Quality Improvement in Anesthesia Practice and Patient Safety

Key Points

  • Quality needs to be an integral characteristic of the system in which care is delivered. Improving the quality of care often requires reorganization of the way we work. A challenge to the anesthesia team is to combine efficiency in perioperative care (especially the operating room) with safety and the best quality possible.

  • The growing demand from patients, clinicians, insurers, regulators, accreditors, and purchasers for improved quality and safety in health care requires that anesthesiologists and members of the anesthesia team persistently evaluate the quality of care they provide.

  • Improving quality of care requires measuring performance. Clinicians have an enhanced ability to obtain feedback regarding performance in their daily work, in part because of the increasing use of information systems. Unfortunately, consensus has not been reached on how to measure quality of care.

  • The goal of measurement is to learn and improve. The measurement system must fit into an improvement system; clinicians must have the will to work cooperatively to improve, and they must have ideas or hypotheses about changes to the current system of care. Also, the clinical team must have a model for testing changes and implementing those that result in improvements.

  • Outcome measures, including in-hospital mortality rates, have been the basis for evaluating performance and quality. However, hospital mortality alone provides an incomplete picture of quality, does not include all domains of quality, and does not measure the overall success of the full cycle of care for a specific medical condition. A balanced set of structures (how care is organized), processes (what we do), and outcome measures (results of care in terms of patient’s health over time) is needed to evaluate the quality of care overall.

  • Efforts to improve quality of care require development of valid, reliable, and practical measures of quality. Identification of clinical care that truly achieves excellence would be helpful not only to the administration of anesthesia, but also to health care overall.

  • Developing a quality measure requires several steps: prioritizing the clinical area to evaluate; selecting the type of measure; writing definitions and designing specifications; developing data collection tools; pilot-testing data collection tools and evaluating the validity, reliability, and feasibility of measures; developing scoring and analytic specifications; and collecting baseline data.

  • The best opportunities to improve quality of care and patient outcomes will most likely come not only from discovering new therapies, but also from discovering how to better deliver therapies that are already known to be effective.

  • Safety is an integral part of quality that is focused on the prevention of error and patient harm. The airline industry is often lauded as an exemplar of safety because it has embraced important safety principles, including the standardization of routine tasks, the reduction of unnecessary complexity, and the creation of redundancies. Anesthesia care teams have also adopted these principles, although many opportunities remain to further bolster patient safety.

  • Healthcare providers can organize their quality improvement and patient safety efforts around three key areas: (1) translating evidence into practice, (2) identifying and mitigating hazards, and (3) improving culture and communication. Although each of these areas requires different tools, they all help health care organizations evaluate progress in patient safety and quality.


The editors and the publisher would like to acknowledge Dr. Elizabeth Martinez (b. 1966–d. 2013) for her contributions to previous editions of this chapter. Her work served as the foundation for the current chapter.

This chapter greatly benefited from the thoughtful editing of Claire Levine.

The need for improving quality and reducing the cost of health care has been highlighted repeatedly in the scientific literature and lay press. Improving care, minimizing variation, and reducing costs have increasingly become national priorities in many countries. Quality improvement (QI) programs that address these issues not only improve delivery of care but also have a positive effect on practitioner job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

The goal of this chapter is to present a practical framework for developing and implementing QI programs in anesthesiology and critical care medicine that are both scientifically sound and feasible. To accomplish this goal, we review the science and approaches to QI, present measures that help evaluate whether QI programs have resulted in improvements, and describe examples of successful QI efforts.

What Is Quality?

Definition of Quality

W. Edwards Deming, scholar, professor, author, lecturer, and consultant to business leaders, corporations, and governments defined quality as “a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability with a quality standard suited to the customer.” This early definition of quality, in the context of QI, stems from its application to industrial production. However, when the term quality is applied to health care, the subtleties and implications of treating a human being are of prime importance, as opposed to the concerns involved in producing consumer goods. Use of the term quality in the context of health care can sometimes lead to defensive attitudes, economic concerns, and even ethical debates.

