Puberty : Normal Sequence

The Challenge

The onset of puberty in adolescents is a time of great emotional and physical change. By understanding the normal sequence of events and being sensitive to the presence of abnormalities, the caregiver may be able to make the most of opportunities to improve health and well-being.

Scope of the Problem

The variety of decisions, concerns, and changes confronting an adolescent are formidable, not the least of which are health issues that result from rapid growth, sexual maturation, and emerging sexuality. Puberty involves physical, emotional, and sexual changes that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. Despite the potential need for medical education and care, teenagers have the lowest rate of physician office visits of any group. Embarrassment, an inability to pay, a lack of familiarity with healthcare delivery options, and legal obstructions to access contribute to the lack of care.

Objectives of Management

Understanding the normal sequence of events involved in sexual maturation is important for counseling young women who may be concerned about “being normal.” Identifying adolescents in whom the progression of sexual maturation is not normal is important so that timely evaluation and intervention may be achieved.

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