Putting It All Together: Clinical Quality Improvement Examples: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Improving Surgical Care and Recovery

Key Points

  • The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Safety Program for Improving Surgical Care and Recovery (ISCR) was launched in 2016 and aimed to accelerate adoption of enhanced recovery principles across five surgical areas using the principles of the comprehensive unit-based safety program (CUSP).

  • CUSP is an implementation framework that emphasizes leadership support and frontline engagement to support meaningful improvement. It has been effective in reducing catheter-associated bloodstream infections and other healthcare-acquired infections.

  • Principles of CUSP are woven throughout the ISCR program, and there is a strong emphasis on teamwork and communication. Ultimately, the impact of the program is being evaluated by 30-day surgical outcomes, with a particular focus on healthcare-acquired infections and healthcare utilization.

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