In the healthcare sector, quality can have various meanings to different people. For example, a daughter may evaluate quality by the level of dignity and respect with which her elderly mother is treated by a nurse. A cardiac surgeon may see quality as a percentage of improvement in the function of a heart on which he or she has just operated. A business may judge quality by the timeliness and cost effectiveness of the care delivered to its employees and its effect on the bottom line. Finally, society may evaluate quality by the ability to deliver care to those who need it, regardless of their cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds.

Despite the numerous definitions of quality in both business and medicine, a unified definition of quality in the context of QI should exist in health care. This definition of quality may have implications for both its measurement and its improvement. In order to help standardize the definition of quality in health care, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published its own definition in a 1990 report titled Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance. The IOM, which has since been renamed the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), defined quality as “the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” Inherent in this definition are the elements of measurement, goal orientation, process and outcomes, individual and society preferences, and a dynamic state of professional knowledge. This definition of quality in health care has gained widespread acceptance. A similar definition is offered by the U.S. Government Department of Health and Human Services, which defines quality in public health as “the degree to which policies, programs, services, and research for the population increase desired health outcomes and conditions in which the population can be healthy.”

Aims of Quality in Health Care

In the 2001 report, Crossing the Quality Chasm, six aims for quality in health care were outlined . These aims of safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity included and extended the issues of patient safety described in their earlier report To Err Is Human. The aims have been adopted by many organizations, including the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), a United States nongovernmental agency devoted to advancing QI and patient safety in health care. These aims serve as a basis on which quality is evaluated and improved and are described as follows.

  • 1.

    Safety. No patient or healthcare worker should be harmed by the healthcare system at any time, including during transitions of care and “off hours,” such as nights or weekends. Errors may be categorized as either failure of an action to occur as planned, such as the administration of a wrong medication to a patient, or having the wrong plan altogether, such as misdiagnosing and subsequently mistreating a patient. As much as possible, patients should be informed about the risks and benefits of medical care in advance. If a complication does occur, medical staff should make full disclosure, provide assistance to the patient and family, and exercise due diligence in preventing any recurrences of the error.

  • 2.

    Effectiveness. Effective medicine requires evidence-based decisions about treatment for individual patients, when such evidence exists. The best available evidence should be combined with clinical expertise and patient values in forming a treatment plan. With effective care, medical practitioners avoid underuse by providing a treatment to all who will benefit and avoid overuse by refraining from giving treatment to those unlikely to benefit.

  • 3.

    Patient-centeredness. Patient-centered care is respectful of individual patient preferences, needs, and values and uses these factors to guide clinical decisions. More specifically, according to Gerteis and colleagues, patient-centered care encompasses respect for patients’ values; coordination and integration of care; information, communication, and education; physical comfort; emotional support that relieves fear and anxiety; and involvement of family and friends. The dramatic increase in access to health information on the Internet has resulted in more patients who are well informed and proactive in their care. Patient-centered care embraces this trend and shifts more of the power and control to patients and their families. Examples of patient-centered care include shared decision making, patient and family participation in rounds, patient ownership of medical records, schedules that minimize patient inconvenience, and unrestricted visitation hours.

  • 4.

    Timeliness. Reduced wait time is important to both patients and healthcare practitioners. Long waits signal a lack of respect for a patient’s time. Furthermore, delays may not only affect patient satisfaction, but may impair timely diagnosis and treatment. For healthcare workers, delays in availability of equipment or information may decrease job satisfaction and the ability to perform their jobs adequately.

  • 5.

    Efficiency. Rising costs have increased scrutiny of waste in health care; this includes waste in labor, capital, equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy. Improved efficiency reduces waste and results in an increased output for a given cost. Examples of efficiency measures include mean length of hospital stay, readmission rate, and mean cost of treatment for a diagnosis. The elimination of waste can result in better quality of care for patients at the same or lower cost.

