next several minutes, usually falling below baseline. In normal subjects with a normal safety factor, the EPP never falls below threshold. However, in patients with impaired NMJ transmission, slow RNS performed 2–4 minutes after a prolonged exercise may result in a greater decline of the EPP, such that the EPP does not reach threshold and its MFAP is not generated.
RNS is easy to learn and to perform and requires no special equipment. However, it is poorly tolerated in some patients and is prone to a number of important technical problems that, if not recognized and corrected, can influence its reliability, validity, and, therefore, its value. The earlier discussion pertained to single endplate and individual MFAPs. During RNS in the electromyography (EMG) laboratory, all measurements are made on the CMAP, the sum of the individual MFAPs generated in a muscle. Thus it is assumed that the CMAP amplitude and area are proportional to the number of muscle fibers activated. In normal subjects, the EPP is affected by both slow and rapid RNS. However, in both cases, the EPP always stays above threshold, resulting in consistent generation of MFAPs. Thus in normal subjects, CMAPs generated following either slow or rapid RNS do not change significantly in amplitude or area.
In NMJ disorders, if the normal EPP safety factor is reduced, slow RNS will cause a depletion of quanta and reduce the amplitude of the EPP. If the EPP of some muscle fibers falls below threshold, those MFAPs will not be generated, and the number of individual MFAPs will decline. This provides the basis for the decremental CMAP response to slow RNS seen in the EMG laboratory ( Fig. 6.3A ). As the number of individual MFAPs declines, a decrement of the CMAP amplitude and area occurs. This decrement reflects fewer EPPs reaching threshold and fewer individual MFAPs contributing to the CMAP.
In NMJ disorders in which some EPPs are below threshold at baseline (usually the presynaptic disorders), rapid RNS can be used to facilitate the EPP. If subthreshold EPPs can be brought above threshold, MFAPs will be generated where they had not been present previously, and the number of individual MFAPs will increase. This provides the basis for the incremental CMAP response to rapid RNS seen in the EMG laboratory. As the number of individual MFAPs increases, an increment of CMAP amplitude and area occurs ( Fig. 6.4 ). This increment reflects more EPPs reaching threshold and more individual MFAPs contributing to the CMAP. Incremental responses that are >100% (i.e., double in value) in response to rapid RNS are not unusual in presynaptic NMJ disorders.
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