  • 6.

    Equity. Equitable care does not vary in quality based on personnel. The NAM defines equitable care at two levels. At the population level, equitable care means reducing or eliminating disparities between subgroups. At the individual level, it means absence of discrimination based on factors such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, educational attainment, sexual orientation, disability, or geographic location.

Another framing of quality is the “quadruple aim” proposed by Bodenheimer and Sinsky and adopted by the IHI. These four aims include better care, better outcomes, lower cost, and better work life for the healthcare workforce. This last aim was added to the IHI’s previous “Triple Aim” in recognition that increasing clinician burnout represents a threat to high-quality care.

Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge

Before learning about frameworks and tools for improvement, it helps to have an understanding of the theory behind improvement work. W. Edwards Deming wrote about two different types of knowledge: subject matter knowledge and profound knowledge. Subject matter knowledge is professional expertise, such as expertise in anesthesiology. Profound knowledge is the knowledge of improvement. The most significant improvement occurs where these two types of knowledge overlap. Deming divides profound knowledge into four different categories: appreciation of a system, the theory of knowledge, understanding variation, and psychology.

The first area of profound knowledge is appreciation of a system. A system is a network of interdependent components working together for a common aim. It is often said that “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” If a system is underperforming, it is because it has unintentionally been designed to underperform. If this is the case, it is our responsibility to manage the system to get the results we want.

The second part of Deming’s profound knowledge is the idea that knowledge requires a theory. Information by itself is not knowledge. For example, a dictionary contains information, but it is not knowledge. We must have a theory behind our improvement work, not just data, if we are going to learn.

In order to learn, we must additionally understand variation and how to react to it. Deming says that “life is variation.” Common cause variation is variation that is inherent to the process. Special cause variation is variation from causes that are not inherent to the process but arise from specific circumstances. A process which only has common cause variation is in statistical “control.” On the other hand, a process that has both common cause and special cause variation is an unstable process. Two common errors in improvement work are acting upon common cause variation as if it were special cause, and acting upon special cause variation as if it were common cause.

The last area of profound knowledge is psychology. This is often the most challenging part of improvement work. Deming believed in intrinsic motivation, and the need to nurture people’s joy in work and intrinsic motivation to learn. More recently John P. Kotter describes eight steps to change in his book The Heart of Change . These are increase urgency, build the guiding team, get the vision right, communicate for buy-in, empower action, create short-term wins, don’t let up, and make change stick.

Approaches to Quality Assessment

Quality Assurance Versus Continuous Quality Improvement

Although the terms continuous quality improvement (CQI) and quality assurance (QA) were used interchangeably in the past, substantial differences existed between the two. Most medical CQI systems were built on the foundation of a traditional QA system that used standards to define quality. Standards can be defined as an “acceptable” level of performance. For example, a standard for overall mortality after cardiac surgery is less than 3%; however, is 3% (vs. 4% or 2%) mortality after cardiac surgery acceptable? Similarly, a standard for head injury evaluation is a computerized tomography (CT) brain scan within 4 hours of admission, but in certain circumstances, patients with head injury may warrant a CT scan sooner than that.

Most standards are inherently arbitrary and often lack consensus among medical professionals. Additionally, QA systems typically react only when a standard is not met. Examples of traditional standard-based QA systems were peer review systems and morbidity and mortality reviews. These systems often exist to flag certain cases or practitioners for intense review. Practitioners may regard this intense review as a punishment because only “failures” or “bad apples” are identified, and process failures are not connected with the outcome on every case. Thus, QA systems are inherently judgmental and, if not carefully administered, can hold practitioners responsible for random causes over which they have no control. CQI systems, on the other hand, recognize that errors occur and require different responses. Often excellence in health care is not identified by analysis of QA systems. Excellence is sometimes defined by the lack of failure. Is there a difference between good (acceptable) and excellent health care?

Systems within health care are a series of interlinked processes, each of which results in one or more outputs. CQI systems, as opposed to QA systems, include an explicit approach to process and the use of specifications to improve a process or outcome. A specification is an explicit, measurable statement regarding an important attribute of a process or the outcome it produces. Specifications identify variables that need to be measured, but typically do not set acceptable limits or standards. Once specifications have been defined in a CQI system, all outputs or cases, not just failures, are evaluated against these specifications. The system then attempts to correct errors by fixing the process rather than the people. Thus, CQI aims to change the process and prevent quality failures before they happen by building improvements into the process. To quote Philip Crosby, “The system for causing quality is prevention, not appraisal.”

Frameworks for Improvement

Model for Improvement

The journey toward improvement can be made more efficient and more effective with a systematic approach. The Model for Improvement, developed by the training and management consulting company Associates in Process Improvement ( http://www.apiweb.org ), is one such approach adopted by organizations across varied disciplines and is currently the approach used by IHI. It is a structured, dynamic model that applies the scientific method to testing and implementing a change. In 1939, Walter A. Shewhart, a physicist, engineer, and statistician, introduced the science of modern QI. He introduced a three-step scientific process of specification, production, and inspection, stating that “these three steps must go in a circle instead of in a straight line.” In the 1940s, his protégé, W. Edwards Deming, applied these concepts to government and industry and developed the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle ( Table 5.1 ). A modification of the PDSA by the addition of three fundamental questions (as explained in the next paragraph) resulted in the Model for Improvement ( Fig. 5.1 ).

Steps of a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle
Step Description
Plan Make a plan for the test of change.
Include predictions of results and how data will be collected.
Do Test change on a small scale.
Document data, observations, and problems that occur.
Study Use data gathered from previous stages to build new knowledge and make predictions.
Knowledge is gained from both successful and unsuccessful changes.
Act Adopt the change, or use knowledge gained to plan or modify the next test of action.

Fig. 5.1, Diagram of model for improvement.

Beginning an improvement project with the three fundamental questions for improvement helps set a clear direction for the project, define what success will look like, and hypothesize successful interventions. The three fundamental questions for improvement are:

  • 1.

    Aim: “What are we trying to accomplish?” The aim (or objective) for improvement should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-specific (also referred to as a SMART aim). Ideas for improvements may come from interviewing those involved or affected by the process, such as staff or patients. Ideas may also come from examining previous data on operational, clinical, or financial processes.

  • 2.

    Measure: “How will we know if change is an improvement?” Ideally, measures should be linked directly to the aim or goal of the project and should ensure that the interests of the stakeholders of the process are represented. Quantitative measures should be used when possible to measure change over time. These measures provide the feedback that enables one to know whether or not the change is an improvement. However, not all projects have an easily quantifiable outcome and the outcome may be more qualitative. It is worth the time and effort to identify opportunities to translate goals into quantifiable outcomes if possible. These can be easier to use to communicate success.

  • 3.

    Changes: “What changes can we make that will result in improvement?” Ideas for changes that result in improvement often start with observations, modeling the success of others, and brainstorming. The more intimate the understanding of a process and its key drivers, the higher the likelihood of generating successful changes.

The three fundamental questions are followed by a PDSA cycle, which is the framework for testing and implementing previously generated ideas for change. Improvement may require multiple cycles of preferably small tests of change over time. By testing changes on a small scale before implementation, risk is mitigated. Small tests of change may also help overcome individuals’ resistance to change. Through repeated cycles, increased knowledge is acquired, and actions are continuously modified or changed. Measures defined in the first part of the model help determine whether or not a change is a success. These measures are often plotted over time on run charts or control charts ( Figs. 5.2 and 5.3 ). Knowledge can be gained from both successful and unsuccessful tests! Finally, PDSA cycles both test a change and implement a successful change on a larger scale or in diverse clinical areas.

Lean Methodology and Six Sigma

In addition to the Model for Improvement, CQI initiatives have many other frameworks. Two of these frameworks, Lean Production and Six Sigma, are briefly discussed here. These frameworks are sometimes combined, as in “Lean Six Sigma.” Regardless of which framework is employed, benefits are gained by retaining a structured and consistent approach to CQI.

Lean methodology has its roots in Japanese manufacturing, particularly in the Toyota Production System. More recently, Lean has found success in the healthcare industry. Two notable examples of its use are Virginia Mason Medical Center and ThedaCare, Inc., both of which have transformed their organizations through the application of Lean principles. In fact, ThedaCare reported $3.3 million in savings in 2004 with reduced accounts receivable, redeployed staff, reduced phone triage times, reduced time spent on paperwork, and decreased medication distribution time.

Lean methodology is focused on creating more value for the customer (i.e., the patient) with fewer resources. Every step in a process is evaluated to differentiate those steps that add value from those that do not. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all waste so that every step adds value to a process. Other key components of Lean include reducing unevenness of workflow—for instance, what we might find in intensive care unit (ICU) admissions or emergency cases—and eliminating the overburdening of people and equipment. Five principles govern Lean improvement:

  • 1.

    Define the value that the customer is seeking. Virginia Mason Medical Center has a “patient-first” focus for all its processes.

  • 2.

    Identify and map the value stream. If evaluating preoperative assessment, map the physical flow of a patient from the scheduling of a procedure through the day of surgery (history and physical, preoperative counseling, laboratory tests, imaging, consultations). In this process, all of the steps are accounted for, including the back-and-forth flow of the patient to the front desk, to the laboratory, and so on. Time spent during each step of the process should be documented.

  • 3.

    Smooth the flow between value-added steps. Eliminate steps that do not add value to the overall process and are likely a poor use of time or effort on the part of the caregivers or the patient. An example of this process might be eliminating unnecessary tests or consultations in a patient’s preoperative evaluation and reducing excess wait times that are the result of correctable inefficiencies.

  • 4.

    Create pull between steps. Customer demand should trigger the start of a downstream process. Examples include opening operating rooms (ORs) or increasing staffing based on surgical demand, as opposed to having a fixed amount of time for each surgeon or surgical division.

  • 5.

    Pursue perfection by continuing the process until you have achieved ultimate value with no waste.

The transformation of Motorola in the 1980s from a struggling company to a high-quality, high-profit organization helped give rise to the Six Sigma methodology. Two key fundamental objectives of Six Sigma are a virtually error-free process and a large focus on reducing variation. In fact, a Six Sigma process, or a process whose frequency falls six deviations from the mean, corresponds to just 3.4 errors per million.

Health care often falls far short of this standard. In a 1998 report, Chassin reported that hospitalized patients harmed by negligence were at a four sigma level (10,000/million), patients inadequately treated for depression were at a two sigma level (580,000/million), and eligible heart attack survivors who failed to receive β-adrenergic blockers were at a one sigma level (790,000/million). In contrast, Chassin found that anesthesiology was the one healthcare specialty that approached the six sigma level, with deaths caused by anesthesia as low as 5.4/million. In comparison with health care, airline fatalities were a two sigma process (230/million) and a traditional company operated around four sigma, the equivalent of 6200 errors/million. Considering that errors are often tied directly to cost, this error rate has significant financial implications.

Six Sigma is similar to the Model for Improvement in that it makes use of a simple framework to guide improvement, in this case using Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). The DMAIC steps are described in Table 5.2 . As mentioned earlier, many organizations have found the greatest benefit by combining elements of different methodologies in their CQI work. One popular example of this is Lean Six Sigma, which combines improvements in flow and value with reduction in error and variation. Furthermore, individual tools from these strategies, such as PDSA cycles or DMAIC processes, can be applied where appropriate.

Steps in the Lean or Six Sigma Process
Step Description
Define Define the goals of the improvement project.
Obtain necessary support and resources and put together a project team.
Measure Establish appropriate metrics.
Measure baseline performance of the current system.
Analyze Examine the system for possible areas of improvement.
Improve Improve the system through implementation of ideas.
Statistically validate improvements.
Control Institutionalize the new system and monitor its stability over time.

The Value Framework in Health Care

Since quality in health care is focused on patient outcomes, another approach to quality is the value framework. Quality relative to cost determines value. Hence, in health care, value is defined as the patient health outcomes achieved per dollar spent. Value should define the framework for performance improvement in health care. Value includes goals already embraced by health care such as quality, safety, patient centeredness, and cost containment; the value framework allows for a way to integrate these goals.

Because value is always defined around the customer, in the healthcare industry it is what matters most to patients, and unites the interests of all the stakeholders in the healthcare system. Thus, when value improves, not only do patients, payers, providers, and suppliers all benefit, but the economic sustainability of the healthcare system also improves. As such, value should be the overarching goal of healthcare delivery. According to Porter, the failure to adopt value as the central goal in health care and the failure to measure it, are the most serious failures of the medical community.

Value measurement today is limited and highly imperfect. Value should be measured by outputs not inputs. Thus, value is dependent on patient health outcomes and not the volume of services delivered. The only way to accurately measure value is to track individual patient outcomes and costs longitudinally over the full cycle of care, which can vary from 30 to 90 days for hospital care and 1 year for chronic care.

Value is not measured by processes of care utilized by a patient. While process measurement is an important component of improvement, it should not be substituted for measurement of patient outcomes. Outcomes and cost should be measured separately. Outcomes, the numerator of the value equation, refer to the actual results of care in terms of patient health and should consist of a set of multidimensional outcomes that, when considered together, constitute patient benefit. Cost, the denominator of the value equation, should include total costs involved in the full cycle of care for the patient’s medical condition. Most physicians do not know the full costs of caring for a patient, thus they lack the information to make real efficiency improvements.

Outcomes measurement is critical to driving rapid improvements in health care. Without a feedback loop that includes the outcomes achieved, providers lack the information they require to learn and improve. Effective outcome measurement is hampered by several problems. First, there is a lack of consensus as to what constitutes an outcome. Second, electronic medical record (EMR) systems often do not facilitate the capture of longitudinal outcomes measures with appropriate scope; these systems may focus too narrowly or too broadly, giving only a partial view of patient outcomes. Third, outcomes such as infection rates may vary substantially by medical condition. Finally, true outcome measurement has been limited because the cost of gathering longitudinal patient results is high, due in part to fragmented organizational structures and poor EMR interoperability.

Cost is the most pressing issue in health care. Current cost measurement approaches have not only hampered our understanding of costs but also contributed to approaches involving cost-containment. A focus on cost-containment rather than value improvement can be dangerous and is often self-defeating. Two major problems associated with cost measurement include: (a) cost aggregation, wherein we often measure and accumulate costs based on how care is organized and billed for, that is, costs for departments, discrete service areas, and line items such as supplies or drugs and (b) cost allocation where the costs of healthcare delivery are shared costs, involving shared resources and as such are normally calculated as the average cost over all patients for a department. A good example of this is the hourly charge for the OR. However, to truly understand costs, they must be aggregated around the patient, rather than discrete services, and shared costs must be allocated to individual patients on the basis of each patient’s actual use of the resources involved. Finally, the perspective used to calculate costs matters and patient costs including lost work may not be included in the analysis.

Proper measurement of outcomes and costs is the single most powerful lever for improving healthcare delivery and although current measurements are highly imperfect, the process of measurement has begun. As Michael Porter outlines in the framework papers underpinning his value commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine , if all the stakeholders in health care were to embrace value as the central goal and measure it, the resulting improvements would be enormous.

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